Why are American chants so bad?

If Britain didn't step in to ww2, not only would the French be krauts, but Jews would have been extinct in Europe.

This, by the way, was a country that'd just come out of another world war, economy in tatters and 6% of their male population had been killed.

America were going through an economic boom and came in last minute to win the odd battle and claim themselves as heroes.
Completely ignoring the British intelligence and Russian blood that ww2 couldn't have been won without.

But the US saved private Ryan that time so yeah, they're the heroes

Good god, where the feck did I say anything about America saving anyone or being heroes? That is quite the jump from me just laughing at such a high value put by Brits continuing to sing children’s nursery rhymes at professional sporting events.
Probably because sports there somehow feel a lot more family oriented.

Depends on the sport. Honestly the closest thing to hardcore footballing support in the UK would be an SEC rivalry in college football. Not family friendly at all especially anywhere near students. It’s not singing songs but the noise and rowdiness is as intense as anything you’ll find.
If Britain didn't step in to ww2, not only would the French be krauts, but Jews would have been extinct in Europe.

This, by the way, was a country that'd just come out of another world war, economy in tatters and 6% of their male population had been killed.

America were going through an economic boom and came in last minute to win the odd battle and claim themselves as heroes.
Completely ignoring the British intelligence and Russian blood that ww2 couldn't have been won without.

But the US saved private Ryan that time so yeah, they're the heroes
Odd battle? The US fought an entire theatre of the war (the Pacific) almost by themselves. Half of the troops that participated in D-day were American (6 divisions). Not to mention their central importance in the Battle of the Bulge, helping closing out the North Africa campaign, and leading the assault on Italy. Directly military involvement aside lookup lend-lease and tell me the WWII would have been won without the US.

Grossly uninformed take. A simple google search would have saved you the keystrokes. I really hope this is a troll and you don't actually believe this.
Odd battle? The US fought an entire theatre of the war (the Pacific) almost by themselves. Half of the troops that participated in D-day were American (6 divisions). Not to mention their central importance in the Battle of the Bulge, helping closing out the North Africa campaign, and leading the assault on Italy. Directly military involvement aside lookup lend-lease and tell me the WWII would have been won without the US.

Grossly uninformed take. A simple google search would have saved you the keystrokes. I really hope this is a troll and you don't actually believe this.
Duck and cover, bro. They get very very upset when you say anything like this… US simply provided an occasional hot lunch and a handful of bullets.
We're not salty at all, just embarrassed for you.

You have clearly never been to a professional sporting event in the USA (or college ones). Some great supporters. When I had Denver Broncos season tickets, I used to have to take Tylenol before the game so I wouldn't get a headache because the stadium was so loud for 4 hours. It would take me a day to get my voice back.
You have clearly never been to a professional sporting event in the USA (or college ones). Some great supporters. When I had Denver Broncos season tickets, I used to have to take Tylenol before the game so I wouldn't get a headache because the stadium was so loud for 4 hours. It would take me a day to get my voice back.

I can attest to this, I went to a Broncos game and was amazed by the noise. Also I was sat on the very top row so on every 3rd down for the opposition we were banging the metal wall behind us to make noise and my hands were crippled :lol:
“Ref, you suck” is up there with the worst chants I’ve ever heard
The saltiness against American sports supporters is through the roof.

What are people supposed to be salty about? Shouting "GO TEAM! GO!", drinking light "beer" for 12 bucks a pop?
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I think the USA chants stink but it'd take them any day over a song that contains "With a knick-knack paddy-whack give a dog a bone" personally.
maybe because their most lyrically gifted group of people are mostly poor who can't attend these games and are shot at by the police??
You have clearly never been to a professional sporting event in the USA (or college ones). Some great supporters. When I had Denver Broncos season tickets, I used to have to take Tylenol before the game so I wouldn't get a headache because the stadium was so loud for 4 hours. It would take me a day to get my voice back.

Not disputing that at all. I've seen some great atmospheres in US sports. Every country has their own vibe, which is fair enough. I remember seeing one college basketball game and all the fans were shouting "Left, Right, Left, Right" every time one of the players took a step. I thought it was hilarious. This thread was talking about the chants. Something at which the US sucks.
Not disputing that at all. I've seen some great atmospheres in US sports. Every country has their own vibe, which is fair enough. I remember seeing one college basketball game and all the fans were shouting "Left, Right, Left, Right" every time one of the players took a step. I thought it was hilarious. This thread was talking about the chants. Something at which the US sucks.

Agree 100%, we just don't have that sing song chant culture in our sports. MLS games are getting better but they still don't do the spontaneous chants.
Odd battle? The US fought an entire theatre of the war (the Pacific) almost by themselves. Half of the troops that participated in D-day were American (6 divisions). Not to mention their central importance in the Battle of the Bulge, helping closing out the North Africa campaign, and leading the assault on Italy. Directly military involvement aside lookup lend-lease and tell me the WWII would have been won without the US.

Grossly uninformed take. A simple google search would have saved you the keystrokes. I really hope this is a troll and you don't actually believe this.
What does any of that pacific war have to do with the whole alliance stepping in to stop hitler from exterminating Jewish people?
“Saving private Ryan” was my tongue in cheek way of saying yea America did push the victory over the line. But none of that would’ve happened if the poor, war-stricken nations like Britain and Russia stepped in and steadied the ship first.
Defeating the Nazi war machine was a legendary team achievement from the alliance powers.
Rewriting history to say America “won it” is just so reductive and outright disrespectful
What does any of that pacific war have to do with the whole alliance stepping in to stop hitler from exterminating Jewish people?
“Saving private Ryan” was my tongue in cheek way of saying yea America did push the victory over the line. But none of that would’ve happened if the poor, war-stricken nations like Britain and Russia stepped in and steadied the ship first.
Defeating the Nazi war machine was a legendary team achievement from the alliance powers.
Rewriting history to say America “won it” is just so reductive and outright disrespectful
Japan was part of the Axis powers and an ally of Germany. Stepped in? They were attacked first and neither country wanted to fight early on.

Nobody is rewriting history to say America won it. Your comment was just ignorant.
went to a Toronto Maple leafs game a few years back, atmosphere was poor, it wasn't a play off game though, maybe it cranks up then, it would have to I guess

that’s because there’s never any fans there. they’re always stuck at the turnstiles, insisting someone else goes through before them.
Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Nobody is chanting "USA, USA" at NFL, NBA, MLS or any other league game. That would make no sense, since most teams are US teams (minus some Canadian teams).

Most chants are:
"Let's go boys!"
"feck ...substitute name"

etc :)

But no "USA,USA". Don't bring cheap, discount xenophobia to this conversation. It is unnecessary.

I tell if you are being serious but how is that xenophobic? Obviously in the American leagues they wouldn’t chant “USA!”.
You probably never went to a sporting event where USA is taking part……at the beginning of their game against Wales you can clearly hear the crowd chanting that:nervous:
Singing songs or creating chants isn’t really a thing you do in other American sports either.

European: “That new RB for the Steelers is amazing. I bet there are loads of songs in the works for him next week”

American: “ Why the &@!? would I write a song about a RB?”

For those that do follow the sport, we find the fact that you need to be constantly singing something in unison amusing … but it’s not something I think we are overly concerned with emulating.

In the States we have a hard enough time convincing people that a sport the French excel at is even worth playing. Telling them they need to have more creativity and flair when singing to the teams isn’t going to help.
That's actually pretty good, credit to them.

I hope somebody has explained to them why there are other nations at this "world series" though. It must be quite confusing for them.
I just learned that, apparently, you guys in the England FA were responsible for the “socccer” term. At the time you wrote the original rules there was “rugby football” and “association football”. People started referring to the latter as Sock football, and then eventually at times “soccer” when it was necessary to delineate between the two. It wasn’t til much later that you abandoned the term entirely. But by then batik s with other forms of football used it regularly to avoid confusion.

Thank you to CNN. I knew none of that previously.

The great take away though being I can blame my English friends for the dumb word “Soccer”
We love our chants. Haters will obviously hate. I actually like that we have our own style with chants rather than ripping off English chants (which we do anyway sometimes!)
Singing songs or creating chants isn’t really a thing you do in other American sports either.

European: “That new RB for the Steelers is amazing. I bet there are loads of songs in the works for him next week”

American: “ Why the &@!? would I write a song about a RB?”

For those that do follow the sport, we find the fact that you need to be constantly singing something in unison amusing … but it’s not something I think we are overly concerned with emulating.

In the States we have a hard enough time convincing people that a sport the French excel at is even worth playing. Telling them they need to have more creativity and flair when singing to the teams isn’t going to help.
It is probably worth mentioning that at American sporting events we drink and eat a lot, so we are too busy chewing to also sing? :D
Gotcha, playoffs probably make huge difference, of course. I go to most Baltimore Ravens games, the atmosphere is awesome. Of course, the couple Prem games I went to in the 90's are impossible to beat for me. Got me hooked for sure...
Where do you live?
It is probably worth mentioning that at American sporting events we drink and eat a lot, so we are too busy chewing to also sing? :D

I have to admit, I love to go to a baseball game and enjoy the afternoon/evening, eating some food, and enjoy some low stress sports viewing. I imagine it's similar to cricket. Other sports like hockey or DC United games, I am too into the game to want to eat.
I have to admit, I love to go to a baseball game and enjoy the afternoon/evening, eating some food, and enjoy some low stress sports viewing. I imagine it's similar to cricket. Other sports like hockey or DC United games, I am too into the game to want to eat.
I hear you. But also – let me introduce to my good old friend called Stress Eating :)
I just learned that, apparently, you guys in the England FA were responsible for the “socccer” term. At the time you wrote the original rules there was “rugby football” and “association football”. People started referring to the latter as Sock football, and then eventually at times “soccer” when it was necessary to delineate between the two. It wasn’t til much later that you abandoned the term entirely. But by then batik s with other forms of football used it regularly to avoid confusion.

Thank you to CNN. I knew none of that previously.

The great take away though being I can blame my English friends for the dumb word “Soccer”
I actually don't think there's any problem with the word soccer, it's used a lot in the UK, though it does have a sort of childish connotation to it. In fact it is only becoming less used because we know that it is the defining term for Americans.

The most popular Saturday morning show for years was called Soccer am.