Caf posters possibly infected with covid-19

Pretty good yesterday and today really. The cough hasn’t really got any worse. Probably better if anything. I’m feeling a lot less anxious about everything. I don’t know if that’s wise but I prefer that to feeling worried all the time anyway. Thanks for asking!
Good stuff mate glad to hear you’re doing ok.
Pretty good yesterday and today really. The cough hasn’t really got any worse. Probably better if anything. I’m feeling a lot less anxious about everything !!.


Good that you're doing good for now.

I'll probably have it soon,or something atleast, due to the amount of coughing and shuffling there was in my local food store.
I'm thinking I have it. I've had a pretty bad fever since Tuesday, and a new dry cough and occasional periods of shortness of breath.

On it's own, wouldn't be concerned. But my flatmate (mid 20s) has had the same since the 7th March 2 weeks ago, and his fever hasn't subsided at all yet. We're both based in central London so that probably increases our odds. He did call 111 like 10 days ago but they basically told him to get off the phone. I'd love to get tested but it's basically impossible unless you need hospitalising. Which is fine, but I really don't fancy having a fever for 2+ weeks or unwittingly passing it on to other people.

Usually when I get a cold / flu it lasts 2-3 days and goes away, so I'm self-isolating now and hoping this is similar. If not might have to fork out like £250 to get a private test done.
I'm thinking I have it. I've had a pretty bad fever since Tuesday, and a new dry cough and occasional periods of shortness of breath.

On it's own, wouldn't be concerned. But my flatmate (mid 20s) has had the same since the 7th March 2 weeks ago, and his fever hasn't subsided at all yet. We're both based in central London so that probably increases our odds. He did call 111 like 10 days ago but they basically told him to get off the phone. I'd love to get tested but it's basically impossible unless you need hospitalising. Which is fine, but I really don't fancy having a fever for 2+ weeks or unwittingly passing it on to other people.

Usually when I get a cold / flu it lasts 2-3 days and goes away, so I'm self-isolating now and hoping this is similar. If not might have to fork out like £250 to get a private test done.

Someone I know said they had a low fever for over two weeks. Plenty of fluids and rest.
Someone I live with is displaying most of the main symptoms so I'm now self-isolating. See you on the other side peeps.
36.8 today, still WNL.

My sister isn't showing any symptoms yet but it's only been 9 or 10 days for her.
I still don't have it that I know of. But my second child is having difficulty breathing. Tightness in chest, dry cough, etc. Some high temperatures but not feverish. All the known signs. The rest of the family seems fine for now. I've put us all on lockdown to avoid spreading it. I'm hoping it's just a chest infection. Keeping my mum metres away from everyone and in separate rooms just in case.

Hang in there! How is it going? Having children myself, how much is it affecting your second child? And how old is he/she?
I hope they could develop a test that would say if you have been exposed and are immune. That seems as important as diagnosing active cases.

Spot on!! Read an article that we (the UK) will be getting these anti body tests in soon. That will help immeasurably, specially the economy, and schools, and medical professionals that are no longer at risk, etc. Most importantly those that are still not exposed and are still part of the problem.
Hang in there! How is it going? Having children myself, how much is it affecting your second child? And how old is he/she?

My 2nd of 4 is 17 years old. But she's a delicate princess and everything is like man flu to her. She has trouble breathing while sleeping, though not throughout the night. When she's awake she's on her phone watching YouTube so no change in behaviour.

Gets breathless coming up the stairs for the bathroom. Reporting that chest and throat feels like she has glass in them, but again it's not debilitating. Wife felt her chest and back and it was very hot to the touch. Her coughing has almost entirely gone. It's been 7 days with symptoms and no one else seems affected/infected yet. Hopefully we are all building immunity unnoticed.
My 2nd of 4 is 17 years old. But she's a delicate princess and everything is like man flu to her. She has trouble breathing while sleeping, though not throughout the night. When she's awake she's on her phone watching YouTube so no change in behaviour.

Gets breathless coming up the stairs for the bathroom. Reporting that chest and throat feels like she has glass in them, but again it's not debilitating. Wife felt her chest and back and it was very hot to the touch. Her coughing has almost entirely gone. It's been 7 days with symptoms and no one else seems affected/infected yet. Hopefully we are all building immunity unnoticed.

Cheers, sound like a tough one. Had family members visiting today (on distance) who's supposedly "out" of the corona/it has peaked for them with no symptoms now, and their faces looked really swollen. Looked a bit beaten up tbh.
So I decided to call 111 today after going through the online process first. A bit concerned with my daughter's ongoing chest pain and breathing capacity of 60/70%. Got through within 15 minutes which is good, first spoke with first line then a nurse called back.

Told them I was concerned it's been 7 days and no sign of improvement. After all the questioning the nurse didn't seem overly concerned and said a doctor will call back within 6 hours to confirm if she needs to go in.
So I decided to call 111 today after going through the online process first. A bit concerned with my daughter's ongoing chest pain and breathing capacity of 60/70%. Got through within 15 minutes which is good, first spoke with first line then a nurse called back.

Told them I was concerned it's been 7 days and no sign of improvement. After all the questioning the nurse didn't seem overly concerned and said a doctor will call back within 6 hours to confirm if she needs to go in.

I'd think you'd want to avoid a hospital at all costs. I really hope she gets through this. Good luck.
I'd think you'd want to avoid a hospital at all costs. I really hope she gets through this. Good luck.

Absolutely don't want to go in. Not sure if I'd be allowed to go with her under quarantine anyway. Thing is last night I watched the online cartoons showing how the body (white cells) can end up killing healthy lung cells and causing pneumonia. I'm hoping this isn't happening with her.

Anyone else experience chest pains and reduced breathing that cleared up by itself?
Absolutely don't want to go in. Not sure if I'd be allowed to go with her under quarantine anyway. Thing is last night I watched the online cartoons showing how the body (white cells) can end up killing healthy lung cells and causing pneumonia. I'm hoping this isn't happening with her.

Anyone else experience chest pains and reduced breathing that cleared up by itself?
If you have spare cash any chance you could go private for the test?
If you have spare cash any chance you could go private for the test?

Nope. :( I don't have medical through work and I'm not interested in just knowing she has covid 19 as it's very likely she does. The concern is will her lungs pull through without going into pneumonia stage? That will cost a hell of a lot more to find out and deal with it required.
Absolutely don't want to go in. Not sure if I'd be allowed to go with her under quarantine anyway. Thing is last night I watched the online cartoons showing how the body (white cells) can end up killing healthy lung cells and causing pneumonia. I'm hoping this isn't happening with her.

Anyone else experience chest pains and reduced breathing that cleared up by itself?
If it’s that, best place for her to recover is in hospital. Start packing a little bag for her with things to keep her from getting bored. Apart from being sick, boredom is the worst thing because it makes you feel sorry for yourself.
It’ll be hard for the rest of you too but keep the end goal in sight (healthy kid)
Good luck, hope she gets better quickly
If it’s that, best place for her to recover is in hospital. Start packing a little bag for her with things to keep her from getting bored. Apart from being sick, boredom is the worst thing because it makes you feel sorry for yourself.
It’ll be hard for the rest of you too but keep the end goal in sight (healthy kid)
Good luck, hope she gets better quickly

Thanks for the kind words and advice. She is starting to struggle a little more with breathing. Just waiting for the doctor to call, I'm sure they're very busy. If no luck then I'll call them again in a few hours.
Been isolating and working from home for 12 days now, started with a head cold feeling and tiredness, quickly went away to just a cold/runny nose and just moved into a cough/tight chest and permaheadache in the last couple of days.

Trouble is my boss has told me to come back to work on Monday, I still don't feel well but his attitude is if I haven't died after 2 weeks at home it's probably not Covid. The daftest part is I can do all of my work from home, and get more done without distractions. He's willing to put all of his other staff (over 50 people) at risk for no reason at all.
Been isolating and working from home for 12 days now, started with a head cold feeling and tiredness, quickly went away to just a cold/runny nose and just moved into a cough/tight chest and permaheadache in the last couple of days.

Trouble is my boss has told me to come back to work on Monday, I still don't feel well but his attitude is if I haven't died after 2 weeks at home it's probably not Covid. The daftest part is I can do all of my work from home, and get more done without distractions. He's willing to put all of his other staff (over 50 people) at risk for no reason at all.

You should email the rest of the staff and ask them what they reckon.
You should email the rest of the staff and ask them what they reckon.
Already spoken to a couple online, they're as annoyed as I am. It's like talking to a brick wall though, Government says 14 days isolation so once that's up you're expected to be back in the office.
Already spoken to a couple online, they're as annoyed as I am. It's like talking to a brick wall though, Government says 14 days isolation so once that's up you're expected to be back in the office.

Just go in and cough a lot. They will send you home soon enough.
Just go in and cough a lot. They will send you home soon enough.
That's the plan! Hopefully if enough of my colleagues notice I'm still ill they'll moan at the boss to get me sent home again. Absolute madness but until we get officially shut down it's all I can do.
Absolutely don't want to go in. Not sure if I'd be allowed to go with her under quarantine anyway. Thing is last night I watched the online cartoons showing how the body (white cells) can end up killing healthy lung cells and causing pneumonia. I'm hoping this isn't happening with her.

Anyone else experience chest pains and reduced breathing that cleared up by itself?
A friend of ours we've been keeping in touch with via Facetime has had exactly these symptoms, she's quite a bit older (49) and is living in France. She hasn't been tested but said her lungs and throat were incredibly painful, she couldn't climb stairs and just going to the loo was an exhausting process. Her doctor (on the phone) said it is almost definitely Covid-19 but unless she is hospitalised she wont be tested. Symptoms peaked after 12 days and when we spoke to her last night she was still very rough, but said it was definitely easing up.

Obviously everyone is different so I don't know if this helps or not, but she does seem to be slowly recovering without hospital treatment. Good luck buddy I hope your daughter starts feeling a bit better very soon. I dread one of my kids getting it, it's one thing to self isolate myself or my wife, but I'm not sure how we could stay away from the kids if they got it badly.
I got tested last Monday. Results came back negative thankfully! Been pretty isolated since and for the foreseeable future
My sister believes she has/had it (lives in Washington DC). She had a fever hovering around 99 degrees (F) and a sore throat for the first 4 days. No nasal congestion. Around day 5-6 it got worse and after day 7 she started feeling better (after waking up in a cold sweat). She's 8 days in and seems to be recovering but nobody knows. She is 37 and in good health (no obesity, asthma, or diabetes) and because her temp wasn't above 102 she couldn't get a test. Her and her colleagues came to find out one of their clients was infected and they believe that's were she contracted it.

The worst part of all of this is the uncertainty when you can't get tested. Not just hers, but our family's, and her colleagues'. It's had me on edge for the last few days and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
I got tested last Monday. Results came back negative thankfully! Been pretty isolated since and for the foreseeable future
You're in America right? Was it as simple as setting up an appointment with your primary care physician or did you need to go to the ER? How long did it take to get the results?
You're in America right? Was it as simple as setting up an appointment with your primary care physician or did you need to go to the ER? How long did it take to get the results?
I was at my primary care doctor because I felt like I had a chest infection (get them fairly regularly). He wanted to do the test so we did it right there. Test takes maybe 30 seconds, 3 swabs way up the nose, hurts like a bitch but fine once it’s done. It took 2 days to get the results.

Truth be told I don’t really think I should have been tested. Was certainly nice to get a definite no though!!
It’s so weird how it differs in people. Tom Hanks seemed to just have a slight cold and yet that 28 year old healthy Irish footballer was in hospital for 8 days.
A friend of ours we've been keeping in touch with via Facetime has had exactly these symptoms, she's quite a bit older (49) and is living in France. She hasn't been tested but said her lungs and throat were incredibly painful, she couldn't climb stairs and just going to the loo was an exhausting process. Her doctor (on the phone) said it is almost definitely Covid-19 but unless she is hospitalised she wont be tested. Symptoms peaked after 12 days and when we spoke to her last night she was still very rough, but said it was definitely easing up.

Obviously everyone is different so I don't know if this helps or not, but she does seem to be slowly recovering without hospital treatment. Good luck buddy I hope your daughter starts feeling a bit better very soon. I dread one of my kids getting it, it's one thing to self isolate myself or my wife, but I'm not sure how we could stay away from the kids if they got it badly.

Thanks mate, and thanks @Rhyme Animal.

This post certainly helps alleviate some unnecessary anxiety. My brain tells me that my daughter is best placed (age group) to handle this but my heart is fretting as any parent's would. Thankfully my delicate one is doing breathing exercises to keep well oxygenated. Additionally she has been WhatsApping a neighbour of the same age who is also having the same symptoms. Herd relief.

Also the 111 doctor called back yesterday and wasn't unduly worried about her condition. More concerned that we didn't leave the house, which obviously we haven't been doing. Sounded absolutely shattered, these medical heroes are doing a fantastic job and I told each one I spoke with. They genuinely appreciated it too. A kind word goes a long way. Wish I could do more like deliver food and supplies to their doors anonymously for free.
It’s so weird how it differs in people. Tom Hanks seemed to just have a slight cold and yet that 28 year old healthy Irish footballer was in hospital for 8 days.
Yep. I don’t know I’ve had it but seems a coincidence if not.

Had a mild fever and temperature that began on Saturday afternoon, combined with that was a lot of aches in my back and legs. They all went away yesterday morning and now I’m left with a slight cough and weirdly a lack of taste and smell

OH had very similar symptoms about 4-5 days earlier but has a worse cough.

As I say, don’t know for definite we have had it, but seems likely and almost too much of a coincidence not to be.

And if we did have it. We were incredibly lucky to have been so minimally affected.
Had a mild fever for the best part of a week now. Temperature this afternoon has rocketed to 38.9 and I’m sweating like a pig.

Still no cough though.