Will we finish above Newcastle?

They look to be in a better position though. No Europe will be a help.
Plus they have the better means to add to their squad compared to us.
They are just miles off the squad of ourselves, Chelsea, arsenal, city, spurs and Liverpool though. There has been some patchy form in first part 40pc of the season but over a full season those squads and that quality will play out, in my view
They are just miles off the squad of ourselves, Chelsea, arsenal, city, spurs and Liverpool though. There has been some patchy form in first part 40pc of the season but over a full season those squads and that quality will play out, in my view

I agree. They have been on a great run, but I'd be absolutely shocked if they finished the season ahead of us or Liverpool. Not saying it couldn't happen (see Leicester City title) but it seems every year there are a couple of teams playing well that people convince themselves will make top 4 and they pretty much never do. We've seen it with West Ham, Brighton, Wolves, Everton, Leicester, etc. This year it's Newcastle.
Some absolutely ridiculous comments here. So now we are worried about Newcastle. Wow.
Some absolutely ridiculous comments here. So now we are worried about Newcastle. Wow.
This is a ridiculous comment. Go look at the league table, to look at their results and come back. They're quite clearly a good team.
Some absolutely ridiculous comments here. So now we are worried about Newcastle. Wow.

I was going to say those on the first page who thought this was such an absurd idea must feel foolish now. Yet it seems some of you still think that.

Whilst I'm confident we'll finish ahead of them, we really could be a Rashford injury away from it not being the case.
Our results will depend entirely on injuries and or January reinforcement.

We are two one or two atta king injuries away from having no one to put the ball in the back of the net.

But yes I would guess we will come ahead of them but there are ways in which it could go wrong.
What did he do?
Whilst pissed last season during Man City's title celebrations, he said that Bernardo Silva should've been taken off in their final game against Aston Villa because "he was playing like Miguel Almiron" - a very unprovoked jibe at Almiron for quite literally no reason.

Since then, Almiron has channeled his inner Lampard and has more goals than Jacky has ever managed in a single season, prompting a very whimpering apology from Mr Grealish in December.
I think it simply comes down to injuries, if both teams stay fit I think we finish 3rd who is 4th??? don't know but TBH the way City are playing I would fancy 2nd if we stay injury free.... but then we know City will pick up don't we?
Watch them obliterate the transfer market in the summer if they manage to get CL football this season.
Easyyyy. Arsenal will beat them tonight and we’ll smash Bournemouth and then go 1 point above them and 1 behind city!
Whilst pissed last season during Man City's title celebrations, he said that Bernardo Silva should've been taken off in their final game against Aston Villa because "he was playing like Miguel Almiron" - a very unprovoked jibe at Almiron for quite literally no reason.

Since then, Almiron has channeled his inner Lampard and has more goals than Jacky has ever managed in a single season, prompting a very whimpering apology from Mr Grealish in December.
Almiron is on another planet right now. Someone is coaching him really well, his last goal was a copy from Rashford’s last one with the intend to pass outside the box and rushing into it to score. He deserves this apology m.
On league form the table doesn’t lie
Exactly. They deserve to be there no question, but I'm not sure if its sustainable, especially given the competition. They remind me more of 2015 Leicester than Arsenal this year.
Exactly. They deserve to be there no question, but I'm not sure if its sustainable, especially given the competition. They remind me more of 2015 Leicester than Arsenal this year.
Time will tell on that comparison I guess. But given their owners, and the coach being someone who seems to have a clue, I think they may end up as new top4 rivals. Who drops out? Possibly spurs
We should be finishing ahead of Newcastle but I wouldn't be surprised if we don't. People say that there is always one team by Dec that does above and beyond, I think that's Brighton again plus Fulham and Brentford. Newcastle are here to stay at the top end, there form in the last 12 months has proven it. Howe has got them playing consistently and with hunger. United are probably 3 or 4 signings away from being a regular top 4 side, we don't have much depth and our second 11 is pretty average. We hace a tonne of games left and ETH wants to stay in every competition. The EPL is a marathon and I think Newcastle will have more stamina than us. They also have the funds to go out in Jan and buy a few players. Hopefully I am wrong, but I really see them closing on 3rd this year as Liverpool look lost, Chelsea restructure and we will hopefully nudge 4th ahead of Spurs who look awful right now.
A win tonight would put us above them but then our next 2 matches are City and Arsenal. Need to beat at least one of them.
I think we have a better chance of getting 3rd than they do, this season. They will no doubt invest heavily over the next few years and they'll be competing for a CL spot regularly.
I agree. They have been on a great run, but I'd be absolutely shocked if they finished the season ahead of us or Liverpool. Not saying it couldn't happen (see Leicester City title) but it seems every year there are a couple of teams playing well that people convince themselves will make top 4 and they pretty much never do. We've seen it with West Ham, Brighton, Wolves, Everton, Leicester, etc. This year it's Newcastle.
Ye exactly this. People have convinced themselves because of the owners that they are much better than they are. They need to actually spend that money to benefit.
Ye exactly this. People have convinced themselves because of the owners that they are much better than they are. They need to actually spend that money to benefit.
Well they have spent 220 million since last Jan, but here's where it gets interesting, you have money experts stating on record that because ashley was a miserable thigh bastard they could have spent 300 million plus in last summer's window and not fall foul of FFP, then days later you have the blonde owner woman, state they couldn't due to certain players high wages.

Quote from her

"She also referenced the thorny issue of wages when she said, “Salary and wage inflation is a real problem for all of us…We are running at about 65% [of wages to turnover] and that is still probably too high.”, which is a clear reference to the bloated nature of our senior squad with the likes of Clark, Hendrick and Gayle sitting on inflated wages nearing the end of their careers as it was much cheaper for Mike Ashley to renew their contracts than to buy new players"

And naturally Howe followed up with his own.

With Financial Fair Play, we have restraints, and we have things that we have to work within, so we can’t just go out and spend money on players like maybe teams could have done in the past, and totally change their squad within one transfer window. That is not an option for us. The more money you spend in one window, the more it impacts your ability to then spend in windows beyond. The rules are there to govern the game properly, and we have to follow suit, so that does impact what we can do this summer.
I think new castle will finish in an europa slot when all is said and done, their football is simply to unimaginative for anything higher.
Have the Saudis started bribing the press to start bigging them up all the time (similar to City in the past few years)?
Newcastle reaching the semis one of the top headlines on BBC breakfast news this morning and the sports correspondents are fawning over them, with cameras set up all over Newcastle city centre and the dressing room last night.

Seems like a really constructed narrative about them in the Carabou this year.
Yes, in third place.

I think the top seven will be,

1. Arsenal
2. Man City
3. Man United
4. Newcastle
5. Spurs
6. Liverpool
7. Chelsea.
A few weeks ago I would have said yes, but now I am not so sure. The Carabou Cup final is going to be interesting and psychological as regards the top 6.
Still think I'm stupid to suggest it's close?
Yep, still do.

Some snorts of derision when I made this thread but I know ball better than most and I thought that finishing ahead of Newcastle would be a good benchmark for us this season. Four points behind them at the moment with a game in hand. I still think we can do it but it won’t be as easy as many above thought.
Not had those constant giddy bumps on this thread from you for a long time. “You know ball better than most.”

8 point gap which will only get bigger.
Yep, still do.

Not had those constant giddy bumps on this thread from you for a long time. “You know ball better than most.”

8 point gap which will only get bigger.
Ha you've waited 4 months to reply after a huge turn in form. I was right, it's far closer than most expected.

I hope it's as easy as you think tomorrow.
Ha you've waited 4 months to reply after a huge turn in form. I was right, it's far closer than most expected.

I hope it's as easy as you think tomorrow.
As opposed to getting giddy back in September? Yeah makes a lot more sense to talk about where we will finish closer to the end of the season right? Like I said, you and some others got giddy too early.
As opposed to getting giddy back in September? Yeah makes a lot more sense to talk about where we will finish closer to the end of the season right? Like I said, you and some others got giddy too early.
Giddy :lol:. Just admit you were wrong and it's far closer than you expected. Also remember that this thread is pre Casemiro and Antony.
Yep, still do.

Not had those constant giddy bumps on this thread from you for a long time. “You know ball better than most.”

8 point gap which will only get bigger.
Fair play, Ten Hag has improved us quicker than I thought possible, absolute legend in the making
Giddy :lol:. Just admit you were wrong and it's far closer than you expected. Also remember that this thread is pre Casemiro and Antony.
Admit I’m wrong? You do realise the title of the thread is asking if they’ll finish above us? The key word being “finish”. Not quite sure I’m wrong in saying you were stupid to say they will. Your giddy comments were after we signed both.
Admit I’m wrong? You do realise the title of the thread is asking if they’ll finish above us? The key word being “finish”. Not quite sure I’m wrong in saying you were stupid to say they will. Your giddy comments were after we signed both.
Can you quote a single post in this thread where i said they will finish above us? Thought not. (Not being confident isn't the same by the way if comprehension isn't your strong point)

The title is irrelevant to my point. You said i was 'ridiculous' for suggesting it was close. Waiting 4 months when we've finally got ahead of them after a remarkable turnaround clearly backs me up, far from 'ridiculous'. You were clearly wrong to say i was.

Further proven by the fact we're in a cup final with them tomorrow and only slight favourites.

What a daft weekend to bump this thread thinking you were clever.