Do we extend Ole's contract?


Anti Scottish and Preoccupied with Donkeys.
Aug 5, 2006
I'm not anti Scottish, I just wanted Moyes out.
My point is that they were supplied the players in the positions they needed.
Ole was given a couple of youthteamers, a striker seemingly on his last legs (albeit he turned out ok) and a random midfielder he didn't need.

Tuchel hasn't had to do anything other than turn up and add some confidence and change the starting lineup an little.

Don't get me wrong, he's done well to win the cl but it's not like he had a tough run is it, I mean that real Madrid side is so bad that Zidane can't be arsed with it.
That Real Madrid team is a lot better than Villareal.. Tuchel took a mid table team falling apart into top 4 and won the champions league. Trying to downplay that is a bit sad specially when we couldn't even win the Europa league.
Again both teams spent the same amount on transfers over two seasons. I don't get the "Ole was given" bit at all. Is he our manager or not? He can't just take credit for our good signings.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2007
My point is that they were supplied the players in the positions they needed.
Ole was given a couple of youthteamers, a striker seemingly on his last legs (albeit he turned out ok) and a random midfielder he didn't need.

Tuchel hasn't had to do anything other than turn up and add some confidence and change the starting lineup an little.

Don't get me wrong, he's done well to win the cl but it's not like he had a tough run is it, I mean that real Madrid side is so bad that Zidane can't be arsed with it.
They also beat Atletico in both legs. It's impressive what he has done with this team it has to be said.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2005
You do know that there's an ignore button, don't you? If you don't like what I have to say, I encourage, nay I implore you to use it.

It's certainly better than your prissy complaints whenever I do post something that pricks your oh so little sensitivities.

You ought to be careful as well. You have already had a public dressing down from @golden_blunder for your conduct in the other Ole thread after all :lol:


New Member
May 30, 2021
Firstly, Ole is building a young team that is attack-minded and borrows from the principles of Klopp particularly. He wants to play a proactive, high impact and high energy pressing football.
Yet, after two seasons, our great attack-minded manager doesn't know how to break down teams that sit deep, so instead he just sits there looking like a rabbit in the headlights, while his team plays sideways and back passes.
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Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
shrewd owners would be looking at what Tuchel has achieved at Chelsea and wondering about a change perhaps...

The Glazers are probably delighted with a manager who won't rock the boat and has a sense of gratitude about being there. Maintaining top 4 relevance seems to be the goal.

personally I'm torn. Love Ole but not sure he has the managerial acumen to win the big prizes. He's done a fine job and deserves another year with backing. He needs those 3 key signings. He also needs to learn from his mistakes though.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2005
Was a decent post. One I disagree with but still well thought out. Until the last bit. Pointing out an opinion you have about a manager shouldnt be automatically labbeled as flaggelation or entitled whining (that's my favourite). There are more than enough reasons to doubt Ole. Our lack of cutting edge when teams sit deep, our embarrassing set piece defending we can't seem to get under control, our mindset in the really important games, his in-game management and quite a few more. I had my doubts when we first signed him and nothing has really changed. We can look decent but in the next moment we look capable of losing against pretty much any dross. It makes our games pretty exciting but it's not something that will win us major trophies I fear.

Also telling others to find a different hobby makes you the one that's entitled not the other way round. Which is a shame as I thought the rest of your post was pretty decent.
Ok, I'll just reiterate my question to you, as from your posting history (and this post as well), you seem to share the posters objections:

What enjoyment do you get from Utd under Ole's stewardship? If not, then why put yourself through that turmoil that you are seemingly going through? And if you do get enjoyment, then why are you ignoring this and asking him to be let go, in the aftermath of one poor result at the end of a long and difficult season which has still nevertheless seen us progress?

The logical leaps that people on your side of the divide go to are difficult to understand. How is someone who is happy with how the club is going during a difficult period somehow the entitled one compared to the person who wants to rip apart the progress because they don't like the manager? Of course, you're probably going to argue that the progress won't be ripped apart because we'll get a good manager, but we literally had 5 years of evidence and experience that says otherwise. This club under this leadership don't have a clue as to what they want. So, how about sticking with this manager as he continues to go about his job and rebuilds this team?

If he ever finished outside of the top 4 he'll be deservedly let go but considering he's overseen what is arguably the weakest Utd side in 30 years and still has kept them in the top 4, I think he's doing fine. Give him a transfer window like Jose had in his first two years, or what LvG had gotten in his time, then we'd see a better side, I'm sure.

Re your issues with his coaching: it is obviously not his strength, but even still, he's had just one preseason with this team, which was primarily focused on fitness, thanks to Jose still living in the 80s (and from my vantage point, it's been a success, with injuries and energy levels across the season all being much improved in a season where so many of our peers' hasn't). He has then also had to contend with pandemic football and had easily the worst schedule of all the teams in Europe, with no spare week at all until April. Any time they had between games was focused solely on preparing for the next game and resting. There has literally been no time for this coaching to be undertaken and what we have in place right now are placeholders in lieu of something more permanent. Whether those permanent solutions are going to be enough, only time will tell, but in the meantime I'm going to do what a supporter should do which is support.

You are free to do as you wish.


New Member
May 28, 2021
If they extend it they need to back him heavily this summer. The worst thing would be to extend it and not back him. Then he is set up to fail, and you have to pay him out of his contract. Knowing the Glazers this is exactly what they will do.

big rons sovereign

New Member
Mar 7, 2015
That Real Madrid team is a lot better than Villareal.. Tuchel took a mid table team falling apart into top 4 and won the champions league. Trying to downplay that is a bit sad specially when we couldn't even win the Europa league.
Again both teams spent the same amount on transfers over two seasons. I don't get the "Ole was given" bit at all. Is he our manager or not? He can't just take credit for our good signings.
You think he asked for 2 youth teamers and a striker on the verge of retirement?

Come on. Everybody and their dog knows Woodward fecked up another summer window.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2005
That's the kind of poster he is, unfortunately. He tends to go off on these self indulged rants - that obviously sound far more intelligent in his head. Then he always lets out his hate filled bile, that he tries his best to contain. The last paragraph is a much better indicator of the type of poster he is. Totally obsessed with Ole beyond any reason, and he has no desire to have a constructive debate.

*pretends again to be scocked by his post*
You coward :lol: you could easily have said this in your response to my post, why didn't you?

Like I said previously, if you don't like my posts, just put me on ignore. It really isn't that deep. I certainly haven't been bothered by a single post of yours since our little exchange a couple of months ago. It's a shame that you can't seem to let it go.

Carry on with the victim act though, that'll garner some sympathy and e-points on an internet forum... Good grief :lol:

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
Yeah it's not like you can't fire coaches when they are under contract. Chelsea must have about 5 of them on their payroll now anyway. However waiting a bit more would I think will basically send the message 'we are okay with you but we are expecting the progress to continue for you to get a new deal'. We do not really have a reason to sack him now, but we may also not have full reason to ensure him that we will want him to stick around long term.
Aye, it's a tricky one. The most logical thing to do is wait until the middle of next season so we're in a better position to assess where we're at. At the same time, giving him a new contract now just stabilises things a wee bit more and shows that he still has the full backing of the club. As he's done enough this season to keep his job, giving him a new contract would make sense, even if it would cause discontent amoung some of the fanbase. As you said, it would make little difference to him getting sacked further down the line, if he is underperforming.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2007
Ok, I'll just reiterate my question to you, as from your posting history (and this post as well), you seem to share the posters objections:

What enjoyment do you get from Utd under Ole's stewardship? If not, then why put yourself through that turmoil that you are seemingly going through? And if you do get enjoyment, then why are you ignoring this and asking him to be let go, in the aftermath of one poor result at the end of a long and difficult season which has still nevertheless seen us progress?

The logical leaps that people on your side of the divide go to are difficult to understand. How is someone who is happy with how the club is going during a difficult period somehow the entitled one compared to the person who wants to rip apart the progress because they don't like the manager? Of course, you're probably going to argue that the progress won't be ripped apart because we'll get a good manager, but we literally had 5 years of evidence and experience that says otherwise. This club under this leadership don't have a clue as to what they want. So, how about sticking with this manager as he continues to go about his job and rebuilds this team?

If he ever finished outside of the top 4 he'll be deservedly let go but considering he's overseen what is arguably the weakest Utd side in 30 years and still has kept them in the top 4, I think he's doing fine. Give him a transfer window like Jose had in his first two years, or what LvG had gotten in his time, then we'd see a better side, I'm sure.

Re your issues with his coaching: it is obviously not his strength, but even still, he's had just one preseason with this team, which was primarily focused on fitness, thanks to Jose still living in the 80s (and from my vantage point, it's been a success, with injuries and energy levels across the season all being much improved in a season where so many of our peers' hasn't). He has then also had to contend with pandemic football and had easily the worst schedule of all the teams in Europe, with no spare week at all until April. Any time they had between games was focused solely on preparing for the next game and resting. There has literally been no time for this coaching to be undertaken and what we have in place right now are placeholders in lieu of something more permanent. Whether those permanent solutions are going to be enough, only time will tell, but in the meantime I'm going to do what a supporter should do which is support.

You are free to do as you wish.
Mate I think nobody on this planet earth has to justify to you or anyone else why he supports a football club. It's not always rosy and I think every fan in the world goes through tough times. But I enjoy the good times under Ole's tenure as much as anyone. I just don't think he gets the most out of this squad and I don't think he has it in him that will make him a really successful manager here. He is up against the very very best managers in the world in this league and I have serious doubts he'll ever be of that calibre.

And yes: big investments in the squad are needed, but will they cover the lack of coaching ability of Ole? We've made huge investment in our defense but look as vulnerable at the back as ever. So chances are no.
And I don't buy that "he had no time to coach" argument at all. Tuchel made a big difference straight away. As did Guardiola wherever he went. Ole had more than enough time to fix our problems but it seems he doesn't know how in certain aspects of our game.

Also: Nobody wants him gone on the back of the EL final alone. I was sceptical when we signed him and our performances since then haven't changed that. We can look very good and exciting and dull and horrible within 2 or 3 days. It's the inconsistency that's killing me.

And finally: Me and everyone else that has doubts over Ole wants the best for the club they love. As do you of course. We just happen to have different opinions on the manager.

Oh and I didn't call you entitled because of your opinion on Ole. Not at all. It's because you felt the need to tell others how and whom to support. That's pretty much the definition of entitlement. Don't think you are a bad poster though, you make valid points but it would be better to do it with less emotion I guess. Goes for me too. My posts after a bad game are for the trash bin mostly.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
Mate I think nobody on this planet earth has to justify to you or anyone else why he supports a football club. It's not always rosy and I think every fan in the world goes through through times and I enjoy the good times under Ole's tenure as much as anyone. I just don't think he gets the most out of this squad and I don't think he has it in him that will make him a really successful manager here. He is up against the very very best managers in the world in this league and I have serious doubts he'll ever be of that calibre.

And yes: big investments in the squad are needed, but will they cover the lack of coaching ability of Ole? We've made huge investment in our defense but look as vulnerable at the back as ever. So chances are no.
And I don't buy that "he had no time to coach" argument at all. Tuchel made a big difference straight away. As did Guardiola wherever he went. Ole had more than enough time to fix our problems but it seems he doesn't know how in certain aspects of our game.

Also: Nobody wants him gone on the back of the EL final alone. I was sceptical when we signed him and our performances since than haven't changed that. We can look very good and exciting and dull and horrible within 2 or 3 days. It's the inconsistency that's killing me.

And finally: Me and everyone else that has doubts over Ole wants the best for the club they love. As do you of course. We just happen to have different opinions on the manager.
That is not necessarily true as he finished 3rd in his first season at City and they hardly looked amazing then. He also needed time to adapt. At Bayern he sort of never figured out how to play in Europe at all and their team was an absolute juggernaut.

Also I wouldn't try to compare Ole's short term results with Tuchel or Pep as a) team was in a much worse shape when he took over, b) he had less experience so it was expected that he would have taken more time to fix things.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2007
That is not necessarily true as he finished 3rd in his first season at City and they hardly looked amazing then. He also needed time to adapt. At Bayern he sort of never figured out how to play in Europe at all and their team was an absolute juggernaut.
But you saw a system, a unique style, a philosophy. It's the same with Klopp. Yes he didn't bring trophies to Pool straight away but you saw a high energy, pressing machine from the get go. It doesn't take ages to tell professional footballers how you want them to play. Under Ole I can hardly see a real system, or philosophy if you will. Our counter attacking football that we did pretty well at times has gone to the shitter as teams figured us out and sat back a lot more. And against the deep sitting sides we struggle heavily. More so than others I feel.

I respect him for all he did and still does at this club. I'm sure he works really really hard. But it's really tough to go from Molde/Cardiff to United and I have a feeling he might have brought us as far as he can. That's my two cents though. I do hope he proves me wrong.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
I wouldn't be adverse to him getting a new contract now as it'll make little difference, in all honesty. But what you have said makes the most sense.
Considering that our owners are more interested in paying out dividends to themselves than actually running a successful football club, they could be less likely to part ways with a manager that costs £15m to get rid of than one that costs £3m to get rid of (or nothing if you decide to just let the deal run our), which could cost us if a manager that's more likely to take us to the next level would become available.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
Considering that our owners are more interested in paying out dividends to themselves than actually running a successful football club, they could be less likely to part ways with a manager that costs £15m to get rid of than one that costs £3m to get rid of (or nothing if you decide to just let the deal run our), which could cost us if a manager that's more likely to take us to the next level would become available.
Well I hope any potential new contract would be come with clauses - though I'm not sure how that would work, or what it would look like.


Full Member
Sep 11, 2010
You haven’t adequately responded to any of my points either...

Their squad I would say are not that far away from ours offensively, their midfield is better without a doubt and their defence is better, keepers are similar level as Mendy has been decent.

What’s your point?

To be honest, and this is where our opinion on this competition change drastically, I don’t think our team is incapable of winning a CL, just as we’ve seen with the current Chelsea squad, cup competitions are not a guaranteed measure of a manager.
There are so many variables to knockout competition.

Answer me this, why do you hold so much stock in your current opinion based on a single CL win for Tuchel but don’t do the same for a strong second place finish in the hardest league in the world?

Before you say it nobody is happy with 2nd place and all teams have been effected by the same issues this season. Also as I’ve pointed out Tuchel has done well.
Go on, what’s the difference?
Would you prefer winning the CL or get second place in the hardest league in the world?


Full Member
Sep 11, 2010
Remember you guys wanted to sack ole for jardim, good times
I wanted Jardim instead of Ole, and I'll admit was wrong.
Ole has done better than I thought, I'll applaud him for that, but I have this understanding that he has hit a limit and we need to take a step above. Even being hard to admit, maybe Ole isn't the right guy to do it.


New Member
Mar 14, 2018
Firstly, Ole is building a young team that is attack-minded and borrows from the principles of Klopp particularly. He wants to play a proactive, high impact and high energy pressing football. He wants us to build up our play out from the back, with a mobile double pivot who have the energy to go box to box, or a single pivot in the smaller games, wth a fluid attack further up the field who can score a variety of different types of goals.
I wonder where you get that from? Principles of Klopp? We play nothing like Liverpool. For a start our attack revolves around Bruno a player which position doesn't even exists in Liverpool's set up.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
Posters breaking on here worse than Humpty Dumpty. It's going to be a long summer for some...


Full Member
Jun 28, 2015
Let's not kid ourselves - the biggest reason Ole remains our manager is that he gives us the best chance of winning the Haaland sweepstakes.


New Member
Jan 17, 2021
My worry is he has no tactical direction or intent and we’ll just have more players after the summer he runs into the ground with overplaying them desperate for the only thing he has, which is hoping for individual brilliance.

Big Ben Foster

Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
Mar 19, 2008
BR -> MI -> TX
Also support Vasco da Gama
All in all, Ole will still be here next season and probably will get a new contract, and deservedly so. No amount of flagellation, entitled whining or complaints will change that, so why don't you just get behind the team? If your dislike of the manager is so strong, then perhaps it might be best for you to find another hobby? Cos football and Utd obviously don't seem to be doing it for you...
Why does every "Ole in" post devolve to ad hominems equating any criticism to whining and/or not being a real fan?


New Member
Feb 3, 2015
Would you prefer winning the CL or get second place in the hardest league in the world?
It’s not what I’d prefer, we are talking about which competition better determines a managers ability.

Its like talking to a brick wall here honestly. I quite enjoyed my time away on temp ban, it was like an escape from the asylum.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2003
It’s not what I’d prefer, we are talking about which competition better determines a managers ability.
How about winning the Champions League Final vs City compared to losing the Europa League Final to Villarreal. Do either of those demonstrate a manager's ability?


Michael Corleone says hello
Aug 9, 2014
He's done enough to deserve longer in the role. Personally I've been happy with the overall process but expect the targets to get more demanding from here. If we back him in the market this summer I'd be expecting a trophy.

In all honesty, I've suspected for a while that he'll be remembered as the guy who sets up the next coach with an open goal of a squad rather than the one who consistently wins the biggest trophies.

I trust him with the rebuild more than I trust him to be in that tiny percentage of coaches who know how to win things.


Full Member
Oct 20, 2013
My point is that they were supplied the players in the positions they needed.
Ole was given a couple of youthteamers, a striker seemingly on his last legs (albeit he turned out ok) and a random midfielder he didn't need.

Tuchel hasn't had to do anything other than turn up and add some confidence and change the starting lineup an little.

Don't get me wrong, he's done well to win the cl but it's not like he had a tough run is it, I mean that real Madrid side is so bad that Zidane can't be arsed with it.
This is unbelievably ridiculous. Chelsea had a mismanaged team due to the manager, two first team members who had massive expectation due to hype but no English football experience. The defence was rubbish under one manager and is much improved under another. The only evidence anyone needs of Chelsea's transition is that a world class manager will always have a bigger influence on a team than any individual player.

Tuchel has established himself as one of the best coaches in world football. That is the difference between him and Ole and Chelsea and United. The players surnames have no bearings, this present Chelsea team has countless positions where better players can be attained with the exception of Kante.

I do however think that Solskjaer does deserve an extension. He's not done enough to be sacked however a three year contract is unwarranted.


New Member
Feb 3, 2015
How about winning the Champions League Final vs City compared to losing the Europa League Final to Villarreal. Do either of those demonstrate a manager's ability?
Yes a single game for each manager, winner takes all, I’m sure that will prove everything for the simple minded here.

The point is lost on you but your not alone friend.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2003
Yes a single game for each manager, winner takes all, I’m sure that will prove everything for the simple minded here.

The point is lost on you but your not alone friend.
*You're. Simple minded indeed.


New Member
Feb 3, 2015
*You're. Simple minded indeed.
Yes I’m sure. Sorry I don’t agree with your opinion that you can prove every positive and negative in a manager over the course of one game.

I hope that works out well for you.

Who would have known Pep is also a completely useless manager after losing to Tuchel eh? :lol:

Was Ole the best manager in the world when he beat Tuchel as well? *Chuckle


New Member
Mar 14, 2018
I do however think that Solskjaer does deserve an extension. He's not done enough to be sacked however a three year contract is unwarranted.
That's one of the things that bitters me, it's seems Ole has to earn the sack instead of earn the job.

Is not about winning it's about not failing. Same top 4 mentality we smash the Glazers for.

Pearl's a minger

New Member
Mar 15, 2018
It just shows how low are expectations have lowered when we class two seasons of making the top four as progress. Has he stabilised the club? Undoubtedly I'd say yes. But let's not forget forget it's hardly as If he was taking over a basket case club when he was appointed. It was a team who up until recently had won the Europa and league cup. He was backed financially but still the ole apologists come up with "he's only had one pre season" etc etc. Next season it will probably be along the lines of he needs to sell player x,y,z so he can make it is own team conveniently overlooking how much he's already spent including on squad players he clearly doesn't trust. He's been here 2.5 years and it would appear he's sorted out the fabled toxic environment around the club and secured the top 4 trophy two seasons in a row. If that's good enough then extend him tomorrow.