2021 American Civil War


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
You must be joking? Normal President? I don't think there is anything normal with Trump. But as another op said. Don't let them make him a martyr. He plays the victim. See how they prosecute me? See how they steal the election? Now it is going to be see how they shut down my freedom?
Prosecute him by all means for everything he has done and is doing but it's better not be give him any chance to play the victim.
Seriously? I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt since you are not here in the US, but the above is just insanity.

Donald Trump needing an excuse to play the victim? The asshole played the victim when he WON IN 2016!
His supporters hating SoMe platforms and thinking of him as a martyr? THEY feckING THINK HE IS SAVING THE WORLD FROM SATANIC CHILD RAPISTS

Twitter could give him a custom, gold plated phone to tweet from and he would still rage on them. There is no difference in him being banned when it comes to his "feelings". The difference now is that he can not rally his people in a mass way. If he wants to communicate to the masses he will need to do it the official way, through the WH coms department and all the checks and balances that come with it. It means that any communication is Official Gov't communication and can not be blown off as "Donald be Donald" like so many people have done for the last 5 years. The last thing this country needs right now is a mentally unstable narcist rage tweeting based on whatever lie Fox News/OAN/Newsmaxx is running at that given time.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
Seriously? I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt since you are not here in the US, but the above is just insanity.

Donald Trump needing an excuse to play the victim? The asshole played the victim when he WON IN 2016!
His supporters hating SoMe platforms and thinking of him as a martyr? THEY feckING THINK HE IS SAVING THE WORLD FROM SATANIC CHILD RAPISTS

Twitter could give him a custom, gold plated phone to tweet from and he would still rage on them. There is no difference in him being banned when it comes to his "feelings". The difference now is that he can not rally his people in a mass way. If he wants to communicate to the masses he will need to do it the official way, through the WH coms department and all the checks and balances that come with it. It means that any communication is Official Gov't communication and can not be blown off as "Donald be Donald" like so many people have done for the last 5 years. The last thing this country needs right now is a mentally unstable narcist rage tweeting based on whatever lie Fox News/OAN/Newsmaxx is running at that given time.
Yes but he won't be POTUS for long anyway. Hopefully sooner. But he is not going to go away as you know. Yes that's the point I am making. He will continue to play the victim. Don't feed his ego. It's better to let himself humiliate rather than try to make him relevant.


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
Yes but he won't be POTUS for long anyway. Hopefully sooner. But he is not going to go away as you know. Yes that's the point I am making. He will continue to play the victim. Don't feed his ego. It's better to let himself humiliate rather than try to make him relevant.
Yes, he will continue to play the victim, but now that play will be in a 10 seat community theatre instead of the Met.

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
You must be joking? Normal President? I don't think there is anything normal with Trump. But as another op said. Don't let them make him a martyr. He plays the victim. See how they prosecute me? See how they steal the election? Now it is going to be see how they shut down my freedom?
Prosecute him by all means for everything he has done and is doing but it's better not be give him any chance to play the victim.
He will play the victim regardless, forever claiming he won in a landslide. And in no way I was even remotely claiming there is anything normal about him. Exactly the opposite: twitter is not the normal way of communication for world leaders. What I meant is that no one has locked him in a room and preventing him from making statements through his magabot press sec. Although locking him in a room is exactly what they should be doing. Preferably without windows and with soft walls.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
The French far right tends to be very anti-muslim, Jean Messiha going by the last name is obviously an Arab Christian, so him being the brains probably makes sense.
They are xenophobes, they hate everything that isn't french, they are anti immigration from anywhere regardless of your religion and they are the "champions" of secularism. So it makes no sense that an egyptian born copt is one of the brains of the far right but when you listen to him, he clearly has unresolved issues.

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
Am I reading between the line incorrectly or the letter is essentially inciting an insurrection during the next 12 days?
No bud, you read that correctly.
The nearest asylum may want to take a look as well.
Without a doubt. Dude has taken leave of reality.
Yeah I bet I will :lol:
The blind squirrel found the nut on that one.
The comments... Jesus fecking christ these people live on an alternate plane.
Quite so. But spare a thought for the folks who think they’re hard done by when social media companies decide to de-publish their ravings.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
Anyone who thinks Lin Wood is the voice of sanity should be in an asylum.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
No bud, you read that correctly.

Without a doubt. Dude has taken leave of reality.

The blind squirrel found the nut on that one.

Quite so. But spare a thought for the folks who think they’re hard done by when social media companies decide to de-publish their ravings.
There's no doubt at all that guy is a QAnon believer.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
You must be joking? Normal President? I don't think there is anything normal with Trump. But as another op said. Don't let them make him a martyr. He plays the victim. See how they prosecute me? See how they steal the election? Now it is going to be see how they shut down my freedom?
Prosecute him by all means for everything he has done and is doing but it's better not be give him any chance to play the victim.
I get what you mean but it doesn't matter what they do - Trump and his followers will still say that they're victims. If Twitter hadn't banned him this time then Trump would still talk about how social media is a liberal tool out to get him. If he posted a video saying "Kill Libs" his followers would say that he didn't mean what he said. If he responded with "No, I mean literally take a gun and shoot a lib in the face" they would say that nobody is going to do it. Then, a day later, when a video is posted of Don Jr shooting a lib in the face his followers would claim that Jr is secretly a member of Antifa. They're impossible to deal with so you might as well get them to feck right now.


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
I get what you mean but it doesn't matter what they do - Trump and his followers will still say that they're victims. If Twitter hadn't banned him this time then Trump would still talk about how social media is a liberal tool out to get him. If he posted a video saying "Kill Libs" his followers would say that he didn't mean what he said. If he responded with "No, I mean literally take a gun and shoot a lib in the face" they would say that nobody is going to do it. Then, a day later, when a video is posted of Don Jr shooting a lib in the face his followers would claim that Jr is secretly a member of Antifa. They're impossible to deal with so you might as well get them to feck right now.
Stop saying what I said but better/funnier. How the hell am I gonna get popular with you “doing this shit better”.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Stop saying what I said but better/funnier. How the hell am I gonna get popular with you “doing this shit better”.
I can't be in two places at once, WI. See you in the other thread in a second when you reply to that one and I get the alert :lol:


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
Anyone else feel somewhat horrified by the fact these QAnon believers actually exist?

We laugh and we joke but we aren't in a movie. This is real life. Let it sink in that these people in their mind genuinely thought they were doing the right thing. They are so far gone, mentally speaking.

It's a scary thought that in 2021 these kind of people still roam around in Western society.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
Anyone else feel somewhat horrified by the fact these QAnon believers actually exist?

We laugh and we joke but we aren't in a movie. This is real life. Let it sink in that these people in their mind genuinely thought they were doing the right thing. They are so far gone, mentally speaking.

It's a scary thought that in 2021 these kind of people still roam around in Western society.
I knew that they were going to go to the Capitol as soon as Trump spoke. But like most people I thought that the law enforcement would stop them at the edge and break it up. I never believed that they would be so stupid enough to not to take it seriously and reinforce the police.

This is why I still can't accept that it's not an inside job.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
Trump has long been pushing for action to make Twitter (and all other social media) legally responsible for the content published on their site.

But now, when Twitter move to take responsibility (even without any legal requirements) for his inflammatory posts by banning them - he complains. But in his case they have only done what he wanted the law to force them to do.


Full Member
Oct 19, 2009
Anyone else feel somewhat horrified by the fact these QAnon believers actually exist?

We laugh and we joke but we aren't in a movie. This is real life. Let it sink in that these people in their mind genuinely thought they were doing the right thing. They are so far gone, mentally speaking.

It's a scary thought that in 2021 these kind of people still roam around in Western society.
Yeah, there's no doubt these people genuinely believe they are the good guys. How did we get here? And how did they come to believe that Trump was their messiah? Did they always believe this of him? When he was peddling his Trump Steaks and presenting a reality TV show? How did this imbecile enrapture these people?


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
Yeah, there's no doubt these people genuinely believe they are the good guys. How did we get here? And how did they come to believe that Trump was their messiah? Did they always believe this of him? When he was peddling his Trump Steaks and presenting a reality TV show? How did this imbecile enrapture these people?
Because he encouraged, legitimised and amplified the racist, mysogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic (etc) and paranoid beliefs that they held anyway.

The various "philosophies" that they cleave to - e.g. evangelical Christianity - are only convenient camouflage to try and disguise their core desire - namely power and control over other people and how they are allowed to live their lives: the exact opposite of live and let live. Trump epitomises those desires, which is why such "Christians" have been quick to transfer messiah allegiance to him.

Guns are a prime means of exerting control over other people, not least through fear and intimidation. Hence why they love the slogan "God, Guns and the Flag".


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
Tell her you can't talk because you're off to your Antifa initiation ceremony and then block her.
Even better, ask her if she knows of any children you could take for sacrifice and blood-drinking at the Antifa initiation ceremony.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
Giuliani's decline has been astonishing. One of the architects behind the Mafia's decline and then a respected NY mayor.

Makes you wonder if he was always this delusional or became delusional as he aged.
I'd say the mafia itself and the FBI agents played a bigger role in bringing down the NY mob.

Rolling Stone had a good piece on what happened to Rudy. He became consumed in himself after 9/11 elevated him to god-like status.



Full Member
Nov 18, 2003
'Murican South
:lol: she's pretty ridiculous, she sponsored me for a green card/us passport and then she goes

Her "chain migration is awful, we need to get rid of it"

Me "But .. you sponsored me for that exact same thing?"

Her"Yeah but that's different!!"

Me "Because I'm white? Gotcha"

So yes she's a twat :rolleyes: