Let's all Laugh at England

You considering us interchangeable is the perfect illustration of why those sunburnt cnuts singing God Save the Queen made it hard to continue supporting your team. Saved me having to give any further explanation.


Yeah, we didn't need an illustration, true feelings coming out there I think.

I'm just glad we can drop the pretence.
Seriously dude. The exact opposite is happening here. You’re usually on the money with your comments about football so it’s weird how you just don’t get this. Surely you’re aware of England’s colonial past and the reasons why people from Ireland might find jingoistic English nationalism makes us a little queasy? Throw in a dash of “sure they’re all the same, those countries that aren’t England” and I’m honestly staggered at how badly you’re missing the point here.

I agree with you about 99% of the time with football and other stuff too so I'd be willing to accept I'm being overly sensitive. Calling England fans cnuts and pricks is a bit much though. I don't think the support England are getting is jingoistic although of course we have a huge bellend section of fans that are. I think people are just more exposed to English media so they see the worst side of it.

I also didn't mean you're all the same, I meant it as if even Wales, who I thought we had no issue with, hate us then the Irish and Scottish who do have reason to hate us must really fecking loathe us. It's like as a Utd fan in the 90's when you had teams from all over the country wanting us to lose and not just Liverpool and City fans, that's when you realise how hated you are.

I don't cheer for other home nation sides or Ireland though. The same way as a Utd fan I'm a miserable bastard who cheers for no other side or likes any other non Utd player.

Plus I am currently a bit sunburnt so the sunburnt cnut thing struck a personal nerve!
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Because our "unique" brand of nationalism is repulsive apparently in part due to our history. Not like the Irish, theyre all cuddles and rainbows.

Not sure about the Irish, but our brand of nationalism can be repulsive at parts. Can't say I blame them if some people get a bit queasy about it considering the history of it all.
You considering us interchangeable is the perfect illustration of why those sunburnt cnuts singing God Save the Queen made it hard to continue supporting your team. Saved me having to give any further explanation.
Do you not want any chips with all that salt, bro?
Not sure about the Irish, but our brand of nationalism can be repulsive at parts. Can't say I blame them if some people get a bit queasy about it considering the history of it all.
Whose history soaked in death?
I'm English though.

By and large my country is a disappointment to me. Too full of nationalists and xenophobes. Our public gardens are being paved over. Our politicians are self obssessed.the soft c conservatives do their best to stop this country moving forward whilst failing to protect what's most important. We fail to stand up for human rights, free trade, free markets, the environment.

We don't exactly have the worst of the left and the right, but we no one tries to make this country better than it was yesterday. Too many that drop litter and not enough that pick it up. Too many that use tax evasion whilst blaming those on benefits and not enough that ask to pay more. We don't help our entrepreneurs. We keep our teachers poor. We let our elderly rot, we let our children take the burden of our lives.

And yet.

We're England. We stand for rules. For fair play. For freedom. We love life living. Were into the semi final
This sounded genuinely from a man/woman who will bring strong and stable leadership. You have my vote.
Their football has been shite, they have plenty of underwhelming players and have played poor opposition but they’re in the semis of the WC so what can you say...
Eres un muppet.
Something's coming home alright. Or out of the closet, at least. Can't get home if you're stuck in a closet, I suppose.

Also, for the benefit of the one, stone deaf guy in the back row (who may not have heard the joke - and who would love to get in on it, one has to assume):

It's arrogant to be English if you're happy (with variations, all very similar - and all equally witty if uttered in a certain "jolly" tone which does not reek of anything in particular).
I'm glad this thread really got down to the meat of the matter.

All from one poster throwing the racism card. :lol:
Where? I've been looking and all I've found is a video of a couple of idiots doing it in Kent, England for a laugh and falling off.

There's nothing of any hooliganism in Russia, so you can see why I'd ask. Especially since you straight away went on a rant about how we don't care. None of us even seem to bloody know!

Yeah, a couple of guys jumping on a car and then also a clip of a guy on top of a wagon. These guys were definitely British but maybe they fake, and if so I apologize.
don't forget the time when English lads were seen doing shots of vodka with known Russian hooligans. Promoting gun crime in foreign countries. Terrible
Not sure about the Irish, but our brand of nationalism can be repulsive at parts. Can't say I blame them if some people get a bit queasy about it considering the history of it all.

*scratches head*

Repulsive elements of Irish nationalism? Nope, nothing comes to mind.

*scratches head*

Repulsive elements of Irish nationalism? Nope, nothing comes to mind.



Probably should have replaced nationalism with colonialism which was what I was trying to get at.
Because our "unique" brand of nationalism is repulsive apparently in part due to our history. Not like the Irish, they're all cuddles and rainbows.

I instantly began humming the theme tune to Rainbow after reading this post.

I really am that sad.
So much bitterness about England. Why don't you support your local teams? I don't support Real Madrid or Barcelona etc..
This thread is a salt mine.

...and I'll be using it to salt my popcorn all the way to Moscow.
I don't think anyone outside of the UK and Ireland actually "hates" England. I think they don't necessarily rate England compared to the French or Belgium teams for instance. What tends to happen is that if an English team for any sport does well, you'll get a minority of people who criticise the media and fans for going over the top with praise. This is despite the fact that the same thing probably happens in any other Country when a national team performs well.

You must also factor in that generally we've been going through a torrid time in this Country: the rail network, NHS, uncertainty over Brexit etc. I can therefore completely understand why, when the national football team gets into a semi-final for the first time in 28 years, there is some excitement in the Country.

The fact is, England have done well. They have not played scintillating football but they have shown a mental strength and a togetherness that we haven't seen for a long long time. Southgate deserves a lot of credit for the man management off the pitch. This tournament has been solely about the football and not about WAGs, training facilities, hotel arrangements etc.

If Irish, Northern Irish, Scottish or Welsh fans want to boo the team, then they can. But it won't change the fact that England have reached the world cup semi-finals and not a single one of their teams even qualified. English football is actually on the up. The youth teams have done very well. No matter what happens now, it'll be very interesting to see if the current team, alongside the youth products coming through, can build on this and create a team that actually is on par, at least on paper, with say France.
I have a lot of close Irish friends and I always vociferously cheer Ireland in sport. Same with Wales. I wanted to see them win the Euros when England went out. And even after seeing that Iceland video (Welsh passionately celebrating England's demise) I was disappointed that they didn't make it to the world cup. I also tend to root for Scotland, when applicable.

The exception to above is the 6 nations of course.

I understand why it wouldn't work both ways. But no matter how many times I've had "feck the english" yelled at me in a pub, I don't mind. It doesn't change my perspective. That said, some posters are really not covering themselves in glory.
I was the same pal. If a home nation is still in and England are not, they get my support. I even routed for the Irish Rugby team when they play a southern hemisphere team. I am from London
and it'll be very interesting to see if the current team, alongside the youth products coming through, can build on this and create a team that actually is on par, at least on paper, with say France
Great post. And this is actually what excites me the most about this particular world cup. England have a young and good team. And they are winning stuff at the Uxx level. With the right senior coaching set up, we might be relevant for the next few major tournaments at the senior level, as a result of the hard work done by coaching and staff at the youth level.
I was definitely neutral. Have been all tournament. In fact I’ve actively been rooting for Southgate and his team. So more than neutral really.

When England fans start considering Wales and Ireland as interchangeable it gets kind of tricky to put aside the whole history of England being evil colonial wankers. And that, right there, is something that Ireland, Wales and Scotland do have in common

What on earth does that have to do with people alive today you absolute gowl.

You hate England so much yet support an English team in MUFC.

You are ridiculous.:lol::lol::lol:
This thread is fecking awful.

The amount of bitterness and salty anti-England fans is a eye opener.

You cannot be proud of the fact that, by chance, you were born within certain borders. I'm far from being a left-wing, open-borders, no nations person. But national pride is utter nonsense and potentially dangerous.
Isn't this a football forum not a political one just enjoy the moment, I know I did!
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I still think Pogue has a serious case of short man's. You'd think all that haggis would help him grow :(
I know that you know Irish have stew and Haggis is Scottish. No need to be facetious. Where as I do believe we should let bygones be bygones and bury the past, you have to understand what we English did to Ireland. Even last century our soldiers were killing Irish civilians (Derry being the most famous) and the newspapers were writing about Irish people as they write about Muslims today (they are job stealers, criminals, terrorists etc).
anyone who hates on the england team because of any matter other than football is a cnut. fullstop. It makes you just as bad as the reasons you say you hate them. grow up. stop with the Colonial bull...no one in that team was around for that (fans weren't either) and has no say in political matters which dont belong anywhere near the sport. Its just salty af, you want England to be rubbish and they are proving you wrong.
What on earth does that have to do with people alive today you absolute gowl.

You hate England so much yet support an English team in MUFC.

You are ridiculous.:lol::lol::lol:

its like saying everyone is racist now because people used to have slaves.
..who apparently hate England but support English teams...

Pardon me - but when did this become a contradiction in terms? I've seen the same point made in several threads lately.

For me, supporting Manchester United has never come with any responsibility to either fancy England (the national football team) or England (the country - which is what exactly, in this context? A division of Great Britain?).

United have always had a significant Irish (and Scottish) support - people who have never been likely to have any warm feelings for England (in either sense). I also know many English United fans who don't give a toss about England (certainly not the national team - and not the division of Great Britain either, if by that you understand some kind of obligatory patriotism for the sake of it).
Pardon me - but when did this become a contradiction in terms? I've seen the same point made in several threads lately.

For me, supporting Manchester United has never come with any responsibility to either fancy England (the national football team) or England (the country - which is what exactly, in this context? A division of Great Britain?).

United have always had a significant Irish (and Scottish) support - people who have never been likely to have any warm feelings for England (in either sense). I also know many English United fans who don't give a toss about England (certainly not the national team - and not the division of Great Britain either, if by that you understand some kind of obligatory patriotism for the sake of it).

because if you really hated England as much as you make out, you would not want anything todo with their most succesful club side.

P.S Most English fans that dont care for the national team is due to disappointment over the years. Its changing. People are starting to connect with the team again.
I know that you know Irish have stew and Haggis is Scottish. No need to be facetious. Where as I do believe we should let bygones be bygones and bury the past, you have to understand what we English did to Ireland. Even last century our soldiers were killing Irish civilians (Derry being the most famous) and the newspapers were writing about Irish people as they write about Muslims today (they are job stealers, criminals, terrorists etc).

You're opening up a can of worms with posts like this. Dangerous ground you're treading.
Pardon me - but when did this become a contradiction in terms? I've seen the same point made in several threads lately.

For me, supporting Manchester United has never come with any responsibility to either fancy England (the national football team) or England (the country - which is what exactly, in this context? A division of Great Britain?).

United have always had a significant Irish (and Scottish) support - people who have never been likely to have any warm feelings for England (in either sense). I also know many English United fans who don't give a toss about England (certainly not the national team - and not the division of Great Britain either, if by that you understand some kind of obligatory patriotism for the sake of it).

Why support an English club if you hate England.

Its ridiculous. :lol:

These people are walking contradictions.

Most Irish people do not hate England in any way just some boorish clowns who obsess over stuff from a 100 years ago.

Cant speak for the Scots.
I know that you know Irish have stew and Haggis is Scottish. No need to be facetious. Where as I do believe we should let bygones be bygones and bury the past, you have to understand what we English did to Ireland. Even last century our soldiers were killing Irish civilians (Derry being the most famous) and the newspapers were writing about Irish people as they write about Muslims today (they are job stealers, criminals, terrorists etc).
My parents are Irish but I was born in England and I’m an England Football fan. Nothing you say is wrong, but I don’t think any of this should be taken into account when discussing football matters. At the same time, I appreciate that it I difficult for people to separate things.
because if you really hated England as much as you make out, you would not want anything todo with their most succesful club side.

I don't hate England, for one thing.

And your logic is far too simplistic. It completely ignores that Manchester United doesn't represent "England" in the sense you seem to imply to many of the club's fans - including fans who are English formally speaking.