The MMA thread

Did anyone see the video of Jones being carried off the octagon? He couldn't even put any weight on the left foot. Not an easy win at all as some on this thread are trying to portray it as. I am a Jones fan but he certainly had trouble today.
Look I think there’s like a misunderstanding. Was this one of the toughest fights for Jones? Yes. But then I’m trying to say that even then he hardly broke a sweat. Watch the fight again.

Watch Nate v McGregor 2 and see McGregor absolutely leaving it all in the octagon. That’s not an easy fight. I guess we have a different perspective, which is perfectly fine, mate. I don’t think there’s a right or a wrong answer here.

Mate you're exaggerating in order to make Jones even greater than he really is. Saying he easily won this fight is ridiculous, honestly, a disrespectful as well.

Jones couldn't execute his game plan despite his opponent being injured, moreover Santos did some damage as well. Whilst Santos was healthy, he took the first round, cleanly.

Only thing going for Jones in this fight was that he was more dynamic due to Santos being injured which caused him to change his game plan and limited his output alongside his movement. Despite all that, Jones was unable to hurt Santos.

2 instances Santos was dropped, was due to his knee giving in, it wasn't from Jones' puncues.
Did anyone see the video of Jones being carried off the octagon? He couldn't even put any weight on the left foot. Not an easy win at all as some on this thread are trying to portray it as. I am a Jones fan but he certainly had trouble today.

Ye, he was carried away by his bothers I believe, his inner thigh was in a bad shape from all them kicks.
What a wild card! So many huge moments but that Masvidal flying knee will live in the memory forever. Historic knockout, fastest in UFC history!

Santos put up a great fight, it's a real shame about the injury, would have been a totally different fight with Jones likely being forced to change up his strategy and utilise his wrestling more. I'd love to see them run that one back sooner rather than later.

Rockhold has been figured out and needs to retire. He clearly isn't going to fix his boxing defence at this point and I'd expect most decent opponents to KO him at this point.

Song Yadong and the Armenian kid looked very promising and Allen put in a good performance too for the Brits. Very good card.

P.S Dana needs to make the Jones fight sound less competitive than it was as Jones is pretty much the only active draw right now. Jones probably edged it but it really was close, because Jones was hardly throwing any volume.
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Any idea where one could watch the full card? Genuinely asking for a friend. PM would be appreciated.
Haha I just can't stand the dude so any extra shots would have been fine by me :lol:

Can you believe that some are actually thinking that Smith would be a decent match up for him?

What did you think of the fight? Thought Jones navigated it reasonably. I really fail to see this leg ‘injury’ that Santos got? Does that not bother you?
Can you believe that some are actually thinking that Smith would be a decent match up for him?

What did you think of the fight? Thought Jones navigated it reasonably. I really fail to see this leg ‘injury’ that Santos got? Does that not bother you?
I thought the fight could have gone either way but when a fight like that happens, the champion will get the benefit of the doubt.

If have been happy either way. But Santos definitely hurt his left knee. He was barely standing by the end. But until then, he was doing better than Jon.
I thought the fight could have gone either way but when a fight like that happens, the champion will get the benefit of the doubt.

If have been happy either way. But Santos definitely hurt his left knee. He was barely standing by the end. But until then, he was doing better than Jon.

Honestly, you think that fight was going either way? It was an easy win for Jones. I think Smith was a more challenging opponent.

If anything, Santos, is fairly predictable. He’s just throwing and throwing. You seen Jones protecting his right side. Jones even said that he didn’t want to get inside of Santos.
Honestly, you think that fight was going either way? It was an easy win for Jones. I think Smith was a more challenging opponent.

If anything, Santos, is fairly predictable. He’s just throwing and throwing. You seen Jones protecting his right side. Jones even said that he didn’t want to get inside of Santos.

Jones did what he needed to and no more.i understand the criticism of not finishing an injured opponent, who was ripe for the taking. I think he's just playing percentages, something he's been doing more and more of at this stage of his career.

Santos, at least posed an offensive threat, something Smith cannon say for himself. Until someone can consistently get inside Jones oblique kick, he will not change his style.

It says something when Jones is significantly below par and overall unimpressive and still comfortably beat the no1 contender (DC excepted).
Honestly, you think that fight was going either way? It was an easy win for Jones. I think Smith was a more challenging opponent.

If anything, Santos, is fairly predictable. He’s just throwing and throwing. You seen Jones protecting his right side. Jones even said that he didn’t want to get inside of Santos.
No. I personally think Jones did enough to win at least 3 rounds. My point is, I wouldn't complained of it went the other way. It wasn't clear cut as something like Chiesa v Diego. Santos won round 1, arguably round 5 as well. 3 and 4 were Jon rounds. 2 could have been given either way.

The fact that it was a SD and not a UD even shows that its a fight that could have been argued for Santos (although I think Jon won).

Smith was comfortably handled. No one thought he won a single minute of that fight.
Can you believe that some are actually thinking that Smith would be a decent match up for him?

What did you think of the fight? Thought Jones navigated it reasonably. I really fail to see this leg ‘injury’ that Santos got? Does that not bother you?

Who said Smith was a decent match up? It's a fight to be made though
Santos won the 1st and Jones the 3rd, the other 3 rounds could have gone either way. I think Jones won, and he was in control for the whole fight since Santos hurt his knee(not before that though) but easy, it wasn't

Also, how has nobody posted Israel's live reaction to Askren KO yet??? :lol::lol::lol:
I thought Jones took it, but it wasn't an easy win. Jones always likes to fight up/down to his opponent as others have said. He also seems to have this habit of wanting to beat people at their own game. Assume that's why he stayed at range, just to prove he could.

He's the goat for me, but I almost wish he would get caught and lose a fight. Would love to see a fired up Jones go on a tear and demolish a few fighters like earlier in jis career while there is still time.
Why out of interest? The strikes after? Probably out of order but he stopped as soon as the ref pulled him off. His press conference be explains the dislike. Masvidal has always been pretty decent to other fighters look at the Till fight as an example. I don't see what's wrong with him rating himself highly either? He's a fighter at the end of the day if he didn't rate himself he'd be in massive trouble as would any other fighter.

He just showed no class whatsoever, before or after the fight. Askren did his job in promoting the fight making it possibly the most anticipated bout on the card. Masvidal gets more exposure with Askren promoting the fight and he didn't even show up to a couple of the press conferences.

The strikes after were bad. Askren was still as a board. One after was more than enough. He actually said after that he wished the ref had of tripped so he could have got another one in.

I don't think he comes across well at all. He showed no class whatsoever before or after the fight. Obviously tensions are high but there have been fighters that have hated each other more and still respected each other afterwards. Even TJ and Cody shook hands (despite Cody acting the bollox immediately after the first fight).

Masvidal is a savage to be fair.

I like Askren because he gives great interviews. He is interesting to listen to unlike most of the fighters. I do think he is a one trick pony who is out of his depth with strikers who have a little wrestling defence.

Would love to see Askren v Colby.
I also think Jones won that fight, but not nearly as easy as some are trying to make it out to be.
Without that bad knee I think we could have seen that upset happen tonight. They will 100% meet again at some point, Santos' stock only went up after tonight. He made Jones look human.

:lol: And Masvidal... what a knockout. How can you not like the guy? He's pretty funny for a guy who doesn't joke around. All his conferences are hilarious. He's really come a long way since the backyard brawl days. I hope he can get a shot at the title before he retires.

Great event 8/10 would watch again.
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He just showed no class whatsoever, before or after the fight. Askren did his job in promoting the fight making it possibly the most anticipated bout on the card. Masvidal gets more exposure with Askren promoting the fight and he didn't even show up to a couple of the press conferences.

The strikes after were bad. Askren was still as a board. One after was more than enough. He actually said after that he wished the ref had of tripped so he could have got another one in.

I don't think he comes across well at all. He showed no class whatsoever before or after the fight. Obviously tensions are high but there have been fighters that have hated each other more and still respected each other afterwards. Even TJ and Cody shook hands (despite Cody acting the bollox immediately after the first fight).

Masvidal is a savage to be fair.

I like Askren because he gives great interviews. He is interesting to listen to unlike most of the fighters. I do think he is a one trick pony who is out of his depth with strikers who have a little wrestling defence.

Would love to see Askren v Colby.

I didn't see much disrespect before the fight in fairness. If anything Askren was the one giving him more shit. If Askren is "promoting" the fight beforehand then surely it's a bit unfair to say Masvidal showed no class? Maybe he's just promoting the fight to. After the fight I agree but at the end of the day it's a sport where people punch each other in the face...sometimes them people aren't going to like each other and sometimes things will go to far, I don't think people should put a lot of stock in things right after a fight when the adrenaline is going. Lets be fair to the guy he just got the quickest KO ever in the UFC against a guy he clearly didn't like it's fair he is a bit heated after it isn't it?

The strikes probably were bad I'd agree Askren was clearly out I'd agree.

I don't really take comments in press conferences etc that seriously to be honest a lot of it is probably just getting a following for himself when there's hype behind him.

I think Colby beats Askren, he's more well rounded for me, Askren is hugely one dimensional, albeit he is world class at that 1 thing.
The takes on Jones in here are a curious read. He's renowned for taking fighters on at what their strength is, just because he can - his real intent was shown in the closing of each round when he was attempting more creative and outrageous strikes. These fights since he got back are tune ups for him going up to H/W, imo.

Testing and working on things in real fights is the only way to know where you're truly at with them, and that's what he's doing. If he really felt threatened in there, he would've gone straight to close quarters and snuffed out the threat of Santos' power, power that he felt and took on handily, btw - Jones clearly has the best chin in the division, if not the UFC, and the likelyhood of him getting inside after absorbing a hit to then smother and man-handle is greater than him getting knocked out.

If they fight again, it won't be close, I don't think. Santos lost his kicking threat early in the fight, but as we wouldn't see the same Santos in there, nor would we see the same Jones whose arsenal of tricks are far greater than the kickboxing bout we saw. What this fight did show, however, is that Jones is susceptible to leg kicking and once more that his boxing isn't what it needs to be. Him going up in weight will be a disaster when he faces the true heavies with ability as his threats aren't going to carry over if they don't respect his power or abilty to dissuade them from trying to take his head off (risk-reward). I also wonder how well his wrestling will crossover against men who will dwarf him weight wise.

It's all well and good being big for your own division; the tables will totally turn for him at HW, in that regard. Can't see it working out for him, but if it does, give him the crown of greatest mixed martial artist there has been in the UFC era.

Jonny Walker is the guy in the LHW division I think we see the more rounded, 'proper' Jones against. Jones has an incredible chin, but he can't risk it against a kicker or knee strike to the head. I think that's a bout in which Jones goes up a gear against an opponent who has a myriad of ways to trouble him and where his wrestling is not the fail-safe I believe it currently is if he genuinely feels threatened in the octagon.
List of people who have left mmafighting since 2018: Helwani, Thomas, Raimondi, Chuck Minddenhal, Dave Doyle, Shaun Al Shatti.

Used to be my favorite website
List of people who have left mmafighting since 2018: Helwani, Thomas, Raimondi, Chuck Minddenhal, Dave Doyle, Shaun Al Shatti.

Used to be my favorite website

The likes of Helwani and Thomas are pretty expired at this point. Just look at the quality of questions a proper journo like Okamoto asks compared to the usual wum-like questions Ariel does. We are in a better place today.
The likes of Helwani and Thomas are pretty expired at this point. Just look at the quality of questions a proper journo like Okamoto asks compared to the usual wum-like questions Ariel does. We are in a better place today.

Then why those two are more famous and appear to have a bigger personal brand than the others ?
Then why those two are more famous and appear to have a bigger personal brand than the others ?
The casuals enjoy the WWE style stuff and dickheads like Ariel always try get that out of fighters. It's not journalism, it's playground drama. I don't mind Luke Thomas as much because at least he is more aware in terms of fight analysis and he had a great interview where he grilled Ali Abdelaziz. He's just a little too smug most of the times.

Shaun Al-Shatti, Okamoto, Raimondi and Chuck M are really solid.
The casuals enjoy the WWE style stuff and dickheads like Ariel always try get that out of fighters. It's not journalism, it's playground drama. I don't mind Luke Thomas as much because at least he is more aware in terms of fight analysis and he had a great interview where he grilled Ali Abdelaziz. He's just a little too smug most of the times.

Shaun Al-Shatti, Okamoto, Raimondi and Chuck M are really solid.

Yeah Ariel is perfect for the bussiness if the promotions keep rewarding trash talk
Probably isn't wise career sense but he probably knows he won't get many more (if any) title fights and realised it's basically a one time thing and went all or nothing.
I sense it’s far less bad than some are suggesting. He was hobbling around on crutches so I think he may recover and fight again in a year or so.

If it takes one year recovery, this is pretty much a very severe injury. 1 year in sports career is a lot of time.
If it takes one year recovery, this is pretty much a very severe injury. 1 year in sports career is a lot of time.

It’s not uncommon for mma fighters to take long breaks. Just look at Khabib and Conor who haven’t yet fought again since last October. It’s also not particularly unusual for fighters to get 6 months or more medical suspensions after their fights. Thiago should be back at some point soon.
The casuals enjoy the WWE style stuff and dickheads like Ariel always try get that out of fighters. It's not journalism, it's playground drama. I don't mind Luke Thomas as much because at least he is more aware in terms of fight analysis and he had a great interview where he grilled Ali Abdelaziz. He's just a little too smug most of the times.

Shaun Al-Shatti, Okamoto, Raimondi and Chuck M are really solid

Absolutely. Crying shame the above have left MMA fighting. I miss Al-Shatti and Raimondi on the A-side. Chuck is just legend.

Do you listen to the Bloody Elbow stuff? The 6th round with Zane Simon and the above bloke show name I've forgotten.
It’s not uncommon for mma fighters to take long breaks. Just look at Khabib and Conor who haven’t yet fought again since last October. It’s also not particularly unusual for fighters to get 6 months or more medical suspensions after their fights. Thiago should be back at some point soon.

I think the point he's making is that there a chance he'll never return at the same level. Athletes have obviously been retired with those type of injuries. To make it back at all would be an achievement.
I think the point he's making is that there a chance he'll never return at the same level. Athletes have obviously been retired with those type of injuries. To make it back at all would be an achievement.

A severe ligament injury would stop you right away. Santos was on his feet, uncomfortable but firm.

I think his team might be overrating the severity of the injury to hype his performance.

Hopefully that's the case and he comes back stronger and sooner. Mild ACL, MCL, etc, injuries could keep you out just for a few weeks out.

(Judging by Santos demeanor post fight, I don't think it was a serious serious one)

Edit. Santos is 35, so already declining. Fair to say he will never be at his best, but not because of the injury, just father time..)