Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

Just to go against some of the negative comments, I have continued progressing the story and its absolutely gripping. On top of that, some of the side characters you meet are some the best I've ever encountered and they branch off into some fantastic and memorable side quests that for me rival anything The Witcher delivered. The one thing I do agree with Gamespot on is the lack of cohesion between the story unfolding and the world. The main quest has a real sense of urgency and there's really no good reason why I should be off completing contracts, buying cars, cyberware etc. Now the game is much better if you do those things anyway but from a narrative perspective, it falls down a bit there. The side quests and branches are more believable as I think even against the clock these are important moments. Overall it's such a shame about the issues and current uproar as this is genuinely an unbelievably good game I think.
I really had to think hard about some decisions on the final missions. I’m starting my second play through in the next few days
It’s strange isn’t it? I’ve not had a single crash in 47hrs, a few glitches like characters floating above my car when I call them but nothing game breaking
That made me burst out laughing. Thank you. :lol:
I'm definitely going to wait till it's patched or whatever as it sounds everyone is enjoying the story, just stupid bugs and performance issues so far?

Still not got a ps5 / series x yet anyway.
I'm definitely going to wait till it's patched or whatever as it sounds everyone is enjoying the story, just stupid bugs and performance issues so far?

Still not got a ps5 / series x yet anyway.
It’s a bit like when Skyrim was released, it had few issues like when dragons flew backwards etc. But I think cyberpunk is superior in story and world.
If not for all the performance problems (glitches and bugs), it would be a phenomenal game.

The story is really nice and the atmosphere, music and scenery are just breathtaking. You really think you've been thrown into a Bladerunner movie.

Unfortunately those bugs and glitches are really annoying at the moment and it's simply borderline unplayable on the older consoles. Only really works on a very good gaming PC, Series X and a PS5.

Once they've patched the vast majority of those problems, it will be simply awesome though.
I've got to go against a lot of comments, I approached the game with apprehension considering the reviews all said how buggy the game was but in truth I've barely come across any.

In 20 hours or so of gameplay I've had only 2 glitches that come to mind, a weird one where I tried to jump through a window and it booted me about 30 yards back, just went up and straight through it next time and I had the screen basically go as if I'd turned the brightness up to 100 my tv, but I just saved, came out to main menu, back in and it was fine. I haven't seen any floating guns or the like that everyone else is talking about.

In truth I expected to hate the game but I'm really enjoying it, taking it very slowly and exploring as much of the city as I can while doing side missions and gigs as they open up alongside the main story. I can see me taking easily 70-80 hours for my first play-through. Obviously the city itself is stunning & one of the best in game cities I've played in, but the people on the streets are one of the main disappointments, I think in 2020 you'd hope for more than a one liner comment but that's my only real niggle at the minute. I also quite enjoy the driving, I like the lighter feel and almost drifting into corners, reminds me of older games, appreciate it's not exactly realistic but it's a Cyberpunk video game, I wouldn't expect realism.

Running a 2070S with a 3600 & 16gb RAM, it's giving me around 50FPS in 1440p high settings with RT on if that makes a difference.
If you can, wait for next gen patch. I'm playing it on PC. 4K Ultra/high and some medium to hit 60fps and I swear it's mind-blowing how well crafted this game is. It's just so easy to just get lost in it as the graphics just add that extra immersion.
Is there actually any news or rumours of a patch? The game looked and played incredible on my og PS4 so I can only imagine how good it will look on next gen.
The more I play this game, the worse it's getting. I keep crashing and it's on ps5. Just want to complete the story and I'll come back to it in 6 months for a second play through.
Is there actually any news or rumours of a patch? The game looked and played incredible on my og PS4 so I can only imagine how good it will look on next gen.
Well it's just a case of upgrading the textures etc like you can do instantly on PC. I don't see why Rockstar wouldn't do it as PS5/Xbox have capable hardware now. Looks bloody insane on PC though.
Well it's just a case of upgrading the textures etc like you can do instantly on PC. I don't see why Rockstar wouldn't do it as PS5/Xbox have capable hardware now. Looks bloody insane on PC though.
Yeh but you just watch they will wait a little longer then do a full-priced re-release which I will likely pick up because I'm an idiot. Then again there was that rumour a couple of months ago about an RDR 1 remaster in there too which would be a gamechanger!
Yeh but you just watch they will wait a little longer then do a full-priced re-release which I will likely pick up because I'm an idiot. Then again there was that rumour a couple of months ago about an RDR 1 remaster in there too which would be a gamechanger!
That would be amazing to be honest.
Is there actually any news or rumours of a patch? The game looked and played incredible on my og PS4 so I can only imagine how good it will look on next gen.

Based on all evidence I've seen that cannot be true on PS4.
I've got to go against a lot of comments, I approached the game with apprehension considering the reviews all said how buggy the game was but in truth I've barely come across any.

In 20 hours or so of gameplay I've had only 2 glitches that come to mind, a weird one where I tried to jump through a window and it booted me about 30 yards back, just went up and straight through it next time and I had the screen basically go as if I'd turned the brightness up to 100 my tv, but I just saved, came out to main menu, back in and it was fine. I haven't seen any floating guns or the like that everyone else is talking about.

In truth I expected to hate the game but I'm really enjoying it, taking it very slowly and exploring as much of the city as I can while doing side missions and gigs as they open up alongside the main story. I can see me taking easily 70-80 hours for my first play-through. Obviously the city itself is stunning & one of the best in game cities I've played in, but the people on the streets are one of the main disappointments, I think in 2020 you'd hope for more than a one liner comment but that's my only real niggle at the minute. I also quite enjoy the driving, I like the lighter feel and almost drifting into corners, reminds me of older games, appreciate it's not exactly realistic but it's a Cyberpunk video game, I wouldn't expect realism.

Running a 2070S with a 3600 & 16gb RAM, it's giving me around 50FPS in 1440p high settings with RT on if that makes a difference.
Try these, may get you to the 60fps while looking great still!
So if anyone’s still having trouble running this game smoothly with the game looking decent these are my settings, @1440p on a rtx 3070 (but after a friend using a rtx 2070super these settings scale)

contact shadows. On
Improved facial. On
Local shadow mesh. High
Local shadow quality. High
Cascade shadow range. High
Cascade shadow res. Medium
Distant shadow res. High
Volumetric fog res. High
Volumetric cloud. Medium
Max dynamic detail. Ultra
Screen space reflections. Low
Subsurface scattering quality. High
Ambient occlusion. Low
Colour precision. Medium
Mirror quality. High
Level of detail. High

RT settings

raytraced reflections. On
Raytraced shadows. Off. (The reflections add more to the game I didn’t notice any difference between the look of the game with this off)
Raytraced light. Medium
Image quality dlss. 1080p quality, 1440p balanced 4K performance

Hope this helps anyone still not getting consistent frame rates.

also driving will drop frames no matter gpu it seems to be linked To CPU,
The main quest has a real sense of urgency and there's really no good reason why I should be off completing contracts, buying cars, cyberware etc
This is an issue in all open world RPGs that still want to tell a story.

Just think of the Witcher 3, the most obvious example: sure, Ciri is hunted by an interdimensional elven biker gang who literally want to take over our world because theirs is collapsing - but hey I'm sure they'll be polite enough to wait while I play a few rounds of Gwent with this innkeep at the arse end of nowhere.
The stealth in this game is really not great. I’m in a complex and I hacked someone from far away, as soon as the hack goes through every single ai knows exactly where I am. The fact that having one of them alert means everyone knows your exact location really sucks and stops you from doing some quite cool things.
This game reminds me a lot of Skyrim. The systems don't tie together very nicely, lots of perks that don't seem all that useful, ridden with bugs, enemy AI is hilariously stupid, there's a crafting system that's both easily exploitable and completely boring... and somehow I don't care because the world "feels" (subjective I know) great to run around in and explore.

It also reminds me of the first Mass Effect in that the story is slickly presented and interesting, and everything else about the game feels like the developer's first attempt.
Based on all evidence I've seen that cannot be true on PS4.
Probably because I didn’t know any better but it was easily one of the best looking games I ever played. It helps that the level of detail was astounding.
Regarding RDR2.

It's hard to disagree with this statement. You can find the story boring all you like but for me it was perfect as it was for most people. The sheer scope of the game is unbelievable and on top of that the graphical fidelity is absolutely mesmerising. Just jaw dropping.
The story thing doesn’t fly either for me. It builds fantastically as things go from bad to worse. You really feel it going to shit.

The world is unbeatable and anyone saying otherwise is perhaps one of those pretentious gamers that can’t accept a mainstream game being that good, or they didn’t like how slow the gameplay was at times and couldn’t look past it.

There are issues, like with all games. Some people just look back on older games with rose tinted glasses. Probably helped that the world didn’t use to be so cynical. The main issue is the clunky controls and shooting, but it wasn’t game breaking by any stretch.

As for those suggesting a PS4 exclusive is better, well, we’ve seen how they act in the console thread. They’re still pretending the ps5 constantly fecking up is ok, so they can’t be trusted with an opinion.
The stealth in this game is really not great. I’m in a complex and I hacked someone from far away, as soon as the hack goes through every single ai knows exactly where I am. The fact that having one of them alert means everyone knows your exact location really sucks and stops you from doing some quite cool things.
But they don't know your exact location. They get alerted but unless you get into combat, they'll just keep looking around their own little areas. I've been doing stealth and quickhacking from the start and it's quite consistent: if someone goes down and they notice it, they go into alert status - and never come out of it, none of that "must have been the wind" shit that a lot of games pull -, they shout at you to come out of hiding and they keep patrolling.
But they don't know your exact location. They get alerted but unless you get into combat, they'll just keep looking around their own little areas. I've been doing stealth and quickhacking from the start and it's quite consistent: if someone goes down and they notice it, they go into alert status - and never come out of it, none of that "must have been the wind" shit that a lot of games pull -, they shout at you to come out of hiding and they keep patrolling.
I’ll quickhack and no one can see me and immediately as someone gets affected the status goes straight into combat and they head straight for me. Also I’ve had enemies notice bodies through a solid wall. Also if one enemy finds you everyone seems to know exactly Where I am.
The story thing doesn’t fly either for me. It builds fantastically as things go from bad to worse. You really feel it going to shit.

The world is unbeatable and anyone saying otherwise is perhaps one of those pretentious gamers that can’t accept a mainstream game being that good, or they didn’t like how slow the gameplay was at times and couldn’t look past it.

There are issues, like with all games. Some people just look back on older games with rose tinted glasses. Probably helped that the world didn’t use to be so cynical. The main issue is the clunky controls and shooting, but it wasn’t game breaking by any stretch.

As for those suggesting a PS4 exclusive is better, well, we’ve seen how they act in the console thread. They’re still pretending the ps5 constantly fecking up is ok, so they can’t be trusted with an opinion.
I can see the brilliance of RDR 2 (or other Rockstar games for that matter), but it's just just boring to me. After reading these comments I will try once again to get through it, but I doubt I'll make it.

The Witcher 3 on the other handhand Ive beaten 4 times already, so it's definitely not a mainstream issue or an open world issue. I love mainstream stuff. I base my taste in movies almost exclusively on their imdb score and my favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate. I just dont like Rockstar's stuff past GTA 2. I cant put my finger on it, because I see that these games are amazingly crafted.. Meh.
I’ll quickhack and no one can see me and immediately as someone gets affected the status goes straight into combat and they head straight for me. Also I’ve had enemies notice bodies through a solid wall. Also if one enemy finds you everyone seems to know exactly Where I am.
Well, that's... odd. Not my experience at all.
It's now crashing frequently for me (PC). The "shelve it until it's patched in a few months" argument is growing louder in my head.
Gun play wasn't great. I found everything else very satisfactory. Gunplay has never been rockstars strong point. Immersion, writing, voice acting, pacing, character development (so story telling) is. I'm playing GTAV at the minute and it's as good as the day I picked it up on ps3. Pacing is much different of course but the storytelling part as a whole remains next level.
It's strange because I actually like the gunplay. The only problem I have with it gameplay wise is how fiddly it is sometimes trying to get in the right position to select something like your bedroll when out camping.

I'm finally getting the chance to play it through to completion. I'm in the final act and I'm amazed that I'm still finding new random encounters. The story is unbelievably well crafted and it feels like every thing in the game is meticulously designed (well, okay, obviously not the controls but :lol: ).

Obviously the best game ever is going to be a subjective thing but, if we're going purely on personal experience, I'd put it up there alongside the first time I played MGS or Half Life 2 in terms of seeing something that really wowed and immersed me.

Sorry, yeah, Cyberpunk...
Had a hilarious bug in the sinnerman quest where everyone got out of the car and just legged it leaving me in the car. Sat like a prat in the car for a good few minutes genuinely thinking it was part of the quest script.
I can see the brilliance of RDR 2 (or other Rockstar games for that matter), but it's just just boring to me. After reading these comments I will try once again to get through it, but I doubt I'll make it.

The Witcher 3 on the other handhand Ive beaten 4 times already, so it's definitely not a mainstream issue or an open world issue. I love mainstream stuff. I base my taste in movies almost exclusively on their imdb score and my favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate. I just dont like Rockstar's stuff past GTA 2. I cant put my finger on it, because I see that these games are amazingly crafted.. Meh.
Fair. It’s definitely a very different experience to The Witcher.
Sony delist game from PSN

To those wanting a refund from Sony.

Game has also been delisted from PSN, which is big news itself.