Yemen Civil War

The world needs to ban supporting arms to any sides.

Enough of this proxy war bullshit. Any nation that caught supplying arms should be sanctioned.

Let them deal their own war with stick and stones
The cowards resort to cowardly collective punishments because their hapless military with all their modern military tech can barely handle a bunch of sandal-wearing kids with rusty AKs. It’s not as easy when you don’t have Uncle Sam fighting your battles.
Pretty much. In the Gulf War as well, they were saved by the US. All their fancy equipment has done nothing to change the balance of power against Israel for example.
Absolutely criminal the way Saudis have behaved in the war. Their second rate military is only good for places like Yemen.
You'll probably call me obsessed for this, but genuine question regardless - what are your thoughts on the Pakistani involvement in this. Especially interested because you mentioned the second rate Saudi military
Huthi persecution of Baha’is:

The war has been a spectacular failure for the Saudi coalition.
Saudi warplanes from America can't beat a bunch of slipper wearing cattle herdsmen.
America and UK should own up for participating in an humanitarian disaster.
I read somewhere that Khashoggi was about to release a piece on the Saudis using chemical weapons in Yemen, that’s why he was whacked.

If true would have been super awkward for the Brits and Yanks who claimed it was a red line and anyone caught using them wouldn’t be punished harshly.

a bunch of slipper wearing cattle herdsmen.

Saudi military is largely useless I agree, but it's not like the Huthis are fighting with slingshots here - they took the capital before the Saudis intervened, have support from Iran, and they've hit Riyadh with rockets.
The war has been a spectacular failure for the Saudi coalition.
Saudi warplanes from America can't beat a bunch of slipper wearing cattle herdsmen.
America and UK should own up for participating in an humanitarian disaster.
Not all that surprising.

The Saudis are notoriously poor combatants, they’ve been accustomed to the Yanks serving as their regional muscle, and their generals boast zero wartime experience and enjoy their ranks based on ceremonial nepotism.

It’s a glaring weakness with Arab armies in general, but the difference is the other Arab state militaries are actually battle hardened.

That and they’re lead by an imbecile with delusions of grandeur and who’s every plot has failed miserably (see kidnapping of Lebanese prime minister and disastrous Kashoggi murder).

Saudi military is largely useless I agree, but it's not like the Huthis are fighting with slingshots here - they took the capital before the Saudis intervened, have support from Iran, and they've hit Riyadh with rockets.
The Saudis are stockpiled with the most cutting edge American and European arms. It’s not like their regional adversaries who largely make do with Soviet era hand downs.
The Saudis are stockpiled with the most cutting edge American and European arms. It’s not like their regional adversaries who largely make do with Soviet era hand downs.

Sure. But North Yemen is a tough place for any military to subdue, which is why the wise thing to do is avoid going in in the first place. The Saudis are hardly the first military to get bogged down there - Nasser with the full backing of the Soviet Union at the peak of its powers couldn't win the war there in the 60s, even with the use of chemical weapons. It's similar to Afghanistan in terms of the terrain and tribalism.
It amazes me like this thread has only 2 pages in a such a terrible and long conflict. It shows how much media is silenced. I barely know any specifics and everything is vague or sounds familiar to me
It is a bloody tragedy. Sadly it is yet another conflict that we are virtually ignoring.
one dead journalist harmed more the Saudis than hundreds of thousands dying and suffering
This is one of the better articles on this conflict I've read, as unlike many others it actually considers the Houthis worthy of investigation and analysis in their own right rather than as a mere foil for laughing at/criticising the Saudis:

Saudi Arabia thought a bombing campaign would quickly crush its enemies in Yemen. But three years later, the Houthis refuse to give up, even as 14 million people face starvation.
This is one of the better articles on this conflict I've read, as unlike many others it actually considers the Houthis worthy of investigation and analysis in their own right rather than as a mere foil for laughing at/criticising the Saudis:

Saudi Arabia thought a bombing campaign would quickly crush its enemies in Yemen. But three years later, the Houthis refuse to give up, even as 14 million people face starvation.

Thank you so much,a very long article that I read from the beginning to the end. It gave me so much information to understand a bit what is going on. I simply don't know much about it.

Thanks again
We already know that no country has stopped selling arms to SA. Except maybe Germany and Switzerland who put in place “temporary” bans. Whatever temporary may mean.
It’s not just cessation of selling arms, the Brits are out there as we speak proactively plugging MORE deals.
Documenting Damaged Cultural Heritage and Human Suffering in Yemen’s Civil War
Yemeni human rights organization Mwatana has issued a report based on years of research, titled, “The Degradation of History: Violations Committed by the Warring Parties against Yemen’s Cultural Property.”

"While there are a few documented incidents of ideological destruction of heritage sites (by Al Qaeda, ISIS, and other jihadist groups), most damage appears to be the direct result of violence between the warring parties. This includes shelling by the Houthis and forces loyal to the ousted president Hadi. But a close examination of the incident reports suggests that the biggest culprit are airstrikes by the Saudi-led Arab coalition."
I wonder if Bernie will also go to his religious fellows and do the same towards the Israeli involvement.
It means there was not only US, but also Israeli involvement in the Saudis attack on Yemen.

Yemen =/= Gaza.

Bernie isn't responsible for what Israel does, he has some responsibility for the country of which he is a senator.