Ole Gunnar Solskjær needs more time and respect at Manchester United


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Start from a position of Ole great and everyone else bad and write an article and that's what you get. Terrible article.

There's some weird myth going on that you have to go backwards to go forward, which fortunately for the Ole in excuses all the negative indicators.


New Member
Feb 3, 2015
:lol::lol: can't take stuff like this seriously.

Solskjaer is out of his depth and needs to be sacked. Nice fella though.
Sorry but opinions like this without a viable replacement or plan going forward that will guarantee improvement are boring beyond comprehension. It's simply small minded to say 'Ole is doing shite, every other manager in Europe will do better.'

Speaking from experience whenever hiring or firing, especially within managerial positions, you cannot responsibly let somebody go without doing the ground work on a replacement that will offer an improvement to the position.

I mean what good exactly would it do to let Ole go now? We aren't making top four, not even if prime Fergie was here, not with this thin squad of mostly average players and teenagers.

What decent manager would be committed to this role when they've seen us sack a club legend less than one year into a newly signed three year contract? What would the benchmark be for the new manager with this squad?
Using these opinions as a guide the new manager would have to be in the top four as a minimum, except that won't happen.

I haven't read the entire OP as I'm in work but I'm guessing the gist of it relates to the fact we have a lot of injuries and Ole has only had one transfer window (in which he made the best signings we have made since SAF left) etc? Can't really disagree with that.

Don't get me wrong if we are in a relegation fight come January then we would have to consider the position and our potential options but I don't believe that will be the case.

The truth is the size of our rebuild is bigger than most people think, we made three decent signings in the summer to signal the start of a change in recruitment. To me that is the single best thing we have achieved since this mess started after SAF retired. Poor recruitment has been by far one of our biggest issues contributing to where we find ourselves now.

I've said before that there is no way Ole would have let Lukaku leave without fully believing Ed was going to bring in a replacement, whatever he has said in press conferences to the contrary is simply towing the company line to avoid negative press. If we had made that replacement striker signing with perhaps another one signing in midfield then I think we would be seeing a very different set of results (and that's not factoring in the injuries.)

So the options now are whether to stick by Ole, a guy who loves the club and genuinely wants the best for United, and see if real improvements can be realized after the next summer window. Or scrap everything we've tried to implement and change with the club over the last year, hire some horseshit, pragmatic Italian manager who will want to go in a totally different direction (wasting more time and money in the process.)

I'd rather stick and see what comes than change and be wondering 'what if' when the next manager repeats the awful cycle we are in. As I said, results have been poor but anybody believing we would be flying with this squad under a different manager is in dreamland.

Why are we so impatient, there is not a trophy both domestically or in Europe available to us that we have not already won, I'm not saying we should let the club slide into obscurity but we should be able to find a bit of balls between us fans to let things play out.
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Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
Ole needs to go, we are in relegation form, but we need better players as well. Everyone on the caf here could see that our team is fecked with a few injuries and here we are.


Full Member
Apr 30, 2019
Also it didn’t state our players enjoy missing a lot of games through injury
Our injuries:

Shaw - Has had a history of injuries
Jones - Never
I agree and that's what i suspect we will do. Midfield and attack is next imo and then squad depth. It's a process this and for whatever reason the club/ Ole decided to start with the least sexy area of the pitch, the one that fans get exited about the least. Had we started with the mid or attack and lost games 2-3 or 3-4 i think a lot more of us would have "seen" the improvement. Defensive stats are just not very exiting.
On a personal view, I like the fact we have addressed our defensive frailties, this way going into the windows we know what we will have to do and fill the rest of team with confidence.

Bulldog United

New Member
Feb 18, 2019
The media are a curious bunch. When they crucify someone it’s nothing personal even when there clearly is an agenda.

But the minute football fans, the ones who make the game worth billions and billions decide a friend of the media and pundits is not good enough. Then suddenly, it’s “hate and disrespect” because clearly football fans do not have intelligence and cannot understand the game logically.
They are in the business of creating stories to sell publications, or subscriptions, or generate advertising revenue online from clicks from their ridiculous stories. These writers all have salaries that need to be justified in a very tough market. The best way to please the boss is to be the person who brings in the most online traffic.

It's sad that standards have fallen so low that journalists don't even worry about the trash they put their names to these days. I'm sure accuracy is quite far down the list of priorities when these people are assessed on work performance.
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Full Member
Apr 30, 2019
Also it didn’t state our players enjoy missing a lot of games through injury
Our injuries:

Shaw - Has had a history of injuries
Jones - Never
Solskjaer' style isn't so bad it just breaks down in the final third - everything beyond that has been improved since last season. Our stats put us in the top-five in terms of generating space and opportunities - and the only reason we're impotent in terms of creating and scoring is down to our players. They weren't great at it even during Jose's tenure when we had Fellaini, Herrera, Lukaku and Sanchez - and losing them without replacing has damaged us even further. Our defense is solid this year and our buildup is decent enough - statistics don't lie in that regard - we just lack that finishing touch and it's not down to our tactics or "style" it's down to those individuals on the pitch being blind, stupid and jittery. They don't see or simply choose to ignore the the opportunities when they do present themselves - making all kinds of silly decisions instead of shipping the ball or themselves off to where they need to be - and even when they do make a run into those spaces or pass the ball to someone who's positioned themselves there - they can't even be trusted to put the ball on an open net or score a penalty. In short - our play is decent and warrants far more than this attacking lineup is able to make of it. Our "style" is not the issue - our structures are all there - it's the pieces that won't fit.

The biggest criticism that can be had against our club at present isn't down to tactics it's down to recruitment - and perhaps also coaching. And I say perhaps here because there's always the possibility that this is as good as these players can get - that they've peaked and no coaching in the world would change that. I mean they didn't exactly impress up front during previous regimes either - so I'm focusing on the constants here and leaning towards that explanation.

It is quite clear that some of these players have reached their ceilings. The likes of Lingard, Perreira have reached their ceilings.
Mata, Matic are all on a downward spiral whilst Rashford's being played out of position which he struggles to adapt in.

The fact that we are having to play without a recognised RW and a poor CM in Fred makes it alot harder for everyone.

I was on here in August saying there is a clear style that Ole wants to play then after the Southampton game we seemed to have changed the way we play. At West Ham we never got going, didn't press and looked tired.

This is all similar to what we saw when Ole took over where he was playing well and as soon as a few injuries hit, we reverted to type and tried to nick results.

The Kag

New Member
Mar 21, 2013
The choice is simple: potential long-term success under Solskjær or guaranteed long-term failure under a load of different managers.
It's difficult to take this article seriously when the author is pawning off this ultimatum as if it's set in stone. It reeks of a religious zealot dooming mankind unless we all convert to their deity of choice. Tell me, what incontrovertible evidence is this based on?

The subsequent success of Ferguson should logically carry the power of a judicial precedent
Oh, a judicial precedent? This, of course, being predicated on the tenure of a manager that will go down as not only one of the greatest in the history of football, but in all of sport (read: statistical anomaly). It's a nonsensical, albeit romantic parallel used to rebuke those who question Solskjaer's current position as manager of Manchester United ("manager" being the operative word). Heaven forbid the people take a club legend to task in regards to his managerial form and capabilities.

But no one really knows; not Solskjær himself, certainly not Twitter’s finest.
Funny, he seemed so sure of himself in his opening statement.

People are desperately clinging to the idea that our disastrous form is just a crucial step in Ole's metamorphosis that will see him transform into SAF mk. II! Equipped with an incomprehensible Scottish accent and a life time supply of chewing gum. Despite Ole understanding the "United way," there's this little thing called "tacit knowledge." It's wishful thinking to believe lightning will strike twice just by virtue of proximity and long term exposure to greatness.

It also doesn't have to be one or the other in terms of the blame game. You can have abysmal upper management and an incompetent manager. It reminds me of Neville's ridiculous school of thought; established managers have struggled and Woodward/Glazers are hindering us, ipso facto, improvement is impossible regardless of the current manager. It's a very odd line of thinking. Persisting with the manager solely because the aforementioned parties are just as rotten doesn't seem very logical or most importantly, conducive to improving our performances on the pitch.

This author's hit piece from 2006 is truly awe-inspiring. Who knew it was possible to be so wildly off-base.

a coaching set-up that had Wayne Rooney playing wide for a season and turned Ronaldo from the world's most thrilling off-the-wall talent into a run-of-the-mill winger when he plays for United
As Ronaldo goes on to have his arguably most entertaining season of his entire career while establishing himself as a truly world class player.

El Zoido

Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
Start from a position of Ole great and everyone else bad and write an article and that's what you get. Terrible article.

There's some weird myth going on that you have to go backwards to go forward, which fortunately for the Ole in excuses all the negative indicators.
It’s not a myth, but it’s not a rule either. Definitely with the state the club was in, a clear out was required. The same way a drug addict might not come clean until he almost OD’s, sometimes it requires a fall to give the complete focused drive towards improvement. Frankly the club needs a kick up the arse, we’ll never challenge again by just cycling through managers every two years. All the Ole haters will be in for a shock when the next manager doesn’t do any better.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Respect as an individual yes. Respect as a manager? Mourinho could expect that. But not Ole.

As for time, it appears all time will do is drag on the ignorance that he is simply not good enough for this level.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2015

I agree with you that in the first 3-4 games we were unlucky - but even then we should have done better and I also remember the start of last season when Lukaku missed a golden clear cut chance probably in every of his first four games that could have changed the course of play. Ole does definitely get a special treatment from those who are still on his side, but he also gets too harsh a treatment from those who aren't. For me he's just not shown anything whatsoever to indicate he's got it.

I mean the first sentence in that piece really tells the story of what the rest will be:

"The choice is simple: potential long-term success under Solskjær or guaranteed long-term failure under a load of different managers"

It creates a little safety net by stressing "potential" long-term success, which could apply to any manager anywhere at any time. Trouble is, we've nothing to go on there. And then it conclusively states that anyone else is a guaranteed long-term failure.

I haven't seen one piece defending him that actually specifies what - as a coach and tactician - makes him competent enough to be a viable long-term manager.

Web of Bissaka

Full Member
Feb 20, 2017
Losing to Comeback Winning!
Yes, definitely need to be given more respects. The insults and jokes at times go too far, I get emotions of disappointment running wild and all but still..
No, not more time.. or rather, should only be given more times if he make the most out of the remaining (running out of) times he have left. Unfortunately, it's just way not convincing.


Massive Snowflake
Dec 5, 2013
They are in the business of creating stories to sell publications, or subscriptions, or generate advertising revenue online from clicks from their ridiculous stories. These writers all have salaries that need to be justified in a very tough market. The best way to please the boss is to be the person who brings in the most online traffic.

It's sad that standards have fallen so low that journalists don't even worry about the trash they put their names to these days. I'm sure accuracy is quite far down the list of priorities when these people are assessed on work performance.
While end game is salary, a lot of articles are written as do a favour and get a favour such as access, exclusive interviews which leads to big bucks. That’s actually what I think this is.

Before it was just managers that journos had to appease but now you have highly influential pundits and their friends.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Worthless puff piece. Written by either a brainless Ole fanboy or an ABU hack.

"United have a simple choice between potential long-term success under Solskjær and guaranteed long‑term failure under a load of different managers."
- Just absolutely noxious lack of reasoning behind this statement, just like every other assertion in the article.

"It would be unfair to say there is an anti-Solskjær agenda in the media but there is certainly an anti-Solskjær mood"
- Everyone who isn't a United fan is backing Ole to stay, for obvious reasons. Most pundits who are United fans are sentimental idiots. Impossible to say there's anything other than a strongly pro-Solskjaer sentiment in the media.


New Member
Jan 23, 2019
They will hide from here, if he manages to turn it around.
It’s not looking promising, but I love the guy and pray for a miracle or just a genuine turnaround. Won’t ever catch me calling him a bum or a clown like others though!

Henrik Larsson

Still logged in at RAWK (help!)
Sep 13, 2013
Thank you Rob Smyth for attempting to point out that focusing on long-termism with regards to football managers is probably a better idea than giving over to the mass hysteria and chaos that short-termism and changing plans every other season creates. Such revolutionary insight right there, bordering on Einstein level of brilliance.

Personally I have to admit I simply couldn't have come to that conclusion myself, so yeah I'm really really happy we're being enlightened with this beautifully written piece which doesn't contain stupid logic and idiotic arguments at all.

Massive Spanner

The Football Grinch
Jul 2, 2014
Tool shed
Whether he deserves more time or not is almost irrelevant. The club made a call to go with Ole and tasked him with a long term rebuild and establishing a better culture at the club.

So, they sell some of the more expensive senior players for the greater good of culture and replace them with young players and 18 year olds from the academy. Doing that, they decimate the depth of the squad and go into the season with a squad that is criminally thin and completely lacking experience. An injury crisis later and people are surprised that the results are crap?

If they sack him now the club will look utterly clueless. They spent just under £150m on his players in the summer. One hundred and fifty million pounds. If history is any indicator, if he is replaced, the first thing his successor will do is look to offload all 3 of his signings, most likely for a considerable loss.

He deserves a chance to have a run of games with a reasonable number of his first 11 available and the club needs to decide on a direction and follow through on it, no matter how idiotic it might seem.
So, to be clear, even if it's completely apparent to everyone that he is unfit to manage the club and we are going nowhere under him, he should still be allowed to follow through because six months ago the club made an idiotic decision to hire him fulltime?


Full Member
Mar 6, 2013
Great OP. Results are not good but just about everything else has improved under Ole. I honestly believe that given another 2 windows he will turn the whole club on its head. People are just too spoilt to look at the bigger picture. Quote me on this.


New Member
Oct 23, 2016
The choice is simple: potential long-term success under Solskjær or guaranteed long-term failure under a load of different managers
Imagine starting your article with such a totally BS point.


New Member
May 15, 2013
Great OP. Results are not good but just about everything else has improved under Ole. I honestly believe that given another 2 windows he will turn the whole club on its head. People are just too spoilt to look at the bigger picture. Quote me on this.
What exactly has improved?


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Great OP. Results are not good but just about everything else has improved under Ole. I honestly believe that given another 2 windows he will turn the whole club on its head. People are just too spoilt to look at the bigger picture. Quote me on this.
:lol: Such as?

The only thing Ole can point to is making two good defensive signings that literally any fan would have made had they been given the job. And even then our defensive record has actually gotten worse.


New Member
Jun 14, 2016
Day by day, game by game he is deserving less and less respect. Stop saying that he has United's best interests at heart, he doesn't, otherwise, he would have resigned a long time ago.

United doesn't need to wait for Poch or some other manager to become available. If my mom would be hired today United would be better off. I guarantee you that the results won't get worse and at the same time nobody would argue that she deserves 3 years, 10 transfer windows or 2 billion. Even Gary Neville would agree to replace her with someone actually competent.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Also OP, "growing tide of hate"? He manages arguably the world's biggest football club. All his buddies and well wishers can want him to be given an easy ride all they want, but this enormous football club isn't a toy for him to test his ideas. There are expectations of excellence at a big club and he hasn't got it. We know it's a tough job but why should it not be?


New Member
Dec 30, 2017
Terminal D
This is the internet. People spew hatred and personal insults like confetti. All because someone may not be doing their job as well as some people would like. It really is sad.
Agreed. The internet is a cesspool of abrasive cowards.

Not only that but there are some "fans" (who shall not be named) that abuse Ole daily, yet bend over backward to absolve the previously managerial failure of any blame. With that said I think Ole has been given a lot of time. The main issue is not losing but the uninspiring style of play.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Sorry but opinions like this without a viable replacement or plan going forward that will guarantee improvement are boring beyond comprehension. It's simply small minded to say 'Ole is doing shite, every other manager in Europe will do better.'

Speaking from experience whenever hiring or firing, especially within managerial positions, you cannot responsibly let somebody go without doing the ground work on a replacement that will offer an improvement to the position.

I mean what good exactly would it do to let Ole go now? We aren't making top four, not even if prime Fergie was here, not with this thin squad of mostly average players and teenagers.

What decent manager would be committed to this role when they've seen us sack a club legend less than one year into a newly signed three year contract? What would the benchmark be for the new manager with this squad?
Using these opinions as a guide the new manager would have to be in the top four as a minimum, except that won't happen.

I haven't read the entire OP as I'm in work but I'm guessing the gist of it relates to the fact we have a lot of injuries and Ole has only had one transfer window (in which he made the best signings we have made since SAF left) etc? Can't really disagree with that.

Don't get me wrong if we are in a relegation fight come January then we would have to consider the position and our potential options but I don't believe that will be the case.

The truth is the size of our rebuild is bigger than most people think, we made three decent signings in the summer to signal the start of a change in recruitment. To me that is the single best thing we have achieved since this mess started after SAF retired. Poor recruitment has been by far one of our biggest issues contributing to where we find ourselves now.

I've said before that there is no way Ole would have let Lukaku leave without fully believing Ed was going to bring in a replacement, whatever he has said in press conferences to the contrary is simply towing the company line to avoid negative press. If we had made that replacement striker signing with perhaps another one signing in midfield then I think we would be seeing a very different set of results (and that's not factoring in the injuries.)

So the options now are whether to stick by Ole, a guy who loves the club and genuinely wants the best for United, and see if real improvements can be realized after the next summer window. Or scrap everything we've tried to implement and change with the club over the last year, hire some horseshit, pragmatic Italian manager who will want to go in a totally different direction (wasting more time and money in the process.)

I'd rather stick and see what comes than change and be wondering 'what if' when the next manager repeats the awful cycle we are in. As I said, results have been poor but anybody believing we would be flying with this squad under a different manager is in dreamland.

Why are we so impatient, there is not a trophy both domestically or in Europe available to us that we have not already won, I'm not saying we should let the club slide into obscurity but we should be able to find a bit of balls between us fans to let things play out.
You didn't even bother to ask him who he feels should replace Ole before jumping all over him using bizarre assumptions. And I don't think it's the job of fans to carry out a detailed analysis of the managerial field and determine who is available /who isn't among those that are good enough. But based on watching our own team play, it's possible to tell when a manager is absolutely out of his depth and hold a view when he attains the illustrious relegation form certificate, that he should go. Absolutely nothing wrong with that view despite your melodramatic response.

Also, well done on believing that we should consider our options if we are in a relegation fight come January we should consider options but that shouldn't be the case. I mean, it's absurd how low people want the standards at this football club to be. If he can't get top 4 he shouldn't be at this football club.


Full Member
Apr 25, 2014
This season is pretty much dead and buried anyway and despite being just a couple of points above relegation right now, that is also unlikely so a mid-table finish is what we'll end up with. In reality, it doesn't matter if we get anywhere from 8th to 17th, the end result is the same. We might get back into the Europa League, but for me even that isn't the end of the world.

This means there is absolutely no point in getting rid of Ole right now, or at Christmas, or March or whenever. Give him the season, and see how it pans out when we get players back. Players coming back from injury can be the real boost that's needed to kick a team into gear. I'd love to see Martial return in the number 9, Rashford out one way and James the other. Let Pogba be an attacking midfielder, yes make him track back as well, but give him the freedom he needs to be the player we all know he can be (social media and off-field antics don't help his cause at all). We have good defensive options who are still just about doing ok despite the rest of the team falling apart. For me, we need two or three more midfielders in Jan, maybe one youngster with promise and a couple of experienced. I wouldn't be upset if we got Bale, and I think James Rodriguez is one club away from being the player he was in 2014 World Cup. I'm also a fan of Arturo Vidal. Lingard just hasn't turned into the player I and I suspect most of us hoped he would, Mata and Matic are past their best. Perreira probably needs offloading as well. I'd be inclined to go for a 352 with Maguire, Lindelof and AWB at the back. Shaw, Pogba, Vidal, Rodriguez and James in the middle - Vidal dropping back, Pogba Rodriguez interchanging and having free roam behind the front two. I'd have Bale and Martial upfront togther, and use Rashford in the mix as well, to bring his confidence back up. Those players would give you flexibility to move it back to a 433 or even a 343, with some youth around to fill in when necessary and give cup games to. I honestly believe we have the crux of a good team here, it just needs fine tuning and a couple of players in the mix. Getting Bale, Rodriguez and Vidal to come is a different matter entirely, but we still make a ton of money and have wasted enough over thelast few years - pay what we need to and push on.

tl:dr; keep Ole until the end of the season, nothing to gain from any other course of action.


Full Member
Jun 17, 2006
Reads like a parody article written by an opposition fan. They are all loving it :mad:


Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
You have to earn your time in that job. Fans and the United Board would, I suspect, put up with a couple of years of mediocre performances/results (ie 6th/7th in the Premier League), if they thought that it was the price to pay for genuine long term progress on and off the pitch.

What nobody will put up with for any length of time is relegation form and appalling displays of football where the side struggles even to muster a shot on goal, let alone score.

Solskjaer needs to get the side performing at a higher level if he wants to buy himself the time/opportunity to conduct his "rebuild".


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
So, to be clear, even if it's completely apparent to everyone that he is unfit to manage the club and we are going nowhere under him, he should still be allowed to follow through because six months ago the club made an idiotic decision to hire him fulltime?
It's really silly logic. Look, I understand that if the club feels "youth, energy, attack" is the direction we've chosen, and more importantly, truly believe in, then we should stick to it (if we continue to believe in it). However these principals are NOT patented by and the trademark of Ole. It was nice and all that he copy pasted it from Sir Alex but that ideology can exist without him. And if he's proving incompetent in fully realising that ideology, then it's common sense that somebody more competent should carry it out.

If one believes in Ole then fine. But don't use such terrible logic in justifying sticking with him.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
You have to earn your time in that job. Fans and the United Board would, I suspect, put up with a couple of years of mediocre performances/results (ie 6th/7th in the Premier League), if they thought that it was the price to pay for genuine long term progress on and off the pitch.

What nobody will put up with for any length of time is relegation form and appalling displays of football where the side struggles even to muster a shot on goal, let alone score.

Solskjaer needs to get the side performing at a higher level if he wants to buy himself the time/opportunity to conduct his "rebuild".
Absolutely. If we saw signs of genuine progress plenty would be willing to stick with iffy results (as Liverpool fans did with Klopp).


Full Member
Mar 6, 2013
:lol: Such as?

The only thing Ole can point to is making two good defensive signings that literally any fan would have made had they been given the job. And even then our defensive record has actually gotten worse.
Jesus even in that sentence you are wrong. Did you not notice the class winger he picked up for 15 million


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
You have to earn your time in that job. Fans and the United Board would, I suspect, put up with a couple of years of mediocre performances/results (ie 6th/7th in the Premier League), if they thought that it was the price to pay for genuine long term progress on and off the pitch.

What nobody will put up with for any length of time is relegation form and appalling displays of football where the side struggles even to muster a shot on goal, let alone score.

Solskjaer needs to get the side performing at a higher level if he wants to buy himself the time/opportunity to conduct his "rebuild".

That is a good point. Most of us would put up with a lot if the football was entertaining. Lack of good football is what did for all the managers since SAF. Ole has to sort that side out and he will get time. Good football will hopefully see an upsurge in results as well.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Jesus even in that sentence you are wrong. Did you not notice the class winger he picked up for 15 million
It's a bit early to label Daniel James as a 'class winger'. He looks like he has some potential, that's for sure. I definitely like two of the three signings. But there's no point of signing Messi if you're going to manage the team like Moyes managed United. That's the point. You can't manage things on the pitch like a car crash.


Feb 1, 2012
That is a good point. Most of us would put up with a lot if the football was entertaining. Lack of good football is what did for all the managers since SAF. Ole has to sort that side out and he will get time. Good football will hopefully see an upsurge in results as well.
And how do we suppose he’s going to have us playing good football under the current coaching staff? They’ve shown absolutely nothing in even the basics of the game to convince me they’ll suddenly have us playing champagne football.


Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Jul 31, 2015
The people within the club, and the supporters who actually matter have huge respect for Solsjkaer, and many believe in what he's trying to achieve.
As for time, he probably will get it, unless the results get so bad that sacking him is the only option.
The main posters on here/twitter who don't show him respect simply don't matter and aren't worth taking seriously.


Full Member
Jun 20, 2017
Jesus even in that sentence you are wrong. Did you not notice the class winger he picked up for 15 million
to my knowledge giggs was the one pushing for James. And although he started off hot as hell im a bit worried people are overrating james a bit (also ignoring the fact that he plays in the position that is rashfords only good position at the moment). He has been pretty quiet since that first stretch of his and has a ways to go before being defined as "class" in my opinion. Think if rashford had been the long term injury and not martial things might have been different.


Feb 1, 2012
You have to earn your time in that job. Fans and the United Board would, I suspect, put up with a couple of years of mediocre performances/results (ie 6th/7th in the Premier League), if they thought that it was the price to pay for genuine long term progress on and off the pitch.

What nobody will put up with for any length of time is relegation form and appalling displays of football where the side struggles even to muster a shot on goal, let alone score.

Solskjaer needs to get the side performing at a higher level if he wants to buy himself the time/opportunity to conduct his "rebuild".
This is exactly what Klopp did at Liverpool, thus the board and fans stuck with him.


Full Member
Apr 30, 2019
The people within the club, and the supporters who actually matter have huge respect for Solsjkaer, and many believe in what he's trying to achieve.
As for time, he probably will get it, unless the results get so bad that sacking him is the only option.
The main posters on here/twitter who don't show him respect simply don't matter and aren't worth taking seriously.

Exactly, I can't think of any fan that doesn't want Ole to do well but sometimes it feels he is out of his depth.

He will always be a legend and respected for what he achieved at this club.

If come end of November and he is in the bottom half, more likely he will get sacked because there is one thing giving someone time and another realising that he is not going to succeed.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Jesus even in that sentence you are wrong. Did you not notice the class winger he picked up for 15 million
Jesus I didn't think it even needed mentioning. We've already established he can't take credit for the most obvious of big money defensive signings. Likewise he can't take much credit for signing cheap youngsters like James who are recommended to him. Trying to save Ole's position with James is exactly the same as trying to save Mourinho's position with Dalot at this time last year. Nonsensical.

So are you going to even try to answer the question then? What has improved? Your post made it sound like it would be really easy to list off a whole swathe of areas we've made strides in not including results.