Cop in America doing a bad job, again

I have never understood how civil forfeiture to the benefit of the police department can be a thing in any modern society.
According to the LA Times the initial suspicion that the guy was a Vagos member were mistaken so hopefully he wasn't and they haven't.

Local investigators initially thought Luther had ties to the Vagos motorcycle gang, one of the nation’s largest and most dangerous outlaw biker gangs, alongside Hell’s Angels and the Mongols.

However, federal experts familiar with the Vagos say he is not a member.

Authorities had a large contingent of officers standing guard late Monday outside the hospital in Moreno Valley where their colleagues were being treated, in part because of concerns surrounding the shooter’s supposed ties to the Vagos.

“When we’re told of that information in the beginning, that plays into part of why we made the decision to have that security there,” Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said.
I have never understood how civil forfeiture to the benefit of the police department can be a thing in any modern society.

I'd have no problem with it if legal judgments against them resulting in compensation came out of police pension funds too.
I'd have no problem with it if legal judgments against them resulting in compensation came out of police pension funds too.
I don't think it would be great for the process if other police officers testifying about the actions of a bad apple could loose their own pensions because they speak the truth (and lets face it, there's hardly ever justice unless the clean cops speak up).
I have read comments that mention perhaps the suspect had added the tattoos after the alleged crimes but none of the articles I've found online mention this in police PR statements.
Was a man wrongly identified after police digitally altered his mugshot?
ACLU says case ‘raises big questions’ after Oregon authorities removed facial tattoos before showing image to witnesses
Police Digitally Remove African-American Suspect’s Tattoos for Photo Lineup
I have read comments that mention perhaps the suspect had added the tattoos after the alleged crimes but none of the articles I've found online mention this in police PR statements.
Was a man wrongly identified after police digitally altered his mugshot?
ACLU says case ‘raises big questions’ after Oregon authorities removed facial tattoos before showing image to witnesses
Police Digitally Remove African-American Suspect’s Tattoos for Photo Lineup

They definitely covered them up. They have a quote from the bloke who painted over them admitting in court that he did so.

“I basically painted over the tattoos,’’ police forensic criminalist Mark Weber admitted during his testimony. “Almost like applying electronic makeup.’’
The video is blurred out but may still be NSFW. A homicide suspect ran around a town butt naked and dozens of cops reacted - not a single shot or take down. This vid compares such to other races and incidents.

The video is blurred out but may still be NSFW. A homicide suspect ran around a town butt naked and dozens of cops reacted - not a single shot or take down. This vid compares such to other races and incidents.

That's the way arrests should be done then. He's clearly not hiding any concealed weapons and doesn't seem to be a threat.
The video is blurred out but may still be NSFW. A homicide suspect ran around a town butt naked and dozens of cops reacted - not a single shot or take down. This vid compares such to other races and incidents.

Brother-in-law of a Rays pitcher. Alleged to have killed his own mother, sister and her baby boy aged 1.
Love videos when someone explains to me what's happening instead of just letting me watch the damn thing.
Ahh yes that gem. Supposedly he wasn't hacking it in field training and was going to be sent back to work jails. Still baffles the mind why he did what he did. My toddler could have come up with a better story than that.

cops are the biggest babies of any profession. just shut the feck up

Is this like the official police handle? Kinda scary reading through.. They seem to think they are not part of the community. So much anger even inn the other tweets..
Why are Yanks so trigger happy?

And the last line, "Maam get a hold of your dog.".

Spoiler alert: she can't cos she's dead.
I don't see much wrong there. The guy didn't tell the officer it was his own house. Not sure what the legality is of the search though @Skizzo ?
He did. Told them he called the alarm company and went back to sleep. Serious lack of discretion by the officer. The superior came and made things worse after they realised what had happened. It's bullshit from both officers.
He did. Told them he called the alarm company and went back to sleep. Serious lack of discretion by the officer. The superior came and made things worse after they realised what had happened. It's bullshit from both officers.

Not true. If I'm the cop I'm making sure that guy, who told me he has a weapon, isn't up to no good.
Not true. If I'm the cop I'm making sure that guy, who told me he has a weapon, isn't up to no good.

He told the cop he is a club owner and people are always trying to rob him. Last time I checked, personal protection is a valid reason to own a gun in the US. There's only one factor at play here and it's the homeowner's skin colour.
He told the cop he is a club owner and people are always trying to rob him. Last time I checked, personal protection is a valid reason to own a gun in the US. There's only one factor at play here and it's the homeowner's skin colour.

Put yourself in the cop's shoes and tell me what you would have done.
Put yourself in the cop's shoes and tell me what you would have done.
Not long into that video, it's obvious it is the guy's house. Most of my gripe is with that superior officer that insisted on humiliating that guy.
Not long into that video, it's obvious it is the guy's house. Most of my gripe is with that superior officer that insisted on humiliating that guy.

Indeed, because criminals never lie to cops. The cop had a duty to check everything out and the homeowner did nothing to reassure him or help him. You have to accept that some cop is armed and jumpy and then tailor your own behaviour to that scenario. That's just reality.