Film Lord of the Rings

I don't understand this. Was it because you found them scenes cheesy? If so, fair enough, some people hate cringy moments, but otherwise I don't understand the hate for them.
Don't agree at all, thought he and frodo were perfectly cast and their relationship is very similAr to how it is portrayed in the books.

You are a hard man to please revan.

Definitely. Especially in the last few months, where I am not enjoying movies/TV shows and probably even video games as much as before.

In this case, haven't read the books yet so can't comment on that but I didn't find their part of the story really interesting (especially after the first watching). I was more interested on the pther parts of the story (despite this was the most important one). The last time I have watched it (in a 12 hour marathon) I remember that we even skipped some of their scenes. Also their eye fecking wasn't that great.

Agree with Twigg that he was the most loyal of them all. Most brave, I don't know. Pretty much all of them were really brave, although extra points for him and Frodo because they had only will and almost no skills.
Just rewatched The Fellowship of the Ring this morning, and then while having a break between that and the next movie I went online and read some theories about the series, and this theory has blown my mind.

Dunno if I can explain this well enough but I'll try... You know the famous plot hole about the eagles not just flying the Fellowship into Mordor? Well this theory suggests that was Gandalf's plan all along and that he was leading the Fellowship to the other side of the Misty Mountains (where the eagles lived) from the beginning, until his plan was disrupted by the Balrog. In the scene where he was hanging off the edge he 'surreptitiously' tells them the plan by shouting 'fly, you fools' hoping someone would understand.

Whether there's any truth to it or not it's a pretty cool theory imo.
@Twigg there might be something to that, btw i just watched the fellowship the other day and was going to watch the two towers last night only for the hard drive to be a bit fecked.
Why didn't he just keep the eagles at Rivendell from when he escaped Saruman then? Would have saved a lot of time.
Why didn't he just keep the eagles at Rivendell from when he escaped Saruman then? Would have saved a lot of time.
Quote from the theorist:

Gandalf and the eagles agree that the plan should be kept very secret. If Sauron hears about it he'll realise the one weakness in his defences and quickly try to protect himself against it, and there goes the one advantage his enemies have.

Gandalf can't risk losing this advantage so he tells no one when he arrives at Rivendell. Nobody can know the plan until they reach the eagles and are flying on their way to Mordor because if they're captured they could have the plan tortured out of them - in the same way Gollum had the location of the ring tortured out of him. When they leave Rivendell they're a group of nine, not a just Frodo, Sam and himself like he'd planned for. But that's fine, he thinks, there are plenty of eagles to carry them.
Why didn't he just keep the eagles at Rivendell from when he escaped Saruman then? Would have saved a lot of time.

Keep them? They're not pets.

Anyway, it's mentioned in the books that the eagles shy away from where men are settled, and shun people in general. The flying taxi is not a favour that Gandalf can call in whenever he likes.
:lol: Superb!

btw, while we're on the topic of Middle Earth, I've done some Lore reading and I think there's a lot of mileage in the potential for a few films to be made of the Sacking of Gondolin and the final battle of the 1st Age. What really appeals to me about this is the basic plot is outlined out but their isn't a huge amount of depth there which would allow a writer far more artistic freedom. Something also appeals to me watching Dragons, Balrogs and feck loads of Orcs sack an Elven City.
Keep them? They're not pets.

Anyway, it's mentioned in the books that the eagles shy away from where men are settled, and shun people in general. The flying taxi is not a favour that Gandalf can call in whenever he likes.
Yeah, they're a sentient race in the books and a proud race, I think.

Why didn't he just keep the eagles at Rivendell from when he escaped Saruman then? Would have saved a lot of time.
Perhaps something to do with both what Eriku mentioned and the secrecy of it all. I mean if a bunch of the Eagles had gathered at Rivendell there's a chance the plan could have been jeopardized as it wouldn't have took long for the Elves to catch on to the plan, them being such a wise and intelligent race.
Quote from the theorist:

Gandalf and the eagles agree that the plan should be kept very secret. If Sauron hears about it he'll realise the one weakness in his defences and quickly try to protect himself against it, and there goes the one advantage his enemies have.

Gandalf can't risk losing this advantage so he tells no one when he arrives at Rivendell. Nobody can know the plan until they reach the eagles and are flying on their way to Mordor because if they're captured they could have the plan tortured out of them - in the same way Gollum had the location of the ring tortured out of him. When they leave Rivendell they're a group of nine, not a just Frodo, Sam and himself like he'd planned for. But that's fine, he thinks, there are plenty of eagles to carry them.
Saw it on reddit now. His theory relies on fellowship doing a sneak attack riding on Eagles. I just don't see a sneak attack from sky being successful. He has put alot of faith in the element of surprise which all things considered would not have lasted long enough to reach Mount Doom.
:lol: Superb!

btw, while we're on the topic of Middle Earth, I've done some Lore reading and I think there's a lot of mileage in the potential for a few films to be made of the Sacking of Gondolin and the final battle of the 1st Age. What really appeals to me about this is the basic plot is outlined out but their isn't a huge amount of depth there which would allow a writer far more artistic freedom. Something also appeals to me watching Dragons, Balrogs and feck loads of Orcs sack an Elven City.
Those stories are from the Silmarillion though, right? I think I read somewhere Christopher Tolkien owns the rights to that and won't give them up to anyone, and he also despises the Peter Jackson films so I doubt it'll happen unfortunately :( So much potential there though.
:lol: Superb!

btw, while we're on the topic of Middle Earth, I've done some Lore reading and I think there's a lot of mileage in the potential for a few films to be made of the Sacking of Gondolin and the final battle of the 1st Age. What really appeals to me about this is the basic plot is outlined out but their isn't a huge amount of depth there which would allow a writer far more artistic freedom. Something also appeals to me watching Dragons, Balrogs and feck loads of Orcs sack an Elven City.
Not unless Tolkens son releases the rights to the silmarilliron and he hated LOTR and the hobbit Films so its very doubtful.
Those stories are from the Silmarillion though, right? I think I read somewhere Christopher Tolkien owns the rights to that and won't give them up to anyone, and he also despises the Peter Jackson films so I doubt it'll happen unfortunately :( So much potential there though.

Oh really? feck sake.

tbf, I wouldn't want Jackson near it either. I'd have loved to see Del Toro's taken on Middle Earth. :(
Would be fantastic if he could be convinced by someone.

Yeah, the core storyline for that Age is brilliant. I was reading through it the other night, just superb.

The Silmaril's sound great. I like how everyone fights over the last one resulting in a huge ass war which Morgoth takes advantage of and almost tears apart all of Arda. Brilliant. The only problem being that you'd probably have to leave out the Dwarves and Elves fighting one another and concentrate on the Sacking of Gondolin and then Valinor coming over and aiding the fight. Sounds pretty flipping epic to me!
The explanation that was used was that they were scouting Middle-Earth and pretty much have been during the whole Sauron period. Obviously the ring couldn't simply have been flown into Mordor though. The eye would have seen it coming and Sauron had 9 flying dudes himself to counter that. The eagles, all in all, weren't more numerous.

It makes sense. Middle-Earth is huge. It's very hard to convey messages over long distances. Knowing enemy movement is one of the most important thing to know. One of the reasons Gandalf knew so much was because of the eagles. He just didn't say everything he knew for obvious reasons.

There's no hidden plan in Tolkien's writing. People have just gone mad with theories because of ASOIAF.
Yeah, the core storyline for that Age is brilliant. I was reading through it the other night, just superb.

The Silmaril's sound great. I like how everyone fights over the last one resulting in a huge ass war which Morgoth takes advantage of and almost tears apart all of Arda. Brilliant. The only problem being that you'd probably have to leave out the Dwarves and Elves fighting one another and concentrate on the Sacking of Gondolin and then Valinor coming over and aiding the fight. Sounds pretty flipping epic to me!
I'd love to see a movie featuring Morgoth, he sounds like such a badass.

Yeah, the Silmaril stuff sounds awesome. I read the other day that the Arkenstone might have been a Silmaril, the one thrown away deep into the Earth or something and was probably unearthed by the Dwarves.

I swear you can never learn everything about Middle Earth, there's too much lore for my head...
Just rewatched The Fellowship of the Ring this morning, and then while having a break between that and the next movie I went online and read some theories about the series, and this theory has blown my mind.

Dunno if I can explain this well enough but I'll try... You know the famous plot hole about the eagles not just flying the Fellowship into Mordor? Well this theory suggests that was Gandalf's plan all along and that he was leading the Fellowship to the other side of the Misty Mountains (where the eagles lived) from the beginning, until his plan was disrupted by the Balrog. In the scene where he was hanging off the edge he 'surreptitiously' tells them the plan by shouting 'fly, you fools' hoping someone would understand.

Whether there's any truth to it or not it's a pretty cool theory imo.

Doesn't he say "Run, you fools"?
Saw the eagle theory years ago. I think tolkein or someone addressed eagles and explained why it wouldn't be viable.

Regarding movie rights - isn't the law with this sort of thing that the rights are released 53 years after the authors death, or something like that?
Saw the eagle theory years ago. I think tolkein or someone addressed eagles and explained why it wouldn't be viable.

Regarding movie rights - isn't the law with this sort of thing that the rights are released 53 years after the authors death, or something like that?
Unfortunately, this theory is wrong. The Eagles are not real eagles but Maiar spirits (similar to Gandalf) that decided to stay in middle-earth in animal form. They are prohibited by Manwe (the king of the Valar and Maiar) from helping directly. Gandalf himself could only offer counsel, and only after he came back as Gandalf the White was he given permission to confront the forces of Sauron directly.
My daughter's pet name is Fingolfin by the way :D

The only way Silmarillion is on a screen of any sort is if HBO acquires the right and makes it into a serial of epic proportions.
Oh really? Would be pretty cool if true.

We had a guest lecturer at uni a few months back talking about copyright law and the likes. Can't remember the specifics but he definitely said that intellectual property rights and such are released to the public xxx years after the author/creators death - I think it was 53 years or something. When did Tolkein die?
Saw the eagle theory years ago. I think tolkein or someone addressed eagles and explained why it wouldn't be viable.

Regarding movie rights - isn't the law with this sort of thing that the rights are released 53 years after the authors death, or something like that?
Oh really? Would be pretty cool if true.
Christopher Tolkein is a co author of the other books isnt he so the reality for us would be the Tolkien estate after he dies agreeing to let the films be made, wouldn't be surprised if they went with disney or sony after the trouble they had with warner brothers.
My daughter's pet name is Fingolfin by the way :D

The only way Silmarillion is on a screen of any sort is if HBO acquires the right and makes it into a serial of epic proportions.

After GoT, an HBO Silmarillion series actually sounds like a great shout. There is enough content in it and Unfinished Tales for years of series.
Christopher Tolkein is a co author of the other books isnt he so the reality for us would be the Tolkien estate after he dies agreeing to let the films be made, wouldn't be surprised if they went with disney or sony after the trouble they had with warner brothers.

I didn't think or know that he was a co author? Only that he edited his fathers notes so they could be published. I don't think he could take any credit for the creation of the intellectual property
After GoT, an HBO Silmarillion series actually sounds like a great shout. There is enough content in it and Unfinished Tales for years of series.
They'll start to ruin it four seasons in though. :p
If that was the intention, I don't think Tokien would have kept it to himself. Unless in the unlikely scenario that his mind was unhinged and he thought it was real.
Christopher Tolkein is a co author of the other books isnt he so the reality for us would be the Tolkien estate after he dies agreeing to let the films be made, wouldn't be surprised if they went with disney or sony after the trouble they had with warner brothers.

Damn. My hopes and dreams have been crushed.
I didn't think or know that he was a co author? Only that he edited his fathers notes so they could be published. I don't think he could take any credit for the creation of the intellectual property
Yeah he just edited, filled in gaps and published the book but he probably has rights to it.
Your post

That's not right either. Thorondor was sent by Manwe to watch over the Noldor but there's no place in the book they've been classified as Maia. Gandalf wasn't a Maia either, he was Istari. Thorondor's classification has always been Eagles of Valinor.

Gandalf doesn't gain the right to fight Sauron directly by becoming white. Since Saruman had fallen, he comes back as the leader of his order, like a promotion. Istari were sent to earth in the aid of Elves/Men to defeat evil. There are no guidelines as to how to fight them. Each of them fight in their own way, Saruman studied lore because his power was knowledge. Saruman should have got Narya, but Cirdan the shipwright gives the ring to Gandalf because he perceives Gandalf is the good guy. Narya's power is to inspire others to fight tyranny, that's why Gandalf is always motivating men, elves, dwarves and hobbits. Him being Istari and a wizard, he is already powerful, but with the ring too, he's able to do it even more effectively.

The eagles plot could well be true, but that's a fan theory and that's all. Eagles only come to Gandalf's assistance in grave danger and they are a proud race of Valinor. They would not bear load as if they are common mules. They also do not partake in any schemes by Men willingly because it's not their job.
After GoT, an HBO Silmarillion series actually sounds like a great shout. There is enough content in it and Unfinished Tales for years of series.

Of course, they could make a serial just out of Beren Luthien story, or the fall of Gondolin or Fingolfin's story or Hurin's children or Turin Turambar or Feanor's life and death or Elu Thingol and Melian's tragedy. There are just tons of possibilities there.