Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
I fear this thread might be suffering some overspill from the closure of the India thread
There's a Kashmir thread wide open if anybody wants to move the discussion in there? Might not stay open long though.


Trigger Happy Priest Killer
Feb 29, 2012
Bob Lucas Stadium
7 blairites have left the party. If this isn't the best news I've heard in ages i don't know what is.

Goodbye and good riddence.


Trigger Happy Priest Killer
Feb 29, 2012
Bob Lucas Stadium

What is this then, Jeremy? How does he keep making unforced errors like this to give further ammunition to his haters? A simple google search could tell him that the people killed were soldiers from different parts of India and it's not violence that killed these people but a terrorist attack. What does he mean he stands with the people of Kashmir, it's a part of India ffs..

Utter buffoonery.
I don't remember a terrorist attack that didn't involve violence to be honest.


Magnum Poopus
Jul 17, 2014
Went back through his tweets since the beginning of this month. It's the only tweet regarding terrorism. Quick google reveals at least one other terrorist massacre this month. Then you have the language he used. Specifically avoiding any use of the word "terrorism" and how he stands with the "people of Kashmir" (in a region that a number of countries claim sovereignty over) when the people who died were all Indian citizens. As you can see in the various threads on redcafe this is a seriously contentious issue, which triggers strong emotions in people of Indian or Pakistani descent (i.e. a decent chunk of the UK electorate)

Bearing in mind the Labour party is currently already in the process of tearing itself apart; his decision to tweet about this incident, in the way that he did, is another great example of his uncanny knack for creating divisiveness when unity is needed, now more than ever. What you want from an opposition Labour leader is someone who can heal divisions and bring all the party members together to rally round and oust the Tories. Time and time again, Corbyn fails the basics of this job description.
I said I’d get back to you with my full thoughts but it doesn’t really boil down to much, I basically agree with everything you said regarding Corbyn, but I was viewing the tweet in isolation and those offended, rather than if someone in Corbyn’s position should be tweeting that.

Like you said it’s a contentious issue for many but I think those offended by that tweet are being overly sensitive (though I have no problem with people thinking it’s a stupid tweet). I agree that he should have mentioned terrorism rather than violence (and think had he done this there’d be less anger) but disagree with your view about his ‘I stand with the people of Kashmir’ remark. I think he’s referring to the situation as a whole rather than just this specific incident, the people of Kashmir have been suffering and what’s happening there is a travesty. Like you said a number of countries are claiming sovereignty so by ‘standing with the people of Kashmir’ remark he bypasses having to support any one nation.

I know a few have complained about this conversation not really belonging in the Corbyn thread but I thought this belonged here as it’s regarding a Corbyn tweet, anymore regarding Kashmir and I will switch thread.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
I said I’d get back to you with my full thoughts but it doesn’t really boil down to much, I basically agree with everything you said regarding Corbyn, but I was viewing the tweet in isolation and those offended, rather than if someone in Corbyn’s position should be tweeting that.

Like you said it’s a contentious issue for many but I think those offended by that tweet are being overly sensitive (though I have no problem with people thinking it’s a stupid tweet). I agree that he should have mentioned terrorism rather than violence (and think had he done this there’d be less anger) but disagree with your view about his ‘I stand with the people of Kashmir’ remark. I think he’s referring to the situation as a whole rather than just this specific incident, the people of Kashmir have been suffering and what’s happening there is a travesty. Like you said a number of countries are claiming sovereignty so by ‘standing with the people of Kashmir’ remark he bypasses having to support any one nation.

I know a few have complained about this conversation not really belonging in the Corbyn thread but I thought this belonged here as it’s regarding a Corbyn tweet, anymore regarding Kashmir and I will switch thread.
You know what? I'm probably being a little unfair. I'm just so pissed off with the inept (or, arguably, devious/selfish) way Corbyn has handled the Brexit referendum, from day one, I'm inclined to jump down his throat at any opportunity. So it's definitely possible I'm reading far too much into an innocuous tweet.

Sassy Colin

Death or the gladioli!
Jan 29, 2010
Aliens are in control of my tagline & location

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons

"Racist bullies drove Luciana Berger out of the labour party"
That's the quote from Tom Watson the deputy leader
Surely jez either has to say he's wrong and sack him... Or admit he's right and sort it out
Over to you jezbollah
He said: "I have been a member of the Labour Party since I was 15 years old. I love it as an institution. "But I did say there are aspects of it that I don't recognise any more. The harshness, the brutality, the bullying. Yes, it's small numbers of people. We're a half million strong party. And the vast majority of those members are enthusiastic, they just want to live in a fairer country. That's why I joined all those years ago. But there are some new members, a tiny number, that I think are harsh and bullying in their ways. I felt shamed when Luciana Berger felt she had to leave. She was driven out by racist bullies. And that's completely unacceptable in any liberal democracy.

But I still think that the Labour Party is the century-old vehicle that can change lives and give voice to ordinary working people whose voices are not heard by the powerful."
Mr Corbyn responded to the resignations by saying on Tuesday: "I hope they recognise that they were elected to Parliament on a manifesto that was based around investment in the future, was based around a more equal and fairer society and based around social justice.

"They were elected to carry out those policies, they decided to go somewhere else and I regret that because I want our party to be strong, I want our party to be united around the policies that we have put forward."
One of these statements comes from from a man who sounds capable of rallying Labour together, despite these recent departees. That man is not Jeremy Corbyn.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
With all due respect guys you're coming here gunning without much background i assume?

The story of her CLP has already been publically discussed in recent weeks this isn't news. A few members posted stuff on Facebook and they're under investigation, I'm not sure what else you expect to happen?

Honest John

Full Member
Dec 15, 2002
Watson and now Gardiner apologising for the lack of action on antisemitism. There seems to be a distancing from Corbyn going on by some heavyweights


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010

Grandpa Simpson gif.

(Much obliged Damo)
Last edited:


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Local telly says it's because of a tweet in 2012. Must have been a pretty bad one for action to be taken so fast.
It was, quite predictably, about jews.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Local telly says it's because of a tweet in 2012. Must have been a pretty bad one for action to be taken so fast.
"Jewish people with any sense of humanity need to start speaking out publicly against the ruthless murdering being carried out by Israel!"


Amadinho is the goat
Dec 10, 2007
Don't sign old players and cast offs
"Jewish people with any sense of humanity need to start speaking out publicly against the ruthless murdering being carried out by Israel!"
Right. At first sight a lot of people would agree with that, but after a bit you think how completely one-sided it is. Which is understandable from a bloke in the pub, but he's spent a good chunk of his life as a professional politician, he should know better.


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
Any chance of this happening eventually?



The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
He's not spoke to Luciana since 2017...

They say the first step to dealing with a problem is admitting it and either he should be admitting tom Watson is correct and putting in place things to fix it ... Or he should be sacking Tom Watson for bringing the party into disrepute

Or frankly he knows it's a problem and just does not care... Which seems more and more likely


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
It'll only end when policy on Palestine is changed
Perhaps starting with reporting antisemitic threats to the police and warning the individual concerned would be a better starting point

MP Luciana Berger at the 2018 Labour Party conference in Liverpool (Photo: Getty Images)

The Labour leadership has failed to make any contact with Jewish Labour MP Luciana Berger — despite the announcement last week of a criminal investigation into violent antisemitic threats made against her.

The JC understands that neither Jeremy Corbyn nor any member of his senior team has offered support of any kind to Ms Berger after Cressida Dick, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, confirmed last Friday the start of a criminal probe into the threats that appeared in a dossier of abuse from Labour members.

In a series of potentially catastrophic events for Labour, it has emerged that party officials were fully aware of the threats made to Ms Berger — including the suggestion she was a “Zionist Extremist… about (to) get a good kicking” — for at least six months.

Despite the fact that Ms Berger has been a frequent target of extremists since she was elected Liverpool Wavertree MP in 2010, and that Labour MP Jo Cox was murdered by an extremist in 2016, Labour officials failed to alert Ms Berger or the police about the existence of threats now deemed serious enough for an investigation by Scotland Yard.

Sources close to Ms Berger say the conduct of the Labour leadership over this matter has left her dismayed, with a Labour spokesperson saying, “if someone feels they have been a victim of crime they should report it to the police in the usual way”.

But a Labour MP told the JC that this was impossible: Ms Berger could not have reported the threat to the police because the Labour Party had refused to make her aware of it.

One senior Labour figure told the JC it was “shameful the way Mr Corbyn and his supporters, including some very high profile women, were in effect now giving Luciana the cold shoulder.”

The existence of the dossier (compiled by Labour investigating officers ) of 70 cases of antisemitism by Labour members was first reported in September after the contents were handed to radio station LBC by Labour members frustrated with the party’s disputes panel’s failure to act over blatant misconduct.

In one Facebook post contained in the dossier, a party member was shown to have written: “Zionist Extremist MP Luciana Berger, who hates civilised people, about (to) get a good kicking!”

The same individual was also revealed to have shared numerous other antisemitic posts with their 7,000 followers and friends online, including an image suggesting American taxpayers’ money is being channelled into the slaughter of Palestinians by Jewish controllers.

They were only suspended by Labour after the nature of their threats were revealed in September

Another member wrote: “We shall rid the Jews who are a cancer on us all.”

Another report in the dossier related to a party member accused of putting a child through “ten years of hell” and referring to him as “Jew boy”. A Labour member from Yorkshire suggested that Labour MP Yvette Cooper should be invited to a charity abseil, adding: “Then we can throw her off the top — no ropes.”

Leading barrister Simon Myerson QC told the JC that Labour’s tactics in dealing with the contents of the dossier were “beyond comprehension. The suggestion seems to be that Ms Berger could have reported the matter herself: that’s a neat bit of responsibility transferring. But it’s impossible.”

Criticising the party’s behaviour, he said: “If the bizarre decision is taken not to inform the person at risk, I would expect the police to be informed.

"That is a free standing obligation based on straightforward common law principles about the duty of care: the death of Jo Cox adds weight to the need to do so, but doesn’t alter the legal obligation which already existed, in my view.”

Mr Myerson said the decision not to alert Ms Berger “appears to have been carried out by someone who doesn’t have a clue what they were doing, took no legal advice, and has no apparent expertise in assessing threat levels”.

The JC understands that at the July meeting of Labour’s ruling national executive committee, the contents of the dossier, including the subject of “Physical Threats to an MP” were placed on the agenda for discussion, although it is not known if full details were raised in the time allotted for the monthly gathering.

Only one month earlier, the party had appointed Gordon Nardell QC as in-house counsel on disciplinary matters — with general secretary Jennie Formby suggesting that the move signalled her intention to make dealing with antisemitism issues a “priority”.

When asked if Mr Nardell had attended the July NEC meeting and whether he was aware of the contents of the dossier, a Labour spokesman told the JC: “We don’t comment on staffing matters.”

After the announcement of a criminal investigation, Labour Deputy Leader Tom Watson broke rank to demand that party members who have “committed hate crimes” face “the full force of law”.

Moderate Labour MPs, including Liz Kendall and Jess Phillips, were amongst those to quickly condemn the “completely unacceptable” attacks on Ms Berger. Ms Phillips, MP for Birmingham Yardley, said Labour’s leadership had a “duty of care” to “end the antisemitism” Ms Berger faced.

A spokesperson for the Labour Party told the JC: “It was only two years ago that Jo Cox was murdered in the street, so of course we take any threat against any of our MPs extremely seriously. We encourage people to report matters to the police if they suspect a crime has been committed and we expect anyone who has committed a crime to be dealt with


It’s Carrick you know
Jul 13, 2002
Let Rooney be Rooney


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
Why didn't the people who reported it to the Labour Party warn the individuals concerned or report it to the Police? Seems they judged it wasn't important enough to warn their mates about it
Hang on... The party has threats made via the party to an MP in the wake of joe Cox murder... They have multiple vile anti Semitic and criminal things sent and they don't pass it on to the police.

The person at fault in your view is the whistleblower who took these allegations to the police and media?

The party then try to say Berger should have reported the threats (even though they never warned her ).

The police saw them as credible enough to give her a bodyguard and have made prosecutions...

Yeah no anti-Semitism problem to see here... Move along FFS no wonder the party is fecked with that kind of attitude


It’s Carrick you know
Jul 13, 2002
Let Rooney be Rooney
Hang on... The party has threats made via the party to an MP in the wake of joe Cox murder... They have multiple vile anti Semitic and criminal things sent and they don't pass it on to the police.

The person at fault in your view is the whistleblower who took these allegations to the police and media?

The party then try to say Berger should have reported the threats (even though they never warned her ).

The police saw them as credible enough to give her a bodyguard and have made prosecutions...

Yeah no anti-Semitism problem to see here... Move along FFS no wonder the party is fecked with that kind of attitude
People made a number of reports to the Labour Party saying there have been threats to MPs and antisemitism. So these people made the effort to report this to the Labour Party but not the people that it was aimed at.


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake

Full thread

Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in Holocaust denier Paul Eisen.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in Holocaust denier Stephen Sizer.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in Raed Salah, promoter of the blood libel and the conspiracy theory that Jews were behind 9/11.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in a wreath-laying to honour one of the planners of the Munich massacre of Israeli athletes.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in a mural depicting sinister Jewish financiers plotting world domination.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in the callers to his Iranian state TV phone-in show who described Israel as a “disease” and the BBC as “Zionist liars”.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in one of his supporters accusing a Jewish Labour MP of conspiring with the media, at an event to launch a report on antisemitism.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in his ally Pete Willsman’s complaint that allegations of Labour antisemitism were fabricated by Jews.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in his own evidence-free theory that “the hand of Israel” was behind a jihadi attack in Egypt.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in the way he impugned the Englishness of English Jews who disagree with him about Israel.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in Hamas.
Jeremy Corbyn, the nation’s sharpest-eyed detector of antisemitism, who reassures us that thanks to his vigilant and determined action, there’s no real antisemitism problem in his party.
This sort of thing has become so normalised that I almost feel as if I should apologise for droning on about it. But no. Every single day that the Labour party tolerates this man as its leader is a fresh disgrace.


Full Member
May 20, 2001
If we are going to say racist by association thats going to include a lot of zionists
If that thread was about any other racial group, and involved any other well known figure, you’d have no problem accusing them of racism. FFS people get accused of being racists for far, far less.


Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010

That twitter thread is one big load of shite
I’m assuming you’re a pretty normal guy, sort of like me? I find it increasingly scary that normal people are able to turn a blind eye to this kind of stuff because the political leader in question appeals to their political beliefs.

I think there’s a sentence that’s often thrown around on the internet, starts with the word “This” and ends with the word “started”.


Full Member
May 20, 2001
Why didn't the people who reported it to the Labour Party warn the individuals concerned or report it to the Police? Seems they judged it wasn't important enough to warn their mates about it
Why didn’t the victims come forward earlier? Why didn’t they say anything at the time? Some of my best friends are Jewish... etc etc. Pretty much the gist of what I am hearing from JC or his zealots. It’s crap.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2014
I’m assuming you’re a pretty normal guy, sort of like me? I find it increasingly scary that normal people are able to turn a blind eye to this kind of stuff because the political leader in question appeals to their political beliefs.
Any different to believing someone guilty of something because they don’t appeal to your political beliefs? Two sides of the same coin...


Full Member
Jun 12, 2009
I’m assuming you’re a pretty normal guy, sort of like me? I find it increasingly scary that normal people are able to turn a blind eye to this kind of stuff because the political leader in question appeals to their political beliefs.

I think there’s a sentence that’s often thrown around on the internet, starts with the word “This” and ends with the word “started”.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in Holocaust denier Paul Eisen.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in Holocaust denier Stephen Sizer.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in Raed Salah, promoter of the blood libel and the conspiracy theory that Jews were behind 9/11.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in a wreath-laying to honour one of the planners of the Munich massacre of Israeli athletes.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in a mural depicting sinister Jewish financiers plotting world domination.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in the callers to his Iranian state TV phone-in show who described Israel as a “disease” and the BBC as “Zionist liars”.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in one of his supporters accusing a Jewish Labour MP of conspiring with the media, at an event to launch a report on antisemitism.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in his ally Pete Willsman’s complaint that allegations of Labour antisemitism were fabricated by Jews.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in his own evidence-free theory that “the hand of Israel” was behind a jihadi attack in Egypt.
Jeremy Corbyn, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in the way he impugned the Englishness of English Jews who disagree with him about Israel.
Jeremy Corby11n, who didn’t notice the antisemitism in Hamas.
Jeremy Corbyn, the nation’s sharpest-eyed detector of antisemitism, who reassures us that thanks to his vigilant and determined action, there’s no real antisemitism problem in his party.
This sort of thing has become so normalised that I almost feel as if I should apologise for droning on about it. But no. Every single day that the Labour party tolerates this man as its leader is a fresh disgrace.
The bolded examples are not anti-semitic unless anti-semitism = opposing Israel, which those accusing Corbyn of anti-semitism continually claim is not a conflation they are trying to make. Meanwhile the first three are people he has shared platforms / meetings with in the context of pro-Palestinian campaigning. In other words 7 of his 11 examples are about Israel/Palestine.