There’s a feeling of inevitability about Ole losing his job

Woody is essentially the middleman between the manager and the Glazers. The problem is that he's on the Glazers' side.

Summer 2019
The team is a mess. We probably need as many as 5 solid additions to the starting XI if our goal is to challenge for titles.
Woody: Ok, I'll give you 40% of that. Here are 2 defenders and an unproven Championship winger.
Ole: We have problems in midfield and attack as well, though?
Woody: What was that?
Ole: N.. Nothing! I guess if Pogba can stay injury free we may reach top 4...
Woody: Now that's what I'm talking about!

*Pogba gets injured*
*Total disaster ensues*

January 2020
*sigh* Ok, I'll give you 60%! Here's Bruno and a backup striker from the Chinese league. Better hustle now, boy!
Ole: Oh gee! Thanks, Mr. Woodward!

*finishes 3rd after a miraculous comeback*

Summer 2020
I did OK, no? Could I maybe get the remaining 40% now? And maybe some bench options but that's not the most imp...
Woody: Sold to the man who looks like Gollum!
Ole: Oh boy, I can't wait! Finally United will have a starting XI that kind of looks like a United team!
Woody: Actually, I'm only giving you 40% of your current request. I figured that translates to some bench options. See you January! If you still have a job, hehehe.

I think he'll get the season. You have to Mourinho level of toxic to be sacked before you're mathematically outside of the top 4.

And Mourinho was gunning for the sacking and pay off.
Inclined to agree because we give our managers an age before they’re sacked (much like how we do with offloading players).

Only way I see him going early is down to the craziness of this season with COVID/fixture pile-up/lack of fans and we get another couple batterings in the near future. Possible, but unlikely.
I'm firmly of the opinion that a manager can make a lot of difference. There are many clubs who don't make many signings and are still reasonably successful. See case in point as Klopp last summer or Poch the season before that. Not making signings shouldn't excuse a manager from failing to achieve the bare minimum.

We have a lot of problems and the manager is just one of them. Just because others are probably worse doesn't mean that we carry on with a mediocre manager as well. I'm having deja vu writing this as I'm quite sure I wrote the same while advocating for Mourinho's sacking.

We need to suck up and accept that all 4 managerial appointments have been screwed up. Its evident in the fact that no big club is willing to touch any of our sacked managers and the same will happen with Ole as well.

There needs to be a coaching element brought in. Someone who can function without major signings.
Woody is essentially the middleman between the manager and the Glazers. The problem is that he's on the Glazers' side.

Summer 2019
The team is a mess. We probably need as many as 5 solid additions to the starting XI if our goal is to challenge for titles.
Woody: Ok, I'll give you 40% of that. Here are 2 defenders and an unproven Championship winger.
Ole: We have problems in midfield and attack as well, though?
Woody: What was that?
Ole: N.. Nothing! I guess if Pogba can stay injury free we may reach top 4...
Woody: Now that's what I'm talking about!

*Pogba gets injured*
*Total disaster ensues*

January 2020
*sigh* Ok, I'll give you 60%! Here's Bruno and a backup striker from the Chinese league. Better hustle now, boy!
Ole: Oh gee! Thanks, Mr. Woodward!

*finishes 3rd after a miraculous comeback*

Summer 2020
I did OK, no? Could I maybe get the remaining 40% now? And maybe some bench options but that's not the most imp...
Woody: Sold to the man who looks like Gollum!
Ole: Oh boy, I can't wait! Finally United will have a starting XI that kind of looks like a United team!
Woody: Actually, I'm only giving you 40% of your current request. I figured that translates to some bench options. See you January! If you still have a job, hehehe.
Exactly. He was "backed".

All of this has happened before and will happen again. Same shit. Different manager.
I think he'll get the season. You have to Mourinho level of toxic to be sacked before you're mathematically outside of the top 4.

And Mourinho was gunning for the sacking and pay off.
In a period where we`re losing money and the CL revenue is more important than ever I doubt we`ll wait until that financial loss hits us before we sack Ole knowing a new guy could salvage top 4 for us and the financial benefits. Plus Woodward has a hard on for Poch doubt he`ll miss the chance to get him in now knowing he may get other offers post January like City with Pep`s contract almost up
Been lucky to keep it this long. That form after the Covid break saved his arse (and a few games before to be fair), easy to forget that he was pretty much a dead man walking up until that point.

Like both LvG and Jose before him, managed to cling on to the job a little bit longer than he should due to a small patch of form.
It's just funny how it's quietly assumed that Poch will be his replacement. I'd like to see us show a bit of interest in Nagelsmann and Marco Rose.
As the owners have no clue about football what would you do when you are seeing the team get thrashed by an old geezer with half the value of your team and your manager sits there as if he doesn't know what the hell is going on?
He is going to think that I paid so much for these players and I gave this guy a top paying job because people in football told me he is the best option. I feel that I have been taken for a ride. I am going to look for someone who has got his team to play attractive football and also can work with a reasonable budget without trying to buy all the top players in the world.
It's just funny how it's quietly assumed that Poch will be his replacement. I'd like to see us show a bit of interest in Nagelsmann and Marco Rose.
Problem is both are under contract and do you think The Glazers will pay huge severance packages during a pandemic? It will be Pochettino because he`s free and flexible with a smaller budget the latter reason is why I don`t see us hiring Allegri
There does seem an inevitability about it and it's absolutely crazy. Ole pulled off an absolute miracle last season to finish third.

After 5 games this season (he's won 3 of them) with an unfit squad who have had no pre season, it's almost odds on that he'll be sacked. It is crazy. It just shows what the weight of public opinion can do, in particular with a manager who doesn't have the "pedigree". Perception is everything.

Why is Ole under so much pressure? Because the idiots who negotiate transfers made a galactic mess of one of the most important transfer windows in recent years and wasted the progress Ole made.

I now don't think Ole will succeed at United. He could have, which is why it's so frustrating.
Anyone else getting this? I feel like he’s doomed this season, I felt eerily similar during the summer of 2018 with Jose. It just feels like the players, the board, the media & even a large section of the fans have given up on him. We saw something identical with Jose, he got us a good league finish, didn’t get the players he wanted, sacked by Christmas. This whole pre season & subsequent start has dejavu written all over it.
There is only one person who can reverse all the negativity currently at the club and that is Ole himself.

Unless he gets some results in the next 6 games, am afraid he will be gone sooner than we expect. There are a lot of issues at play, but it's the football results that matter more than anything else.

Unfortunately Ole acts too clever for his own good sometimes and this is what let's him down. If he keeps things simple and do the basics right, he will be ok. What do I mean by that?

1. Select players based on form. By this Maguire, Pogba, De Gea and to an extent Rashford would be dropped.

2. Secondly do your job properly on the training pitch. What is he doing from Monday to Friday? Looking at the shape of our defence in the last match you can tell they are not being coached properly.

3. If he implements points 1 and 2, there will be a system or pattern of play to be followed. Stop this nonsense of free style football in relying on individual brilliance to win matches.

Firstly we haven't got brilliant players to do that. Greenwood will become one in the near future.

Secondly you are not Fergie. Stop being something you are not. Be yourself.

If he doesn't change what he has been doing in the past 3 games, I won't feel sorry for him when he is given the boot.
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Woody is essentially the middleman between the manager and the Glazers. The problem is that he's on the Glazers' side.

Summer 2019
The team is a mess. We probably need as many as 5 solid additions to the starting XI if our goal is to challenge for titles.
Woody: Ok, I'll give you 40% of that. Here are 2 defenders and an unproven Championship winger.
Ole: We have problems in midfield and attack as well, though?
Woody: What was that?
Ole: N.. Nothing! I guess if Pogba can stay injury free we may reach top 4...
Woody: Now that's what I'm talking about!

*Pogba gets injured*
*Total disaster ensues*

January 2020
*sigh* Ok, I'll give you 60%! Here's Bruno and a backup striker from the Chinese league. Better hustle now, boy!
Ole: Oh gee! Thanks, Mr. Woodward!

*finishes 3rd after a miraculous comeback*

Summer 2020
I did OK, no? Could I maybe get the remaining 40% now? And maybe some bench options but that's not the most imp...
Woody: Sold to the man who looks like Gollum!
Ole: Oh boy, I can't wait! Finally United will have a starting XI that kind of looks like a United team!
Woody: Actually, I'm only giving you 40% of your current request. I figured that translates to some bench options. See you January! If you still have a job, hehehe.

Bollocks. How about.
Woodward: Ole we have transfer budget of £ £ £ we would like you to achieve top 4 with that.
Ole: Ok, I want you to buy me Maquire.
Ed: Maquire will cost 80m making him the most expensive defender ever and will use up most of your transfer kitty meaning you wont have much to spend on other players, are you sure about this have you got any other alternatives?
Ole: No thats OK I still want you to get me Maquire. oh and AWB and James
Ed: ok who is this James? is he really good enough for United?
Ole: Yeah dont worry about it I know what Im doing.
Ed: ok.

Ole at Christmas: I know I said I could achieve top for with those transfers but I made a mistake please also get me Bruno.
Ed: What? ffs thats another 40m! Ok Ole.

Ole: this summer I want to break the transfer record again.
Ed: haven't you got any alternatives? That's a lot of money to spend with our stadium being empty etc.
Ole: no not really.
Ed at end of transfer window: Ole I told you we cant afford Sancho what the feck are you doing? where are your alternatives?
Ole on the last day panicking: get me any of the players we have been scouting and a striker
Ed: will Cavani Pelestrini and traore and telles do? they are all that are available right now on deadline day
Ole: yes get them

See we can make up any story we want cant we? Fact is though Ole is responsible for his budget and his transfers as he should be he is a manager not a coach.
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That's the real problem with the club, nobody takes responsibility either in the boardroom or on the pitch so by default the person who gets sacked is the manager.

But the underperforming players and boardroom remain, waiting for the next bad transfer window or 6-1 loss and the eventual departure of another manager.
I think it all stems from the start of the season. Hopeful optimism had returned on that post-lockdown run and I think the majority were willing him on and hoping he would prove himself.

That was followed by a disappointing tailing off in Europe, which was annoying, but forgivable.

But to come back for the new season the way they have. It’s been a horror show, and since he has previous for this, I think it has snuffed out that optimism and now we are just waiting for the inevitable.

I, for one, just hope it isn’t drawn out. Just get it done and let’s see what a coach like Pochettino can do with, what is undoubtedly, a talented crop of players, who should be looking much better.
I feel this is probably true but mainly because I think a lot of people who remain 'Ole in' don't seem to think he's the right man long term to win us trophies. It almost feels like he's an extended caretaker manager whose main job has not been tactical but rather trying to weed out bad apples and instil a bit of pride back into the team, which is no bad thing.
The fact is though Ole is responsible for his budget and his transfers as he should be he is a manager not a coach.

So you genuinely think Solskjær was happy with not strengthening the midfield and attack(apart from James, who was never supposed to be a safe starter)? Exactly.

James was a "gamble", but at least he was a cheap gamble. Maguire and AWB have started this season poorly, but did well last season. The former was maybe 20 million more expensive than he needed to be, but it's not like Solskjær is negotiating the prices. He's also far from the first player we have overpaid for.

We had a net spend of around 70 million in 2019. It probably needed to be 150 million for this team to have a small hope of a title challenge.
Agree, he's going to be scapegoated. This seems like an orchestrated campaign to deflect from the transfer window shambles and make his position untenable.
Woody is essentially the middleman between the manager and the Glazers. The problem is that he's on the Glazers' side.

Summer 2019
The team is a mess. We probably need as many as 5 solid additions to the starting XI if our goal is to challenge for titles.
Woody: Ok, I'll give you 40% of that. Here are 2 defenders and an unproven Championship winger.
Ole: We have problems in midfield and attack as well, though?
Woody: What was that?
Ole: N.. Nothing! I guess if Pogba can stay injury free we may reach top 4...
Woody: Now that's what I'm talking about!

*Pogba gets injured*
*Total disaster ensues*

January 2020
*sigh* Ok, I'll give you 60%! Here's Bruno and a backup striker from the Chinese league. Better hustle now, boy!
Ole: Oh gee! Thanks, Mr. Woodward!

*finishes 3rd after a miraculous comeback*

Summer 2020
I did OK, no? Could I maybe get the remaining 40% now? And maybe some bench options but that's not the most imp...
Woody: Sold to the man who looks like Gollum!
Ole: Oh boy, I can't wait! Finally United will have a starting XI that kind of looks like a United team!
Woody: Actually, I'm only giving you 40% of your current request. I figured that translates to some bench options. See you in January! If you still have a job, hehehe.
There's a feeling of inevitability about all our managerial appointments. It will be the same with the next one and the one after that and continue until Ed Woodward no longer has any say in football matters.
Even if there isn't one the media will make sure there is a feeling like that
There always was, considering he took over as caretaker on December 2018 with little experience (and certainly nothing that pointed to him being qualified). Was always a, okay, he's done well, might as well let him stay for a bit.

I don't think anyone ever saw him as a long term guy, that he'll be the manager that sees us return to the top? We got back into the top 4 which was what he was hired to do. Always was a case of needing to move on to take the next step.

Going to be hard for someone to come in though, even though it's early, as we play twice a week every week. Little time for proper team training and more just survival mode all season.
Bollocks. How about.
Woodward: Ole we have transfer budget of £ £ £ we would like you to achieve top 4 with that.
Ole: Ok, I want you to buy me Maquire.
Ed: Maquire will cost 80m making him the most expensive defender ever and will use up most of your transfer kitty meaning you wont have much to spend on other players, are you sure about this have you got any other alternatives?
Ole: No thats OK I still want you to get me Maquire. oh and AWB and James
Ed: ok who is this James? is he really good enough for United?
Ole: Yeah dont worry about it I know what Im doing.
Ed: ok.

Ole at Christmas: I know I said I could achieve top for with those transfers but I made a mistake please also get me Bruno.
Ed: What? ffs thats another 40m! Ok Ole.

Ole: this summer I want to break the transfer record again.
Ed: haven't you got any alternatives? That's a lot of money to spend with our stadium being empty etc.
Ole: no not really.
Ed at end of transfer window: Ole I told you we cant afford Sancho what the feck are you doing? where are your alternatives?
Ole on the last day panicking: get me any of the players we have been scouting and a striker
Ed: will Cavani Pelestrini and traore and telles do? they are all that are available right now on deadline day
Ole: yes get them

See we can make up any story we want cant we? Fact is though Ole is responsible for his budget and his transfers as he should be he is a manager not a coach.
It's more this.

I find hard to relate with posters saying Ole wasn't backed because he didn't get Grealish, who no club could stump up cash for and Sancho, who no club would stump up cash for.

There is one player I wish we got that the board failed minimum expectations on, and thats Upamecano. Apart from that we needed a left back, he got one. He wanted a creative midfielder and he got a close second with VDB. He wanted another striker and he got one.

OK, he didn't get a generational right winger, or a center back. But he's been backed in other areas, so stop changing the narrative. You can also argue Ed Woodward has seen how he's turned Magurie and AWB into worse players and thought "feck this, I'm being careful in case it goes tits up with this one"
There's a feeling of inevitability about all our managerial appointments. It will be the same with the next one and the one after that and continue until Ed Woodward no longer has any say in football matters.

Doesn't that apply to all clubs?

As far as I know all 20 current managers in the PL only have a job because their predecessor got sacked.
Doesn't that apply to all clubs?

As far as I know all 20 current managers in the PL only have a job because their predecessor got sacked.

You seem to be ignoring the bit about Woodward at the end, mate. :)
It's just us catching up to the fact that managers come and go. Most appointments don't last and even with good managers things can need changing every now and again.

Not every managers needs to build a legacy like Sir Alex.

So if we change managers every season, we'll become more successful? I see people saying the same thing over and over again, but 4 managers in 7 years (5 if you include Giggsy) isn't a stable environment where a manager can even attempt to build a legacy. We'll get a new manager who'll need a few seasons to build a team, it's a cycle we're not going to get out of without major changes in the structure of the club.
You seem to be ignoring the bit about Woodward at the end, mate. :)

Well I'm hoping the main outcome of Woodward going would be that we sack underperforming managers much more quickly.

The other of course being that we are more likely to make the right appointment. But as far as I know, even the allegedly well run clubs make their share of poor managerial appointments.
I think after a bad summer it's hard to motivate the squad. He probably went into the summer after finishing third expecting Sancho and Possibly Upamecano to push on and it's obviously not happened. Bruno and Shaw have all but confirmed this, if the latest reports are true Bruno feels like he's been lied too by the club.

He needs to make a couple of big decisions fast. Maguire and Pogba are miles off in both form and fitness they need to be benched.

The fixture list is brutal, unless he can change things quickly he could well be gone next month. The negativity is already huge another few loses in the coming weeks will be too much.
Anyone else getting this? I feel like he’s doomed this season, I felt eerily similar during the summer of 2018 with Jose. It just feels like the players, the board, the media & even a large section of the fans have given up on him. We saw something identical with Jose, he got us a good league finish, didn’t get the players he wanted, sacked by Christmas. This whole pre season & subsequent start has dejavu written all over it.

Everyone, and especially this forum, are whipping themselves into a negativity fervor by speaking to a echo chamber. Fans that come here to scream and complain, coupled with a lengthy international break in which nothing new has happened, so the people who scream and complain continue to do so until the next thing to complain about happens.

Add that with a transfer window that was dissapointing to absolutely everyone, even if the club managed to sign the best talent out of Italy, losing out on Jadon Sancho and instead giving the number 7 jersey to a rental forward on the decline - and you set the stage for what is essentially going to be a lot and continued negatvity around the football club. The natural focal point of ALL of this is the face of the club, Ole Gunnar Solskjær. The players are excused, the board is ultimately excused - The only player that CAN be sacked in all of this is the one person people feel they can complain about, because when he goes get the sack - all the complaining, moaning and rampang negativity will have proved that they are in fact right about it all, and the players will do better with a different man to tell the team what to do. A man who will be number FIVE to helm the club in a permanent capacity since SAF.

Online forums are a perfect echo chamber, no one changes their opinion, everyone is always right, and the people who have something negative to say and sour mood to spread are always the loudest and most active.

So yeah, the feeling of inevitability is there - brought on by the same people that will cheer the man if we do well. Loyalty and support in a football club only extends as far as the next kick on the ball.
Woody is essentially the middleman between the manager and the Glazers. The problem is that he's on the Glazers' side.

Summer 2019
The team is a mess. We probably need as many as 5 solid additions to the starting XI if our goal is to challenge for titles.
Woody: Ok, I'll give you 40% of that. Here are 2 defenders and an unproven Championship winger.
Ole: We have problems in midfield and attack as well, though?
Woody: What was that?
Ole: N.. Nothing! I guess if Pogba can stay injury free we may reach top 4...
Woody: Now that's what I'm talking about!

*Pogba gets injured*
*Total disaster ensues*

January 2020
*sigh* Ok, I'll give you 60%! Here's Bruno and a backup striker from the Chinese league. Better hustle now, boy!
Ole: Oh gee! Thanks, Mr. Woodward!

*finishes 3rd after a miraculous comeback*

Summer 2020
I did OK, no? Could I maybe get the remaining 40% now? And maybe some bench options but that's not the most imp...
Woody: Sold to the man who looks like Gollum!
Ole: Oh boy, I can't wait! Finally United will have a starting XI that kind of looks like a United team!
Woody: Actually, I'm only giving you 40% of your current request. I figured that translates to some bench options. See you in January! If you still have a job, hehehe.

This is gold :lol::lol:
There is only one person who can reverse all the negativity currently at the club and that is Ole himself.

Unless he gets some results in the next 6 games, am afraid he will be gone sooner than we expect. There are a lot of issues at play, but it's the football results that matter more than anything else.

Unfortunately Ole acts too clever for his own good sometimes and this is what let's him down. If he keeps things simple and do the basics right, he will be ok. What do I mean by that?

1. Select players based on form. By this Maguire, Pogba, De Gea and to an extent Rashford would be dropped.

2. Secondly do your job properly on the training pitch. What is he doing from Monday to Friday? Looking at the shape of our defence in the last match you can tell they are not being coached properly.

3. If he implements points 1 and 2, there will be a system or pattern of play to be followed. Stop this nonsense of free style football in relying on individual brilliance to win matches.

Firstly we haven't got brilliant players to do that. Greenwood will become one in the near future.

Secondly you are not Fergie. Stop being something you are not. Be yourself.

If he doesn't change what he has been doing in the past 3 games, I won't feel sorry for him when he is given the boot.

1. Henderson coming in for DDG is debatable and not as clear cut, but still not a huge drop in quality compared to...Maguire dropped for Bailly or Mengi/Axel paired with Lindelof (dangerous is an understatement) / VDB or Fred for Pogba is more functional than flash, so okay there / but Dan James on current or recent form for Rashford is trouble too. AWB for TFM...ugh, terrible. Could give Williams a shot. Also, you have to allow players to play into fitness and form at some point.

2. Blaming the shape entirely on the manager and coaches isn't right as individual mistakes and then going down a man doesn't help anything, regardless of shape or personnel. But there are big concerns as to why the entire backline is so far well below quality compared to last year and this is looking at it as a group and individually.

3. He's without Martial for 3 games already, so you're forced to pick players out of necessity rather than form or good chance to pick up said form. Gonna have to rely on James and Ighalo to step up while Mason finds his shooting boots, Cavani gets fit, and Marcus gets acclimated as a CF again if he starts over Ighalo.

He needs to go 3 at the back and be more pragmatic to nullify the opposition chances that have been way too many. Play to your strengths and that's the central midfield players. Keep it tight and tidy but there's enough players to have those moments of brilliance that all teams rely on game to game.
It is just inevitable. We'll miss top 4 because we do not have a squad and club isn't interested to create a good enough squad. We'll hire someone ideologically opposite to this one. He'll want some players gone, some new ones. Players won't be sold. Manager will be given half of his wishlist.
He will get top 4. Club will ditch him immediately.

Rinse. Repeat.
He have until end of November the latest to show he still has what it takes, with Martial out and the 4-5 new players settling in. The signs should already be obvious early November.

If the football is still shit (and likely will) directly from his system, tactics and decisions makings, then he needs to get out. Look, it's Manchester United and we need a better manager that can do the job. Thanks so far.
Well I'm hoping the main outcome of Woodward going would be that we sack underperforming managers much more quickly.

The other of course being that we are more likely to make the right appointment. But as far as I know, even the allegedly well run clubs make their share of poor managerial appointments.

I'm hoping we end up looking like a club with a plan, not some dog and pony show that switches its focus every few months.

But I don't have much hope that Woodward will let the football side of things go.
And looking at our football and results you'd have to say quite rightly so. If he can't turn the ship soon he'll be a goner and looking at the way most of our players underperfirm it seems unlikely things will change
If he gets a run of good results following this international break then I'm sure he will be fine. If things don't improve pretty dramatically though I think the writing is on the wall for him already. When you start seeing stuff being leaked to press about what may or may not be going on behind closed doors with players being unhappy it's usually not too long before a change happens.