Television DC's Titans (Spoilers Tagged)

That finale trailer looks better than Aquaman and the justice league. From the looks of it some serious sh1t is about to go down.
That finale trailer looks better than Aquaman and the justice league. From the looks of it some serious sh1t is about to go down.

I guess it could be the mind manipulation of Dick by Trigon. He's making him face his fears (Straw Man style) or mind manipulation of Bats by Trigon again. The former seems more plausible as Dick charges into the house alone. It will probably allow to see him what happens if he gives in to the dark side of his character, like Batman, and he'll drop Robin for Nightwing.
The finale looks like something that, if they were going to do it, needs to happen over 3-5 episodes. Doing it in 1, out of the blue, I'm going to assume they wont do the idea justice which is a shame.
Sorry for the stupid question, but how do you watch this? Do you need Netflix or is this on tv somewhere?
It’s coming to Netflix in the UK at some point. The DC streaming service is not yet available and not sure if it will be in the uk if Netflix has snapped that up. There are other means of watching it.
The finale looks like something that, if they were going to do it, needs to happen over 3-5 episodes. Doing it in 1, out of the blue, I'm going to assume they wont do the idea justice which is a shame.
True, from the looks of it that looks like a large scope story but since it’s a streaming service it could easily just be an extra long episode.
So I thought the finale was okay at best.

I understand now why it was just thrust on us out of nowhere and that makes some sense. But not wanting to cast a Bruce Wayne and Joker wasnt very well hidden. It was quite awkward them trying to do scenes with Dick and Batman without having a Batman. Also those "batarangs" that people were stabbed with... they literally looked like someone had taken a piece of metal and twisted it a few times. Bruce Wayne is a millionaire he's not using scrap.

Throughout watching the episode it obviously felt very weird and like stuff was happening that didnt make any sense. But given it was a dreamlike sequence that does make some sense of that. Its just while watching it and you're supposed to be immersed in whats happening and the direction the characters went and the lack of talk about what happened with Trigon etc meant that I thought either it isnt real and therefore I dont care, or the writing is bad and then I dont care about the show which either way isnt a good thing.

Oh also, watching the Titans including Dick seemingly kill a bunch of people throughout the series and Dick's storyline being "I didnt like what Batman was turning me into, I cant control it or unlearn it" and then in the finale say Batman "has a code" and only delivers "Justice" was also weird.

So what is it? Was Batman turning Dick into a killer, or was he the normal Batman where he doesnt kill like we're led to believe at the start of this episode? You cant have it both ways. So that didnt work for me at all.

Raven and Beast Boy were barely in the episode, I guess Starfire was.

For me the best episode by far was Hawk & Dove. I guess I'm interested to see what happens in season 2, hopefully things are a lot better. Or Doom Patrol is a better show, I guess I'll take either
The final was pretty average.

Still the post credit scene salvaged it a bit :drool:
That episode was really good I felt up until the finish. As we were discussing last week seemed like too big of a story to fit in 1 episode and would have been better if they maybe did that over two episodes instead.

I hate these Cliff hangers they keep doing but that post credit scene, can’t wait, it’s going to be awesome.
So I thought the finale was okay at best.

I understand now why it was just thrust on us out of nowhere and that makes some sense. But not wanting to cast a Bruce Wayne and Joker wasnt very well hidden. It was quite awkward them trying to do scenes with Dick and Batman without having a Batman. Also those "batarangs" that people were stabbed with... they literally looked like someone had taken a piece of metal and twisted it a few times. Bruce Wayne is a millionaire he's not using scrap.

Throughout watching the episode it obviously felt very weird and like stuff was happening that didnt make any sense. But given it was a dreamlike sequence that does make some sense of that. Its just while watching it and you're supposed to be immersed in whats happening and the direction the characters went and the lack of talk about what happened with Trigon etc meant that I thought either it isnt real and therefore I dont care, or the writing is bad and then I dont care about the show which either way isnt a good thing.

Oh also, watching the Titans including Dick seemingly kill a bunch of people throughout the series and Dick's storyline being "I didnt like what Batman was turning me into, I cant control it or unlearn it" and then in the finale say Batman "has a code" and only delivers "Justice" was also weird.

So what is it? Was Batman turning Dick into a killer, or was he the normal Batman where he doesnt kill like we're led to believe at the start of this episode? You cant have it both ways. So that didnt work for me at all.

Raven and Beast Boy were barely in the episode, I guess Starfire was.

For me the best episode by far was Hawk & Dove. I guess I'm interested to see what happens in season 2, hopefully things are a lot better. Or Doom Patrol is a better show, I guess I'll take either
Same for me man. The Hank and Dove episode was by far the best of the season
Really good show. Felt it took a shit towards the end though. Too much cliffhanging and dragging the plots out. Agree with others that the hank and dawn was a really good episode. Which is weird as I find Akiva goldsman to be far more miss than hit when it comes to his writing.

the batman stuff sucked balls. The costume and weapon designs were terrible. Which is a real shame, felt everything else was pretty solid up until that point. Don’t know why they bothered having that whole sequence at all. It wasn’t at all needed, and with no casting for the players it really was shit, IMO.
@Verminator don’t know where you are based but looks like it’s going to be released to the UK Netflix on the 11th if you want to check it out. Not sure if it’ll all be in 1 go or weekly.

I binged this. Surprisingly good! Post credit scene at the end got me hyped for season 2.
I had no interest in this based on the trailers we saw, but decided to give it a go seeing as it popped up on Netflix, and enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.

Seemed well shot and I loved some of the sound and music choices they made. I also loved how it just dived into their character backlog, with loads of appearances from different characters. Looking forward to a season 2 if we get one.
I had no interest in this based on the trailers we saw, but decided to give it a go seeing as it popped up on Netflix, and enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.

Seemed well shot and I loved some of the sound and music choices they made. I also loved how it just dived into their character backlog, with loads of appearances from different characters. Looking forward to a season 2 if we get one.
Season 2 confirmed you'll eb pleased to know
My wife loves this and told me to watch it. Soon as I saw Starfire dressed as a cheap hooker, I checked out.
I've checked out on super hero stuff, just too many. Can't even bring myself to watch daredevil or punisher latest seasons, and I already like those.

Maybe after done time out I'll see it
I did the same with pretty much all the netflix marvel stuff, and I liked them too. But this is good in all honesty, a different kind of tone I guess.
Watched first episode this morning. Went in with low expectations. Ended up binge watching the entire series. Loved it. Roll on Season 2 and more series done similarly.
Thought the last episode was excellent.

I also thought Starfire looked silly but her powers look great on the show so that makes up for it.
I'm a fan of the characters they're adding, Deathstroke and family. I just hope the storytelling is better 2nd time around