Television Twin Peaks

Wow. Usually I don't like this kind of thing but after they mucked up the second season I'm in favour of Lynch returning to it.
Holy shit never saw that coming.

I'll have to finish season 2, I got bored when watching it to be honest. But I'll have to finish it now.
Holy cow. This is going to be weird.
This is a good day.

Aaah yeah, all flooding back now. Slightly concerned about Coop being in it, for reasons that will be clear to those who watched it to the end.
feck yeah! Can't wait. Wasn't too impressed by a lot of the second season and the ending freaked me out (because I love Coop) but so pumped for this.
God damn it. Just when I was beginning to sleep again.
Aaah yeah, all flooding back now. Slightly concerned about Coop being in it, for reasons that will be clear to those who watched it to the end.

Well, just a few weeks ago there was a photo of Kyle Maclachlan meeting with David Lynch. I'm sure he'll be there. Unfortunately we have a slight problem with Bob. He's dead.
Was only a little girl when I watched this and it really scared me. That Bob fella stayed with me a few years and gave me the creeps.
Well, just a few weeks ago there was a photo of Kyle Maclachlan meeting with David Lynch. I'm sure he'll be there. Unfortunately we have a slight problem with Bob. He's dead.
Yeah but... Coop :(

A few of the cast have died now. Wonder how many of the others they'll be bringing back...
I hope this is good. Was a bit saddened that after Mulholland Drive there were only short movies and the very underwhelming Inland Empire from Lynch.

But I guess it was time for him to come back now that his haircut is so popular again even among teens.
never did finish this got half way through the second series and got bored
i'm sure it was on netflix but it seems to have disappeared
The Syfy reruns are concluding this weekend, with the film Fire Walk with Me being shown on Saturday night, if anyone hasn't seen it.

The film isn't on the US Netflix despite them having the two seasons on there, so I'm glad Syfy have got it to finish the series (though I'm still about five episodes behind; David Duchovny has just turned-up :eek:).
It's excellent. Avoid all talk of Lynch though, just watch it for what it is.

I'm a fan of his, but I think people have a tendancy to really overdo it with the praise for what he does.

I'd agree with this. Not least because Mark Frost actually wrote far more of it than Lynch, which is often forgotten (thought tbf, writing wasn't it's strong suit.) It's certainly the original template for fans overanalysing every bit of happenstance or eccentric whimsy as symbolic brilliance. Lynch, lets not forget, decided on the killer because a set decorator accidentally got in shot, and introduced a superfluous identical cousin character because he thought a corpse had star appeal.

I also like Lynch fwiw, but in doses, and I'm skeptical of Twin Peaks returning. It fell apart after the Palmer story was done because Lynch and Frost were making it up as they went along, not because the evil network asked them to (quite reasonably) have an end to their story. If it had gone on for 3 or 4 seasons it would've devolved into a LOST like mess of indulgent whimsy anyway, and it's cult appeal may have sullied somewhat.

It was equal parts groundbreaking brilliance and absolute cod nonsense. But it's time and place in television history was very important. Also Cooper was a great character.
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I'd agree with this. Not least because Mark Frost actually wrote far more of it than Lynch, which is often forgotten (thought tbf, writing wasn't it's strong suit.) It's certainly the original template for fans overanalysing every bit of happenstance or eccentric whimsy as symbolic brilliance. Lynch, lets not forget, decided on the killer because a set decorator accidentally got in shot, and introduced a superfluous identical cousin character because he thought a corpse had star appeal.

I also like Lynch fwiw, but in doses, and I'm skeptical of this. It fell apart after the Palmer story was done because Lynch and Frost were making it up as they went along, not because the evil network asked them to (quite reasonably) have an end to their story. If it had gone on for 3 or 4 seasons it would've devolved into a LOST like mess of indulgent whimsy anyway, and it's cult appeal may have sullied somewhat.

It was equal parts groundbreaking brilliance and absolute cod nonsense. But it's time and place in television history was very important. Also Cooper was a great character.

Bang on.

I'm like it with his films too. Yeah they are weird, yeah they might have a point in there, but I can't help feeling that for as much as they interest me it's all self indulgence made up on the spot.
Yeah. Loads of it definitely is. I don't think Lynch is particularly coy about admitting that either. He deals in "scenes" more than anything else. As you said in that post, if you enjoy it, you enjoy it for what it is. But there's little point examining it. It's always amusing watching people try though.

It's interesting where they'll go with it though. Whether they follow on from the film, and all the demon possession/Black Lodge/creamed corn nonsense (which was nonsense) or pick up some existing character plots 25 years later, or anchor it all around a new mystery. None of those seem hugely alluring to me tbh. But it's interesting none the less.
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Yeah. Loads of it definitely is. I don't think Lynch is particularly coy about admitting that either. He deals in "scenes" more than anything else. As you said in that post, if you enjoy it, you enjoy it for what it is. But there's little point examining it. It's always amusing watching people try though.

It's interesting where they'll go with it though. Whether they follow on from the film, and all the demon possession/Black Lodge/creamed corn nonsense (which was nonsense) or pick up some existing character plots 25 years later, or anchor it all around a new mystery. None of those seem hugely alluring to me tbh. But it's interesting none the less.

Yeah, I'm with you there. Surely the evil in the forrest is what it's based around, I can't quite remember how it ended, but I'd imagine cooper just shows up again after being gone for 25 years. I can't help but thinking there's no way it can live up to any expectations though, everyone is just going to expect weird stuff in every scene even though most don't seem to realise Twin Peaks wasn't actually like that.

I do quite like some of his music though, as again as made up and chaotic (and incredibly self indulgant, as perhaps he's earned the right to be) as it can be. His duets with Lykke li and especially Christa Bell are so dreamy like Twin Peaks itself and about right on the melancholy levels.
I hope Angelo Badalamenti will be involved with TP 2016. His music and themes for the show's different characters, like Dick's Swing or whatever it was called (Dick Tremayne), added something to each of the eccentric characters on the show. With Dick, for example, the score that accompanied his appearance in a scene accentuated the fact that he was a pretentious dandy who thought he was great but was seen as a fool by almost everybody else.


How do you know that lodges and garmonbozia (creamed corn) are nonsense? Is it not possible that their appearance has some kind of significance and meaning regardless of how strange and indiscernible those ideas might be to the general viewer? I don't mean that in a pretentious or disparaging way. I believe they have meaning in a certain context.


Some people believe that
the scene in the bathroom at the end of the TV series shows a level of confrontation between Cooper himself, who's stuck in the black lodge and Bob, who's just succeeded in taking over Cooper's body. Hence Bob taunting the real Cooper, who can interact to some extent with his body through the mirror (there's a scene in Fire Walk With Me where the small man from another place talks about the importance of reflections, and we see other scenes involving mirrors and reflective surfaces throughout TP), by saying 'Where's Annie', Cooper's lover, in a mocking tone as he strikes Cooper's head against the mirror. Some go further and state that the battle is raging between Bob and Cooper as soon as he wakes up in the hotel. Hence the real Cooper saying to Sheriff Truman and Doctor Hayward that he has to go and brush his teeth, i.e. the real Cooper knows that the mirror is his last chance to escape the black lodge and return to his body, which he doesn't succeed in doing. The thing is, Laura Palmer already told Dale that she'd see him in 25 years, i.e. she told him who long he'd be trapped in here as a version of his disembodied self.

I can't wait for it to return. In the meantime, if anybody here is a fan of the series but hasn't seen Fire Walk With Me I'd recommend looking into Q2's fantastic fan edit of the original film. It incorporates the deleted scenes alongside the original film, and as a result it improves the film and makes certain sequences and actions easier to comprehend.

How do you know that lodges and garmonbozia (creamed corn) are nonsense? Is it not possible that their appearance has some kind of significance and meaning regardless of how strange and indiscernible those ideas might be to the general viewer? I don't mean that in a pretentious or disparaging way. I believe they have meaning in a certain context.

Everything has context if you make up the context. It obvioulsy has some daft reasoning within the show but it was pretty silly. Twin Peaks worked brilliantly when it was a drip feed of weirdness. The second season went to pot because people expected bonkers every episode (the first season, by contrast, didn't even get that werid until the end of the 3rd episode) My worry with this is that it'll end up being a parody of itself, because the cork can't be put back in. Lynch is a very interesting visual director, but I don't think he's a philosophical genius. His fans are often too keen to conflate the two.
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I can't wait for it to return. In the meantime, if anybody here is a fan of the series but hasn't seen Fire Walk With Me I'd recommend looking into Q2's fantastic fan edit of the original film. It incorporates the deleted scenes alongside the original film, and as a result it improves the film and makes certain sequences and actions easier to comprehend.

Van Piorsing


Exactly. Meaning can definitely be attributed to something like the garmonbozia regardless of whether Lynch attributed anything to it in the first place. I believe he did, though, but won't go into detail as it's a subjective opinion and is unlikely to ever be verified. And even if it was, well...

I definitely don't believe that David Lynch is a philosophical genius! I do feel that he has some interesting ideas and expresses them in a visually appealing manner, as you've said yourself.

The lodges do have an external point of reference, however, that pre-dates Twin Peaks and modern entertainment.

Regardless of all that I'm hopeful that they're able to recapture some of the charm that Twin Peaks possessed. I really hope that Frost and Lynch reunite Michael Ontkean and Kyle MacLachlan. I loved their relationship: it was so endearing and wholesome.

I'm confident that they'll get it right.
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Everything has context if you make up the context. It obvioulsy has some daft reasoning within the show but it was pretty silly. Twin Peaks worked brilliantly when it was a drip feed of weirdness. The second season went to pot because people expected bonkers every episode (the first season, by contrast, didn't even get that werid until the end of the 3rd episode) My worry with this is that it'll end up being a parody of itself, because the cork can't be put back in. Lynch is a very interesting visual director, but I don't think he's a philosophical genius. His fans are often too keen to conflate the two.

Yep, as I said above everyone is going to expect weird from the off and I worry it will be the downfall.

The best thing about the original was the characters and interactions for me.
So Lynch has gone.

David Lynch has confirmed he will not be directing a sequel to the cult series Twin Peaks after a disagreement over money with a TV network.

The film-maker and co-creator of the original 1990’s show said on TwitterSunday: “After one year and four months of negotiations, I left because not enough money was offered to do the script the way I felt it needed to be done.”

Lynch added that TV network, Showtime, “did not pull the plug on Twin Peaks” and the revival may continue without him. He has begun calling actors involved to inform them of his decision.

“I love the world of Twin Peaks and wish things could have worked out differently,” he tweeted.

Scripts for all nine new episodes have already been penned by Lynch, along with original co-creator Mark Frost. Lynch was originally set to direct as well.

Showtime appear to be maintaining hope Lynch may reverse his decision. In a statement sent to media, a Showtime spokesperson said:

We were saddened to read David Lynch’s statement today since we believed we were working towards solutions with David and his reps on the few remaining deal points. Showtime also loves the world of Twin Peaks and we continue to hold out hope that we can bring it back in all its glory with both of its extraordinary creators, David Lynch and Mark Frost, at its helm.

In January Showtime confirmed Kyle MacLachlan would reprise his role as FBI agent Dale Cooper, with production to begin this year. The show was scheduled to air in 2016, to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the original finale.

At the time, Showtime’s president, David Nevins said having Lynch on board to direct was seen as crucial by the channel.
Same shit, different day. The problem of Dune from 1984 was a result of conflicts, changes and lack of production value. The recent decision may really not be for the best. We all know the guy is very attached to smallest details that will matter in a bigger picture.

They better avoid feckin this one up. It would be a massive waste of way more things than just people's time.
Probably for the best. It's time for some fresh ideas rather than rehashing old programmes.