Gaming The Last of Us Part II (PS4)


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
Before that you told him it was “nonsense” about the outrage not being about identity politics, LGBT community et al. Which it’s not. Undoubtedly there are dicks who have an issue with that but mostly, it’s about a shit story. Overwhelming majority or people who have seen the leaks hate the fecking story. I mean hate. For a fan base of a game which was primarily a story driven game with mediocre game mechanics — that’s a big fail. Why do you think Sony are doing everything in their power to hide the leaks? It’s not because the story or the characters are woke Sony are abusing copyright laws and striking down YouTube channels who even mention the word leak and last of us 2 in the same video.
Perhaps they're trying to hide the leaks because, you know, they don't want it spoiled for anyone. Not sure what's hard to understand about a studio who worked on a game for years and years wanting to hide the leaks that were hacked from their company and then released into the wild. I said it was nonsense when he said the backlash against Naughty Dog has "nothing to do with LGBT issue" and it is nonsense to say it has "nothing to do with it". And we know it's nonsense because we've been here before. There's evidence of it in this very thread about people going on about "agenda's" ffs!

You can say what the hell you like, there's absolutely no justification for the behavior of these cretins online. End of. It's got nothing to do with whether you or anyone else is buying the game. I don't give a shit. You can not like what you've read in the leaks and not buy the game - knock yourself out. But it doesn't give you (not you personally) the right to behave like a self-entitled prick.


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
First impressions are out today. Brilliant but extremely violent and miserable seems to be the consensus...

Just going by the videos we've seen it looks extremely violent. Had me wincing at certain points. It could be a good thing though, and make you think twice about running out and slaying enemies without a seconds thought. The first game did a good job at that I thought.

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
I don’t know if this was a day 1 buy for me regardless. A dreary post-apocalyptic America is already outside my door right now, so this would not be good for my headspace.


Full Member
Dec 12, 2015
Man City
I really don't care whether you're going to buy the game or not. Or whether anybody else (who are apparently so incensed by these leaks) are going to buy it or not. I'm going to wait until the game is released so I can play it in its entirety and judge it then. In the context that it was supposed to be judged. And maybe I will hate the story, too. We'll see. And as I already mentioned in another post, the beauty of games is that they are more than just story. The gameplay and the world look incredible in this one and I'm excited to play it. So the fact that you're going to take some stand and not buy the game is of zero concern to me.

Secondly, I said the vast majority of the outrage directed at them online is manufactured. And it is. The mass downvoting of any videos that contain footage of the game, the comments at the bottom of any article that write about the game, and the threats made against the studio and the people who work there are people jumping on the bandwagon and trolling. And a lot of that is for reasons that I've already highlighted. Now, there are some in that group who probably are pissed off with the direction the game has gone in, and they're voicing their displeasure by taking part in this behavior.

Quite frankly, I don't see how that makes it or them any better. You're just being a self-entitled prick because the bad people at the studio didn't take the story in the direction you wanted it to go. Guess what? Too fecking bad. It doesn't give you the right to spew your shite online and threaten those who worked on the game and spoil it for others. Anyone who defends that are fecking idiots. And just to be clear, I'm not accusing you of this (unless you did partake in this behavior, but I assume you didn't). You read the leaks and decided not to buy the game based on that. Awesome. That's your prerogative. Just like it's anyone else's prerogative to do the same. I think that's daft, but that's my opinion on it.

Again, this isn't about people liking or not liking the direction the story has gone in. I couldn't give a shit, really. This is about the behavior of the self-entitled trolls online. And that is not justifiable.
Completely but.. the majority of people criticizing the game aren't posting spoiler or threatening anyone, they are people who know what they know and don't want the game now they know what they know. Its not taking a stand against anything, its simply "I'm not buying this because I don't like it". No more, no less. As usual with the internet its a very vocal minority (the opposite vocal minority, going around calling everyone phobes etc...) There is a much, much bigger section of the fanbase not happy, they aren't throwing spoilers, ruining posts and threatening anyone that is a very vocal minority.

They are simply voicing their opinion in the way I am by saying "I know what I know and this is rubbish". It's like the GoT thing all over again, where the majority of those not happy with the product get lumped in with the idiotic minority who behave like tits.

People are perfectly entitled to voice their anger when someone takes a shit all over characters they've enjoyed. They aren't entitled to be cnuts about it though. Everything is open for criticism.

I get that no matter what ND did with the game some people would simply be furious and a loud minority were just waiting for an excuse to attack Druckman over Ellies sexuality but most people don't give a shit. I would say less than 5% of the criticisms I've read have being what you said in your original OP.. my very reason for quoting was - And all this "I'm not buying the game now after what I've read" bollox is coming from people who, 90% of them, weren't going to buy the game anyway. - hence why I gave my opinion on it and that of almost everyone I've talked to who feel the same because the bolded is completely false. People that love TLOU aren't picking up the game, its not taking "a stand" or any such nonsense, its "I've seen every cutscene in the game pretty much, in order. I know exactly whats happening and in my opinion its a rubbish plot that spits in the face of the series fans. I'm out".

Edit: I really hope you enjoy the game, hell I hope the gameplay is so good that I have to go and buy it myself.


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
Completely but.. the majority of people criticizing the game aren't posting spoiler or threatening anyone, they are people who know what they know and don't want the game now they know what they know. Its not taking a stand against anything, its simply "I'm not buying this because I don't like it". No more, no less. As usual with the internet its a very vocal minority (the opposite vocal minority, going around calling everyone phobes etc...) There is a much, much bigger section of the fanbase not happy, they aren't throwing spoilers, ruining posts and threatening anyone that is a very vocal minority.

They are simply voicing their opinion in the way I am by saying "I know what I know and this is rubbish". It's like the GoT thing all over again, where the majority of those not happy with the product get lumped in with the idiotic minority who behave like tits.

People are perfectly entitled to voice their anger when someone takes a shit all over characters they've enjoyed. They aren't entitled to be cnuts about it though. Everything is open for criticism.

I get that no matter what ND did with the game some people would simply be furious and a loud minority were just waiting for an excuse to attack Druckman over Ellies sexuality but most people don't give a shit. I would say less than 5% of the criticisms I've read have being what you said in your original OP.. my very reason for quoting was - And all this "I'm not buying the game now after what I've read" bollox is coming from people who, 90% of them, weren't going to buy the game anyway. - hence why I gave my opinion on it and that of almost everyone I've talked to who feel the same because the bolded is completely false. People that love TLOU aren't picking up the game, its not taking "a stand" or any such nonsense, its "I've seen every cutscene in the game pretty much, in order. I know exactly whats happening and in my opinion its a rubbish plot that spits in the face of the series fans. I'm out".

Edit: I really hope you enjoy the game, hell I hope the gameplay is so good that I have to go and buy it myself.
At the end of the day, we're just going to fundamentality disagree on the size of the people who are being dicks. You say it's "less than 5%" and then say the bit in bold is "completely false". Well, there's no way for you to know that is it. And I'm willing to hold my hands up here and admit when I say 90% of people, etc, there's obviously no way for ME to know that either. So we're both falling into that one. There's no way for you to prove that the vast majority of people are not throwing out spoilers and are voicing their concerns in a respectable way, just like there's no way for me to prove that the vast, vast majority of them are. So I'm willing to take a step back there. Obviously I still think it's overblown somewhat and a lot of it is manufactured. And the reason why I say this is that there's plenty of evidence out there that proves this. They've been getting shite thrown at them for years about their supposed "agendas" or "wokeness" and other such shite. To deny this is completely disingenuous and false. I suppose we do agree with the fact that this just muddies the waters when it comes to genuine criticisms, though.

And my main point still stands. Just because you're disappointed in the direction the creators went, it doesn't give you the right to be a self-entitled prick (not accusing you of any of this). End of. They owe you nothing. You can be disappointed. You can not buy the game. All fine. I can't stress enough how much I don't care whether anyone buys the game or not. If your grievances are with the story and you're not behaving like a bellend but just decide that this game isn't for you then great. I'm obviously not talking about you at that point, am I?

As for your edit, I hope I enjoy it too! Been looking forward to it since they announced it. The gameplay and animation, etc, looks incredible. Even if I am disappointed with where they took the story (and I may well be) I don't think the rest of the game is going to let me down. I'm pretty confident about that. Looking forward to reading the reviews when they drop next week.

Chairman Steve

Full Member
May 9, 2018
I never fully got the appeal of the original game outside of it being well executed post apocalyptic themes and ambience. It’s a fairly competent game for what it is but it’s nothing special. Its like Naughty Dog watched Manhunt by Rockstar Games, then put it into their Uncharted engine, base it on Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, add Zombies and remove the John Carpenter-esque score.... Heck you can even do evil, brutal Manhunt like executions on players with weapons in the multiplayer mode of TLOU.

Plus the way that game ended... there’s no other way you could take it with those characters. Their story is pretty much done at the end of that game. Personally they should have done a completely different perspective in a sequel (especially with a name like The Last Of Us)... do a soldier on the opposing side and show how they view things, do something far into the future or in the past. They had this vast universe they could operate in and they decided to go back to the two protagonists of the first one even though their story was done.

The gameplay I’ve seen doesnt like anything special or progressive to the first one. It looks more of the same to me. I get the feeling this game is going to be one of those pieces of media where professional reviewers will hold it up and revere it more for its progressive political nature rather than it being a good game where you have fun and have replayability to it, then the average gamer opinion are going to be just meh and some will be pissed off for shoving too much politics into a game, which I can understand.

To me, it just doesn’t look like a game that I want to play because I feel like I’ve already played it before, like any Assassins Creed game after Black Flag.


Full Member
Dec 12, 2015
Man City
At the end of the day, we're just going to fundamentality disagree on the size of the people who are being dicks. You say it's "less than 5%" and then say the bit in bold is "completely false". Well, there's no way for you to know that is it. And I'm willing to hold my hands up here and admit when I say 90% of people, etc, there's obviously no way for ME to know that either. So we're both falling into that one. There's no way for you to prove that the vast majority of people are not throwing out spoilers and are voicing their concerns in a respectable way, just like there's no way for me to prove that the vast, vast majority of them are. So I'm willing to take a step back there. Obviously I still think it's overblown somewhat and a lot of it is manufactured. And the reason why I say this is that there's plenty of evidence out there that proves this. They've been getting shite thrown at them for years about their supposed "agendas" or "wokeness" and other such shite. To deny this is completely disingenuous and false. I suppose we do agree with the fact that this just muddies the waters when it comes to genuine criticisms, though.

And my main point still stands. Just because you're disappointed in the direction the creators went, it doesn't give you the right to be a self-entitled prick (not accusing you of any of this). End of. They owe you nothing. You can be disappointed. You can not buy the game. All fine. I can't stress enough how much I don't care whether anyone buys the game or not. If your grievances are with the story and you're not behaving like a bellend but just decide that this game isn't for you then great. I'm obviously not talking about you at that point, am I?

As for your edit, I hope I enjoy it too! Been looking forward to it since they announced it. The gameplay and animation, etc, looks incredible. Even if I am disappointed with where they took the story (and I may well be) I don't think the rest of the game is going to let me down. I'm pretty confident about that. Looking forward to reading the reviews when they drop next week.
Fair point, guess it also depends on the channels people frequent etc.. and I generally avoid places like twitter and youtube like they have the plague. The game does indeed look amazing. My biggest concern is that the gameplay won't hold up. Gameplay in pt1 was imho clunky, this one looks really smooth but gameplay trailers have a knack for that. If we get amazing gameplay the writing issues might not matter too much and just be a minor issue but if the gameplay isn't amazing the backlash could well get worse. I hope its good enough, either way though ND won't care, its going to sell by the truck load and possibly be the last mega game of this console generation.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
I really don't care whether you're going to buy .

Quite frankly, I don't see how that makes it or them any better. You're just being a self-entitled prick because the bad people at the studio didn't take the story in the direction you wanted it to go. Guess what? Too fecking bad. It doesn't give you the right to spew your shite online and threaten those who worked on the game and spoil it for others. Anyone who defends that are fecking idiots. And just to be clear, I'm not accusing you of this (unless you did partake in this behavior, but I assume you didn't). You read the leaks and decided not to buy the game based on that. Awesome. That's your prerogative. Just like it's anyone else's prerogative to do the same. I think that's daft, but that's my opinion on it.
That doesn't make any sense. If someone genuonely dislikes the story of a game that's reliant on its story, that's perfectly fine and there's daft about it. Also, disliking the direction a game is headed isn't necessarily the by product of being self entitled. It could be, but for some it may also just be the fact that they dont rate the story.

For TLOU to me it does seem as though many people are using their political agendas to bash it but given i can't say that it's the case for everyone. There can be those that simply think the leaks represent a lack of quality.

I never fully got the appeal of the original game outside of it being well executed post apocalyptic themes and ambience. It’s a fairly competent game for what it is but it’s nothing special. Its like Naughty Dog watched Manhunt by Rockstar Games, then put it into their Uncharted engine, base it on Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, add Zombies and remove the John Carpenter-esque score.... Heck you can even do evil, brutal Manhunt like executions on players with weapons in the multiplayer mode of TLOU.

Plus the way that game ended... there’s no other way you could take it with those characters. Their story is pretty much done at the end of that game. Personally they should have done a completely different perspective in a sequel (especially with a name like The Last Of Us)... do a soldier on the opposing side and show how they view things, do something far into the future or in the past. They had this vast universe they could operate in and they decided to go back to the two protagonists of the first one even though their story was done.

The gameplay I’ve seen doesnt like anything special or progressive to the first one. It looks more of the same to me. I get the feeling this game is going to be one of those pieces of media where professional reviewers will hold it up and revere it more for its progressive political nature rather than it being a good game where you have fun and have replayability to it, then the average gamer opinion are going to be just meh and some will be pissed off for shoving too much politics into a game, which I can understand.

To me, it just doesn’t look like a game that I want to play because I feel like I’ve already played it before, like any Assassins Creed game after Black Flag.
For me TLOU was an excellent game that was brilliant in terms of story telling and look/feel. The game play was fairly basic and that's why it's a game I rate highly without it being among my all time top 10/20.

But I have to admit the gameplay looks much better this time around based on the clips and it seems journalists who have played the game feel that way too.

I just don't understand you finding the game too samey or this being a deal breaking issue. Isn't that always how it is with sequels? Every GTA/RDR/TombRaider /other franchise is similar to the last one. A character change can be done but it's hardly as though Ellie was your usual game character. People did connect with her and she was still a kid in the original, so has an arc to go through


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
That doesn't make any sense. If someone genuonely dislikes the story of a game that's reliant on its story, that's perfectly fine and there's daft about it. Also, disliking the direction a game is headed isn't necessarily the by product of being self entitled. It could be, but for some it may also just be the fact that they dont rate the story.

For TLOU to me it does seem as though many people are using their political agendas to bash it but given i can't say that it's the case for everyone. There can be those that simply think the leaks represent a lack of quality.
It's either you haven't read anything I've said properly, or you're just being deliberately obtuse. I've said multiple times that there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking or disliking the story. I don't care if you like it or not. I really don't. Not sure how many times I have to repeat it. I'm not accusing the people who read the leaks and didn't like it and are now not buying the game because of it being self-entitled. Do what you want - that's your prerogative.

I'm accusing the people who are behaving like bellends. Deliberately posting spoilers for others, sending threats to the studio and the people who work there. Littering every comment section with their bile and all-around trolling because they didn't like what the creators have done with the story (amongst other things). There's no justification for it. End of. If you're not partaking in this behavior then I'm obviously not talking about you am I. I might play the game when it comes out and hate the story myself. This is not a criticism of people who just simply don't like where the story is going based on the leaks. I may find it a little silly not to buy the game based on said leaks because, as I've already mentioned, there's a lot more to a video game than that. But that's just my opinion on that particular issue. It's completely fine and understandable if you think differently.

It's the other shit I have an issue with. Not sure how much clearer I can be.


Can't tell DeGea and Onana apart.
Aug 30, 2017
Better be good as I never pre order any game because of launch price but this looks fantastic so I had to. I wish people just stop ruining it for everyone on twitter and Reddit.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
It's either you haven't read anything I've said properly, or you're just being deliberately obtuse. I've said multiple times that there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking or disliking the story. I don't care if you like it or not. I really don't. Not sure how many times I have to repeat it. I'm not accusing the people who read the leaks and didn't like it and are now not buying the game because of it being self-entitled. Do what you want - that's your prerogative.

I'm accusing the people who are behaving like bellends. Deliberately posting spoilers for others, sending threats to the studio and the people who work there. Littering every comment section with their bile and all-around trolling because they didn't like what the creators have done with the story (amongst other things). There's no justification for it. End of. If you're not partaking in this behavior then I'm obviously not talking about you am I. I might play the game when it comes out and hate the story myself. This is not a criticism of people who just simply don't like where the story is going based on the leaks. I may find it a little silly not to buy the game based on said leaks because, as I've already mentioned, there's a lot more to a video game than that. But that's just my opinion on that particular issue. It's completely fine and understandable if you think differently.

It's the other shit I have an issue with. Not sure how much clearer I can be.
To be fair I agree with most of what you're saying. In that post, the bolded sounded a bit generally aimed particularly towards the person you were conversion with, but I suppose I waided in half way through so may have misinterpreted.

I'm actually interested in see whether all this outrage is justified. Because thered been an absolute barrage of it.


Full Member
Mar 30, 2008
I don't really understand the complaints about the story, it actually sounds like something that makes a lot of sense for something like tlou.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2012
Various fields
a soft spot for Ajax
I've watched the leaked video along with the story leak. And seriously, for the life of me, I can't figure out what this huge uproar is about. Do people just want the same story from the first game following the same people? The story writers had a different story to tell and different theme to follow, so they did. So what? And also the fact that this uproar is from some of the bullet points of the story without any knowledge of how those points are reached or play out, makes it even more stupid.
I'm with you and having read the spoilers from what I remember it seems like a natural progression of the story ND is trying to tell. I was certainly intrigued by it and excited to play it.


Full Member
May 22, 2009
I haven’t read anything, so please don’t even infer story points in response to this post. But from what I’ve heard the biggest uproar comes from edgy gamers who hate that naughty dog have included what they would term as ‘social justice’ issues. It’s happened before with other games, there’s a push back against representation in video games.


Michael Corleone says hello
Aug 9, 2014
I rarely buy a game on the first day. Are any retailers more reliable than others to make sure it arrives on time?


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
I rarely buy a game on the first day. Are any retailers more reliable than others to make sure it arrives on time?
I find ShopTo and SimplyGames good for delivery. I haven't had many problems with them anyway. Not sure if anyone else has.


Full Member
Jun 27, 2011
As someone who has read the leaks and similar to many others fails to see what the fuss is about and why people have developed such a hatred of the game.

If one of the ones who claim is has nothing to do with agenda pushing and the like and is solely down to narrative decisions could PM me their explanation because honestly even the last season of GoT didn't get this level of vitriol from its fans.


Full Member
May 16, 2010
Usually find the PS store a bit of a rip but yeah, could do.
Just do what I do buy the codes from ShopTo.

ShopTo have £50 quid codes for £42. £80 codes for £69. £90 codes for £79 and £100 codes for £89.

I think cdkeys have the same prices.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2012
Various fields
a soft spot for Ajax
I rarely buy a game on the first day. Are any retailers more reliable than others to make sure it arrives on time?
Go to CD keys you can usually buy a Psn voucher that's worth 50ish for about 43.

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
Still haven't finished the first one, get so far through and just stop. Sure I've said I'm going to finish it about 400 times on here. I don't think I've finished it anyway, if I have I don't remember much of it.

So for the 401st time, I've got a week off work so going to complete it this week...


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017
No dodge/roll mechanic?
it’s more of a stealth game mate. I’ve completed it on grounded without using any ammunition pretty much. Just sneaking past enemies. Though I did use a couple of YouTube tutorials for certain levels where you had to face an enemy.

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
Also I forgot about Robert, why the feck does he look exactly like Bronn from GoT but has a different voice actor :lol:

So far, movement is weird, stealth kills are weird too, seems it just random if you get caught or they notice the bodies on the floor.

it’s more of a stealth game mate. I’ve completed it on grounded without using any ammunition pretty much. Just sneaking past enemies. Though I did use a couple of YouTube tutorials for certain levels where you had to face an enemy.
Yeah, I get that, but surely they don't expect you to manage to perfectly stealth everyone all the time? You're going to get seen at some point. It doesn't really give you an option imo. It's basically saying "do the game this way or die" ... Pretending it's letting you choose how you play through but really it's forcing your hand. Really can't be arsed stealthing 4-5 people, getting seen, and pretty much being dead because of that.

Amazing how games still leave enemies with infinite ammo but as soon as they die they have none to drop :lol: sorta ruins the immersion.


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017
Also I forgot about Robert, why the feck does he look exactly like Bronn from GoT but has a different voice actor :lol:

So far, movement is weird, stealth kills are weird too, seems it just random if you get caught or they notice the bodies on the floor.

Yeah, I get that, but surely they don't expect you to manage to perfectly stealth everyone all the time? You're going to get seen at some point. It doesn't really give you an option imo. It's basically saying "do the game this way or die" ... Pretending it's letting you choose how you play through but really it's forcing your hand. Really can't be arsed stealthing 4-5 people, getting seen, and pretty much being dead because of that.

Amazing how games still leave enemies with infinite ammo but as soon as they die they have none to drop :lol: sorta ruins the immersion.
No I totally get you. The mechanics are flimsy at best. I think it was intentionally designed to be more slower compared to uncharted, however, unintentionally, the devs just made it more cumbersome if that makes sense — they didn’t do an excellent job on that front. The story, though - is absolutely superb, the world is lived in and just the whole setting is amazing, which makes this an incredible game IMO.
Yeah you could pretty much stealth all the wag through the game, by killing runners and creeping past clickers. Equip a brick or a bottle — press whatever button it is to aim — and hold. That way you will literally be silent and you’ll move past clickers with ease. But really, all of the stealthy parts are just trial and error as the enemies move in the same route every time. It’s mildly annoying more than anything. Also, agree with you about the ammo. Never understood that from ND when they usually pay so much attention to detail. They could have easily added a voiceover to npc saying they’re running low on ammo or something — so easy to fix.

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
No I totally get you. The mechanics are flimsy at best. I think it was intentionally designed to be more slower compared to uncharted, however, unintentionally, the devs just made it more cumbersome if that makes sense — they didn’t do an excellent job on that front. The story, though - is absolutely superb, the world is lived in and just the whole setting is amazing, which makes this an incredible game IMO.
Yeah you could pretty much stealth all the wag through the game, by killing runners and creeping past clickers. Equip a brick or a bottle — press whatever button it is to aim — and hold. That way you will literally be silent and you’ll move past clickers with ease. But really, all of the stealthy parts are just trial and error as the enemies move in the same route every time. It’s mildly annoying more than anything. Also, agree with you about the ammo. Never understood that from ND when they usually pay so much attention to detail. They could have easily added a voiceover to npc saying they’re running low on ammo or something — so easy to fix.
Aye, heard the story is immense off just about everyone , so have to play through to see what it's about, especially as 2 is just around the corner.

Yeah, definitely feels very slow and cumbersome. Would say it hasn't aged well, but it's easy to forget this game is 7-8 years old. Can definitely tell it's age due to the movement.


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017
Aye, heard the story is immense off just about everyone , so have to play through to see what it's about, especially as 2 is just around the corner.

Yeah, definitely feels very slow and cumbersome. Would say it hasn't aged well, but it's easy to forget this game is 7-8 years old. Can definitely tell it's age due to the movement.
Exactly, think it’s 7 years next week iirc and released for the last gen console. I would just explore and stop and do as many optional conversations, read letters scattered round in houses. It’s got decent back story so it definitely makes up for it. Looking at the previews of the part 2 — the mechanics are definitely going to be more polished this time.

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
The talking is a bit off for me too, I know it's designed in a way so it becomes muffled if you walk away, but seems poorly designed, miss half the convos just because they AI is anywhere but near me :lol:

Playing on a projector and sound coming from that, but iirc this was the same even with the TV. Might have to try headphones for it.


Full Member
Feb 9, 2013
Location, Location
I’m thinking of getting this game looks awesome but have never played the first one. How connected is this to the original? Will I be missing much? I know it’s a continuation of the story but hoping there isn’t too many references to the first game.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2018
Well I bit the bullet. I pre ordered the game. I’m excited as hell about it and also nervous hah.


Michael Corleone says hello
Aug 9, 2014
I’m thinking of getting this game looks awesome but have never played the first one. How connected is this to the original? Will I be missing much? I know it’s a continuation of the story but hoping there isn’t too many references to the first game.
I'm sure you'll still enjoy it but without the emotional weight of what the main characters went through in the first game, I doubt it will have the same impact. The story was one of the main reasons for the first game's success so I'd at least familiarise yourself with it first. But, ideally, you want to blast through it in the next few days. Only £9 on the PS store and, despite showing its age a little, it's totally worth it.

One Night Only

Prison Bitch #24604
Oct 16, 2009
I’m thinking of getting this game looks awesome but have never played the first one. How connected is this to the original? Will I be missing much? I know it’s a continuation of the story but hoping there isn’t too many references to the first game.
I could steam my playthrough for you but you would be infuriated and quit watching after I stupidly died in the same place for the 11th time.