Gaming Xbox Series X|S

Which of these do you prefer

  • Microsoft Game Pass

  • Xbox Game Pass

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The years only just begun, you never know things might pick up
You guys crack me up, you really do :lol:
Some envy inducing exclusives this year dude. As a pure Sony fanboy I was jealous enough to buy an Xbox in preparation.

If starfield can fulfil its promise that will be a huge boost for Xbox. And I know it won’t be out just yet but the most eagerly awaited game ever is a Microsoft exclusive.
Imagine being an actual console fanboy. These guys would be red raw if that was a Gran Turismo preview
too many user names beginning with "V" I cant tell them apart
Think I'll get the series S if the new Forza Motorsport is any good. Horizon 5 I've yet to play but looks interesting. Had no interest in GTR 7 because of the grinding element. It's a shame how much driving games have declined as AAA titles over the last decade or so.
Think I'll get the series S if the new Forza Motorsport is any good. Horizon 5 I've yet to play but looks interesting. Had no interest in GTR 7 because of the grinding element. It's a shame how much driving games have declined as AAA titles over the last decade or so.

Please do. We need more V usernames on here to confuse @Reditus
Is there still hope for Stalker 2? Seems the studio had to evacuate their office in Kyiv but are still working on putting the game out this year?! Fair fecks!
They said at the back end of last year that it would be released this year. Fair fecks to them if it is In deed. I can't imagine what their working conditions are like.
Damien's sly digs are the best thing about this thread. Still think Xbox and game pass is better than a PS5 for the majority of people though.
Oh wait it's b82REZ, possibly the only poster on this website that I actually recognise purely for their terrible posts.