Sancho won’t return to Man Utd until he's ready - Way too much inappropriate speculation.

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Ted Lasso

Full Member
Nov 6, 2021
It's the very idea of DMing a player something like this at all. It's an odd move.
Modern equivalent to sending famous people mail. They and anyone really has ways of ignoring or filtering. I'd say it's easier to ignore than comments on a post.

Doubt it was dms like this that caused the most distress


Open to offers
Jun 28, 2010
Where the grass is greener.
Modern equivalent to sending famous people mail. They and anyone really has ways of ignoring or filtering. I'd say it's easier to ignore than comments on a post.

Doubt it was dms like this that caused the most distress
The major thing you're bizarrely ignoring willfully or unintentionally is that was/is called fan mail and was usually positive, if not it was called hate mail. It was an e-version of hate mail, if we want to use your logic.

Anyone thinking ir was ok to send him a comment, not even one of your own for fecks sake, that was quite blatantly negative, is an utter weirdo.

Of course he didn't see it, its massively unlikely he did, but it was still done, and it wasn't done to be kind, it was done with malice by someone who clearly isn't the full ticket.
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Full Member
Jul 12, 2008
Jackson Co.
So...what's the most we can sell Sancho on for this summer and to who?

P.S. this is currently the worst thread in the history of the interwebs.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
I have to say I really like the way ETH just completely shuts down things like that.

Dead pan face, no emotion, just a flat NO. Doesn't give the press any room or hints to make up a story.


Full Member
Jan 5, 2019
The Arena of the Unwell
Modern equivalent to sending famous people mail. They and anyone really has ways of ignoring or filtering. I'd say it's easier to ignore than comments on a post.

Doubt it was dms like this that caused the most distress
I'm not saying it was and yeah he probably didn't read it. I just think it's an odd thing to do, as I said.


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
would you say the same if he had a hamstring injury that kept him out 2 months?

depression/anxiety or whatever it is that’s bothering him can be just as disabling. He is still a young man so has time to work on these issues, get himself in a good shape mentally and physically and get back on track.
Sancho had attitude problems at Dortmund as well and Pep revealed that he shied from a challenge (ie to make it at City) which is fair enough from a career's perspective but he doesn't strike me as a guy who would go through a brick wall to succeed. Sancho ended on the bench by Ole and he failed to impress under both Rangnick and ETH. On the pitch, Rashford had since turned things around, Antony had made the RW his and if we sign Gapko then things will get even tighter up front. Thus Sancho is better off getting his shit sorted and quickly.


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
The username checks out
he's got a point though. Managers usually keep these things under wraps, possibly with the manager inventing some bogus injury to have Sancho out of the limelight.. Such move tend to attract unnecessary attention towards the player and its financially counterproductive as it drive his value down. Which really makes you wonder. Why have we gone so public about Jadon's problem?Is the club preparing the fans for his departure? Is it about the manager making it clear to Jadon that unless he set things in order then the club won't hesitate to sell? Everyone knows which player ETH wants on the left flank/STK role and its not Sancho. The RW is secured with Antony, he's got Rashy and Garnacho as LW and he wants Gapko. The guy seems obsessed in getting his men (Martinez, Antony, Malacia etc). Sancho doesn't seem one of his acolytes.

phelans shorts

Full Member
Jan 4, 2009
Gaz. Is a Mewling Quim.
he's got a point though. Managers usually keep these things under wraps, possibly with the manager inventing some bogus injury to have Sancho out of the limelight.. Such move tend to cause unnecessary attention towards the player and tend to drive his value down. Which really makes you wonder. Why have we gone so public about Jadon's problem? Are we preparing the fans for his departure? Is it about the manager making it clear to Jadon that unless he set things in order then the club won't hesitate to sell? Everyone knows which player ETH wants on the left flank/STK role and its not Sancho. The RW is secured with Antony, he's got Rashy and Garnacho as LW and he wants Gapko. The guy seems obsessed in getting his men (Martinez, Antony, Malacia etc). Sancho doesn't seem one of his acolytes.
You’ve just stated the exact opposite of the post I quoted as being the point of it?


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
You’ve just stated the exact opposite of the post I quoted as being the point of it?
All I am saying is that its not normal for managers to come out and state that a player has problems with no recovery deadline in place and that it require him to be cut off from the rest of the group. That's bad for business and it brings the spotlight on the player (and not in a good way). In the past such decision would be interpreted as a punishment especially if news about it would spill to the public. That's because it limits the player's chance of winning his place back in the short/middle term in a substantial way.

I wouldn't go so far to say that Sancho's fate is sealed. Rashford came back although TBH Rashford's problems were a mix of physical and mental (Ole basically ran him to the ground). However I was Jadon I would be worried. Rashford and Antony are doing well, ETH is eyeing Gapko whom, tbh, is on a steal, and Garnacho seem mint. I doubt that ETH is the sort of manager whose happy having a 350k player waving from the bench just because he's local core.

Herman Toothrot

Full Member
Jul 12, 2021
He was a kid at City, do you remember him playing in league games in March/April, or Cup semi finals, or competing in 2, 3 4 competitions at a time? No, he was a kid in the academy. He did well at Dortmund, but that's a smaller league, a smaller, club, with nowhere near the expectations, attention, reach and pressure of playing for United.

Sorry, maybe he's cut out for Dortmund, but United is a couple steps up, at least, and not every player has the ability, which in fairness he probably does, or the mental fortitude to make it at that level.

And I think my point is being made by reality, certainly a lot more than your point is being made. Have you ever seen a player have a minor dip in form, and in response the club sends him off to train privately in another country, in a shroud of secrecy, with the aid of physical and psychological experts? Is that something that happens all the time? Clearly he's struggling at United.

I understand you like Sancho, and your butthurt because people are criticizing him, but that's the reality of life. If you can't handle your favorite player being criticized when they don't perform than maybe the internet isn't for you.
I don't have any feelings towards Sancho, I think he could be a quality player for us and want to see that happen because I support Manchester United. My favourite player at the moment is Marcus Rashford and fecking brilliant to see him thriving after a bunch of draft, short-sighted plums wrote him off.

You need to stop saying 'butthurt', it makes it very hard to read your drivel without cringing.

Herman Toothrot

Full Member
Jul 12, 2021
You need to calm down and stop getting emotional any time someone makes a point of sancho's poor performances. Unless your a relative of his there is no danger of him reading comments off here and losing confidence. He's been sent away for a reason and that's mainly because he's been garbage ever since he's joined.
There you go, making your point again without anyone stopping you. Keep going, I'm not entirely sure you've articulated your point yet.
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Ted Lasso

Full Member
Nov 6, 2021
The major thing you're bizarrely ignoring willfully or unintentionally is that was/is called fan mail and was usually positive, if not it was called hate mail. It was an e-version of hate mail, if we want to use your logic.

Anyone thinking ir was ok to send him a comment, not even one of your own for fecks sake, that was quite blatantly negative, is an utter weirdo.

Of course he didn't see it, its massively unlikely he did, but it was still done, and it wasn't done to be kind, it was done with malice by someone who clearly isn't the full ticket.
Very innocent to think that fan mail was all positive. The nasty and hateful stuff got filtered out before reaching the players.

Now was the quantity of hate mail more or less than digital messages sent in lieu today? I'd wager not simply because it's easier for drunken dropout English thugs to send a tweet or DM on Instagram with the help of voice to text than it was for them to find a pen and paper let alone try and write coherent English. Plus that same scenario is now a globalized production .


Full Member
Oct 28, 2019
Just watched the clip. Near impossible to read the man. It could be something really serious or he's just been massively disappointed in Sancho's fitness.

I sense it's on the more serious side as how long does he really need to build up fitness? He was first spotted in the Netherlands a month ago. If it was just a fitness issue surely he doesn't need a couple of months?

I'm a big fan of this response. Some say the club courted controversy around him training elsewhere with their initial comments, but I disagree. They said just enough. There would have been more of an issue had they said nothing and journos took photos of him training elsewhere, making up their own narrative. His reply to this question is spot on. No. Move on. Gives nothing away whatsoever.


Full Member
Mar 15, 2021
The major thing you're bizarrely ignoring willfully or unintentionally is that was/is called fan mail and was usually positive, if not it was called hate mail. It was an e-version of hate mail, if we want to use your logic.

Anyone thinking ir was ok to send him a comment, not even one of your own for fecks sake, that was quite blatantly negative, is an utter weirdo.

Of course he didn't see it, its massively unlikely he did, but it was still done, and it wasn't done to be kind, it was done with malice by someone who clearly isn't the full ticket.
Was this comment made to be kind or in malice?

Tbh, it's not an action I'd take (more out of apathy and a lack of belief that it would make a blind bit of difference, to be honest) but the outrage at it in this thread is a little weird. There's criticism in all walks of life - granted, some professions attract it more than others - but it's not like the poster messaged him with threats or ad hominem insults.

poleglass red

Full Member
Aug 5, 2015
I like what ETH is trying here. Whatever issue(s) has been identified, and we don't know fully what it is, he is trying to address it when he is still young enough. We've seen unfilled talent here before that wasn't addressed and left to wilt away, I am thinking of Januzaj. Sancho if I recall, had a spell at Dortmund where his form suffered and then he came back to best. I imagine ETH recognises the talent is there and is addressing the mental and fitness side of it, that aren't always right, especially in younger players. He is only 22, he's joined us at a time when club is in major transition/rebuild. Will this spell in Holland work, we don't know, but at the very least it is worth a try as we know Sancho healthy in mind and body is a benefit to this club.


Full Member
Oct 30, 2016
Just watched the clip. Near impossible to read the man. It could be something really serious or he's just been massively disappointed in Sancho's fitness.

I sense it's on the more serious side as how long does he really need to build up fitness? He was first spotted in the Netherlands a month ago. If it was just a fitness issue surely he doesn't need a couple of months?

Excellent reply by ETH, just reply with a No.
This is to protect Sancho.
No timeline and additional pressure for Sancho to get back to his best. Also to stop the press from speculating further.

Hope this helps Sancho to overcome whatever problem he is having now. At 22, I believe he will come back stronger and more matured.


Not Frank White
May 3, 2017
This side plot of the thread may be crazier than the main story. I can't believe the reaction you have gotten to this. Number one, there is pretty much zero chance Sancho read your message, first of all, most of the accounts are run by PR teams, there aren't going to pass that one onto Sancho and tell him, to pay close attention to this one, I think it will help. And even if he did read it, it's spot on, this is valid criticism, and if Sancho couldn't hear that criticism from a fan and move past it then he just clearly isn't cut out for top tier sports.
In case you missed the memo, the only things you are entitled to do as a fan are as follows: investing lots of time and money, praising the players and shutting the feck up about anything else.. oh, you may aslo bxtch on forums. Constructive criticism of players you want to do well, and a call to action (no matter how miniscule the chance the player sees it) is an offense punishable by death, by a thousand angry nerds.
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New Member
Apr 5, 2021
Alarming, sounds like you're writing off a young and quality footballer without knowing the facts.
It doesn't matter what I think, it matters what Sancho thinks & what he is doing, he's not kicked a ball in a UTD game for about 6 weeks now, unless he is injured you'd think he'd be back for the Burnley & trying to prove Southgate wrong for not picking him for the WC squad, instead he's nowhere to be seen & it was Rashford who did play in the WC who has come back & did the business against Burnley, so, I am totally mystified when it comes to Sancho.


Can Anderson score? No.
Aug 13, 2006
Jog on
It doesn't matter what I think, it matters what Sancho thinks & what he is doing, he's not kicked a ball in a UTD game for about 6 weeks now, unless he is injured you'd think he'd be back for the Burnley & trying to prove Southgate wrong for not picking him for the WC squad, instead he's nowhere to be seen & it was Rashford who did play in the WC who has come back & did the business against Burnley, so, I am totally mystified when it comes to Sancho.
Oh jaysuz


Full Member
Aug 3, 2012
Sir Alex Ferguson Stand
It doesn't matter what I think, it matters what Sancho thinks & what he is doing, he's not kicked a ball in a UTD game for about 6 weeks now, unless he is injured you'd think he'd be back for the Burnley & trying to prove Southgate wrong for not picking him for the WC squad, instead he's nowhere to be seen & it was Rashford who did play in the WC who has come back & did the business against Burnley, so, I am totally mystified when it comes to Sancho.
Haaland hadn't kicked a ball for City for 6 weeks, writing him off too, or does that not suit your agenda?

Exactly, it matters what Sancho thinks and if he isn't in a good place mentally, it's the clubs job as a duty of care to the player, to support him in anyway possible to help him into a better mental frame of mind.

He'll come good soon, I know he will.


New Member
Apr 5, 2021
Haaland hadn't kicked a ball for City for 6 weeks, writing him off too, or does that not suit your agenda?

Exactly, it matters what Sancho thinks and if he isn't in a good place mentally, it's the clubs job as a duty of care to the player, to support him in anyway possible to help him into a better mental frame of mind.

He'll come good soon, I know he will.
Why should I write Haaland off? He hasn't gone AWOL & did actually play for City tonight, the same can not be said of Sancho. The only UTD player who shouldn't be in the right frame of mind is Greenwood.


Full Member
Mar 15, 2021
Why should I write Haaland off? He hasn't gone AWOL & did actually play for City tonight, the same can not be said of Sancho. The only UTD player who shouldn't be in the right frame of mind is Greenwood.
You know what AWOL stands for right?


Full Member
Aug 3, 2012
Sir Alex Ferguson Stand
Why should I write Haaland off? He hasn't gone AWOL & did actually play for City tonight, the same can not be said of Sancho. The only UTD player who shouldn't be in the right frame of mind is Greenwood.
Before tonight he hadn't kicked a ball in 6 weeks neither, every player that didn't go to the WC hadn't.

Feck me, absolute state of the rest of that post. Not even bothering replying to the rest of that car crash.


New Member
Jul 5, 2016
To be fair to Sancho..

He was absolutely on fire at Dortmund, rated one of the best young attacking talents in the world. He then got a mega move transfer to Utd with a huge salary boost and then...

- Ronaldo came in a few weeks later, which would have completely changed the dynamics
- The manager who signed him was fired, the next manager lasted only a few months
- The next manager signed a player in Antony in arguably the same position Sancho was signed for at an even higher transfer fee
- His team mate and Utd and England peer was booted out for allegedly being a rapist
- Sancho couldn't get into the XI for the Euros and watched the rest of the team reached the final
- Was brought on in the last few minutes and then missed a crucial penalty in the knockouts
- Was basically dropped by England
- Missed out on a World Cup where England were one of the favourites..

To be fair he's had a pretty rough 18 months.. that's a lot of mental pressure for a 20 year old.

Maybe Ten Hag is just being a superb man manager and getting him out of the limelight for a while to recover while the games are fairly low value.
If Sancho comes back and is on fire near the end of the season it'll be seen as an absolutely genius move
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Full Member
Jun 28, 2019
To be fair to Sancho..

He was absolutely on fire at Dortmund, rated one of the best young attacking talents in the world. He then got a mega move transfer to Utd with a huge salary boost and then...

- Ronaldo came in a few weeks later, which would have completely changed the dynamics
- The manager who signed him was fired, the next manager lasted only a few months
- The next manager signed a player in Antony in arguably the same position Sancho was signed for at an even higher transfer fee
- His team mate and Utd and England peer was booted out for allegedly being a rapist
- Sancho couldn't get into the XI for the Euros and watched the rest of the team reached the final
- Was brought on in the last few minutes and then missed a crucial penalty in the knockouts
- Was basically dropped by England
- Missed out on a World Cup where England were one of the favourites..

To be fair he's had a pretty rough 18 months.. that's a lot of mental pressure for a 20 year old.

Maybe Ten Hag is just being a superb man manager and getting him out of the limelight for a while to recover while the games are fairly low value.
If Sancho comes back and is on fire near the end of the season it'll be seen as an absolutely genius move
If he comes back a couple of metres quicker and with good intensity over ninety minutes then there is every chance he will tear it up at Utd and be knocking on the door for England....if he doesn't we need to get rid.


Full Member
Dec 10, 2013
To be fair to Sancho..

He was absolutely on fire at Dortmund, rated one of the best young attacking talents in the world. He then got a mega move transfer to Utd with a huge salary boost and then...

- Ronaldo came in a few weeks later, which would have completely changed the dynamics
- The manager who signed him was fired, the next manager lasted only a few months
- The next manager signed a player in Antony in arguably the same position Sancho was signed for at an even higher transfer fee
- His team mate and Utd and England peer was booted out for allegedly being a rapist
- Sancho couldn't get into the XI for the Euros and watched the rest of the team reached the final
- Was brought on in the last few minutes and then missed a crucial penalty in the knockouts
- Was basically dropped by England
- Missed out on a World Cup where England were one of the favourites..

To be fair he's had a pretty rough 18 months.. that's a lot of mental pressure for a 20 year old.

Maybe Ten Hag is just being a superb man manager and getting him out of the limelight for a while to recover while the games are fairly low value.
If Sancho comes back and is on fire near the end of the season it'll be seen as an absolutely genius move
I agree with some of this, but you also have to factor in Rangnick saying that Jadon lost someone close to him and was feeling the effects of that last season...death of loved ones is not easy for anyone to deal with and that is likely a much bigger factor that Ronaldo, Ole being sacked, Antony signing or Greenwood situation for example. There has also been a lot said over the past year or so that I feel paints a picture that he is going through something more than some of the "attitude problems" or "soft non Prem proven" nonsense you hear from some, if you read between the lines...but who knows?


Wishes to be oppressed.
Aug 17, 2003
Just send him back to Dortmund as a sweetener for Bellingham.
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