Film Your Top 5 Films of all Time

1. Apocalypse Now
2. Alien
3. There Will Be Blood
4. Blade Runner
5. No Country for Old Men
Godfather and Apocalypse Now are definitely in there.

After that, I'm not sure. Probably some of Casablanca, The Third Man, Double Indemnity, Once Upon A Time In The West, Blade Runner, and Heat, or maybe something from Hitchcock (Rear Window? North By Northwest? Notorious?) or one out of It's A Wonderful Life, The Maltese Falcon, Chinatown, The Pianist, La vita è bella, The Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, and Children Of Men. And maybe Citizen Kane once I've rewatched it.

I don't know how people can ever choose.
Out of curiosity, do people believe the number of great films has decreased over the years? Or is it nostalgia attached to those older films?
Out of curiosity, do people believe the number of great films has decreased over the years? Or is it nostalgia attached to those older films?
As time rolls by the volume of films that were great grows and so it dwarfs the recent films that were great which gives the impression newer films arent as good as the older ones.
Total Recall
Terminator 2
Trading Places
Any other day I might have picked five others, this is impossible. But here are five that would be near the top five.

Pulp Fiction
Children of Men
Blade Runner 2049
Taxi Driver
Before Sunset
Based on quality with a strong consideration for personal impact:

1. The Godfather (IMDB 9.2)
2. Inception (8.8)
3. Star Wars (8.6)
4. Se7en (8.6)
5. Schindler's List (9.0)
Total Recall
Terminator 2
Trading Places
I love Total Recall, I've probably seen it 30 times as it's one we had on VHS when I was in school. Ronny Cox is convincing in that and Robocop as the psychopathic politician/businessman.

And somehow I didn't realize that was him in Beverly Hills Cop.

No idea why he disappeared from big action movies.
  • Rashomon
  • The Godfather
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Shoplifters
  • Apocalypse Now
  1. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  2. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  3. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  4. Interstellar
  5. Good Morning Vietnam
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Godfather and Apocalypse Now are definitely in there.

After that, I'm not sure. Probably some of Casablanca, The Third Man, Double Indemnity, Once Upon A Time In The West, Blade Runner, and Heat, or maybe something from Hitchcock (Rear Window? North By Northwest? Notorious?) or one out of It's A Wonderful Life, The Maltese Falcon, Chinatown, The Pianist, La vita è bella, The Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, and Children Of Men. And maybe Citizen Kane once I've rewatched it.

I don't know how people can ever choose.
Congratulations. A real film fan who realises that superb cinema existed pre 1965
I love Total Recall, I've probably seen it 30 times as it's one we had on VHS when I was in school. Ronny Cox is convincing in that and Robocop as the psychopathic politician/businessman.

And somehow I didn't realize that was him in Beverly Hills Cop.

No idea why he disappeared from big action movies.
He's brilliant and underrated. So is Kurtwood Smith to a lesser extent.

Can't believe I forgot The Raid.
  1. Charade
  2. School of Rock
  3. Singing in the rain
  4. Stranger than fiction
  5. Flipped
If it’s based on how many times I’ve watched then it probs has to be (in no order)

Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
Indiana Jones (Last Crusade)
LOTR: Return of the King

if it’s one off, non franchise, films that I’ve loved then it’s different

The Martian
Edge of Tomorrow
The Sting
Rear Window
The Godfather
Donnie Darko
Pulp Fiction
The Matrix
Leon the professional
Fast and Furious (1)
No country for old men
Made the mistake of watching the French/International version.

Ruined the movie for me, especially raving about it and showing my missus. She was curious why I loved a film where a 12 year old shags a middle aged man.
In terms of personal favourites. No particular order.

LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring
No Country for Old Men
Schindler’s List
The Departed

I could put any from LOTR in there, but the first one is my favourite. I’d like to put something by both Nolan (Interstellar or Oppenheimer) and Villeneuve (Prisoners or Sicario) in there, but they just miss out.
The Holiday
As Good as it gets
The Big Year
I love Total Recall, I've probably seen it 30 times as it's one we had on VHS when I was in school. Ronny Cox is convincing in that and Robocop as the psychopathic politician/businessman.

And somehow I didn't realize that was him in Beverly Hills Cop.

No idea why he disappeared from big action movies.
He was cast against type in Robocop, as before that he'd always played nice guys. As it was the first thing I ever saw him in, it was weird seeing him play anything other than a baddie after that though!

Anyway, today at least, my list would be this (in no particular order):

The Big Lebowski
Back to the Future
Withnail and I
North by Northwest
it would look something like:

The Seventh Seal
12 Angry Men
Groundhog Day
American Beauty

Glengarry Glenn Ross

Honourable mentions

Fight Club
Black Swan
There will be Blood
Silence of the Lambs
Rear Window
Rust and Bone
Grosse Pointe Blank
Spirited Away
Bravestarr: The Movie
LA Confidential
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Blade Runner/2049
The Lives of Others
Pans Labyrinth
High Fidelity
The Big Lebowski

This list is never fixed so will be different tomorrow! Can never choose.
I'll go with what i consider are the greatest rather than my 5 favorites:

1) LOTR trilogy.

2) Requiem for a dream

3) The Godfather

4) Infernal Affairs

5) In the mood for love
1. The Godfather 1 + 2 (I'm cheating here, but I only ever watch both in one sitting. If I had to choose I prefer 2 because I'm a big Al Pacino fanboy.)
2. Heat
3. Inglorious Bastards
4. Donnie Brasco
5. The Lion King. Animated, of course.
Barry Lyndon
Andrei Rublev
Hiroshima Mon Amour
The Godfather
No country for all men
The Royal Tenenbaums
O brother, where art thou
(There will be blood)
1. Sleepers
2. A Bronx Tale
3. Forrest Gump
4. 21/22 Jump Street
5. Castaway
Star Wars and LOTR are my favourite ever movies. So not including them

There Will be Blood
The Exorcist
The Matrix
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Godfather
Taxi Driver
12 Angry Men
The Lives of Others
In terms of personal favourites. No particular order.

LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring
No Country for Old Men
Schindler’s List
The Departed

I could put any from LOTR in there, but the first one is my favourite. I’d like to put something by both Nolan (Interstellar or Oppenheimer) and Villeneuve (Prisoners or Sicario) in there, but they just miss out.
Se7en is an overwhelmingly bleak movie, the palette, the score, the general grey, damp misery of it and I love it. The quick, effective world-building is a great feature and one slightly overlooked by people in my opinion. I think it's a tad underrated due to the ending that was aped a bit like the Matrix, which was lampooned and became a cultural touchstone/zeitgeist thing.