The Mourinho Thread: Should he stay or go? | Sacked

Is Mourinho’s time as United manager up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2,296 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 293 9.8%
  • Not yet - needs more time to see if he can turn it around

    Votes: 388 13.0%

  • Total voters
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Full Member
Jun 18, 2008
What's shambolic is getting rid of Pogba because Mourinho has conjured up this narrative that he isn't playing for the team.
Of course, one could conjure this up quite easily for themselves by simply watching him.
Aug 13, 2018
There would have been something in the press by now if anything were actually afoot.
Maybe United/Ed have finally learnt their lesson in not leaking to the press beforehand as we embarrassingly done so regarding the exits of Moyes and LVG .
But then again that's highly unlikely.


Talent Spotter
Oct 5, 2013
There would have been something in the press by now if anything were actually afoot.
I think after what happened with the Mirror Journalist before the Newcastle game regarding Mourinho's sacking. I feel Woodward is keeping tight lipped and it wouldn't surprise me if everything breaks tomorrow.


Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014
Everybody did listen,oh wise one.But also people were expecting this to be a sign of progression before this season kicked off.
How is being a bit crap and getting lucky a sign of progression? I’m not at all surprised that our defence has collapsed because we were getting away with murder last year at the back.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2010
A successful period doesn't have to be that far away if you have the right manager with the right style.
We have neither now.
A new manager will need to replace most of the current squad, and even if we buy well (for a change) then some of those signings won't work out and they'll also need replacing. Whether we sack Jose now or at the end of the season, it'll be at least 2021/2022 before we could be in position to be considered title challengers. I doubt the owners have the desire to part with the sort of money it'll take to sort this out anyway. We'll probably sell the likes of De Gea, Pogba, etc in order to fund the next wave of recruitment.


Full Member
Jul 24, 2014
I think after what happened with the Mirror Journalist before the Newcastle game regarding Mourinho's sacking. I feel Woodward is keeping tight lipped and it wouldn't surprise me if everything breaks tomorrow.
I want you to be right but I'm not hopeful
Aug 13, 2018
How is being a bit crap and getting lucky a sign of progression? I’m not at all surprised that our defence has collapsed because we were getting away with murder last year at the back.
You dont finish second for 'being crap' irrespective of how average the other teams fluctuation in quality. We deserved to finish 2nd last season.Our football in the first half of the campaign was of a good standard,not amazing but it set the course,foundation and confidence for a good PL campaign and,with the right additions,numerous fans felt confident enough that we had the tools and capability to improve up that.It obviously hasn't. Because of Jose,the board and players.
This season is a combination of many cock-ups and yet no one seems to have the sense in putting it to halt.


Full Member
Apr 26, 2014
If I was the owner of Man United I would firstly have a very frank talk with Mourinho. He would have to convince me of his confidence of making the club great again, given the proper backing. But if I felt a tiny notch of hesitation or a slight lack of commitment, I would tell him to pack things up and would just delegate the release of his contract to the appropriate department. I'd go home have a cup of tea and some cookies with Leonardo Jardim. Would ask him to get the team playing fast offensive football and preparing a foundation of talented players with a few windows of backings.
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Fun sponge.
Sep 1, 2014
You dont finish second for 'being crap' irrespective of how average the other teams fluctuation in quality. We deserved to finish 2nd last season.Our football in the first half of the campaign was of a good standard,not amazing but it set the course,foundation and confidence for a good PL campaign and,with the right additions,numerous fans felt confident enough that we had the tools and capability to improve up that.It obviously hasn't. Because of Jose,the board and players.
This season is a combination of many cock-ups and yet no one seems to have the sense in putting it to halt.
I know numerous fans felt confident, but you had to bury your head in the sand to be that way. The evidence was there, and still is through the miracle of the Internet. As many of us banged on at the time, our luck would dry up. No one is lucky indefinitely. Heck, we were better in Mou’s first season where we dominated games at home, but had so many days where we did everything right bar finish the chance or make a routine save.


Horrible boss
Aug 17, 2010
Seventh Heaven
Urban Combat Preparedness
A new manager will need to replace most of the current squad, and even if we buy well (for a change) then some of those signings won't work out and they'll also need replacing. Whether we sack Jose now or at the end of the season, it'll be at least 2021/2022 before we could be in position to be considered title challengers. I doubt the owners have the desire to part with the sort of money it'll take to sort this out anyway. We'll probably sell the likes of De Gea, Pogba, etc in order to fund the next wave of recruitment.
We have a very good squad. It complete bollocks to think we need a huge rebuild. Two quality center halves and a right winger is all we need. Look what Klopp is getting out of a midfield of Milner, Henderson and Winaldjum. And we can’t string two passes together with Matic, Pogba, Herrera, Fred. It’s the manager.


New Member
Dec 26, 2015
A new manager will need to replace most of the current squad, and even if we buy well (for a change) then some of those signings won't work out and they'll also need replacing. Whether we sack Jose now or at the end of the season, it'll be at least 2021/2022 before we could be in position to be considered title challengers. I doubt the owners have the desire to part with the sort of money it'll take to sort this out anyway. We'll probably sell the likes of De Gea, Pogba, etc in order to fund the next wave of recruitment.
What a ludicrous statement. Seriously, your pessimism seems to know no bounds.

We have DDG, Pogba, Martial, Sanchez, Fred, Bailly, Mata, Herrera, Dalot, Shaw and Lukaku. Plenty of talent. Please don’t bring up recent performances from those players to justify saying they aren’t good enough. Nobody is performing to their best ability at the moment due to complete mismanagement.

Sanchez didn’t become a terrible player overnight. Nor did Lukaku, Pogba or Bailly. We have a good enough spine to get top four easily this season with a new manager. And a few decent purchases to get us winning the title again.

If Leicester can win the title, or we can win the title with a team consisting of the likes of Cleverley, Evans, Welbeck and an ageing Giggs, Vidic, Ferdinand and Scholes (I’ll never know how SAF did that (yes RVP helped for sure)), then we could certainly win it with this current squad plus a few quality additions.

But to say it’ll be three seasons until we might be challenging is preposterous. In my opinion anyway.

Also, he won’t be sacked tomorrow. The board’s track record speaks for itself.


Full Member
Aug 2, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
You dont finish second for 'being crap' irrespective of how average the other teams fluctuation in quality. We deserved to finish 2nd last season.Our football in the first half of the campaign was of a good standard,not amazing but it set the course,foundation and confidence for a good PL campaign and,with the right additions,numerous fans felt confident enough that we had the tools and capability to improve up that.It obviously hasn't. Because of Jose,the board and players.
This season is a combination of many cock-ups and yet no one seems to have the sense in putting it to halt.
Even finishing first for Mourinho's Chelsea, Ranieri's Leicester and Pellegrini's City was not indicative of being a top team which was demonstrated in the following seasons for those teams and their performances in Europe. We really need to stop treating the league table as some conclusive evidence of quality. In fact, I would go as far as argue than not since our champions in 2009, the league did not have a single great team or potentially great team until last year.

In Rainbows

Full Member
Apr 17, 2014
You dont finish second for 'being crap' irrespective of how average the other teams fluctuation in quality. We deserved to finish 2nd last season.Our football in the first half of the campaign was of a good standard,not amazing but it set the course,foundation and confidence for a good PL campaign and,with the right additions,numerous fans felt confident enough that we had the tools and capability to improve up that.It obviously hasn't. Because of Jose,the board and players.
This season is a combination of many cock-ups and yet no one seems to have the sense in putting it to halt.
That was due to de Gea's heroics. We conceded the most chances of the top 6 last season and we didn't create much. Think we were last in that department too.


New Member
May 20, 2018
Lets be honest here does anyone actually think this club has a future under current ownership? We are 11 points away from lousy 4th in december with a 0 gd playing the worst football I've seeen this club play in decades and the owners and Woodward are still letting this circus carry on. What was the reason giving him a new contract last winter? I'll tell you what reason, none, and that is the main issue people need to understand, there is zero thought process behind their decisions. He was heavily linked with PSG and was even flirting with them and Woodward shat his trousers and offered him a new deal.

This was the biggest game of the season and our club record signing was sitting on the bench while our new £57m is no where to be seen. At the same time we are fielding useless dross like Matic, Young and Lukaku every single week because they are the managers favorites which proves that the treatment of Pogba is not down to poor form or bad performances or the examples I mentioned wouldn't play either with the shit they serve up every weekend.

And as if the fact that our most expensive signing in club history is being benched because of a fallout with the manager wasn't a disgrace enough he brings on his lovechild Fellaini who wouldn't even be a starter for Carlsisle United. The guy who used the club this summer trying to get a better contract whilst no other club in the world were prepared to offer him what he wanted but of course he gets a new deal at this club because the people in charge are clueless.

We are seing the same shit every single week now and it is only getting worse yet no action is being taken from the board to get rid of him when it is so bloody obvious he is the main problem. There was plenty of time earlier into the season to part ways and at least show us that they were willing to salvage the season but instead they decided to hold on to him and give up on the season months ago. It's a spit in the face of the fans and the only thing missing to top this fiasco up is for Martial, Pogba and De Gea to all leave in the summer. I hate to be the one to say it but under these lot, the Glazers, Woodward and whoever the feck is in charge this club is dead.


Talent Spotter
Oct 5, 2013
I want you to be right but I'm not hopeful
I honestly believe the owners are trying to sell the club. And if that does prove to be the case, then I don't expect them to fire him anytime soon due to the compensation.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
We have a very good squad. It complete bollocks to think we need a huge rebuild. Two quality center halves and a right winger is all we need. Look what Klopp is getting out of a midfield of Milner, Henderson and Winaldjum. And we can’t string two passes together with Matic, Pogba, Herrera, Fred. It’s the manager.
We are miles behind the top 4 teams at the moment. Go and have a look at the starting teams for City,Liverpool,Spurs,Chelsea and Arsenal and ask yourself how many of our players are better? I would state that we have perhaps 1 player in De Gea and today I say perhaps because he´s not having his best season while others have improved. I would dare to suggest that we would not have a single outfield player in a XI of those squads, not one and very few on the bench also. We have spent close to 700 million pounds since Fergie retired and how badly have we spent that money? A team with a midfield of no passers and a defence that hoofs the ball all the time is just baffling. Of course Mourinho has to go but the sad fact is that he,Van Gaal and Moyes have failed to buy a single player that could be defined as a roaring success. I hope a new manager would be able to wake Pogba up but I really worry about his attitude, Shaw was doing ok but has not played recently, Martial should start every game as he is the only one that can do something unexpected, Rashford should start over Lukaku every game and I hope Dalot will do well. Hopefully De Gea signs a new contract and I belive we have a promising bunch of players in Tuanzebe,Gomes,Chong,Garner,Greenwood,Laird,Oconnor,Traore and I hope they will get their chance in the future. I would like to keep Mata,Lindelof,Smalling,Pereira,Herrera But the rest of the squad? We are in serious trouble and Fellaini,Matic,Young,Valencia,Lukaku,Jones,Rojo,Darmian,Fred,McTominay,Sanchez should be shown the door a.s.a.p. We could not be worse by starting to give the young players a chance because we are going nowhere with this squad.


Full Member
Sep 4, 2013
Well the question isn't if anymore atleast. It's when.
I thought that's been the case for a while now. It needs to happen ASAP. Sets a wrong precedence for incoming manager overstaying their welcome.

Devil may care

New Member
Jan 7, 2010
19 points off Liverpool and 11 points off top 4 before Christmas Day, and he is still sitting in that dugout just mugging the fans off, I think he knows there's no way he's turning this around but he's sitting pretty as Woodward is too spineless to sack him and the Glazers are too greedy to pay him off.


Full Member
Nov 2, 2014
I thought that's been the case for a while now. It needs to happen ASAP. Sets a wrong precedence for incoming manager overstaying their welcome.
I honestly think even with the terrible football we have played this season Mourinho would have kept jis job if he qualified for the CL. I have no confidence in Woodward whatsoever.

I don't see us making top 4 and no way we're winning the CL so Mourinho is gone but sadly I think it will happen when the math shows he can't make top 4.


Full Member
Sep 4, 2013

According to a Portuguese newspaper someone said that a player like me (37 years) is at the end of his career. Completely agree! My question is, for that newspaper: in the case of coaches, when and at what point do you see that they are no longer to lead a team or train?
Cassillas not holding back.


Full Member
Sep 4, 2013
I honestly think even with the terrible football we have played this season Mourinho would have kept jis job if he qualified for the CL. I have no confidence in Woodward whatsoever.

I don't see us making top 4 and no way we're winning the CL so Mourinho is gone but sadly I think it will happen when the math shows he can't make top 4.
Yes, that's quite clear at this point. Feck Ed Woodward the coward.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
Look at his statements after this Liverpool game as he marvels at the physical state of Liverpool players:
But Mourinho also singled out Andrew Robertson, Sadio Mane, Mohamed Salah, Georginio Wijnaldum, Naby Keita and Fabinho as players who United are unable to match when it comes to intensity. ‘First of all, we have lots of problems related to physicality, we have lots of players that I could consider injury problems, because some of our players are always injured and is not with me, it was before me,’ Mourinho said after the game.

Is it not his job to train the squad to be in peak condition? He´s also claiming some of his players are "soft" to put it mildly. Did you not spend 400 million on players you wanker and not a single one of them delivering what should be expected? Is it not De Gea,Young,Smalling,Shaw,Martial,Rashford and the lumberjack Fellaini that have been the best or should I rather put it "least bad performing players of the squad". Then he has the nerve to admire Liverpool after going there like a headless chicken not knowing what to do. And what is his answer? The same as every time in it not being his fault but somebody else is to blame. Have I forgotten something or is he not one of the highest paid managers in the world and having the privilege to steer Man Utd. Just go Mourinho, go as you are not worthy of sitting in the same seat as Sir Alex and Sir Matt sat in before you. They had dignity and were not full of them selfs as you are. Go and go now, it´s time to end this shitshow.


Full Member
Dec 10, 2009
Why aren't they asking was he hired to with the aim to win PL title and what he still needs to make that happen followed up by how long it would take.

Chairman Steve

Full Member
May 9, 2018
I also find it weird that the Utd Twitter account hasn’t put out anything beyond the full time tweet and hasn’t bombarded us with the Champions League last 16 draw as a distraction, plus I don’t think they’d care about a ton of mean tweets being hurled their way as I imagine they get plenty anyway even if we were doing well.

It may be the calm before the storm. Who knows... Maybe they’re actually going to pull the trigger but not brief the press like before the Newcastle game, so Gary Neville can’t rabble rouse the blind faith legion into shaming the media and the fans who wanted him gone or more likely they didn’t want the hattrick of poorly handling the dismissal of managers.

I don’t know if I’m overanalysing but I did find it interesting how Sir Bobby and Ed were sitting next to each other for this game. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them sit next to each other during games. Sir Bobbys usually with his wife and Sir Alex, whilst Ed’s usually with members of the commercial posse like Richard Arnold.

It’d be nice to just announce with no prior warnings, and then we can send him on his way with his alleged £12m and chuck in a DVD of Andy Robertson’s runs... since he seems to like that.
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Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
We shouldn’t sack him on the back of a defeat to Liverpool. We’d have to listen to it from them forever.
And we'd thank them right back. They don't want to be the reason behind making so many utd fans happy.


Full Member
Apr 9, 2011
Of course, one could conjure this up quite easily for themselves by simply watching him.
Keeping players motivated and focused is somewhere at the top of the list of most basic job duties of a manager. Just this summer we say Pogba motivated and focused. Mourinho gets no pass here.
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