Manchester City banned from CL for 2 seasons and fined 30 million euros | CAS - Ban lifted, fined 10 million

I somehow still can't take this very seriously, it feels like clubs always find a way to weasel their way out of these punishments with a slap on the wrist. Let's see what happens.
Don't get excited about this. The ban will be overturned or reduced to one year.
If this sticks - and they also get punished in the Prem, which players will be leaving in the summer? Would de Bruyne be happy spending the peak years of his career at a team not in a European competition? Sterling? etc.

This could be a house of cards..
Pop corn eating scenario right there
Do people still want Saudis to buy United? Autocratic rulers never accept the notion of fair play, and regularly get punished for doing so.
Wont that have to wait until the CAS ruling

PL will have to post the results of their own investigation I think as their ffp rules are different. They'll wait for CAS and if Uefa win, they'll have full reason to push the situation, if City win, they'll likely not push it on the back of Der Spiegel, they still could though because its seems our complaint to CAS was based on Uefa having found a result before the investigation began.
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Milan failed to break even. City cooked the books and the amount that they cooked was huge. It's not the same case.

"Cooked the books" implies something illegal. What City is doing does not breach British, EU or Qatari laws, it's only cheating UEFA's FFP regulations. These regulations, or at least the harshest punishments from UEFA when breaching them, are not recognized by the real authorities. City will easily win the case if they appeal it to CAS, although I really wish they don't.
"Cooked the books" implies something illegal. What City is doing does not breach British, EU or Qatari laws, it's only cheating UEFA's FFP regulations. These regulations, or at least the harshest punishments from UEFA when breaching them, are not recognized by the real authorities. City will easily win the case if they appeal it to CAS, although I really wish they don't.
They said they got X much money in sponsorship money but in reality they got Y. They manipulated financial data which is the very definition of cooking the books.

Could have a huge impact on Pep and City this. Not sure if Pep will want to wait 3 years for another pop at the CL.
"Cooked the books" implies something illegal. What City is doing does not breach British, EU or Qatari laws, it's only cheating UEFA's FFP regulations. These regulations, or at least the harshest punishments from UEFA when breaching them, are not recognized by the real authorities. City will easily win the case if they appeal it to CAS, although I really wish they don't.
So falsifying your accounts is ok with everyone except UEFA FFP rules? Really? Since WHEN?
"Cooked the books" implies something illegal. What City is doing does not breach British, EU or Qatari laws, it's only cheating UEFA's FFP regulations. These regulations, or at least the harshest punishments from UEFA when breaching them, are not recognized by the real authorities. City will easily win the case if they appeal it to CAS, although I really wish they don't.
They did cook the books. They took money from related parties and teied to disguise it as sponsorship
You see. Beside the factors that most of we human ego credit so much. Like Skills and experience. Then you have huge amount of luck and things goes our way factor. Example if Sheffield United or some lucky 5 th spot got ch.league football instead of City and theirs super hyper manager. So i hope the banned sticks.

Sometime we human just need to cut our super ego wingers, that make us fly to high. Then some fate lead to cut our wingers. And lucky for other teams to take advantage of it.

And if Ole and United got 5th. That man beside being sharp as a striker. Ole was the right time at the right place striker factor too. Someone are just born with it. And he and United were lucky to beat PSG. The key factor that he got the permanent. And if he got lucky by getting ch.league football by ending 5.
Its a bit like Donald and his cousin Anton. Ole might has more luck on his bank of luck. Time will tell. But there signs are there. Clearly.

Liverpool, Leicester are the two safe team. I think Spurs on paper should get one of the spot. Then it is down to the others club. Chelsea have a good starting line up and squad on paper. But luck factor is invisible. So you never know, before it happen. At least the drama of the season rise a bit with City banned. And we human love drama. A movie with nothing happen is a boring movie i guess. Nice and exciting manuscript.

He/We got the luck. Always nice to have lady lucky on your side. I don’t mind it. Skills, willing and experience are sometimes not enough. You need a big part of luck factor and right perspective/a bigger picture/the whole picture to succeed. Best of the best need all factors. All the ingredients of success. And a successful team. Never underestimate the factor luck and good karma. The invisible factor. If we do. Only believe in our skills and experience. Then a case like City a good reminder to keep our big ego on the ground. If not, soon or later we will hit the wall. To realise. It is more than skills and experience ;)
"Cooked the books" implies something illegal. What City is doing does not breach British, EU or Qatari laws, it's only cheating UEFA's FFP regulations. These regulations, or at least the harshest punishments from UEFA when breaching them, are not recognized by the real authorities. City will easily win the case if they appeal it to CAS, although I really wish they don't.

City owner is from UAE not Qatar. And it is illegal to lie about the origin of your funding, what is not illegal is to be funded by your owner.
"Cooked the books" implies something illegal. What City is doing does not breach British, EU or Qatari laws, it's only cheating UEFA's FFP regulations. These regulations, or at least the harshest punishments from UEFA when breaching them, are not recognized by the real authorities. City will easily win the case if they appeal it to CAS, although I really wish they don't.
Are we saying there is nothing illegal in what City did then? This itself is surprising, but if it's the case, then this case is destined to fail for UEFA. I really hope they have something extra solid to prove that what City did was illegal.
City owner is from UAE not Qatar. And it is illegal to lie about the origin of your funding, what is not illegal is to be funded by your owner.
So is there anything illegal or not? Does UEFA even have a chance to win any trial for this case?
When did they cook the books - or rather which seasons were they found guilty? Maybe Jose won a title here :lol:
"Cooked the books" implies something illegal. What City is doing does not breach British, EU or Qatari laws, it's only cheating UEFA's FFP regulations. These regulations, or at least the harshest punishments from UEFA when breaching them, are not recognized by the real authorities. City will easily win the case if they appeal it to CAS, although I really wish they don't.

Well what I'm hoping for is that somehow, while City stay out the CL for a few years, FFP gets completely destroyed by the CAS. Have never been a fan of it, and do agree with some that argue that it's sole purpose is to entrench an established elite. City agreed to the rules and violated them so they should be punished. But going forward, FFP should be abolished.
When did they cook the books - or rather which seasons were they found guilty? Maybe Jose won a title here :lol:
That would be quite frankly hilarious but I don't think we can strip titles like that. What's the taste of such title anyway?
Are we saying there is nothing illegal in what City did then? This itself is surprising, but if it's the case, then this case is destined to fail for UEFA. I really hope they have something extra solid to prove that what City did was illegal.

If they lied to tax authorities then that would be illegal.

I don't think there is anything illegal about not disclosing income source to a private entity.

Must stress that I am not a lawyer and we are all in unchartered waters.
Nothing is guaranteed but I don't see why people dismiss our team and Ole that much... just let the lads work and get it done. It's just football.

It definitely gives us a better chance to say the least, would be an incredible opportunity.
And more fool us if we miss out still.

All pending 1) The ban actually sticking, and 2) them going to 5th place.
Well what I'm hoping for is that somehow, while City stay out the CL for a few years, FFP gets completely destroyed by the CAS. Have never been a fan of it, and do agree with some that argue that it's sole purpose is to entrench an established elite. City agreed to the rules and violated them so they should be punished. But going forward, FFP should be abolished.
No FFP is important, you have to build up your legacy with the sporting side, everything else is BS for me. FFP should be re-enforced and kept, it's vital in my opinion. What is this? You just come with some money with no control whatsoever?

Just like LBO should be banned for football, this should not be the Far West.
Big news.

Players will leave and pep won't stay. Absolute disaster for city. Who will want to play for them? Potential PL punishment too.
That would be quite frankly hilarious but I don't think we can strip titles like that. What's the taste of such title anyway?
Ya doubt it happens like that. It would be funny though.
Why would CAS overrule this? City entered a competition which had certain requirement, they then don’t meet the requirements and are punished.