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I consider myself left wing. I believe Israel has been doing absolutely atrocious things to the Palestenians. I believe Israel is an apartheid state. I hate to see innocent people hurt or die, on either side. I've been horrified so many times by stories about what the IDF or settler bastards been doing.

But after everything I've seen in Israel in recent days, the massacre and carnage of my countrymen, the families destroyed, the many people who still live in the impossibly terrible unknown because they haven't been told yet if their loved ones are alive or dead, if their bodies have been found in Israel or if they are likely to be captured by Hamas (possibly alive, possibly dead)... After I've seen the evilness, then for the first time in my life I can't bring myself to care at all about what's going on in Gaza. Bombs away as far as I am concerned.

I'm only human.

There's a real sadness to this post. Hopefully it's just part of your grieving process and your anger will pass because it's the anger on both sides that keeps this conflict going.
I consider myself left wing. I believe Israel has been doing absolutely atrocious things to the Palestenians. I believe Israel is an apartheid state. I hate to see innocent people hurt or die, on either side. I've been horrified so many times by stories about what the IDF or settler bastards been doing.

But after everything I've seen in Israel in recent days, the massacre and carnage of my countrymen, the families destroyed, the many people who still live in the impossibly terrible unknown because they haven't been told yet if their loved ones are alive or dead, if their bodies have been found in Israel or if they are likely to be captured by Hamas (possibly alive, possibly dead)... After I've seen the evilness, then for the first time in my life I can't bring myself to care at all about what's going on in Gaza. Bombs away as far as I am concerned.

I'm only human.
I find your stance unfortunate, but again I have the luxury of not being in proximity to the chaos, so I suppose I can stretch to being understanding. Were you bothered by the bombings in Gaza beforehand out of interest? Not trying to be cute or spiteful here, just curious.

Oh and stay safe please.
Is there any reason why young kids and women are not being allowed to leave to atleast Egypt? Is Israel blocking the exit or Egypt is also complicit in this?
I saw a report on Channel 4 news, and according to the journalist, this is absolutely unprecedented level of bombing that Israel is doing in Gaza
To be honest, Twitter was always quite a horrible place for getting news during any conflict. But yes this is worse than Ukraine Russia conflict. I have seen same videos on different handle with “blue check marks” claiming opposite stuff
I know but you could filter fairly quickly and trusted sources could be verified.
Quick Google, just for you

Despite all the speeches of Iranian leaders and the denunciation of Israel at Friday prayers, there were never less than around one hundred Israeli advisers and technicians in Iran at any time throughout the war, living in a carefully guarded and secluded camp just north of Tehran, where they remained even after the ceasefire.

Bulloch, John, The Gulf War : Its Origins, History and Consequences by John Bulloch and Harvey Morris, London : Methuen London, 1989, p.17

Thanks for the copy and paste from Wikipedia, but it doesn't mention Israel providing "soldiers".
I find your stance unfortunate, but again I have the luxury of not being in proximity to the chaos, so I suppose I can stretch to being understanding. Were you bothered by the bombings in Gaza beforehand out of interest? Not trying to be cute or spiteful here, just curious.

Oh and stay safe please.

Their post makes their stance on Israel and the IDFs actions quite clear imo.
Is there any reason why young kids and women are not being allowed to leave to atleast Egypt? Is Israel blocking the exit or Egypt is also complicit in this?
I saw a report on Channel 4 news, and according to the journalist, this is absolutely unprecedented level of bombing that Israel is doing in Gaza

Pretty much always been complicit since Mubarak etc

It's probably still the case but at one time Egypt was the second best funded country in that neck of the woods after Israel by the USA.

Money to stay shtum and be protection and ally for Israel. Sisi coming into power reinforces this.
I suppose I appreciate your honesty. Did you care about Gaza and bombs beforehand, I'd imagine not particularly.

I hope you and your family are safe.

He said he did, and you come across as at least somewhat judgemental to someone who quite literally posted something he said comes from an exasperated, dark emotional place. sorry @Amir for speaking in your name but his had me a little irked.

@Murder on Zidane's Floor sincere thanks for your condolences regarding my family member.

I wonder how to make it to his funeral, seeing as he lives relatively south and there are constant rockets falling over there.
Don't want to get killed, even for something like this.
Individual stories, as if people have forgotten already, are usually bullshit in times of war. I wouldn't even be sharing any of them. Whatever the "side". Keep with tdodgy he general statistics: troop movements, bombardments, developments, regional and elsewhere. Bogged down in dodgy propaganda material in an age of deepfakes is pointless.

Well said.

We’re through the looking glass when the same people who are moaning about Musk owned Twitter being a constant source of disinformation are sharing tweets like mad in this thread and clearly obsessively following the whole conflict entirely through that lens.
Thanks for the copy and paste from Wikipedia, but it doesn't mention Israel providing "soldiers".

The advisors and technicians were military/soldiers.

Also iirc Jack Straw has written/spoken about this.
The advisors and technicians were military/soldiers.

Also iirc Jack Straw has written/spoken about this.

OK, the way you phrased it made it seem like Israel had soldiers on the battlefield. Israeli military technical assistance to Iran has long been known about.
Thanks for being so honest and open - I get where you're coming from and I think I'd feel the same if I were in your shoes (and Israeli). Yourself being left wing, and listing out all the atrocities that Israelis have committed before this weekend - do you see why a Palestinian could quite literally say the same thing you have but with Israel as the target instead of Gaza?

Because what you're feeling now - a new feeling, is something that's existed on the other side of the fence for decades.

It's a truly ugly, horrific situation for innocents on both sides.

While you asked him, I'll answer as another Israeli- abso-fecking-lutely. They have every right to feel exactly the same, past, present and future.
While you asked him, I'll answer as another Israeli- abso-fecking-lutely. They have every right to feel exactly the same, past, present and future.
I know you do - and I have found your posts equally refreshing and sad to read but always authentic. I’m sorry for your loss (just catching up on your last post).
Not to take away from the more heavy and serious discussion, but was everyone aware that Lior Raz, the guy who played Doron in Fauda, was a former IDF officer and he apparently went to Sderot to extract two families?
Is there any reason why young kids and women are not being allowed to leave to atleast Egypt? Is Israel blocking the exit or Egypt is also complicit in this?
I saw a report on Channel 4 news, and according to the journalist, this is absolutely unprecedented level of bombing that Israel is doing in Gaza

Should make perfect sense but perhaps scared woman & children might lead to others. Taking in Palestinian refugees has not gone well for receiving countries in the past, as I've recently learned. Civil war in Lebanon, of which Hezbollah is a remnant, and the PLO trying to take over Jordan after establishing a presence there. Egypt does not want more religious fundamentalists in the country.
He said he did, and you come across as at least somewhat judgemental to someone who quite literally posted something he said comes from an exasperated, dark emotional place. sorry @Amir for speaking in your name but his had me a little irked.

@Murder on Zidane's Floor sincere thanks for your condolences regarding my family member.

I wonder how to make it to his funeral, seeing as he lives relatively south and there are constant rockets falling over there.
Don't want to get killed, even for something like this.
Keep yourself safe. You can grieve anywhere.

I have the privilege of being dispassionate through luck of geography. I truly sympathise.
I consider myself left wing. I believe Israel has been doing absolutely atrocious things to the Palestenians. I believe Israel is an apartheid state. I hate to see innocent people hurt or die, on either side. I've been horrified so many times by stories about what the IDF or settler bastards been doing.

But after everything I've seen in Israel in recent days, the massacre and carnage of my countrymen, the families destroyed, the many people who still live in the impossibly terrible unknown because they haven't been told yet if their loved ones are alive or dead, if their bodies have been found in Israel or if they are likely to be captured by Hamas (possibly alive, possibly dead)... After I've seen the evilness, then for the first time in my life I can't bring myself to care at all about what's going on in Gaza. Bombs away as far as I am concerned.

I'm only human.

I can't imagine how hard it must be, what you are feeling seems very understandable!
Well said.

We’re through the looking glass when the same people who are moaning about Musk owned Twitter being a constant source of disinformation are sharing tweets like mad in this thread and clearly obsessively following the whole conflict entirely through that lens.
You're right, yet here you are, in the thread.
Should make perfect sense but perhaps scared woman & children might lead to others. Taking in Palestinian refugees has not gone well for receiving countries in the past, as I've recently learned. Civil war in Lebanon, of which Hezbollah is a remnant, and the PLO trying to take over Jordan after establishing a presence there. Egypt does not want more religious fundamentalists in the country.

I also get this impression, and I'd actually be happy to hear the thoughts of Muslim posters regarding the way Palestinian Arabs are viewed and treated by other Arab countries. I'm not educated in this at all, but it looks as though,

while all Arab countries support them and their cause, none of them actually want anything to do with them in a practical sense.

Dare I say that they are not 'liked', in very simple terms?

I'm writing this also because in Israel there's this notion held by many many citizens that "The Palestinians should just leave/feck off to the many Arab or Muslim countries around the world. We only have one state, they have 2423058 of them". Pfffffft.
Well said.

We’re through the looking glass when the same people who are moaning about Musk owned Twitter being a constant source of disinformation are sharing tweets like mad in this thread and clearly obsessively following the whole conflict entirely through that lens.

Not too long ago this account was shared.

... to complain about media disinformation.
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I also get this impression, and I'd actually be happy to hear the thoughts of Muslim posters regarding the way Palestinian Arabs are viewed and treated by other Arab countries. I'm not educated in this at all, but it looks as though,

while all Arab countries support them and their cause, none of them actually want anything to do with them in a practical sense.

Dare I say that they are not 'liked', in very simple terms?

I'm writing this also because in Israel there's this notion held by many many citizens that "The Palestinians should just leave/feck off to the many Arab or Muslim countries around the world. We only have one state, they have 2423058 of them". Pfffffft.
There's an incredible amount of love for Palestinians from the majority of the Arab Muslim world. I've seen it. That however does not translate to the dictators and leaders of said countries.
Any other reportings on this? Can't see anything else regarding it on Twitter currently.

Absolutely horrific situation. Am I right in thinking that EU humanitarian aid is still available to Gaza and it is just the reconstruction fund that's being debated/reconsidered?

Any other reportings on this? Can't see anything else regarding it on Twitter currently.

Absolutely horrific situation. Am I right in thinking that EU humanitarian aid is still available to Gaza and it is just the reconstruction fund that's being debated/reconsidered?

re: rhe bolded bit,
The very questionable Israeli media has reported the killings, but doesn't say anything about Jerusalem on the verge od exploding.
Shall wait and see.

And about the humanitarian situation....
It's going to get much much worse.

There is a true story about the 1973 war where some segment (platoon is probably more accurate) of the Egyptian Army had several Israeli soldiers kidnapped.

I'm not sure about the specific details but I know that they were in a closed space where a siege could be put upon them.
The thinking behind it was that once they starved of hunger and thirst, they would release the kidnapped soldiers, which they did.
Golda Meir who was the Israeli prime minister at the time didn't cave into huge pressure to treat those Egyptian army soldiers more humanely, and her strategy proved itself seeing as the prisoners were released.

There's talk that, besides flattening Gaza from the air, Invading on the ground for further cleansing.... Israel is also going to implement this strategy another time, in the hope that it will bring the same result with the current kidnapped people.

I don't know if it's going to materialize, but imagine for a moment it did....

We've seen absolutely nothing yet.

The atrocities will be off the scale.
I think mods have to make the same warning they did on the War on Ukraine thread. Even when I consider they overreacted there, the amount of disinformation in here is getting dangerous.

I didn't want to participate in this thread as everything that's happened has made me unbelievably sad for our human experience and our ability to not only solve the biggest issues, but at least making life in this planet bearable for all.

What Hamas did was horrible in every book and should be (and is) rightfully condemned. It also created a rare window of opportunity in which a wise man in a position of power could have done something other than thinking in his immediate political agenda. I don't know, maybe to understand what the goal was and to ensure that it wasn't accomplished by the perpetrators. Maybe saving your people, securing your borders, securing your relations with your neighbours, sealing the deal with SA and even gain a public condemnation of the events by them. All while avoiding a bloodbath and building something new. You know, be the change you want to see and all that.

Unfortunately it was Bibi the Butcher at the helm, with his own band of cronies who had contributed to the polarization and violence for decades and who is struggling for his political survival amid accusations of corruption and a reelection campaign on the horizon. So now we are in the bloodbath scenario.

I hope every caf member who is in there or who has relatives/friends there are OK. Stay strong.
Yep, gotcha. politicians gonna be politicians. cnuts.
Exactly - there's been quite a fair bit of pushback with some of these countries normalising relations with Israel as well.

Partial normalization has triggered outrage from some of Morocco’s neighbors and will likely upset many of its citizens; indeed, 88% of surveyed Moroccans said they would oppose diplomatic recognition of Israel, and 70% viewed the Palestinian cause as one that concerns all Arabs (according to the 2019-2020 Arab Opinion Index). While this discontent may not translate into immediate contestation, it will taint citizens’ view of the regime and may shift state-society relations in the long term.

The Gulf kingdom, however, hesitated to establish full relations due to continued opposition from local civil society groups.

The normalisation agreement has also further strained relations between the military and civilian branches of Sudan's transitional government.
I don’t know all the ins and outs, but some of the stories are absolutely horrific.

Horrible to imagine your fellow man being able to inflict such acts of evil onto children.
What's even more curious is why did the IDF take so long to respond if people were getting kidnapped and murdered? How did they allow that?

One explanation that's been heavily doing the rounds is that a huge number of IDF forces - relative to the numbers that are normally watching the border with Gaza closely- have been moved in the past months to areas in the West Bank, to show presence
(or in my interpretation- to act violently against indeed violent populations like in the village of Khwarra).

The forces around Gaza are said to have been dwindled by the fanatic right-wing members of parliament who also happen to live in Jewish settlements in the West Bank, and have their base of voters in those settlements.

That, coupled with the fact that on weekends, especially ones that are also holidays, there are lots of soldiers on leave with their families from Friday to Sunday morning.

Hamas attacked on a Saturday morning, exploiting all of the above.

Still, the failure in the intelligence department is monumental and will be talked about for decades.

Curiouser and curiouser…

I don't think this tweet deserves much attention the more I look through it if I'm being honest.

It contests the claims that she's dead (I think these were only claims made online and never by official sources) and then goes on to argue that - not only may she be alive - she was possibly saved by Hamas and shot by Israel. Given that she was kidnapped from the music festival where there was little Israeli active defence at the time, I find this close to impossible to believe. The manner in which she is being mistreated in the video of her capture also pretty much disproves the majority of the tweeters' claims. Sadly, the likelihood is, for Hamas, it's in their best interest to relay the info that as many captives as possible are still alive.

There's a feck ton of disinformation out there from both sides, Twitter is a cesspit for it during conflicts.
I also get this impression, and I'd actually be happy to hear the thoughts of Muslim posters regarding the way Palestinian Arabs are viewed and treated by other Arab countries. I'm not educated in this at all, but it looks as though,

while all Arab countries support them and their cause, none of them actually want anything to do with them in a practical sense.

Dare I say that they are not 'liked', in very simple terms?

I'm writing this also because in Israel there's this notion held by many many citizens that "The Palestinians should just leave/feck off to the many Arab or Muslim countries around the world. We only have one state, they have 2423058 of them". Pfffffft.

Can only speak from the Iranian perspective

Iran is the only "muslim" country where the ordinary people (not the regime mercenaries) are much more pro-Israel or more to say anti-Palestine. The reasons are very simple:

- Palestine was a terrorist training ground for Islamists and Marxists to get military training and import them to Iran to cause chaos in lead up to the 1979 "revolution" which started our downfall and misery.

- Palestinians absolutely love Saddam Hussain. There is a Saddam square in Gaza and even 2 nights ago when there was "celebration rally" for Hamas in Toronto, the Palestinians were dancing with Saddam posters (I have the video)

- For 44 years, all of our taxes, and money of OUR IRANIAN natural resources has been going to Palestine, Gaza, Hezbollah etc...A large proportion of population in the West is already frustrated and tired of having their tax money sent to Ukraine after 1.5 years, now imagine this scenario for 44 bloody years as you get poorer and poorer every day. That's why one of the most prevalent chants in all anti-regime protests in Iran is: "No to Gaza, No to Lebanon, My life is only for Iran."

- All of Gazans, Hamas fans, Hezbollah etc would gladly come to streets of Tehran and act as suppression arm of Islamic Republic to massacre Iranians just so that their sugardaddy sponsor, Islamic Republic, can stay in power. Last year on Twitter in height of the Mahsa Amini protests, literally every single person with "Palestine" flag in their bio and name were justifying the brutal massacre of our kids, women, teenagers, and men on the streets of Iran.

...I've seen nothing but misery in my life from Palestinian side. So that's why most Iranians are don’t care about Ummah or Islamic aspect of Palestine stuff. Hell, I’m willing to bet if there was a truly free questionnaire on how many Iranians consider themselves Muslim now, you’d get a number around 50-60% ….We've suffered, we were a nation before Islam even was forced on us, and we'll be a nation long after these cancers (Mullahs) are gone. inshallah :angel::angel:

Lots and lots of Iranians and Iranian flags (the real one, not the occupier current one) in display last night in Israel Solidarity gathering of 20k in Toronto.