The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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You totally missed my point. The tea party was bad because their policies and beliefs were bad. Just like McConnell is bad because his policies and beliefs are bad.

Experience is secondary.

Well you made a pretty clear claim that newcomers to politics were better than career politicians, so I’d like to hear some example of this actually happening in reality.
Well you made a pretty clear claim that newcomers to politics were better than career politicians, so I’d like to hear some example of this actually happening in reality.

I made the claim that the average person would be better than career politicians. But that's not really provable since becoming a politician no longer makes them an average person.
Politicians should be made up of people who are good at doing their regular job before getting into politics. The last thing we need is another Ivy League lawyer (or equivalent) buying his way into government.
It's always staggering the sympathy that comfortable liberals have for politicians. It's where the "it's her turn" stuff comes from too.

These people work for us. We dont owe them anything. Bernie is the best politician we've had in this country for decades and if he died tomorrow I would be sad for the tens of thousands of poor people who will die without healthcare and for the countless foreign lives that would be destroyed by imperialist wars. I wouldn't feel bad for Bernie. Hes almost 80 years old and has lived a comfortable life.

You dont have to respect the skill of people who sell out the lives of you and your friends to add a zero to a corporate bank account. You dont have to defend Joe Biden who has blazed a successful career out of helping credit card companies and bankrupting college students. You dont have to admire Hillary for breaking the glass ceiling through decades of discrediting rape victims, rigging elections, enabling coups, and creating the conditions for an open air slave market.

The default view of normal people towards any politician should be contempt and only a small amount ever get beyond that.
Well said.
You would think that being impeached would finish him and the Republican's chances in 2020 but things are so fecked up in the world I fear it might just do the opposite.
The demonization of Biden and everything that is not far left is reaching absurd levels in this forum.

It's really not that shocking for people who are actually on the left, to want political representation that is actually on the left. The Democrats are a right of center party, that has a monopoly on the left because there is nothing to the left of them. The only areas where Dems like Biden and Clinton are left wing, are on some social issues. That's the only area where they are even remotely progressive.

Being more progressive on some issues than a very religiously driven ultra conservative political party, doesn't make you left wing, or progressive in general.

The political spectrum in the US is a rigged game currently. It's like picking jurors from a list of jurors the mob has already bought. Your choices more often than not are religious conservatism, or conservatism.
It's really not that shocking for people who are actually on the left, to want political representation that is actually on the left. The Democrats are a right of center party, that has a monopoly on the left because there is nothing to the left of them. The only areas where Dems like Biden and Clinton are left wing, are on some social issues. That's the only area where they are even remotely progressive.

Being more progressive on some issues than a very religiously driven ultra conservative political party, doesn't make you left wing, or progressive in general.

The political spectrum in the US is a rigged game currently. It's like picking jurors from a list of jurors the mob has already bought. Your choices more often than not are religious conservatism, or conservatism.

The US is its own political ecosystem, so it's somewhat hard to compare one of its political parties to the norms observed in (for example) European countries or elsewhere. The Dems are on the left side of the fence, the Repugs on the right.
It's really not that shocking for people who are actually on the left, to want political representation that is actually on the left. The Democrats are a right of center party, that has a monopoly on the left because there is nothing to the left of them. The only areas where Dems like Biden and Clinton are left wing, are on some social issues. That's the only area where they are even remotely progressive.

Being more progressive on some issues than a very religiously driven ultra conservative political party, doesn't make you left wing, or progressive in general.

The political spectrum in the US is a rigged game currently. It's like picking jurors from a list of jurors the mob has already bought. Your choices more often than not are religious conservatism, or conservatism.
Again there is nothing wrong with that. But there is a difference between what you said and nonsense claims like he would have joined GOP if it wasn’t for him being a VP and other claims that have been thrown on this site.
Again there is nothing wrong with that. But there is a difference between what you said and nonsense claims like he would have joined GOP if it wasn’t for him being a VP and other claims that have been thrown on this site.

You complained that people were ‘demonising’ Biden because someone said he might have switched party?
You complained that people were ‘demonising’ Biden because someone said he might have switched party?
Not just that but likely more from reading Eboue’s and Fed Dream’s (among others) posts. But for their POV and anyone who believes in socialism, Biden is someone to be demonized. An old school Neoliberal Democrat like him and a socialist really shouldn’t be in the same party but this is America so here we are.
Not just that but likely more from reading Eboue’s and Fed Dream’s (among others) posts. But for their POV and anyone who believes in socialism, Biden is someone to be demonized. An old school Neoliberal Democrat like him and a socialist really shouldn’t be in the same party but this is America so here we are.

ah I see, that’s a good summary. It wasn’t intended as a dig at revan, I was just wondering what was so wrong with someone floating the idea of Biden switching allegiance. It’s actually not much different with UK politics, with the traditional left party being split between the (far to some) left and centrists. I think the best way to govern a country is to put a bunch of different policies in a bingo Ball and do it that way.
That smile looks completely natural.

Its an outliner but that doesn't make the poll bogus, right ? Or I'm missing something here(I've already started the Christmas drinking) ?

There was poll last week showing that americans confidence in the economy is on the up and another poll showing Trump beating all the democratic candidates. Now there's clearly a long way to go looks like Trump isn't going to be a easy president to beat.
Its an outliner but that doesn't make the poll bogus, right ? Or I'm missing something here(I've already started the Christmas drinking) ?

There was poll last week showing that americans confidence in the economy is on the up and another poll showing Trump beating all the democratic candidates. Now there's clearly a long way to go looks like Trump isn't going to be a easy president to beat.
Rasmusen polls are always bogus.
Rasmussen has had him above or around 50 this whole time. It's always beenan outlier, and The Hill should be ashamed to have referenced it.
Its an outliner but that doesn't make the poll bogus, right ? Or I'm missing something here(I've already started the Christmas drinking) ?

There was poll last week showing that americans confidence in the economy is on the up and another poll showing Trump beating all the democratic candidates. Now there's clearly a long way to go looks like Trump isn't going to be a easy president to beat.

The Hill (already dodgy) citing a Rasmussen poll (notoriously weighted towards Trump).
"Some people think I was wrong to put Jesus in a cage but they're losers."
Eric Trump Rescues Christmas

Thank you Trump's for saving something that never existed.
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