How far are you willing to go to get the Glazers out?

Acquire Me

Full Member
Jun 15, 2006
A policeofficer is in the hospital, permanently disfigured after getting slashed across the face.

No amount of upset about the running of our sports club will ever justify that.
I agree. Violence should never be the solution. Peaceful protest are not easy to do when you got "fans" running crazy. Even though 98% act civil and respectful, the crazy 2% will get most attention. It is not fair, but it is not unfair either. People who get hurt for life is just not okay.

The protest will go on, but I hope we will see more peaceful solutions.


New Member
Jan 17, 2021
The problem is that unfortunately for the extremists people notice when they call for the club to be relegated and claim their outrage is based on disgust at the money men in football taking over and argue that 'real fans' will do anything to see such people expunged from the club regardless of consequences, yet have a username based on their favourite player from the 90s.

We were not a disgusting, anti-football, evil corporate empire then too? Or did that not matter. Either they're being disingenuous now and are just going along with the mob or they were being disingenuous then, presumably because they didn't care when we were successful. But we all know they get very angry and that suggestion, so it couldn't possibly be that.

The truth is the club has NEVER in any of our time of being fans, been run by anyone but businessmen. At no point in the history of anything have businessmen ever done anything except with the short, medium or long-term view of making money. It's actually quite impressive this PR campaign that seems to have genuinely convinced the fans Glazer's snatched the club from a consortium of Jeremy Corbyn, Clement Atlee, Princess Diana and that fat woman off the frozen yorkshire puddings - and overnight turned us into some evil conglomerate. There is so much hilariously inaccurate ignorance about our history, ironically form those who think they're 'real fans'.

They then use this platform to argue, as 'real fans' they're right in their 'real fansness' that they'll happily see us relegated or default on loans, taken over by lenders and have the assets stripped and sold off because 'real fans' don't go into any of this commercial corporate shit.

...except for the years they paraded around in an outfit that was a walking advert for Sharp's 'View-Cam', because it was different back then. But not because we were winning trophies, of course.


Thinks the caf is 'wokeish'.
Dec 27, 2009
Hell on Earth
If being run by people who use the club to make money is enough for some to want us relegated then why is there such fondness for our success in the 90s?

Maybe in wrong maybe you stood arms folded sulking that the money grabbing Edwards family took income from the club . Maybe in 1999 you missed the final as you were busy posting in bad reviews of Sharp products.

Or maybe your ‘top reditis’ has shielded you from the fact your knowledge of our ownership history is shit
:lol: :lol:


The alright "V", B-Boy cypher cat
Jul 13, 2018
Somewhere in the middle
It's actually quite impressive this PR campaign that seems to have genuinely convinced the fans Glazer's snatched the club from a consortium of Jeremy Corbyn, Clement Atlee, Princess Diana and that fat woman off the frozen yorkshire puddings - and overnight turned us into some evil conglomerate. There is so much hilariously inaccurate ignorance about our history, ironically form those who think they're 'real fans'.
Brilliant :lol:

And true.


New Member
Jan 23, 2019
The problem is that unfortunately for the extremists people notice when they call for the club to be relegated and claim their outrage is based on disgust at the money men in football taking over and argue that 'real fans' will do anything to see such people expunged from the club regardless of consequences, yet have a username based on their favourite player from the 90s.

We were not a disgusting, anti-football, evil corporate empire then too? Or did that not matter. Either they're being disingenuous now and are just going along with the mob or they were being disingenuous then, presumably because they didn't care when we were successful. But we all know they get very angry and that suggestion, so it couldn't possibly be that.

The truth is the club has NEVER in any of our time of being fans, been run by anyone but businessmen. At no point in the history of anything have businessmen ever done anything except with the short, medium or long-term view of making money. It's actually quite impressive this PR campaign that seems to have genuinely convinced the fans Glazer's snatched the club from a consortium of Jeremy Corbyn, Clement Atlee, Princess Diana and that fat woman off the frozen yorkshire puddings - and overnight turned us into some evil conglomerate. There is so much hilariously inaccurate ignorance about our history, ironically form those who think they're 'real fans'.

They then use this platform to argue, as 'real fans' they're right in their 'real fansness' that they'll happily see us relegated or default on loans, taken over by lenders and have the assets stripped and sold off because 'real fans' don't go into any of this commercial corporate shit.

...except for the years they paraded around in an outfit that was a walking advert for Sharp's 'View-Cam', because it was different back then. But not because we were winning trophies, of course.
Exactly. And what do they expect will happen if we get relegated or Glazers just sell? Are we going to turn into some charity organisation or club will be taken over by other businessmen whose main goal will be the same, profit? Why do they thing any other owner will be better than the Glazers?


The alright "V", B-Boy cypher cat
Jul 13, 2018
Somewhere in the middle
Why do they thing any other owner will be better than the Glazers?

And it’s not even as if we’re in a bad place on the pitch. Fantastic young squad that’s only one or two players from being a top team. 2nd place. Europa league final. Fan favourite manager.

Totally understand that the glazers have taken loads of money out and this superleague bullshit has been a car crash but ultimately ... right now ... we’re in the best place we’ve been since SAF left with a team full of players who seem totally committed to the cause. I just don’t get it.

Tom Cato

Godt nyttår!
Jan 3, 2019
I agree. Violence should never be the solution. Peaceful protest are not easy to do when you got "fans" running crazy. Even though 98% act civil and respectful, the crazy 2% will get most attention. It is not fair, but it is not unfair either. People who get hurt for life is just not okay.

The protest will go on, but I hope we will see more peaceful solutions.
I haven't been at the protests so I can't say what anyone has done, but the organizers need to be very up and front and vocal during the protests, especially when it comes to calming the masses, and preferably helping to restrain elements that DO cause trouble.

The fans have a enormous responsibility to everyone who are at Old Trafford to keep everyone safe. They bring people there, they should assume all responsibility for the people there.

I have no problems with civil disobedience, literally any peaceful tool to get a clear message across. But the media and everyone with a camera will only be interested in the conflict if we create one.

Run a protest, block exits and entrances with bodies, do whatever is needed to keep the attention going. But we are going to lose ALL public support the second some idiot who can't control his temper lashes out at some guy just trying to do his job.


Full Member
Jan 20, 2010
I haven´t bought anything United related for years now and haven´t attended a match for 4 years.
Don´t know what else I could do.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Sep 19, 2006
Exactly. And what do they expect will happen if we get relegated or Glazers just sell? Are we going to turn into some charity organisation or club will be taken over by other businessmen whose main goal will be the same, profit? Why do they thing any other owner will be better than the Glazers?
It’s all about how the next owner funds the purchase and what happens to our debt. Leveraged buy out is the reason we got into this mess and another LBO is not going to solve it, that’s right.

There’s a shortage of cash buyers out there for sure but there are better owners than Glazers too.

And those posters saying that things are going well on the pitch now and how bad are the Glazers???

Please, we haven’t contended for the league in 8 years now. We’ve become contented with top 4. We’re in the second string European competition. Completely unacceptable.


New Member
Jan 23, 2019
It’s all about how the next owner funds the purchase and what happens to our debt. Leveraged buy out is the reason we got into this mess and another LBO is not going to solve it, that’s right.

There’s a shortage of cash buyers out there for sure but there are better owners than Glazers too.

And those posters saying that things are going well on the pitch now and how bad are the Glazers???

Please, we haven’t contended for the league in 8 years now. We’ve become contented with top 4. We’re in the second string European competition. Completely unacceptable.
LBO is not the reason why we couldn’t win the league. And I’m sick thinking about the way they bought the club but it doesn’t really matter to fans. They spent a lot of money on players who failed. Poor recruitment is the reason we can’t compete not the lack of money. And what do you care how much debt we have? That’s concern for accountants and owners. You just watch the game which is getting better nowadays.


New Member
Jan 17, 2021
I think we’re still suffering the legacy of propaganda by Andy Green, Drasdo and others who have clear vested interest in convincing fans that a perfectly stable enterprise would go bust any day unless we threw money at campaigns I’m probably legally barred from suggesting whether or not they had financial ties to.

Glazers Out!

New Member
May 4, 2021
Then why protest the owners themselves? Protest the rules (or lack thereof) that allowed them to purchase the club in this manner.

As owners, they've interfered minimally and the club has spent enormous amounts on player transfers and contracts. That lack of success since Ferguson's retirement falls on the ones in charge of executive decisions (Woodward), management (Moyes, van Gaal, Mourinho), and transfer strategy (all of the aforementioned).
It all starts at the top.

This is a common tactic used by American owners in American closed leagues where the blame always falls on the executives and management that the inept owner hired. Daniel Snyder, owner of the Washington Football Team/Washington Redskins is a prime example of this. He's gutted the team and destroyed the fanbase over a 20 year period and took what was once a proud and powerful brand and ran it through the mud all while not having to worry about his team being relegated. Which it likely would have about 15 times by now.


New Member
Oct 20, 2020
The continuous disruptive protests from the United fans will result in the necessary charges. Being meek and quiet will mean the American reign remains.
Jan 15, 2016
A total boycott and peaceful direct action. I would only draw the line at threats, violence and vandalism. All peaceful forms of protest should be open.


Full Member
Aug 15, 2010
Boston - the one in the States
It’s all about how the next owner funds the purchase and what happens to our debt. Leveraged buy out is the reason we got into this mess and another LBO is not going to solve it, that’s right.

There’s a shortage of cash buyers out there for sure but there are better owners than Glazers too.

And those posters saying that things are going well on the pitch now and how bad are the Glazers???

Please, we haven’t contended for the league in 8 years now. We’ve become contented with top 4. We’re in the second string European competition. Completely unacceptable.
How do you think it felt to support the club in the post Busby years? How do you think Liverpool supporters felt in the post "boot room" years? How do you think Arsenal supporters are going to feel in the coming post Wenger years? We were privileged to have a 20+ year run of unprecedented success - that doesn't give us a divine right to it. We screwed up badly in our selections of players and managers post SAF - our (and Liverpool's) history show us how easy it is to do that after a long successful run. Right now we seem to be on something like an even keel and are showing progress, but there's a long way to go - get used to it - there are no magic bullets.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Sep 19, 2006
LBO is not the reason why we couldn’t win the league. And I’m sick thinking about the way they bought the club but it doesn’t really matter to fans. They spent a lot of money on players who failed. Poor recruitment is the reason we can’t compete not the lack of money. And what do you care how much debt we have? That’s concern for accountants and owners. You just watch the game which is getting better nowadays.
All money spent on players was generated by the club, not invested by the Glazers. They have not spent a penny of their own money on players, it’s been all flowing in the other direction. The debt matters because debt servicing costs are eating up money that could be invested in players, fixing up the stadium etc etc.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Sep 19, 2006
How do you think it felt to support the club in the post Busby years? How do you think Liverpool supporters felt in the post "boot room" years? How do you think Arsenal supporters are going to feel in the coming post Wenger years? We were privileged to have a 20+ year run of unprecedented success - that doesn't give us a divine right to it. We screwed up badly in our selections of players and managers post SAF - our (and Liverpool's) history show us how easy it is to do that after a long successful run. Right now we seem to be on something like an even keel and are showing progress, but there's a long way to go - get used to it - there are no magic bullets.
If we had owners who were investing rather than extracting money we would be still contending every year, no question at all about that. Glazers have just been parasites.

Van Piorsing

Lost his light sabre
Feb 10, 2006
Think I could welcome back Ed Woodward, just to see them leave the club.

Since Super League attempt, every week is a torture with that kind of ownership.


New Member
May 5, 2021
In regards to exit strategy. Instead of looking for that 1 Unicorn buyer with a spare couple of billion, would it not be preferable for them to refloat the club fully as a PLC? Sell the shares, (whether they decide to keep any is up to them) and take the windfall and leave for good?

Every fan would have the opportunity to buy as many shares as they can afford. Now I am not naive to think that we could could get enough fans to buy shares to create a fan owned entity, and there will be investment companies and others buying big swathes of shares, but ultimately it would make the board accountable to the shareholders in their decisions. Yes it opens us up again to the shares being bought up by another unscrupulous owner in the future, but does this really put us in any worse position than if the Glazers sell to whoever they want?

We already know that United's brand and revenue already allow them to stand and operate on their own 2 feet and compete with the majority of clubs.

My 2 cents anyway.


New Member
Jan 23, 2019
All money spent on players was generated by the club, not invested by the Glazers. They have not spent a penny of their own money on players, it’s been all flowing in the other direction. The debt matters because debt servicing costs are eating up money that could be invested in players, fixing up the stadium etc etc.
I haven’t seen the stadium for a while, but I believe it’s in a bad state. About the transfers, I will do more research but according to transfermarkt only City spent more in the last ten years. We tend to overpay for transfers and wages as well so I don’t know how much more you want. True, our recruitment was fairly poor so we should concentrate on getting better scouts and a sporting director. So there’s a lot of mismanagement but the money is there.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Sep 19, 2006
I haven’t seen the stadium for a while, but I believe it’s in a bad state. About the transfers, I will do more research but according to transfermarkt only City spent more in the last ten years. We tend to overpay for transfers and wages as well so I don’t know how much more you want. True, our recruitment was fairly poor so we should concentrate on getting better scouts and a sporting director. So there’s a lot of mismanagement but the money is there.
With the commercial success of our club we should be seeing the benefits of that on the pitch but it’s not happening. We are keeping pace with our rivals commercially but losing ground in football terms. The reason for that is our parasitic owners.

Ole's screen

Full Member
Oct 18, 2020
Right next to Ole’s seat
KC Chiefs
With the commercial success of our club we should be seeing the benefits of that on the pitch but it’s not happening. We are keeping pace with our rivals commercially but losing ground in football terms. The reason for that is our parasitic owners.
While that has played a part most of the reason for our downfall post Fergie is unfortunately our lack of football infrastructure. By the time SAF left, everything was tailored to him - and he had a lot of power at the club. Power that a manager usually doesn't have nowadays and oftentimes doesn't want. It took us a while to realize that and in that time we lurched from philosophy to philosophy spending money willey-nilley Dysneyland style on players that didn't suit us stylistically and styles that didn't suit the fans sensibilities.

As an aside: one thing to be glad about about though, since Ole has come in all that rubbish from the pundits about "are United playing The United Way(TM)?" has disappeared.


Full Member
Sep 7, 2019
If being run by people who use the club to make money is enough for some to want us relegated then why is there such fondness for our success in the 90s?

Maybe in wrong maybe you stood arms folded sulking that the money grabbing Edwards family took income from the club . Maybe in 1999 you missed the final as you were busy posting in bad reviews of Sharp products.

Or maybe your ‘top reditis’ has shielded you from the fact your knowledge of our ownership history is shit
Well said.

However, just like football only started in 1992, bad ownership only began when the Glazers took over.


Full Member
Sep 7, 2019
All money spent on players was generated by the club, not invested by the Glazers. They have not spent a penny of their own money on players, it’s been all flowing in the other direction. The debt matters because debt servicing costs are eating up money that could be invested in players, fixing up the stadium etc etc.
But it still hasn't stopped us spending almost £1bn, even if it was badly.

Who knows, maybe if we had spent better we'd not have to have spent so much?


Full Member
Sep 7, 2019
With the commercial success of our club we should be seeing the benefits of that on the pitch but it’s not happening. We are keeping pace with our rivals commercially but losing ground in football terms. The reason for that is our parasitic owners.
The reason is bad management and very poor managers and transfer choices.

There's been loads of money available, it's just been spent badly.

The only way to pin that on the Yanks is to say, well, they were the ones to employ Ed Woodward.


Full Member
Jun 10, 2013
The reason is bad management and very poor managers and transfer choices.

There's been loads of money available, it's just been spent badly.

The only way to pin that on the Yanks is to say, well, they were the ones to employ Ed Woodward.
I think the point made generally is that yes we have spent shit load, and yes we have spent it badly, but if it weren’t for the servicing the debt + dividends, we could have spent much more and thus be in a better situation.

I’m only inclined to agree if that increased spending would be on infrastructure like the youth and scouting/coaching set up, stadium etc... Barca have shown you that blowing money on multiple 100m+ transfers can still get you no further on the pitch. At the end of the day, resources can’t make up for bad management.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Sep 19, 2006
I think the point made generally is that yes we have spent shit load, and yes we have spent it badly, but if it weren’t for the servicing the debt + dividends, we could have spent much more and thus be in a better situation.

I’m only inclined to agree if that increased spending would be on infrastructure like the youth and scouting/coaching set up, stadium etc... Barca have shown you that blowing money on multiple 100m+ transfers can still get you no further on the pitch. At the end of the day, resources can’t make up for bad management.
We’ll never know what we would have spent it on because they never gave us the chance. We are all guilty of accepting this farce simply because the club is so successful commercially that it generated enough cash to pay the debt servicing costs and the dividends and the stupid spending by a poorly run football department. Yes the last 8 years we spent a lot and wasted most of it. But we still leaked a small fortune in debt servicing because of the obscene LBO which they used to buy us.

I know all of us on here are football fans and maybe we don’t understand finance, LBOs etc but please know that the Glazers rely on that lack of knowledge and throw some of our own money back at us each year and say “look what we have given you”. All our problems are traceable back to our owners, there is not one thing wrong with Man United currently that is not their fault.

Glazers Out!

New Member
May 4, 2021
In regards to exit strategy. Instead of looking for that 1 Unicorn buyer with a spare couple of billion, would it not be preferable for them to refloat the club fully as a PLC? Sell the shares, (whether they decide to keep any is up to them) and take the windfall and leave for good?

Every fan would have the opportunity to buy as many shares as they can afford. Now I am not naive to think that we could could get enough fans to buy shares to create a fan owned entity, and there will be investment companies and others buying big swathes of shares, but ultimately it would make the board accountable to the shareholders in their decisions. Yes it opens us up again to the shares being bought up by another unscrupulous owner in the future, but does this really put us in any worse position than if the Glazers sell to whoever they want?

We already know that United's brand and revenue already allow them to stand and operate on their own 2 feet and compete with the majority of clubs.

My 2 cents anyway.
In American Football the Green Packers have done this. *Green Bay is the 272nd largest city in the US with a population of 100,000.
They have to do this or an owner would buy them and move them to a bigger city that is offering to build a free stadium and other incentives and revenue.

" Rather than being the property of an individual, partnership, or corporate entity, they are held as of 2016 by 360,760 stockholders. No one is allowed to hold more than 200,000 shares,[2] which represents approximately four percent of the 5,011,558 shares currently outstanding.[3] It is this broad-based community support and non-profit structure[4] which has kept the team in Green Bay for over a century in spite of being the smallest market in all of North American professional sports. ",_Inc.