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can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
It's gaslighting and treating people like they are dumb which could be very well the case with the base they're addressing.
Gaslighting isn't really the term but yeah they capitalize on the fact that people may not realize that it is a pretty big distortion of reality.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2014
Journalists should be some of the most protected in the world. But we have all seen that nothing will happen when protected/rich states kill them. Sickening. So far 33 journalist confirmed killed, of course the majority of them Palestinian.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Churchill was a man for his time, had he not been the whole of Europe would have come under the 'jack boot' of Hitler. Churchill also had a good friend in the US presidency at the time; he was however not a peacetime leader and got voted out of office after the war, which perhaps answers your second question.
That's just a polite way of saying he was a cnut.


Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
That is not what I said.

I like reading your posts. Articulated and balanced.

I think that 9/11 is a shortcut currently used for the wrong reasons. It's catchy but I'm not sure it really is appropriate. There are undeniable similarities: the surprise, the shock, the amount of vicitms. The trauma is comparable and most certainly even bigger for the Israelis when you take into account their smaller population. However the context is very different.

In one case it was an attack carried by a terrorist islamist organization determined to change the current world order and unite the muslims under one banner, Islam's resulting in the creation of the (new) Caliphate. By hitting the leader of the other world hard, but also western and even muslim countries under corrupt regimes on their own soil, they hoped to pit world populations against each other based on their religious background. They were in a logic of civilizational cash, or at least a religious one. Al Qaeda was also a transnational nebula without real roots, operating from and mostly in failed muslim states. Same for its even worse spawn, namely ISIS.

7/10 is something entirely different. It was an attack carried by an independentist palestinian islamo-nationalist movement using terrorist, and downright barbaric methods against an occupying, nationalist ethno-state, using its own terrorist methods in both Gaza and the West Bank. All of it in a push to change the course of a losing colonial war which conclusion was considered to be already foregone by too many. 7/10 was not the start, but the climax of a much longer on-going conflict. And that's what you get when you have entrenched extremists on both sides. Both the Hamas and the current Israeli government don't even remotely consider the existence of the other country as an acceptable option.

Two different issues requiring two different solutions, something that doesn't sit well with many who just don't and won't accept it.

But I digress. What Amir's experienced is something that about 99% of the posters here never had and will never do. For which they should be thankful I might add, and I don't even want to touch on the Palestinians decades long suffering. You can and should rightfully expect from the government members and elected representatives, to have a more nuanced view, keep a cool head and reign their own population in. Uphold the principles they were voted for. That's actually their job.

I find it however harder to demand the same level of restraint on normal people, they can express their anger, suffering but ultimately aren't deciding how war is going to be made. That's was my last my take on it and I don't think we should dwell on it any further.
We can totally understand why most if Israelis adopts this position wanting security at any cost (as long as is not their cost by the way), fear, panic, revenge are very primal feelings. But that doesn't mean that we have to let it fly. If it is wrong is wrong. That is why jurors can't have any attachment to the person that is judged. And in this thread we are judging Israel and Palestine actions, or at least some of their institution - factions that are the ones that are taking these despicable actions. If someone kills someone that I love, I would probably react asking for blood, and trust me, if Israel would be able to get their hands on Hamas, I would be the first to ask for revenge on that barbaric act. The problem is that they are asking for blood for civilians, some of them justifies it to get to Hamas (pipe dream), but some of them wants the blood of the kids calling them snakes. All Palestinians are terrorists apparently for the Israeli government, and a majority supports it not a minority

Saying that Amir is on a situation that no one here had experienced might make us understand his appalling comments in these exceptional circumstances, but it doesn't make it right and it needs to be called out. Specially when definitely he is not suffering as much as the Palestinians, specially because he is benefiting of the suffering of the Palestinians through the occupation of their land and future gains. Land that was occupied by his previous generations in a fashion similar than Hamas. And he is asking for more, not for more suffering of Palestinians but for his own security even if that means killing thousands of innocents.

He doesn't want to end whatever the cost. He wants it to end what ever the 5 million (Gaza + WB) of Palestinians cost. And that is selfish and disgusting. Meanwhile, the suffering Israelis keeps gathering in a mountain to see the fireworks of the bombings


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
Jfc, just an embarrassment…

Guy might be a vet. Britain lost 70k civilians, germany lost millions, therefore Britain should have done a ceasefire as it wasn’t a just war but rather genocide. Part of the larger ‘innocents die in war, you guys have no idea how war works or what a war crime is’ overarching argument going about the last few days.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
Guy might be a vet. Britain lost 70k civilians, germany lost millions, therefore Britain should have done a ceasefire as it wasn’t a just war but rather genocide. Part of the larger ‘innocents die in war, you guys how war works or what a war crime is’ overarching argument going about the last few days.
He is a vet, lost both legs & some fingers in Afghanistan (he was a bomb disposal tech / sapper). That doesn't absolve the rhetoric he is using here.

I just can't determine if the erroneous conflation is unintentional or intentional.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
At this point they should just forcibly expel them Kuwait style. Or well, instead of the first air strikes. Would have been better for everyone.


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
Guy might be a vet. Britain lost 70k civilians, germany lost millions, therefore Britain should have done a ceasefire as it wasn’t a just war but rather genocide. Part of the larger ‘innocents die in war, you guys how war works or what a war crime is’ overarching argument going about the last few days.
He was essentially saying that we should doubt Palestinians being regarded as civilians, essentially insinuating they were all fair game.

You're also essentially comparing a world war involving some of the strongest military powers history has ever seen with a conflict with Hamas which is utterly absurd.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
He is a vet, lost both legs & some fingers in Afghanistan (he was a bomb disposal tech / sapper). That doesn't absolve the rhetoric he is using here.
Nah it’s stupid as feck, but it’s one of the prevailing herd arguments going about lately. A lot of it is pushing back against what a) they See as unfair slander against military methods in general from people who sit in judgment b) the radicalisation of young rotc etc and college campuses.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
He was essentially saying that we should doubt Palestinians being regarded as civilians, essentially insinuating they were all fair game.

You're also essentially comparing a world war involving some of the strongest military powers history has ever seen with a conflict with Hamas which is utterly absurd.
Nah he’s saying that civilians aren’t particularly important when you have military objectives to fulfil. But as per above he’s just mainly echoing a point from an echo chamber.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
Not a drone expert, but wouldn't the soldiers have heard or noticed it buzzing above them? Seems like they were largely at ease before it dropped the bomb.
You'd think, but if there is noise from arty or bombs anywhere close to them, that could easily be enough to blend in the sound of the buzzing.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2014
You'd think, but if there is noise from arty or bombs anywhere close to them, that could easily be enough to blend in the sound of the buzzing.
Israel have drones running 24/7 over gaza also, so i guess they would assume its just one of their own.


Full Member
May 28, 2019
Leicester City
Guy might be a vet. Britain lost 70k civilians, germany lost millions, therefore Britain should have done a ceasefire as it wasn’t a just war but rather genocide. Part of the larger ‘innocents die in war, you guys have no idea how war works or what a war crime is’ overarching argument going about the last few days.

Aside from the utterly absurd comparison between Hamas and the Wehrmacht in terms of military power, their objectives and the danger they represent, he didn't say "innocent german civilians" but specifically used the expression "innocent nazi civilians", the conflation intended here being more than obvious.

He's a human piece of trash and a criminal.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015

Aside from the utterly absurd comparison between Hamas and the Wehrmacht in terms of military power, their objectives and the danger they represent, he didn't say "innocent german civilians" but specifically used the expression "innocent nazi civilians", the conflation intended here being more than obvious.

He's a human piece of trash and a criminal.
I'm just repeating the trope going around, as many might not be aware of it. I've said it's dumb!


New Member
May 27, 2021

Good lord
No words. :(

With the way this mess is going, is there a way for the Knesset to oust Netanyahu in the same way that the House of Commons ousted Neville Chamberlain out of 10 Downing Street because of the very poor conduct of WW2 by 1940? The current approach used by the IDF as authorized by Netanyahu won't fly for much longer without further repercussions on the diplomatic front.


Full Member
Apr 12, 2015
No words. :(

With the way this mess is going, is there a way for the Knesset to oust Netanyahu in the same way that the House of Commons ousted Neville Chamberlain out of 10 Downing Street because of the very poor conduct of WW2 by 1940? The current approach used by the IDF as authorized by Netanyahu won't fly for much longer without further repercussions on the diplomatic front.
Unfortunately, Israelis aren't using their minds right now. It is all about emotions and revenge... As an Israeli poster wrote yesterday only external pressure could make Israel deal with this reasonably (there are no clean wars, but what we are witnessing is among the dirtiest imaginable... ).

Netanyahu won't survive long term, but he has the mandate to lead the war. He won't be ousted unless there is immense pressure from the outside to change course. And that isn't happening anytime soon. Israel friends in the Arab world tried to talk some sense into Netanyahu, but he doesn't give a f*** ( Jordan gave up apparently and called their ambassador... I expect UAE and Morocco to follow suit at some point under pressure from the public opinion).

Bibi wants to take control of Gaza with minimal casualties to his soldiers, and killing thousands and thousands of innocent civilians doesn't seem to bother him at all (the verses of the Bible he's been citing are pretty grim)...

Israel's friends in the West are in complete denial, trying to pretend this isn't happening... I am starting to wonder how long they can keep it going?

At some point, Biden might decide it's too much, he would then apply enough pressure (behind closed doors of course) to force Netanyahu's hand, but until then it is only going to get worse...


Full Member
Feb 26, 2005
Hargreaves' Hometown
A more surgical operation is plausible, but would cause the deaths of many more Israeli soldiers. A price we're not willing to pay.

Hamas is hiding behind those women and children. it's unforunate, but that's the problem Hamas caused and is still causing by itself - first by doing that and then by making us desperate to destroy its military abilities.
A more surgical operation is plausible, but would cause the deaths of many more Israeli soldiers. A price we're not willing to pay.

Hamas is hiding behind those women and children. it's unforunate, but that's the problem Hamas caused and is still causing by itself - first by doing that and then by making us desperate to destroy its military abilities.
Mate, human suffering is human suffering. Doesn't matter whether you are jewish or arab.

What makes you feel that innocent arab life is any less worthy than the life of an innocent jew?

"Whoever Saves a Life Saves the World"

How is it that your people have forgotten about this?


Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
Guy might be a vet. Britain lost 70k civilians, germany lost millions, therefore Britain should have done a ceasefire as it wasn’t a just war but rather genocide. Part of the larger ‘innocents die in war, you guys have no idea how war works or what a war crime is’ overarching argument going about the last few days.
Equating the powerfight between nazi germany vs allies and Israel vs hamas. do you even think what you write?


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
Equating the powerfight between nazi germany vs allies and Israel vs hamas. do you even think what you write?
This is in no way my opinion, nor am I even commenting on it. I'm simply explaining its a common a theory/argument/trope/whatever bouncing around the echo chamber of US/UK veterans communities in the past week or so, and he's probably just picked up on that, repurposed and reworded it for his own opinion. Hence 'guy might be a vet' - those are the communities this argument is currently originating from.

Sorry mate, I missed that one.
no worries, seems i worded it badly as others thought the same haha.

Murder on Zidanes Floor

You'd better not kill Giroud
Jun 11, 2015
Guy might be a vet. Britain lost 70k civilians, germany lost millions, therefore Britain should have done a ceasefire as it wasn’t a just war but rather genocide. Part of the larger ‘innocents die in war, you guys have no idea how war works or what a war crime is’ overarching argument going about the last few days.
That's an absolutely ridiculous and intellectually vapid comparison, at no point are they equal nor comparable.

In reality, in this strange comparison of yours, Israel is closer to Germany in the second world war, taking over Poland and killing Poles and people asking them to stop.

I mean, to compare an occupied civilian population, who are under the rule of terrorists to Nazi Germany is gross and offensive tbh.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
That's an absolutely ridiculous and intellectually vapid comparison, at no point are they equal nor comparable.

In reality, in this strange comparison of yours, Israel is closer to Germany in the second world war, taking over Poland and killing Poles and people asking them to stop.

I mean, to compare an occupied civilian population, who are under the rule of terrorists to Nazi Germany is gross and offensive tbh.
what? This whole post makes my head hurt. It's not my comparison, For heavens sake, you've managed to convolute it even further.

Civilians are civilians. Whether they live in Nazi Germany under terrorist Nazis, or whether they live in Gaza under Hamas terrorists. Killing civilians is bad. They are using it as an 'ends justify the means argument,' not a 'palestinians are nazis' or whatever you divined from it, because as officers that's their outlook.

I was merely adding information to the discussion, by pointing out that it's an ongoing talking point for veterans in the US/UK over the last week or so. As a veteran, he was likely in that echo chamber, hence was using their herd mentality talking points.

Real Name

Full Member
Oct 21, 2020
I'm all for the two-state solution. I think it's the only real solution and I'm sorrowful for the time and life wasted over the last few decades.

But it's not relevant with Hamas on the other side of our border. That has to be taken care of before anything else.
Thing is Isreal is taking care of West Bank too so to say so they're at fault for the whole situation same as Hamas. Even if they destroy Hamas, which I doubt they will with their actions they'll create some other terrorist organisation. They're not interested in 2 states solution, they just want make Palestinians disappear by any means necessary.
You said it yourself, you want to feel safe whatever the means.


Full Member
Apr 12, 2015

Speaking of the 7th, Smotrich says: "Maybe we should have received this terrible and painful blow to remember who we are and what we are"

And of course he is one of the main reasons for this (On the 7th October, 32 battalions for WB vs only 2 for the Hamas-ruled Gaza)



Full Member
May 28, 2019
Leicester City
Worth a watch, me thinks. It's Piers Morgan, but the interviewee is truly worth listening to if one wants to understand the "arab street".

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