Thai Cave kids | All 12 boys and coach rescued from cave | visiting United

The Elon Musk thing is embarrassing.

Fine that he wants to help, that deserves praise in itself. But he must know that showing up, with completely unproven technology on (hopefully) the last day of the operation when everything so far has gone better than expected, is completely idiotic and will be regarded as nothing more than a stunt to brand yourself and your technology.

edit: come to think of it, his appearance is about as weird as that time Paul Gascoigne showed up to help that maniac on a shooting spree with a fishing pole and some beer.

As if that tube thing could get through a u-bend that goes down to 35cm wide.
I actually like Musk, but this reeks of him trying to be like some kind of Iron Man rich superhero coming to the rescue.

I bet there was some serious eye rolling when he rocked up, blurting out 'Ok, let's do this thing' in his stupid American accent (no offence, those with a stupid American accent).
I actually like Musk, but this reeks of him trying to be like some kind of Iron Man rich superhero coming to the rescue.

I bet there was some serious eye rolling when he rocked up, blurting out 'Ok, let's do this thing' in his stupid American accent (no offence, those with a stupid American accent).

He's South African with a South African accent.
I actually like Musk, but this reeks of him trying to be like some kind of Iron Man rich superhero coming to the rescue.

I bet there was some serious eye rolling when he rocked up, blurting out 'Ok, let's do this thing' in his stupid American accent (no offence, those with a stupid American accent).
I can't stand him, everything he does is a marketing ploy to further his own branding. This included. Anything they make will have zero effect on this rescue but he's going to make sure the American public associate his brandname with it.
The Elon Musk thing is embarrassing.

Fine that he wants to help, that deserves praise in itself. But he must know that showing up, with completely unproven technology on (hopefully) the last day of the operation when everything so far has gone better than expected, is completely idiotic and will be regarded as nothing more than a stunt to brand yourself and your technology.

edit: come to think of it, his appearance is about as weird as that time Paul Gascoigne showed up to help that maniac on a shooting spree with a fishing pole and some beer.
It's no where near that weird.

SpaceX and Boring are the perfect companies to help in something like this. They deal with manufacturing systems in quick time, deal with immense pressures, deal with keeping people alive in difficult conditions.

On this occasion they weren't needed. In another life, maybe they would have been

"Hi I'm business magnate, investor and engineer Elon Musk, and I give you the Cave Child Rescue Submarine. I've saved cave children in Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook and, by gum, it put them on the map! Well, sir, there's nothin' on Earth like a genuine bona-fide Child Size oxygenated submarine! What'd I say?"

Rescue Diver: Ehh, they're all out mate. It's just some of the rescue team and Doctor in there now....but thanks anyway?
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Confirmed: 12 rescued
The 12th boy has been rescued, the Thai navy Seals have confirmed. “Hooyah.”
It's no where near that weird.

SpaceX and Boring are the perfect companies to help in something like this. They deal with manufacturing systems in quick time, deal with immense pressures, deal with keeping people alive in difficult conditions.

On this occasion they weren't needed. In another life, maybe they would have been
As I said, it is good that he wants to help, and the development of the sub might prove helpful in future situations like this.

But the timing of arriving on the last day, when he is obviously not needed, with a piece of equipment that hasn't been tested and which doesn't seem to be functional for the specific cave in question, is weird. It is unimaginable that the team of rescuers would throw out the technique and procedure they have currently been pursuing to brilliance and try out a completely new device when lives are at stake.
So it's just the doctor and the SEALs left in there I guess?
It's no where near that weird.

SpaceX and Boring are the perfect companies to help in something like this. They deal with manufacturing systems in quick time, deal with immense pressures, deal with keeping people alive in difficult conditions.

On this occasion they weren't needed. In another life, maybe they would have been

They do great things but they accomplish stuff by overworking underpaid engineering talent out of Uni, or overworking engineers who fall in love with the SpaceX ideal. It's a horrible existence; their turnover rates are insane.
Amazing news. Shame they won't be able to attend the final, that would have been brilliant for the mental healing process.
Thank God! So happy for them. Hope they'll be strong enough to make the trip to Moscow.
Excellent news. Let's hope the Dr's and remaining divers get out safely too.
Want to see all divers out now. What a happy ending awaits us. RIP for the poor man who gave his life for this.