Television Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Kenobi: A 6 hour limited series detailing the adventures of the legendary Jedi master Obi Wan Kenobi between the Star Wars trilogies.

Episode 1: Obi Wan enjoys the quiet life on Tatooine in his new career as a butcher. (where the feck did they find a giant fish on a desert planet by the way?)
Episode 2: Obi Wan rescues a girl.
Episode 3: Now Obi Wan is the one who needs rescuing because there's absolutely no way a powerful Jedi Knight can deal with 3 Stormtroopers on his own despite quite easily dispatching 4 of them moments earlier without even igniting his Lightsaber.
Episdoe 4: Obi Wan rescues the same girl again and then needs to be rescued again himself. (Who builds a base 2 thirds underwater with glass walkways but the internal sealing doors aren't even waterproof?)

So far this show has exceeded expectations for me. I didn’t expect the man to be in it and he is brilliant. I guess if you weren’t brought up in the era of the first three movies you wouldn’t get how cool it is to see this character back in business. Easily the best of the Star War shows brought out on streaming.
Good episode. A bit short, but packed with plenty of action including a good setup for next week.
It's really interesting how much the opinion on this series vary, honestly. I thought basically everybody would think it's the utter garbage that I think it is. I'm envy, I'd like to enjoy it as well..but I hate it. I find your guys lack of taste disturbing.
It's really interesting how much the opinion on this series vary, honestly. I thought basically everybody would think it's the utter garbage that I think it is. I'm envy, I'd like to enjoy it as well..but I hate it. I find your guys lack of taste disturbing.
I felt like this about the sequels. To me they’re very obviously derivative, messy, schlocky dog shite. But some people liked or even loved them. Opinions, I guess.
Seems like Member Berries have infected a few people in here. It's an absolute shit show.

This is the main writer of the show btw
Probably the weakest episode for me, but still fine, and I'm enjoying the series on the whole.

Vader storming in looked so good though, given he normally just slowly walks everywhere. You could actually tell he was angry where you normally get no emotion from him.
Thing is it doesn't even look good. Mando and even Boba Fett looked great this one is a huge dissapointment in that regard too.
The last two episodes must be some of the best TV work ever made to redeem this show. 4 episodes in and it feels like Obi Wan is more of a supporting character rather then the actual protagonist and focus. The writing is a mess and for the first time in a Disney SW production, even the directing is poor. A couple of situations in particular are going to become immortal memes.
The running scenes, the hiding in the coat, the interrogation of a 10 yo, the slap fu techniques from the rebel/officer to the storm troopers. Unintentional comedy at it's worst. Why the heck is it so difficult for Disney to get good writers when there are hundreds of good SW books and amazing story rpg games... It's like they want to keep pissing people of with this mediocre stories and poorly written characters. I just don't get it.
Seems like Member Berries have infected a few people in here. It's an absolute shit show.

This is the main writer of the show btw

Shit on the OG characters to forcefully prop up 'strong female leads' is their mantra.

The latter is not a bad idea at all, if they could do it well. The last four episodes of Clone Wars make Ahsoka Tano a better character than Rey ever was, and Jedi Fallen Order does a far better job with Trilla as the conflicted Inquisitor than whatever Reva is supposed to be. Such a pity.
Mando is the only thing I've enjoyed since the Disney takeover. There were certain elements I liked within The Last Jedi but overall the sequel trilogy was all rather underwhelming, though enjoyed laughing at the movies.

Still, other than the original two, Empire being the best thing still produced within this universe (by some a distance), I generally take it or leave it at this point.

Must say though, the more that is being produced the smaller the universe seems to be getting.
The last two episodes must be some of the best TV work ever made to redeem this show. 4 episodes in and it feels like Obi Wan is more of a supporting character rather then the actual protagonist and focus. The writing is a mess and for the first time in a Disney SW production, even the directing is poor. A couple of situations in particular are going to become immortal memes.

Unintentional comedy at it's worst. Why the heck is it so difficult for Disney to get good writers when there are hundreds of good SW books and amazing story rpg games... It's like they want to keep pissing people of with this mediocre stories and poorly written characters. I just don't get it.

Nearly a decade of Disney Star Wars at this stage, they can't be that incompetent so one would have to assume that's their goal. To just continually troll their own fanbase.
Mando is the only thing I've enjoyed since the Disney takeover. There were certain elements I liked within The Last Jedi but overall the sequel trilogy was all rather underwhelming, though enjoyed laughing at the movies.

Still, other than the original two, Empire being the best thing still produced within this universe (by some a distance), I generally take it or leave it at this point.

Must say though, the more that is being produced the smaller the universe seems to be getting.

Getting away from fecking Tatooine would be a start. Every movie and TV show has to be set/based on Tatooine or another Desert planet. We get the occasional planet that's different but Desert, forest or snow planet and that's it. An entire Galaxy with only 3 types of environment and they all look like Earth.
Never forget this moment when watching The Rise of Skywalker in a packed cinema.

Old lady "Who are you ?"
Rey "I'm Rey"
Old Lady "Rey who ?"
Someone from the audience shouts " REY WINSTONE!!"

God, that film was hilariously bad.
The hiding in the coat :lol:

I mean, I get it, Disney wants children to beg their parents to buy them Star Wars stuff, but get the feck out with this rubbish. Surely they realize adults watch it too.
Thing is it doesn't even look good. Mando and even Boba Fett looked great this one is a huge dissapointment in that regard too.

Yeah exactly. Same with the score.

We're four episodes in and I still don't understand why we needed this.
Shit on the OG characters to forcefully prop up 'strong female leads' is their mantra.

The latter is not a bad idea at all, if they could do it well. The last four episodes of Clone Wars make Ahsoka Tano a better character than Rey ever was, and Jedi Fallen Order does a far better job with Trilla as the conflicted Inquisitor than whatever Reva is supposed to be. Such a pity.
Exactly. It's like the writers or that so called story group has decided they are incapable of writing engaging stories and most of all, endearing characters and so, they need to drag through the mud the OG characters to make their new ones look half decent by comparison; that or they flat out make nonsensical OP Mary Sues or Gary Stus and then throw accusations of racisms and sexism at the fan base when they are not liked. A tactic that has nothing to do with defending and promoting diversity, as SW has some of it's greatest characters be women or black people, but to defend bad writing.

I've said it before but at the end of the day, it's not even the fault of the writers, they are just doing a job. The one that approves these products/scrips/panning or lack of is Kathleen Kennedy. The one show that was actually really good was the one where she had minimal input and influence on. Sorry for the rant.

It's so frustrating to finally get lots of SW and money behind it and this is the level of leadership and planning we get.
It is really, really bad. Ewan McGregor seems to have lost whatever acting ability he had, also.
To be completely honest, and as I've said multiple times here already, I'm just glad they are staying true to the ANH slo-mo lightsaber duel.
It is really, really bad. Ewan McGregor seems to have lost whatever acting ability he had, also.
Tbh he really can't do much with what he's been given. Some of these set pieces are lol-worthy. He must've been counting the zeros in his next paycheque in his head.
I liked *watching* this episode (i don't think the show looks bad, can't quite see where these opinions are coming from) , but i had to slap myself a few times to stop thinking. Didn't succeed really. So far every episode had one or two hilarious scenes, but this one takes the cake.
I found the first episode watchable but a touch dull, Episode 2 was very good with a nice gritty feel that felt unique to Star Wars, episode 3 had laughable faults but was ridiculously entertaining fan fiction however episode 4 was absolute shite. Hopefully it was just a poorly done filler episode to get everyone where they need to be and what it builds up to will be worth it.
To be completely honest, and as I've said multiple times here already, I'm just glad they are staying true to the ANH slo-mo lightsaber duel.

Tbh he really can't do much with what he's been given. Some of these set pieces are lol-worthy. He must've been counting the zeros in his next paycheque in his head.

Ewan was heavily involved with the story & script, unfortunately, KK / Disney have no clue what they are doing with live action Star Wars and that has been apparent from day one.

What's more funny, is the big hype about Hayden Christian being Vader... They actually have 5 people (Inc JLJ AI) playing Vader.

So it's all hype, and little substance.

The score is boring, & the production bland.

Using the stage & volume, whilst great from a technical pov, actually diminishes the show, instead of being out in real life locations.

I know it's what George always wanted, & even he relied on CGI & Greenscreens a lot & made mistakes, but at least he knew Star Wars & how to make it decent enough.

It's a shame, we never got to see his sequal trilogy, the one Disney basically tore up & ignored.
Three things stick out as so so bad I'm not sure how they were Included unless it's an inside joke:

-the chasing of young Leia (all times but especially the walking into the branch)
-Obi trying to destroy the laser to pass it but then they zoom out to show he could have walked around it :lol:
But surely if ya destroy / stop it ya gotta take the vehicle that's there for you that Zach braff left
-hiding Leia under the coat

Otherwise I've enjoyed it.
Also I've read through the thread and love how different the opinions are,eg Some saying young Leia is perfectly cast whilst others things she crap. Some saying it's exceeded expectations and some saying it's crap (one was even disappointed and then admitted they hadn't seen it yet :lol)
Good point about Luke, the second I saw that **** I turned off Episode 8 and I’ve still not seen the rest of it, or 9. Or Solo, but I did like Rogue Squadron like most others.
Dude, I've just seen that Disney hired a writer who's NEVER seen Revenge of the Sith. They really don't give a fook.
No wonder we have nonsense like Obi-Wan seeing Vader and Leia here, which messes up yet another one of the originals. The writers didn't even know that Obi-Wan knew Darth Vader was Anakin. Bloody 'ell.
No wonder we have nonsense like Obi-Wan seeing Vader and Leia here, which messes up yet another one of the originals. The writers didn't even know that Obi-Wan knew Darth Vader was Anakin. Bloody 'ell.

The writers don't care much about Obi-Wan, Vader or Leia (we already know Disney hates Luke after that trilogy). The show is more about Reva than any of the other characters so far, and the problem is that she is poorly written, like the rest of the show.

I have a horrible feeling they might pull in Rosario Dawson in the last two episodes. Again, it's not Ahsoka being in the show that is horrifying, far from it, it's how the writers will completely destroy her character arc with criminal writing to gain diversity points.Think an Endgame-esque shot of Ahsoka and Reva teaming up to save poor Obi-Wan Kenobi by kicking Darth Vader's ass.
I was genuinely interested in this show since I like Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan as well as having Vader in it. You can’t really feck it up that badly if you have Obi-Wan as the protagonist, Vader as the antagonist, with Luke and Leia the Macguffins essentially.

Just have Vader hunt and kill jedi knights throughout the show (pretty much decimate them too) then have him come up against Obi-Wan at the end where he pretty much matches Vader stride for stride. No-one wins the fight but Obi-Wan wins since Vader still doesn’t know that Luke and Leia are still around, who they are and where they are, which importantly leads into the original trilogy. Boom. I probably wrote a much better show than this one.

Vader having an inquisitor squad makes him look weaker in my opinion. He should just be a one man wrecking crew space samurai like Lucas intended him to be.
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No wonder we have nonsense like Obi-Wan seeing Vader and Leia here, which messes up yet another one of the originals. The writers didn't even know that Obi-Wan knew Darth Vader was Anakin. Bloody 'ell.

But Reva did
No wonder we have nonsense like Obi-Wan seeing Vader and Leia here, which messes up yet another one of the originals. The writers didn't even know that Obi-Wan knew Darth Vader was Anakin. Bloody 'ell.
I’ve seen a few people say this but I’m a bit confused. Did Obi-Wan know that Darth Vader was Anakin already, before this series is set? I haven’t seen anything that suggests he would/should know.