De Gea contract talk | Signs new deal

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Delighted we managed to get him signed on a new deal. Wasn’t expecting it to be 6 years tbh. Especially with Dean Henderson about to sign a new contract with ourselves.
If Henderson is as good as they say maybe we can look at selling De Gea in one or two years for a huge transfer fee.

This contract secures that.
People saying he's declining at 28 years old... :lol: Keepers usually rather enter their best years in their late 20s, not their decline. Not to mention he's been saving the team's ass for at least 5 years now. If there's anyone who deserves that wage from our team, it's him.
Him and his agent probably angled for a six year deal. It was either a six year deal or let him leave on a free.
Good news. Now give him a commanding leader at centre half to play behind.
It wasnt end of season. It was half a season and before Spurs, he wasnt special either. He was bang average for the most part of the season and horrific at the end.

His buddy GK coach is here as well. Maybe he needs a change of scenery, GK careers are not linear
The whole team was horrific at the end of season maybe that didn’t help him, who knows ? If the top coaches at one of the biggest clubs in the world think it was a blip and he’s over it and willing to give him a new contract then I’ll trust them as opposed to what people’s opinion are on here.
£117m :eek:

But, take a breath, the flipside is DDG leaving for free next summer and us having to find a replacement.

Look at what Chelsea & Liverpool had to spend to recruite a top level keeper. Let's say we ended up paying £60m for someone who'd accept £250k a week.. 5 year contract...

Basically, United would be financially worse off not paying De Gea paying such a high salary.
Think it’s a poor deal personally. Not that I don’t respect what he’s done, he’s been brilliant, but I don’t think you make such a commitment to a player who may be showing signs of not being as good anymore. He was poor last season, and was terrible in the World Cup just before that too.

This probably means we’ll sell Henderson to Sheffield this window then, as there is no point at all in him staying now.
Henderson has time on his side. He'll have to play PL football for a couple of years before we see if he is ready for a top club at the age of 24. If he impresses enough on loan in the PL and has a better season than De Gea I see no reason why we can't have them compete next summer. Whoever makes the spot their own wins. We'll have no problems selling De Gea to Atletico Madrid, Real or even Juventus or PSG if it comes to that. We'll get a decent transfer fee too and he can take a wage cut and still be paid a lot. Unless he has a terrible season and can't catch a ball, but come on its still De Gea, he'll be mint this season.

It is a lot of money but the guy has earned it. He was not world class probably last year but was still a top keeper. I really rate Dean Henderson and I admire his stance on not wanting to be second choice, but if he is patient and goes on loan then he'll probably make it here in a couple of years. As for De Gea he wont be content with sitting here earning his money if he isn't playing, he'll take a wage cut and ask for a move. Sanchez had no history with the club, it is a different scenario, and De Gea will still be good enough for a few top clubs at 34-36 too probably.

Basically, United would be financially worse off not paying De Gea paying such a high salary.

That is only if you assume we would/should go for an expensive replacement. Maybe we got one in a year or two ready to take over

Basically, United would be financially worse off not paying De Gea paying such a high salary.
It’s not that simple though. This will have a knock on effect on contracts for other players when the GK is getting paid such a ludicrous sum. We were far better of giving him a hefty signing on bonus and a lower salary. Much like Sanchez’s contract, this will cause a lot of issues when other players come to renew. Long term will be far more expensive than just signing another keeper.
Henderson has time on his side. He'll have to play PL football for a couple of years before we see if he is ready for a top club at the age of 24. If he impresses enough on loan in the PL and has a better season than De Gea I see no reason why we can't have them compete next summer. Whoever makes their spot their own wins. We'll have no problems selling De Gea to Atletico Madrid, Real or even Juventus or PSG if it comes to that. We'll get a decent transfer fee to and he can take a wage cut and still be paid a lot. Unless he has a terrible season and can't catch a ball, but come on its still De Gea, he'll be mint this season.

It is a lot of money but the guy has earned it. He was not world class probably last year but was still a top keeper. I really rate Dean Henderson and I admire his stance on not wanting to be second choice, but if he is patient and goes on loan then he'll probably make it here in a couple of years. As for De Gea he wont be content with sitting here earning his money if he isn't playing, he'll take a wage cut and ask for a move. Sanchez had no history with the club, it is a different scenario, and De Gea will still be good enough for a few top clubs at 34-36 too probably.
Not a single club in the world would pay De Gea those wages, so no we wouldn’t be able to sell him. Much like how we’re unable to shift alexis right now.
Henderson has time on his side. He'll have to play PL football for a couple of years before we see if he is ready for a top club at the age of 24. If he impresses enough on loan in the PL and has a better season than De Gea I see no reason why we can't have them compete next summer. Whoever makes their spot their own wins. We'll have no problems selling De Gea to Atletico Madrid, Real or even Juventus or PSG if it comes to that. We'll get a decent transfer fee to and he can take a wage cut and still be paid a lot. Unless he has a terrible season and can't catch a ball, but come on its still De Gea, he'll be mint this season.

It is a lot of money but the guy has earned it. He was not world class probably last year but was still a top keeper. I really rate Dean Henderson and I admire his stance on not wanting to be second choice, but if he is patient and goes on loan then he'll probably make it here in a couple of years. As for De Gea he wont be content with sitting here earning his money if he isn't playing, he'll take a wage cut and ask for a move. Sanchez had no history with the club, it is a different scenario, and De Gea will still be good enough for a few top clubs at 34-36 too probably.

I can’t see any scenario where a De Gea on a 6-year deal and Henderson manage to overlap. Even if Henderson does well this season, I don’t see any real competition between him and De Gea. Goalkeepers don’t really ‘compete’ in that sense.

He is also yet to sign a deal in the first place so it may all be academic. I would want to sign a permanent deal with Sheffield off the back of this news if I were him.
Big show of faith that it was just a bad patch last season and not a decline. But if he resumes to his normal level for most of that deal not many will have a problem.
He's one of if not the best goal keepers in the world. He is 28 and we gave him a 5 +1 deal. Thank feck for that. we dont have to worry about his position till he's ready to retire. what was it supposed to be 2 year deal? Stop being stupid
He wasn't even the best keeper in the Premier League last year. The only stupidity I can see is your assumption that much of last year was just a blip. Hopefully you're right. If not, we've repeated our habit of getting a contract wrong.
Good for him. He's been a rock for us for years. His wage packet should reflect that.
If we get De Gea back to his form prior to last season then i'm fine with the contract. He's been our best player for the last 4 years prior to last season, genuinely one of the very few who has been world class for a decent period of time.

Do hope he works a bit on his passing from the back and also learns to be a bit braver in some situations though. Towards the end of last seasons was worrying :nervous:
I’m not too bothered about the wage he’s a proven world class keeper.....the 6 year commitment is fecking ridiculous though.

4 years with an optional +1 would have been ideal, that seems obvious yet there are people at United seemingly clueless.
Let me do some simple math for the folks that are incapable.

117m for 6 seasons of a DDG at his absolute prime years.
Let’s say nah thanks we’re going to find another keeper - great now to get a keeper of DDGs quality will cost 60-70m
Then let’s say we REALLY feck that keeper over and manage to sign him on 200k a week. Over 6 years that’s ~60m

So it would cost 120-130m over 6 years to replace DDG

Are you mad?
This is brilliant at 18m a year.
Not a single club in the world would pay De Gea those wages, so no we wouldn’t be able to sell him. Much like how we’re unable to shift alexis right now.
He can take a pay cut if needs be. I don't think he'll be content to sit on the bench no matter how much he is earning. If he is playing well for three years then the deal was worth it as he would have moved elsewhere for free. I don't see many safe replacements we could have got without losing money and risking a loss in quality. Deal makes total sense.
I can’t see any scenario where a De Gea on a 6-year deal and Henderson manage to overlap. Even if Henderson does well this season, I don’t see any real competition between him and De Gea. Goalkeepers don’t really ‘compete’ in that sense.

He is also yet to sign a deal in the first place so it may all be academic. I would want to sign a permanent deal with Sheffield off the back of this news if I were him.
We'll I don't want him to!

Honestly, if we lost De Gea for free it would have been a huge gamble. I'm sure he'd understand that. I love the guy but he hasn't played a PL season yet. If he impresses in the PL for a couple of seasons I'm sure Ole will prioritise him. They will treat him with respect and not stand in the way of a move in a couple of years if he is not good enough to displace De Gea after a couple of loans and he wants to leave. We'll not keep him just to have him playing in the U21's or be a back up just because De Gea signed a deal.
In the unlikely scenario none of PSG/Juve/Real will be willing to take him off our hands there's always the bench. The best player plays and if that means benching DDG for Henderson I'm all for it.

Sure thing I'm with you there, but imagine having ~600k worth a week on the bench, between only two players? Pretty poor way to run a club if so.

Anyway that's by the by, let's hope he gets back to his best and shows just how good a deal this is.
If anything this is more about steadying the ship and not allowing negative press to effect us.

If we lose de Gea on a free it’s a sign of weakness to the team and club itself. You can’t be losing your best players just like pogba.

If we aim to be Madrid / Barca / Juve level, none of their players want to leave.

I think ole has us going the right way so we have to show positive steps off the pitch too.
You know exactly which team would be all over him next year if he decides to go on free.

De Gea gets paid and United get leverage if he ever wants to leave/another team wants him. No threat of losing him on a free or getting less money in a transfer due to little term left on his contract.

Our player of the year in four of the last six years as a result of repeated stellar performances while the team around him was in utter dissaray, DDG should have long ago earned his place in the affections of any right-thinking Manchester United fan. The prospect of him staying here for at least another six years is fantastic on a sentimental level (and being a football fan should ultimately be rooted in sentiment). Keeping rather than losing a Manchester United hero is a positive.

Beyond that, it would have been an awful lot of hassle dealing with him going. We have enough transfer work ahead (and indeed not being done) as is without losing another player the club ideally wants to keep. Especially when any attempt to replace him would almost certainly see us spend a huge amount of money to bring in a worse goalkeeper.

Which ultimately is the key point: last year's bad form aside, he's a brilliant player and probably the only one currently in our squad who should be thought of in the same light as the proper Manchester United players of SAF's best years.
This genuinely baffles me when people say it.
You realise that he's not the first footballer in history to be negotiating a new contract whilst still having to perform don't you?

How is the contract negotiations an excuse for those string of errors?
(Ive asked the question so many times that I'm almost bored of it but nobody has ever really came up with an answer so why not go again).

If he, or any player, can't put thoughts about something like a new contract to the back of their mind for a few weeks and concentrate on the job at hand, which at the time was getting us champions league football, then that's a massive failure on their part and not an excuse.

I genuinely cannot think of any other scenario where a footballer's errors (and there were many) were basically excused because by fans because they think he should be getting paid more.

As I said before, is it any wonder we end up massively overpaying our players when fans have this attitude?

Why do you think games amid of contract negotiation won't affect a player's performance? It always does that's why national coach forbid players to talk to their agent or prospective clubs while on duty. If I was DDG I would think about whether I should live next to Neymar but he is such a cnt and how to stop his shot, even though the incoming striker is not Neywar. I would think about whether I should drive a German car or a French car, I would think about whether I should have a 9 rooms mansion since my girlfriend will now be living with me, although she would probably spends 10 months on the road.....

Ramsey shows you how to be a departing player....
Interesting given the questions in Spain over his national team place and his girlfriend used to want to move but we don't hear about that now. 6 years is a long deal.
Let me do some simple math for the folks that are incapable.

117m for 6 seasons of a DDG at his absolute prime years.
Let’s say nah thanks we’re going to find another keeper - great now to get a keeper of DDGs quality will cost 60-70m
Then let’s say we REALLY feck that keeper over and manage to sign him on 200k a week. Over 6 years that’s ~60m

So it would cost 120-130m over 6 years to replace DDG

Are you mad?
This is brilliant at 18m a year.

That's also assuming we don't do a Bravo and sign a dud and end up having to find another during that time. Signing DDG for another 6 years keeps him well out of reach of those scumbags in Madrid, leaves us one less thing to worry about and enables De Gea to focus on what he does best. It's a no-brainer and a signal of intent to current and potential players.
People saying he's declining at 28 years old... :lol: Keepers usually rather enter their best years in their late 20s, not their decline. Not to mention he's been saving the team's ass for at least 5 years now. If there's anyone who deserves that wage from our team, it's him.

Yep. I'm not sure whether there's just a very vocal minority or there is actually a significant number of people that now doubt his class, but the most reputable ranking of keepers for the last 5 years (IFFHS) has had in the top five in 4 of the last 5 years, with him dropping out for the first time last year (presumably due to the WC horror show). There can't be any doubt he's been one of the best keepers in the world this decade, regardless of how people want to quibble over the specific ranking.

In that context, if you take a look at the keepers that featured 1st in that list over the years, you'll see pretty quickly why it's conventional wisdom that keepers are still in their peak at their early 30s...

  • Jean-Marie Pfaff - World Cup's best goalkeeper at 33, IFFHS keeper of the year at 34
  • Rinat Dasaev - IFFHS keeper of the year at 31
  • Walter Zenga - IFFHS keeper of the year at 31
  • Peter Schmeichel - PL POTY at 33, UEFA keeper of the year at 35
  • Michel Preud'homme - IFFHS keeper of the year at 35
  • José Luis Chilavert - South American POTY at 31, IFFHS keeper of the year at 33
  • Andreas Köpke - German POTY at 31, IFFHS keeper of the year at 34
  • Oliver Kahn - German POTY at 32, IFFHS keeper of the year at 33
  • Fabien Barthez - IFFHS keeper of the year at 29
  • Gianluigi Buffon - IFFHS keeper of the year at 38
  • Petr Cech - PL Team of the year at 31
  • Iker Casillas - IFFHS keeper of the year at 31
  • Manuel Neuer - IFFHS keeper of the year at 30
  • Thibaut Courtois - he's only 27
It might well be that he declines rapidly in the way someone like Casillas did, going from one of the best keepers in the world to a complete liability in little over a year, but even Casillas was flying high at 31. It would be genuinely exceptional if De Gea's past his peak now, but you've got some people here talking about it as a likely possibility.

And while Casillas was exceptional from his early 20s (like de Gea) right through to his early 30s, at the age of 28 he was part of a team that conceded more goals than 15th placed Osasuna, with Madrid's 4th worst goals conceded total in 60 years. The next season he won the World Cup without conceding a goal in the knockout rounds. Blips are very common, but by their nature they're very forgettable because they're such a small portion of long, successful careers.
If Henderson is as good as they say maybe we can look at selling De Gea in one or two years for a huge transfer fee.

This contract secures that.

Who's going to pay that high a wage for a goalie? He will be deadwood in about 3-4 yrs time when his physical dexterity starts to fade.
Who's going to pay that high a wage for a goalie? He will be deadwood in about 3-4 yrs time when his physical dexterity starts to fade.
This is ridiculous. Why do people believe as soon as you hit 30 your body falls apart? Goal keepers tend to enter their prime post 30. That’s what this contract reflects.
I bet De Gea plays as well as he has ever done now he has this new contract. He probably put in 80% effort last season, as he thought the club wasnt valueing him as our best player, which he was 4-5 years on the bounce. Sanchez was getting this mega money for doing f all and De Gea probably thought why should I put all this extra effort in when Im not valued the same. If we never had have bought Sanchez I reckon he would have signed for £300 grand a week and Pogba wouldnt be pushing to leave and would be signing a £300 grand a week contract as well.
I also suspect Henderson will now move on and sign with another club, more than likely Sheff Utd. Unless we can convince him having a couple of seasons fighting relegation is the way to go before coming back and challenging for the jersey here.
You HAVE seen him play, right?

If football was the shite military metaphor that I'm going to use now, Schmeichel would have been a General, VDS was that Colonel type from Rambo, Stepney is the guy in the corner who's retired but always has a solution to stop the Russians and De Gea is Jason Bourne - the one man army.
The one man army..:lol:
We all know how media report wages, they include every possible bonuses. It's like the maximum money he can earn.
Age has nothing to do with it when your are a GK but a lack of command in your box and a clear inability of dealing with crosses does. The last few seasons he has reverted to the keeper we signed, great shot stopper but that's about it. His career is relying on celebrity status and that appears to be enough to be a United player these days. Keeping him on gives the feels of a marquee signing and that appeases the sponsors and some fans. We would be no worse off with Romero in goal.
Good news. Gives us one less thing to think about in this rebuild phase. At least we won't lose him for free next year. When he regains his form, no one will remember his salary like they don't Van Dijk fee.

Don't care how much he'll earn. If he just gets back to his best which was match-winning good & also try to be good with his feet again like he was a couple of years ago I'll be delighted. Being a bit more commanding in and around the box would be good too.
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