Russian War Crimes in Ukraine

Current reports are probably only touching the surface :(, once the war is over a lot more will be revealed much like American army war crimes post invasions.

Russian army is particularly brutal though and what they are doing in Ukraine tallies up with their behaviours in previous wars.

War is sick and should have no place in the modern world.

If we see this much brutality already you can bet it's going to get much worse once everything has been investigated. I am just happy that there really is an interest to hunt the war criminals in this war.
“I know how we can denazify them! We’ll use them as slave labor!”

These guys are seriously deluded...hard to watch these Russian news stations.

Also I have a bad feeling that the Ukrainian POWs will worse consequences unfortunately.
I don't understand why there isn't a international delegation in place to gather evidence for all the war crimes?

I'm currently watching Deutsche Welle and they are interviewing the lead investigator of the war crimes commited, it's the Ukranian General Prosecutor. I don't doubt one bit what she says is true, most won't but I still find it odd that there aren't "neutral" investigators there from the outside. Anyone even a bit pro Russian will have doubts about the investigation being completely reliable.

This shit should be solid as rock, there should be no question of it's reliability. The feckers who commited this shit should not have any wiggle room whatsoever.
I don't understand why there isn't a international delegation in place to gather evidence for all the war crimes?

I'm currently watching Deutsche Welle and they are interviewing the lead investigator of the war crimes commited, it's the Ukranian General Prosecutor. I don't doubt one bit what she says is true, most won't but I still find it odd that there aren't "neutral" investigators there from the outside. Anyone even a bit pro Russian will have doubts about the investigation being completely reliable.

This shit should be solid as rock, there should be no question of it's reliability. The feckers who commited this shit should not have any wiggle room whatsoever.
I believe there are international investigators present though?
I believe there are international investigators present though?

According to her International investigators visited recently. Visited being the key word. Might be people there that are not mentioned though.
Yeh there definately are international groups hard at work documenting war crime evidence, NGO's though, not like official governmental work afaik.
France sent those guys from the IRCGN ( Institut de recherches criminelles de la Gendarmerie Nationale - experts in crime scenes and identification of victims) a while ago. There are certainly plenty more teams of investigators with a similar police background to work around the clock at the moment. If you mean a delegation of prosecutors, they are compiling the reported data from those investigation teams on the field as well.

This below is particularly terrifying of a testimony though. Bunch of sick fecks.

France sent those guys from the IRCGN ( Institut de recherches criminelles de la Gendarmerie Nationale - experts in crime scenes and identification of victims) a while ago. There are certainly plenty more teams of investigators with a similar police background to work around the clock at the moment. If you mean a delegation of prosecutors, they are compiling the reported data from those investigation teams on the field as well.

This below is particularly terrifying of a testimony though. Bunch of sick fecks.

fecking disguisting pieces of shit, can't even watch the whole interview... That's why it's so important thar these investigations are done impeccably and in a way that they never can be questioned.
These Russians are not soldiers...


They were blindfolded and taken at gunpoint to what seemed like a field, where they were tortured. Nikita has a fresh scar on his knuckle, which he said was caused by the Russians tightening a wrench around the knuckle and turning it until the skin tore open. He could hear others around him, but he didn't know how many or who.

"All I can remember thinking is where is my father? What if he is not with me anymore?"

The Russians took away their boots, filled them with water and put them back on. Then the prisoners were forced to lie face down on the field in the freezing cold. "We lay like that for three or four nights, under the rain, getting colder and colder," Nikita said.
These Russians are not soldiers...


They were blindfolded and taken at gunpoint to what seemed like a field, where they were tortured. Nikita has a fresh scar on his knuckle, which he said was caused by the Russians tightening a wrench around the knuckle and turning it until the skin tore open. He could hear others around him, but he didn't know how many or who.

"All I can remember thinking is where is my father? What if he is not with me anymore?"

The Russians took away their boots, filled them with water and put them back on. Then the prisoners were forced to lie face down on the field in the freezing cold. "We lay like that for three or four nights, under the rain, getting colder and colder," Nikita said.

The one silver lining in all of this is the surprising revelation that the Russians are so terrible at war that they have to rely on on desperate acts of terrorism to barely scrape by.
Russian soldiers stuffed a Ukrainian man's body in his car trunk with a weight-sensitive mine that detonated when Ukrainian soldiers moved it, Politico reports.

She returned the next day with one of her husband’s friends to continue the search. The friend, Yuriy, noticed a peculiar pattern of bullet holes along the trunk of the car. When he turned the key, the trunk flung open to reveal Oleksandr folded inside. Lyudmyla lunged at his body but Yuriy grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her away, worried that it could be boobytrapped.

On March 4, they returned with Ukrainian soldiers. They tied a rope around his limbs, moved a safe distance away, and slowly started tugging. The car exploded in a ball of flames. The Russians had placed Krypach atop a weight-sensitive mine that detonated when his body was moved.
I actually had reservations about celebrating Russian losses in late February. Glad those went away quickly.
I actually had reservations about celebrating Russian losses in late February. Glad those went away quickly.

I'll pop the champagne if feckers like these in the video die but all aren't fecking monsters. Some Russian soldiers are forced in to this madness by Putin.
Well, according to the article posted by @GlastonSpur they can choose not to fight.

I'm pretty sure they execute their deserters. They have soldiers tasked on hunting them down and killing them. I would fear for my life if I planned on deserting from that army, wouldn't you?
I'm pretty sure they execute their deserters. They have soldiers tasked on hunting them down and killing them. I would fear for my life if I planned on deserting from that army, wouldn't you?
You’d need to take that up with the experts and Russians quoted in the article @GlastonSpur posted. They seem to disagree.
‘They were furious’: the Russian soldiers refusing to fight in Ukraine:
You’d need to take that up with the experts and Russians quoted in the article @GlastonSpur posted. They seem to disagree.

And there are articles about chechen killing squads hunting deserters. So which is it? I doubt that Putin and his lackeys are lenient to deserters or people who refuse to follow orders, but that's my belief after what I've read. Look I want Russia to lose like everyone else, I just disagree with celebrating people dying.
And there are articles about chechen killing squads hunting deserters. So which is it? I doubt that Putin and his lackeys are lenient to deserters or people who refuse to follow orders, but that's my belief after what I've read. Look I want Russia to lose like everyone else, I just disagree with celebrating people dying.

Desertion is one thing. Refusing to be sent to Ukraine to fight is very different.
Desertion is one thing. Refusing to be sent to Ukraine to fight is very different.

Some, if not many of them don't really know what they're being sent to Ukraine for.

Look, none of us can defend the indefensible - the heinous warcrimes, killing of unarmed civilians and brutality of those murder squads are disgusting and reprehensible.

But I think the point @Denis79 is making is that not everybody in the Russian army is a monster. We'd be wrong to paint them such. I've said from the start, a lot of them are just young lads who've been sent out there, knowing bugger all about the situation - their whole lives they've been told by their families, and everybody in their community that serving in the army is a good and noble thing to do. I've no doubt that plenty of them are good kids, just pawns for Putin. The good ones that die in combat are just as much victims of Putin's war.

It's undeniable there are some real nasties among them too. We've seen them horrible shit the last few weeks, as I said, indefensible. But I do feel for the youngsters who've been sent out there on a lie, knowing nothing about the context of the war and thinking they're on the side of good.
Some, if not many of them don't really know what they're being sent to Ukraine for.

Look, none of us can defend the indefensible - the heinous warcrimes, killing of unarmed civilians and brutality of those murder squads are disgusting and reprehensible.

But I think the point @Denis79 is making is that not everybody in the Russian army is a monster. We'd be wrong to paint them such. I've said from the start, a lot of them are just young lads who've been sent out there, knowing bugger all about the situation - their whole lives they've been told by their families, and everybody in their community that serving in the army is a good and noble thing to do. I've no doubt that plenty of them are good kids, just pawns for Putin. The good ones that die in combat are just as much victims of Putin's war.

It's undeniable there are some real nasties among them too. We've seen them horrible shit the last few weeks, as I said, indefensible. But I do feel for the youngsters who've been sent out there on a lie, knowing nothing about the context of the war and thinking they're on the side of good.

I'm not sure this is true. An intercepted phone call between a Russian soldier and his mother was intercepted where the soldier told his mother he shot a mother in front of her young child. His mother replied that he had to because she was the enemy. It seems like the army has been brainwashed to see all Ukrainians as nazis and the enemy.