Would you take Ten Hag at United?

Would you take Ten Hag at United?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1,547 92.3%
  • No

    Votes: 129 7.7%

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Is anyone reputable actually linking him with the Utd job?

No-one reputable is linking anyone with the Utd job really. It's obvious the board are still sticking with Ole for now. There are reports he is on a shortlist with a few other managers though. It's our job to ensure we at least make enough noise so it's something they consider, I wouldn't be surprised if they're monitoring these large forums/articles etc.
No-one reputable is linking anyone with the Utd job really. It's obvious the board are still sticking with Ole for now. There are reports he is on a shortlist with a few other managers though. It's our job to ensure we at least make enough noise so it's something they consider, I wouldn't be surprised if they're monitoring these large forums/articles etc.

Analysing fan sentiment.™
Is Ten Hag the new flavour of the month, or would he be the man to transform the club? That's the million-dollar question?
What I like about Ten Hag is he's capable of building a team, has a clear ideology on the way he wants his team to play. He comes across as an innovative coach in his interviews. He seems interested in giving youth a chance which seems to be a requirement for the job.
The concern or risk with appointing him is that he may take a few years to get up to speed, and I don't think he'll get the time. Can he deal with a circus-like united? Can he deal with the pressure? Would he be able to deal with the incompetence of our senior executives in getting in the right players and, more importantly, getting rid of the deadwood?
We could say the same risks are associated with all the likely candidates.
The deciding factor in appointing Ten Hag as the new manager do we get in a temporary manager now and then work on getting Ten Hag in the summer, or do we go all in for him now. I, for one, would want us to go all-in now as this season may appear to be over, but it's far from it. Even though we look in chaos, we are only 9 points behind Chelsea and have a great chance to qualify for the next round of the champion league, so all is not lost if we could get someone in and turn it around. We still have an excellent squad but lack belief and leadership, which Ten Hag could bring in and make all the difference.
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that should be giving you good vibes because Liverpool are one of the best teams around and excellent at doing what he was pointing out.

Fast forward to him choosing the Liverpool job as its a "great project" over "Disneyland-esque" Man Utd.
Is Ten Hag the new flavour of the month, or would he be the man to transform the club? That's the million-dollar question?

From what I am hearing, Ten Hag is already lined up to take over at City when Pep steps down.
Fast forward to him choosing the Liverpool job as its a "great project" over "Disneyland-esque" Man Utd.

well that’d be a failure on our end, but him knowing how he likes to play and what players must do to make it happen, as well as being able to identify and recognise what teams like Liverpool excel at doing, is good vibes inducing
I don’t get the « Ten Hag won’t come in the middle of the season stuff ». If he has the opportunity to step up in his career, taking a more high profil job, in a bigger league with a much higher salary, he won’t think about it twice if he is a little bit ambitious. In this job, you just don’t wait for Barcelona or Madrid which is highly incertain if you have a solid offer from United. If he wants to stay the Dutch league, too bad for him but I don’t believe it for a second.

Who wouldn’t take a step up in his career and quadruple his salary ? It’s not like if he is fired here his career will be finished.

Must be nice having such a set up with people who love and breathe football at the helm

Having listened to this podcast he does't sound like a manager that would be keen on joining a set up like ours to be honest.

He'll have options if he's patient I imagine, so imagine he won't want to join a chaotic or unorganised football structure such as ours.

That said sounds like he's not a personality that would scare the board by being too confrontational such as with Conte.
I don’t get the « Ten Hag won’t come in the middle of the season stuff ». If he has the opportunity to step up in his career, taking a more high profil job, in a bigger league with a much higher salary, he won’t think about it twice if he is a little bit ambitious. In this job, you just don’t wait for Barcelona or Madrid which is highly incertain if you have a solid offer from United. If he wants to stay the Dutch league, too bad for him but I don’t believe it for a second.

Who wouldn’t take a step up in his career and quadruple his salary ? It’s not like if he is fired here his career will be finished.

I which the whole Cafe had your mentality. It’s mad how little we think of the power of the name Manchester United. We just calmly play in the best league in world football.
I which the whole Cafe had your mentality. It’s mad how little we think of the power of the name Manchester United. We just calmly play in the best league in world football.
The name but also big money and some very good players !
Some act as Ten Hag, who has everything to prove in a big club, is bigger then us, crazy !
The name but also big money and some very good players !
Some act as Ten Hag, who has everything to prove in a big club, is bigger then us, crazy !

Im telling you. Apparently our set up is not to his liking. They know his system and when he needs a striker he can get Haller. Meanwhile at United our dumba$$ club gives you players like Ronaldo
The name but also big money and some very good players !
Some act as Ten Hag, who has everything to prove in a big club, is bigger then us, crazy !
He will have a choice of top clubs who will pay as much as we do with a better infrastructure and football people conversing with him. Our fortune may be in having a somewhat open run at him, not in the mythos of being Manchester United. Our name, and what we represent, is more of a hindrance than an advantage at the moment.

Top managers don't want to go to Disneyland or be part of a circus and he'd be coming from one of the best run clubs in the world to one that is in utter chaos.

I'd bet we'd have to yield to his demands to actually get him through the door, which would mean gutting a least a portion of the footballing set up. I'm 50:50 on whether we'd do that for any manager, such is how badly we're run.
Im telling you. Apparently our set up is not to his liking. They know his system and when he needs a striker he can get Haller. Meanwhile at United our dumba$$ club gives you players like Ronaldo
Imagine having to play Ronaldo while pocketing 10 millions a year. Must be dreading…
He will have a choice of top clubs who will pay as much as we do with a better infrastructure and football people conversing with him. Our fortune may be in having a somewhat open run at him, not in the mythos of being Manchester United. Our name, and what we represent, is more of a hindrance than an advantage at the moment.

Top managers don't want to go to Disneyland or be part of a circus and he'd be coming from one of the best run clubs in the world to one that is in utter chaos.

I'd bet we'd have to yield to his demands to actually get him through the door, which would mean gutting a least a portion of the footballing set up. I'm 50:50 on whether we'd do that for any manager, such is how badly we're run.
He was sure to go to Barca apparently, now he is sure to go to City… you can say he will have choices, it’s not like he moved from Ajax already or he had offers…
I am sure he will like pocketing millions while trying to prove what he can do in a better league with better players.
Opportunities don’t come as often as we would like, so you have to take it.

As a club we are in a very selective list, only few clubs can offer as much as us in terms of money and spending power, so it’s a bit ridiculous to think we are not attractive. Conte just went to Tottenham : it’s all money talk.
He was sure to go to Barca apparently, now he is sure to go to City… you can say he will have choices, it’s not like he moved from Ajax already or he had offers…
I am sure he will like pocketing millions while trying to prove what he can do in a better league with better players.
Opportunities don’t come as often as we would like, so you have to take it.

As a club we are in a very selective list, only few clubs can offer as much as us in terms of money and spending power, so it’s a bit ridiculous to think we are not attractive. Conte just went to Tottenham : it’s all money talk.
Acting like Billy Big Bollocks whilst the world can see our house burning down isn't going to get us very far. I don't think we're doing a touted manager a favour in showing our interest (if we even have); the very fact he's touted means he has offers and options when the time comes to move on. He'll be offered numerous wooing talks and will get to pick the one he likes the look of. Klopp was put off by Woodward's infamous DisneyLand spiel, and that was when we were held in much higher esteem than now, so it's not like there isn't precedence for that approach to fail.

I'd think both parties will feel each other out and a decision made from there, should we get to that stage - money and/or name alone won't seal the deal when numerous clubs bring that table in their own right. And I'm certain that if we don't meet his demands/requests (probably bringing his own staff along) he won't come here no matter what we offer.
Acting like Billy Big Bollocks whilst the world can see our house burning down isn't going to get us very far. I don't think we're doing a touted manager a favour in showing our interest (if we even have); the very fact he's touted means he has offers and options when the time comes to move on. He'll be offered numerous wooing talks and will get to pick the one he likes the look of. Klopp was put off by Woodward's infamous DisneyLand spiel, and that was when we were held in much higher esteem than now, so it's not like there isn't precedence for that approach to fail.

I'd think both parties will feel each other out and a decision made from there, should we get to that stage - money and/or name alone won't seal the deal when numerous clubs bring that table in their own right. And I'm certain that if we don't meet his demands/requests (probably bringing his own staff along) he won't come here no matter what we offer.
It’s been too long since we did not act like Billy Big Bollocks to be honest. We act like minnows on and off the pitch…

He can still refuse us as he can refuse us in 7 months and we will look like bigger idiots for waiting only for the manager to reject us.
But you should not act like the guy is wanted by every big club in the world. He is still at Ajax so it’s not like he can snob us just like that.
There must be 10 clubs as interesting as ours in terms of money and players : Madrid, Barca, Bayern, Chelsea, City, Liverpool and maybe Juventus.
It’s not like he will have that many opportunities…he can miss the chance and wait all his life after that…

Klopp was not the same caliber as Ten Hag, the guy broke down the Bayern monopoly and went in a champions league final with Dortmund. He didn’t want to quite Dortmund by the time.

When you see everyone speaking about Ten Hag, it just indicates to me that he wants a bigger challenge then edervise.

We have just been brainwashed by the boards : accepting mediocrity and acting like a minnow club. It’s laughable that we always wait for the available manager instead of going for the guy we want. Other clubs are doing it, even Villa did it right now.
Really interesting piece on the Athletic football podcast from Raphael Honigstein about Ten Hag, Overmars and VDS and how they’ve bought, coached etc.

He seems to suggest that Ajax would be more fearful of losing Overmars and VDS than Ten Hag.
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I don’t get the « Ten Hag won’t come in the middle of the season stuff ». If he has the opportunity to step up in his career, taking a more high profil job, in a bigger league with a much higher salary, he won’t think about it twice if he is a little bit ambitious. In this job, you just don’t wait for Barcelona or Madrid which is highly incertain if you have a solid offer from United. If he wants to stay the Dutch league, too bad for him but I don’t believe it for a second.

Who wouldn’t take a step up in his career and quadruple his salary ? It’s not like if he is fired here his career will be finished.

Yeah like someone said in another thread we simply have to make him an offer he can't refuse (very godfather) by talking about the elite level of players he would have the chance to manage at this club. Yes admittedly his current team are in a stronger position for making the next stages of Champions League but we also have a chance of making it though as well. The atmosphere may not be great around the place at the moment but someone who has a clear vision of what he wants to do could give us a real lift like Tuchel did with Chelsea last season.
Really interesting piece on the Athletic football podcast from Raphael Honigstein about Ten Hag, Overmars and VDS and how they’ve bought, coached etc.

He seems to suggest that Ajax would be more fearful of losing Overmars and VDS than Ten Hag.

And this is our biggest weakness, not having the likes of VDS and Overmars at our club.
And this is our biggest weakness, not having the likes of VDS and Overmars at our club.
What baffles me is how the Glazers don’t see this, in the United hour podcast that American fella Ashwin talks about how the Glazers have bought the best coaches in American football and paid top dollar to do that and I’m assuming, in part, that resulted in them winning the World Series Super Bowl. So why not do that with Inited?
He will have a choice of top clubs who will pay as much as we do with a better infrastructure and football people conversing with him. Our fortune may be in having a somewhat open run at him, not in the mythos of being Manchester United. Our name, and what we represent, is more of a hindrance than an advantage at the moment.

Top managers don't want to go to Disneyland or be part of a circus and he'd be coming from one of the best run clubs in the world to one that is in utter chaos.

I'd bet we'd have to yield to his demands to actually get him through the door, which would mean gutting a least a portion of the footballing set up. I'm 50:50 on whether we'd do that for any manager, such is how badly we're run.

But we are a big CLub that has the most patience with its manager.
But we are a big CLub that has the most patience with its manager.
How much should that count for if he is prevented from doing his job without interference or obstruction? Why would anyone in any field sacrifice their working enjoyment/fulfillment when they don't have to?

Other clubs that will be in for him will give him the working conditions he requires/demands without question, whilst there's talk of us lumbering the next guy with at least some of our current coaching staff. On top of that, we're supposedly not keen on relinquishing footballing control, which if true, is going to be a problem in itself.

Patience on top of giving the new guy what he wants in terms of his men/staff would be excellent; patience whilst hindering said man from the outset doesn't count for much.

We need gutting; a total overhaul and modernisation in how we approach the game from the coaching and training aspect and if we're not prepared to give someone like Hag the reins for those things to happen under his watch, money won't get him through the doors to oversee a doomed project, imo.
Would love him obviously, feel like he is destined for greatness and when he makes that leap from Ajax to his next big club the world will be put on notice. Only fear is we are not setup for him (or any manager really) on the footballing side to be successful. If he could somehow convince the board to bring VDS and Overmars with him I would be elated.
What baffles me is how the Glazers don’t see this, in the United hour podcast that American fella Ashwin talks about how the Glazers have bought the best coaches in American football and paid top dollar to do that and I’m assuming, in part, that resulted in them winning the World Series Super Bowl. So why not do that with Inited?
City can have Rogers and we'll take Ten Hag.

You’re more than welcome to Ten Hag but I think we will pass on Rodgers thanks.

Not sure why you are all so in favour of Ten Hag coming in?

No experience in a competitive league yet. Winning trophies at Ajax wouldn’t be much of a challenge to rate a manager on. Think he could be way out of his depth managing at Utd.
The more I read and learn about him, the more I’m convinced he’s the one.

Obviously no chance of us trying to appoint him based on our last few appointments
How much should that count for if he is prevented from doing his job without interference or obstruction?

Who would interfere with him if he comes? the Glazers? you know that they are clueless and they don't interfere much, Ole is shitting the bed and they didn't do anything yet.

Right now, we do have a structure in place, I know its a new one, but its a structure, our current main issue is the weakness we have in football coaching, if ETH joins us, all he has to do is implement the right tactics that can maximize the overall output of this squad (which has plenty of good players), and to do so he will have to coach the players on the training pitch so they can execute his tactics in football matches.

The question should be whether ETH is capable of coaching football players and implementing his own style and imprint his philosophy on a team
When you try to find the reincarnation of Fergie, Ten Hag is the closet one

1. Developing Young Players and Trusting Academy Players - Yes
2. Playing Football on the Front Food with Moderate Tactical Adaptability - Yes
3. Out smarting European giants in a European tie with a lesser team (Fergie knocking out Bayern and Madrid with Aberdeen, Ten hag knocking out Juventus and Real Madrid)
4. Being able to maintain at the top after rebuilds and rebuild - Yes

Sadly, when it comes to Ole the answers are almost all "no" for all 4 questions.
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Who would interfere with him if he comes? the Glazers? you know that they are clueless and they don't interfere much, Ole is shitting the bed and they didn't do anything yet.

Right now, we do have a structure in place, I know its a new one, but its a structure, our current main issue is the weakness we have in football coaching, if ETH joins us, all he has to do is implement the right tactics that can maximize the overall output of this squad (which has plenty of good players), and to do so he will have to coach the players on the training pitch so they can execute his tactics in football matches.

The question should be whether ETH is capable of coaching football players and implementing his own style and imprint his philosophy on a team
I'm sure someone like @Adnan can fill you in on the team of coaches etc. Hag does his work with. Presumably, all of them would have to come with him, for him to accept. Secondly, we'd have to not let the fact we've squandered money on renewing our current coaches get in the way of Hag i.e. not palming them off on him (see interference). Having them pick up the new man's training cones is not a good reason for keeping them on, so unless Hag has actual, tangible use for them, it's logical to think he'd want them gone, which, from the financial aspect, I'd bet we'd baulk at.

Our supposed structure and methodology clearly doesn't work, forcing any new manager to work in those averse conditions will reduce the pool considerably to those not highly sought after who would be simply happy to be here and try and make lemonade from the lemons here (phrase intended), Hag won't have to do that when his time to move on comes; he'll enter negotiations with whoever it is and reach the terms he wants or turn them down, which is the benefit of being touted as one of the next big things in the sport.

The problem for us as a club is we've made so many mistakes initially that the higher ups are probably scared of being burned: Moyes, for example, should have never been allowed to eviscerate our PL-winning coaching staff. In line with the paragraph above, he wasn't highly sought after, and did not have the name or credentials to call shots to land the job, and he'd have still taken it (I'd wager) even if he couldn't take his people from Everton with him; Van Gaal went loopy with the power and again caused us problems with his actions, which soured the higher ups further, and then you've got the catastrophe that is Jose's sabotage coming in after that. It's a terrible indictment that is going to make non-football people wary, naturally, which is why you need football people who aren't self-serving or out of touch, making these assessments and judging the risk/reward of a highly touted, modern coach coming in and calling those particular shots. He gets it right, and foundations are in place for years, even upon his departure; he gets it wrong, and we're no worse off than the shambles we currently are, but again, it takes someone who can see the big picture himself making those calls and giving an incoming man like Hag those reins to do what's needed without impedance.

For what it's worth, this isn't a Glazer problem: it's a 'who they gave the keys to the kingdom not having a clue what he's doing' problem, which is why, in an ideal world, we'd land ourselves Van der Sar, Overmars, Ten Hag and his staff, which Ajax would never agree to, and rightly so.
I'm sure someone like @Adnan can fill you in on the team of coaches etc. Hag does his work with. Presumably, all of them would have to come with him, for him to accept

According to De Telegraaf , when Spurs interviewed ETH in the summer and asked him who he would bring, he said he would bring only one person, we don't know who he would bring with if he comes here.

Secondly, we'd have to not let the fact we've squandered money on renewing our current coaches get in the way of Hag i.e. not palming them off on him (see interference). Having them pick up the new man's training cones is not a good reason for keeping them on, so unless Hag has actual, tangible use for them, it's logical to think he'd want them gone, which, from the financial aspect, I'd bet we'd baulk at.

So far, only Phelan was renewed, if Ole goes he goes too. As for Carrick & McKenna, they are yet to renew, Ramsey is young and probably not on big money so he can be let go without any issues, as for the bolded part, except for Phelan the other 3 don't have quarter the experience of ETH so I bet they would be happy with any role they are assigned, and I think they would be ok if they worked under some who has solid experience like ETH, not saying ETH is as good as Pep, Klopp, Tuchel, or even Poch, he still has to prove himself.

naturally, which is why you need football people who aren't self-serving or out of touch, making these assessments and judging the risk/reward of a highly touted, modern coach coming in and calling those particular shots. He gets it right, and foundations are in place for years, even upon his departure; he gets it wrong, and we're no worse off than the shambles we currently are, but again, it takes someone who can see the big picture himself making those calls and giving an incoming man like Hag those reins to do what's needed without impedance.

You are 100% right, and I think (or more likely hope) that people like Murtough, Bout, Lawler, and other experienced football people can work together with ETH, that is the purpose of a structure in football club, which is to provide support to the head coach in various aspects, but a football structure can't coach a football team to win football matches, that's the head coach's job and that is what we need now.

For what it's worth, this isn't a Glazer problem: it's a 'who they gave the keys to the kingdom not having a clue what he's doing' problem, which is why, in an ideal world, we'd land ourselves Van der Sar, Overmars, Ten Hag and his staff, which Ajax would never agree to, and rightly so.

We have to start somewhere, and we did in 2020 when a football structure was set up then, and yes it's a new structure, but it's one that has clear roles and responsibilities, we can't just take Ajax's CEO, DoF and Head Coach, but what the club can do is have a proper structure in place, just like City & Liverpool did before they got Pep & Klopp, and again I must stress that I don't think ETH is our Pep or Klopp (he could be but we don't know that yet), but what's obvious is we don't have a competent head coach, and that needs to change.
Who would interfere with him if he comes? the Glazers? you know that they are clueless and they don't interfere much, Ole is shitting the bed and they didn't do anything yet.

Right now, we do have a structure in place, I know its a new one, but its a structure, our current main issue is the weakness we have in football coaching, if ETH joins us, all he has to do is implement the right tactics that can maximize the overall output of this squad (which has plenty of good players), and to do so he will have to coach the players on the training pitch so they can execute his tactics in football matches.

The question should be whether ETH is capable of coaching football players and implementing his own style and imprint his philosophy on a team
Agreed, I believe everything is primed for ten Hag to succeed here as a head coach.
You’re more than welcome to Ten Hag but I think we will pass on Rodgers thanks.

Not sure why you are all so in favour of Ten Hag coming in?

No experience in a competitive league yet. Winning trophies at Ajax wouldn’t be much of a challenge to rate a manager on. Think he could be way out of his depth managing at Utd.

I suppose, you could have said the same about Pep. I mean he managed Barcelona, only one of 3 clubs to really viable to win the league in Spain.

He inherited the basis of one of the best teams to have ever graced a football pitch.

Bayern is the only real club in Germany to ever challenge.

City has bottomless pit of money to spend, with a great infrastructure to back him.

I believe it's disrespectful to dismiss Ten Hag's achievements so easily.
I suppose, you could have said the same about Pep. I mean he managed Barcelona, only one of 3 clubs to really viable to win the league in Spain.

He inherited the basis of one of the best teams to have ever graced a football pitch.

Bayern is the only real club in Germany to ever challenge.

City has bottomless pit of money to spend, with a great infrastructure to back him.

I believe it's disrespectful to dismiss Ten Hag's achievements so easily.
As I have said before, it's also not accurate for the Dutch league. It's not just Ajax's to lose, PSV is always in the mix and AZ was 2 and 3 seasons ago. And whatever you might say about he quality of the Eredivisie, it's Ten Hag's performance in Europe that's been the real stand-out.
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