Why are American chants so bad?

They are on par with the creativity at Chelsea in terms of chants.

Actually it’s London teams full stop.

Southerners are so bland and unimaginative
They are on par with the creativity at Chelsea in terms of chants.

Actually it’s London teams full stop.

Southerners are so bland and unimaginative

We pride ourselves on our wit but I don't think we have any good chants either. "Come on you boys in (insert shirt colour here)"
May I remind you all that any time horsechoker comes up with creative ideas you deride them.

Half of you don't even like creative players like Fernandes
The fight and win guy is iconic, I would put my life on the line for him
We pride ourselves on our wit but I don't think we have any good chants either. "Come on you boys in (insert shirt colour here)"
There's loads of good chants for UK teams, FC United have some fantastic ones. Admittedly a lot of UK chants are essentially just existing songs with the words replaced but still.
There's loads of good chants for UK teams, FC United have some fantastic ones. Admittedly a lot of UK chants are essentially just existing songs with the words replaced but still.

Sorry, I'm Irish, the chants in the UK are much better is what I was saying.
I would try to defend the South but then I remember that 60 per cent of Southern men are basically James Corden and Piers Morgan
Admittedly it's tough to come up with something as subtly witty as "attack attack attack attack".

:lol: have to say I hate that chant.

Although could it get any worse than Chelsea ripping off the communist revolutionary song The Red Flag whilst changing the colour to blue, being owned by a billionaire American hedge fund, and being situated in the heart of the wealthiest place in the entire country? Not sure.

I feel like maybe we need a Rate That Chant thread for United chants to see what we all like and don't like. Video of people singing it, transcript of the words, explanation of the history, now go and rate it everybody.
Everytime I watch a NBA game, their chants are either ATTACK or DEFENSE :lol: And then you have their national team chants USA USA USA. Agreed it's so bland.
Rich to judge Americans for this when your own country invented the most creative

Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea
Piers Morgan is Irish.

Just in case even one person believes this, I'm going to have to say that he in fact is not Irish. His Da was but he obviously hated him , ditched the family name and gave his children these names, Spencer William Morgan, Elise Morgan, Stanley Christopher Morgan, Albert Douglas Morgan. So, Not Irish.
They are on par with the creativity at Chelsea in terms of chants.

Actually it’s London teams full stop.

Southerners are so bland and unimaginative

Every other chant from every London team is "soopah [team]" or "soopah [player]".
Just in case even one person believes this, I'm going to have to say that he in fact is not Irish. His Da was but he obviously hated him , ditched the family name and gave his children these names, Spencer William Morgan, Elise Morgan, Stanley Christopher Morgan, Albert Douglas Morgan. So, Not Irish.

He's one of your own, Piers O'Meara, he's one of your own.
You missed an attack out. That’s probably why you didn’t get it!

Fair enough, easy mistake to make. The 'mu muf mufc ok' and 'united united united' chants though, are lyrical masterpieces that only a northerner in Manchester could come up with :wenger:
Go team, let's do it!

2 4 6 8 who do we appreciate? Our teeeeeaaam

There's the hole, but the ball in goal

Our team is superior to yours

Your team is not very good
How's shit talking about yanks turned into a north/south divide?
that "fight and win" guy is defo on something, he's like a cult leader preaching to his sheep, it's like he's just making up random things to chant.
They need to be a bit ruder

I remember being at an NHL game in 2010 and screamed that the referee was a blind cnut and I got all sorts of dirty looks
Our chants in the Netherlands are much better. We have a fantastic selection of songs about close family members of referees, opposing player's wives and wishing deadly diseases on people.