You might not be scum, but there is no getting away from the fact that this guy essentially said to all of you 'I am racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, Islamophobic, I dodge taxes, I lie 75% of the time, I would commit war crimes and also I commit sexual assault and women let me do it' and as a country you replied 'yeah we don't think attitudes like that should stop you from being the most powerful man in our country'. I can't figure out what's more depressing, that it happened in the first place or that Americans can't read that back and feel anything from it and if an American can't read that back and feel at least a twigne of shame then the issues clearly aren't as important as we make out. We're supposed to have made progress on these issues. You'd have thought we were the kind of society that shunned that on sheer principle alone, irregardless of anything else he might have had a point about.
This isn't an excuse but -
Eligible Voters - 241mil
Number of Ppl who actually voted - 120mil
Number of ppl who voted for Trump - 59.6mil
25% of the electorate voted Trump
25% of the electorate voted for Hillary
50% of the electorate didn't even bother to participate.
That's sadly the nature of American and western democracy (I bet other countries have similar figures). People don't think candidates speak for them.
And I don't feel shame because - I have never been deluded enough to think we as a country or society have solved some of our biggest issues. I saw the reaction of the right to the Obama presidency. What do you think the Birther movement was about? The hatred for him wasn't policy driven.
We laughed about it, but millions of white americans truly didn't believe he was american. We'll have right wingers now saying, we need to come together to the folks saying 'not my president'. Yet, Obama faced that from day 1 to now going on 8 years.
They called him "Obongo" FFS
The outrage that a ni**er got into the white house drove large sections of his country mad. What do you think people mean when they say they want 'their' country back? America has never been as prosperous as it is now (despite all the shit) - yet, we have people wanting to make it great, when was it great? what era was this? what time period?
It doesn't take a genius to decipher what they mean.
So - no I don't feel shame. I'm sad and disappointed. But, not shameful, because I never thought we were better than this.
Ann Coulter despite saying awful things for years is not shunned - she is allowed to spew her hatred and bile without any consequences.
This was her on Nov 7th
Ann CoulterVerified account@AnnCoulter
If only people with at least 4 grandparents born in America were voting, Trump would win in a 50-state landslide.
What do you think she meant by that? Ignoring the fact none of Trump's grandparents were born in the US and under her conditions Trump wouldn't be a candidate