Why didn't Fergie choose Mourinho instead of Moyes?


Full Member
Dec 7, 2006
Wasn't it Sir Bobby (RIP) who had serious reservations about Mourinho's character and lack of grace? Or did I imagine that?
That’s what I recall too, wasn’t it not too long after the whole eye poking episode at real as well?


Full Member
Dec 7, 2006
He wanted pep but pep couldn't understand his Glasgow accent.
Also a true story, but if memory serves also that was meant to be more of an informal testing the waters remark to Pep at a previous meet up which Pep did not understand I think.


New Member
Jun 26, 2014
Wasn't it Sir Bobby (RIP) who had serious reservations about Mourinho's character and lack of grace? Or did I imagine that?
He's not exactly wrong about that.


Rehab's Pete Doherty
May 30, 2009
Why didn't he have his successor beside him on bench for a couple of seasons before he retired
I still think Fergie's plan was for Giggs to sit in as his assistant for a season or two before taking the reigns himself.

Cathy's sister dying brought everything forward a by about three years, I reckon.

Why did SAF have to choose anyone? This was our first mistake.
The fact he was a) getting on a bit, b) on a rolling one year contract just compounds how bad the lack of planning was.

The club should have been working on a succession plan for a while, with a constantly updated shortlist of managers. The fact we basically had to settle for Moyes but then gave him free-reign to do as he pleased with the backroom staff and transfer targets says it all.


Full Member
Feb 6, 2014
Fergie knew retirement was coming up. He should have earmarked Pep while still at Barca.
He had dinner with guardiola in New York that year. Guardiola gave no hint he was open to a new challenge elsewhere.


Full Member
Feb 6, 2014
I still think Fergie's plan was for Giggs to sit in as his assistant for a season or two before taking the reigns himself.

Cathy's sister dying brought everything forward a by about three years, I reckon.

The fact he was a) getting on a bit, b) on a rolling one year contract just compounds how bad the lack of planning was.

The club should have been working on a succession plan for a while, with a constantly updated shortlist of managers. The fact we basically had to settle for Moyes but then gave him free-reign to do as he pleased with the backroom staff and transfer targets says it all.
Agree with you. I think he would have gone to 30 years in charge and quit.


New Member
Feb 9, 2017
It was definitely a mistake. He'd have done well with that squad and used the money better than moyes and lvg did.


Full Member
Dec 20, 2012
The more I look at it, the more that decision looked strange.

I know Mourinho is criticized for his need of transfer budget and his fondness of "old guards". However that will fit perfectly with the squad Fergie left behind. It still got tough players with great mentality like Vidic, Ferdinand, Evra, Carrick, Rooney... (Although they were getting on). But this was the perfect age for players that Mourinho loved. He could have steadied the United ship after Fergie's departure. When things hit a rough patch (usually in his 3rd season), the next manager can step in without such pressure.

Moyes had no chance to win that dressing room's respect because he was only a midtable manager in all his career. What do you expect? Those players played under Fergie himself. Only Pep and Mourinho (at that time) could command similar respect from those players. I think even Klopp may have struggled back then to win those players's trust and respect.

Mourinho was waiting for Fergie's call all that summer, yet he was snuffed. And Moyes was offered an impossible job. Mourinho could have fired all the backroom staffs and people would treat it as normal. Moyes did it and there were already drama before the season even began.

Moyes instead of Mourinho at that time would forever be a mystery to me.
It's taken you 10 years to realise that was a strange decision. Most United fans knew it was mental at the time.

Tom Van Persie

No relation
Dec 12, 2012
Wasn't it Sir Bobby (RIP) who had serious reservations about Mourinho's character and lack of grace? Or did I imagine that?
Sir Bobby couldn't stand him. He made that known when Mourinho was Madrid manager.


New Member
May 3, 2023
I always thought that Sir Alex saw some of himself in Moyes.

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
Pretty sure the first choice was Ancelotti but by the time it had come about he’d agreed to Join Real. I’m sure Ancelotti himself has spoken about being approached for it but it was too late.

I do think if there was a time for Jose that was probably it as he’s so egotistical that replacing Fergie probably wouldn’t have seemed like a big deal and he probably could have done things with those players and commanded respect from them.


Full Member
Apr 23, 2017
Mourinho or Ancelotti taking over from SAf would have been perfect for us. Surely we would have been in a better position than what moyes and van gaal served.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2006
I’ve said it before and of course hindsight is 20-20 but it really would been the best move. Mou would have channeled his post Real need to prove himself into us and won 1 or 2 titles in 3 years before having his usual melt and leaving us, thus already paving the way for an after SAF United trophy life which then would have allowed us to go more progressive with the next managerial choice who would have been awarded more time as us fans would have seen titles after SAF already….sliding doors eh?


Full Member
Jan 1, 2014
I was under the impression that Moyes was Fergies first choice to be a bit of a line for publicity. I thought I read that by the time Fergie and the club were scouting out potential replacements, they’d all committed to other clubs. Mourinho had already agreed to go to Chelsea, Pep to Bayern, Ancelotti to Real, Klopp was to stay at Dortmund. Moyes was merely the only one available to us.


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
Bollocks. Moyes was 5th choice. IIRC the club/Fergie spoke to Ancelotti, Pep, Mou. They all had agreed to move to other club.
Was wondering how far into the thread before someone actually pointed this out.

If it wasn't so painful, it'd be hilarious how appalling the club got the handover.


New Member
Nov 1, 2023
I think Sir Alex wanted someone who he felt was similar to him I assume he respected Jose a lot but his style of play and his attitude probably was the reason sir alex didn't want him.

I personally loved Jose coming to the club out of all the managers we have had He was the one I backed the most.


The Caf's Roy Keane.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
There were many rumours around that time that SAF had asked Moyes to be his assistant, 2 years previously, so he could guide him into his job, but Moyes (apparently) didn't fancy giving up no.1 spot at Everton to be no.2 at OT.... and then to have to follow a legend like SAF....but then he did... go figure!
To be honest that's quite a downgrade, no wonder Moyes didn't accept. Even now would any Premier League manager give up their job to Pep's no.2?


Full Member
Jul 5, 2009
The more I look at it, the more that decision looked strange.

I know Mourinho is criticized for his need of transfer budget and his fondness of "old guards". However that will fit perfectly with the squad Fergie left behind. It still got tough players with great mentality like Vidic, Ferdinand, Evra, Carrick, Rooney... (Although they were getting on). But this was the perfect age for players that Mourinho loved. He could have steadied the United ship after Fergie's departure. When things hit a rough patch (usually in his 3rd season), the next manager can step in without such pressure.

Moyes had no chance to win that dressing room's respect because he was only a midtable manager in all his career. What do you expect? Those players played under Fergie himself. Only Pep and Mourinho (at that time) could command similar respect from those players. I think even Klopp may have struggled back then to win those players's trust and respect.

Mourinho was waiting for Fergie's call all that summer, yet he was snuffed. And Moyes was offered an impossible job. Mourinho could have fired all the backroom staffs and people would treat it as normal. Moyes did it and there were already drama before the season even began.

Moyes instead of Mourinho at that time would forever be a mystery to me.
I was under the impression that he waited until it was decided that he would not be our manager to accept Chelsea's offer. But you're right. It was not the whole summer as my memory was playing trick.
Bollocks. Moyes was 5th choice. IIRC the club/Fergie spoke to Ancelotti, Pep, Mou. They all had agreed to move to other club.
I think it's very likely Mourinho and Ancelotti turned us down in favour of joining Chelsea/Madrid respectively (and Pep had already joined Bayern), and so we ended up taking a chance on Moyes despite him being a different profile.

I made a thread about it back in 2015 - https://www.redcafe.net/threads/was-moyes-really-our-first-choice-to-replace-ferguson.404963/

There were reports in Portugal that Mourinho chose a Chelsea return and Duncan Castles who is well connected to Mourinho and Mendes clients went into great detail about how Mourinho discussed the job with United for a while before opting for Chelsea - https://bleacherreport.com/articles...wn-manchester-united-job-to-return-to-chelsea


nostradamus like gloater
Jun 21, 2008
Wasn't it Sir Bobby (RIP) who had serious reservations about Mourinho's character and lack of grace? Or did I imagine that?
Yes this is what I heard at the time, Sir Bobby favoured a British manager plus Jose's toxic character came into question

It was only the season before that he was suspended for poking the Barca boss in the eye

I don't believe that Moyes was Fergie's first choice, more the one that no other director objected to


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Bollocks. Moyes was 5th choice. IIRC the club/Fergie spoke to Ancelotti, Pep, Mou. They all had agreed to move to other club.
Read Fergies book especially the timeline of events and tell me if you still think it's bollocks. Remember SAF only came out with that Moyes was 5th choice stuff after it went tits up for Moyes.

He spoke to Pep at lunch in NY in December 2012, in his own words he didn't know he was retiring at that point. This was before his sister in laws death, Pep confirms he wasn't offered a job at the lunch and by that time he was already going to Bayern anyway.

Fergie decides over Xmas 2012 he's retiring, doesn't tell the Gill until late February 2013 and club shortly after. In early February though he advised Moyes not to renew his Everton contract because in his words if he'd renewed his contract ''it would make it more difficult for United''. It always struck me as ood that nobody found it funny the one year in over a decade that Moyes was going to be out of contract at Everton just happened to be the same year Alex Ferguson finally decided to retire. What an amazing coincidence. :wenger:

His admission over his role in drawing Moyes away from Everton will come as no surprise to Evertonians, however. Moyes had been putting off talk of a new deal at Goodison for months and Ferguson confirms that, starting in February, he urged his fellow Scot on a few occasions not to sign a new contract. [Moyes] phoned me around February for some advice about his contract, they were pushing him to sign a new contract," Sir Alex says. "I said to him, 'do not sign a new contract'.

I knew in myself I was going to retire, so I'm thinking If he signed a contract it would be more difficult for us.

I said to him you've had ten years there that's long enough, you'll get a bigger club.

I kept phoning David to make sure he wasn't going to sign a new contract.

We had to wait till the League was decided.
Once the League was decided I got David over to the house and I think he thought we were going to talk about his contract again, but I said, 'look, I'm retiring, I want you to take over'. He was flabbergasted.�
And then Saf didn't do the rounds to speak to Ancelotti or Klopp until late April 2013, Klopp says he wasn't offered a job and neither did Ancelotti really. This was obviously part of a due dilligence exercise on behalf of the club to see if anyone was actually available for the next year so late in the season. Unsurprisingly none of the top managers were available because they'd already all agreed to go to new clubs.

Moyes was first choice was he?
Once SAF decided to retire I believe he was his first choice yes. He might not have been the clubs first choice but then the club left it to SAF to appoint his own successor.

Hound Dog

Full Member
Mar 10, 2011
Belgrade, Serbia
Whoever I bet on
The posters over here take Mourinho's subsequent jobs as proof that he was wrong, while forgetting that he had to take those jobs due to the PR hit from his stay at United.

One of the reasons he is hated is that he held up a mirror. Same with Ragnick.

But still, 5 years and 3 managers laters, he is still being viewed as a cnut.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
If given a free choice he would have picked all of Mourinho, Klopp and Pep ahead of Moyes....


Full Member
Aug 6, 2000
Rehovot, Israel
Somehow I always doubted the idea that a club that sought the likes of Pep, Mourinho, Ancelotti and Klopp, ended up saying "Just did it to Moyes for six years".


Evens winner of 'Odds or Evens 2022/2023'
Aug 31, 2015
Didn’t fergie want klopp originally but he wanted to stay at Dortmund for another year.


Evens winner of 'Odds or Evens 2022/2023'
Aug 31, 2015
If given a free choice he would have picked all of Mourinho, Klopp and Pep ahead of Moyes....
I think he was hoping Moyes could be another version of him. Same nationality. Coming from a smaller club. He was a believer of giving chances to someone he thought earned it.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Somehow I always doubted the idea that a club that sought the likes of Pep, Mourinho, Ancelotti and Klopp, ended up saying "Just did it to Moyes for six years".


New Member
Mar 19, 2023
For those thinking that Pep was an option - pretty sure he was never interested. Sir Alex has mentioned in multiple interviews that he wanted to speak to Pep about the role but he never returned his calls.

Red in STL

Turnover not takeover
Dec 1, 2022
In Bed
The only team that matters
Why did SAF have to choose anyone? This was our first mistake.
In hindsight maybe, but you are talking about one of the most successful managers of all time, you'd be nuts not to take serious note of what he suggested


'Liverpool are a proper club'
Mar 26, 2015
Because Fergie knew what many of us said all along, that Mourinho is a grade a Cnut who wasn’t fit to manage manager Utd. He didn’t believe in our history, or philosophy and success is still secondary to those things. At Utd it’s not enough to win, you should win playing the right way and acting the right way. Mourinho (and his **** of fans) never understood that. If the choice was presented to me again I’d still pick Moyes 10/10.