Mass stabbing in Australian Shopping Centre - UPDATE3: 7 Dead, multiple in hospital including a 9 month old baby (Mother has died)

Absolute scum, attacking a defenceless mother and baby.

RIP brave lady
Pretty shocking act of violence and terror. I’m only 5 minutes away from Bondi Junction. Everyone is in so much shock.

The man has been identified as “Joel Cauchi”, seems like he had only arrived in Sydney a month ago from Queensland.

It’s being treated as a mental health incident but I’m not taking that as an excuse. It’s an act of terrorism in my eyes. Just sucks that he had such a quick “out”.

The 9-month year old baby is in a stable condition after having over night surgery.
fecking incels, man.

They are the lowest of the low since at least the École Polytechnique massacre in 1989.
Wouldn’t surprise if meth was involved.

Looking at him yesterday vs the picture in the post above I think you may be right.

He seems to have been known to police in Qld but not for terror related stuff. There is reporting that they are investigating if he targeted women and/or has a history of this. I'll admit it was my first thought when I saw so many female victims. I guess we will see.
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Wouldn’t surprise if meth was involved. Clearly not a human of sound mind.

definitely a big issue in Sydney nowadays

I volunteered at a homeless charity there until recently for a couple of years and most of the guys with drugs problems there were meth related

drugs/mental health seems the likeliest explanation to me
MeNtAL HeAlTh phew I'd have been worried if it was a brown/black guy.

Very sad news though, glad he was stopped when he was otherwise who knows how many other women would have been injured/murdered.
Why was Rachel Riley blaming Muslims for this attack? I mean even if it was ISIS, it's a cult of Phanatic's that kills more muslims than non muslims.

She's totally gobbled up the Zionist talking points and has become increasingly brazen in her Islamophobia. Evidenced by the fact that she's now doubled down on her initial tweet even after the attacker's name/identity has been published.
I'd blame the extremely toxic culture that is targeting young men these days, but that's a 40 year old man.

A 40 year old homeless man, with a long history of mental illness - which has previously brought him attention from the police - and a recent history of deteriorating mental health. I think we can probably leave the culture war out of this one.
She's totally gobbled up the Zionist talking points and has become increasingly brazen in her Islamophobia. Evidenced by the fact that she's now doubled down on her initial tweet even after the attacker's name/identity has been published.

People these days have no decency to apologise and say I am sorry I got it wrong, but as you say, she is probably not a decent human being to expect anything decent from her.
RIP all the innocent lives lost, and wish the injured a speedy recovery.
Some of the racists can’t get over how they made a stupid and early assumption in public and so now they’re saying the photos don’t look the same, that it can’t be the same guy. The mental gymnastics are something else.
A 40 year old homeless man, with a long history of mental illness - which has previously brought him attention from the police - and a recent history of deteriorating mental health. I think we can probably leave the culture war out of this one.

One of the bit of attention from the police was not long ago when he called the police to complain that his family had taken/stolen his knives. His family have reportedly told police that he was schizophrenic.

Looks like he may have had a thing about women as 5/6 of the dead and the vast majority of the injured were women. :(

Flags are at half mast today.
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Police commissioner just now has stated they are looking into his focus on women in the attack.
The baby has been upgraded to serious so hopefully they will survive. One (of many) sad stories is that one cop responded to the attack and when he got to the shopping centre he discovered his fiance was dead. She was shopping for makeup for the weeding.
Seems like they are investigating the working hypothesis that he was targeting women, which is hardly surprising. No suggesting of an incel ideology being involved so far but he did seem to seek out women.
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She's totally gobbled up the Zionist talking points and has become increasingly brazen in her Islamophobia. Evidenced by the fact that she's now doubled down on her initial tweet even after the attacker's name/identity has been published.
And of course there's no mention that the man who got killed is a Muslim security guard trying to stop the attacker
had no idea Rachel Riley was like that, that's so out of line to do that if you have any public reach

people getting prosecuted for hate speech nowadays but I guess muslims are fair game still?

I expect we'll get apology two at some point too

she expressed regret if her comment had been "misunderstood"[/spoiler]
Unfortunately I expect incel attacks (if this is that) to increase in the next years.
Inappropriate Behavior
Should clone the guy just to put him a room with Rachel Riley and livestream it
Seems like they are investigating the working hypothesis that he was targeting women, which is hardly surprising. No suggesting of an incel ideology being involved so far but he did seem to seek out women.

If the trigger was a psychotic episode (which seems likely) then the motive will be, by definition, completely irrational and not because of any kind of ideology.

It’s so depressing the way the culture war extends its tentacles into everything these days.

Right wing: “Ooh a mass killing! Let’s hope it’s a Muslim!”

Left wing: “But he killed women! Fingers crossed he’s an Incel, that would be great!”
If the trigger was a psychotic episode (which seems likely) then the motive will be, by definition, completely irrational and not because of any kind of ideology.

It’s so depressing the way the culture war extends its tentacles into everything these days.

Right wing: “Ooh a mass killing! Let’s hope it’s a Muslim!”

Left wing: “But he killed women! Fingers crossed he’s an Incel, that would be great!”

It could be a bit of both I guess? I mean, if someone leans a bit incel they're probably not in the best of mental health to begin with, but then if something goes horribly wrong from there..

even in psychotic episodes there is still usually some link to the conscious mind remaining right? Genuinely asking the question I have no clue
Mental health issues would explain the stabbing of the baby, problem is I don't think there is much that can be done to stop these kinds of attacks. You can provide the help these people need but there will always be those who cannot be reached until it is too late.
It could be a bit of both I guess? I mean, if someone leans a bit incel they're probably not in the best of mental health to begin with, but then if something goes horribly wrong from there..

even in psychotic episodes there is still usually some link to the conscious mind remaining right? Genuinely asking the question I have no clue

To be fair, you’re not wrong. Delusions can be based on an ideology. But what makes them a delusion is the fact that they’re removed from reality. So a jihadist might want a holy war but a psychotic jihadist might think he’s been called up to fight in this war by a radio transmission into his brain.
If the trigger was a psychotic episode (which seems likely) then the motive will be, by definition, completely irrational and not because of any kind of ideology.

It’s so depressing the way the culture war extends its tentacles into everything these days.

Right wing: “Ooh a mass killing! Let’s hope it’s a Muslim!”

Left wing: “But he killed women! Fingers crossed he’s an Incel, that would be great!”

The potential incel type motivations have come from him targeting women and his father saying his son had no social skills and that he was angry or frustrated by not being able to get a girlfriend.
Mental health issues would explain the stabbing of the baby, problem is I don't think there is much that can be done to stop these kinds of attacks. You can provide the help these people need but there will always be those who cannot be reached until it is too late.

Agreed, but the only issue with this one is that the police were aware of him already which should end up in a review of what went wrong. We won't be able to help them all, but we can try to improve things as much as we can.

It's weird, but from the small video clip of him on the escalator he seemed to be in a bit of a trance and moving very slowly, so I thought it may end up being some sort of psychotic episode.
The potential incel type motivations have come from him targeting women and his father saying his son had no social skills and that he was angry or frustrated by not being able to get a girlfriend.

He has schizophrenia. These would be fairly common issues that anyone with the illness has to deal with, they’re known as “negative symptoms”. It’s a horrible affliction.
Reports coming in of another mass stabbing at a church also in Sydney.

Unsure on casualties but everything crossed there are no fatalities.

Sad times for Australia.
Fecking hell, again!

That's devastating. No reports of deaths yet, as far as I can tell. Hopefully it stays that way.
He has schizophrenia. These would be fairly common issues that anyone with the illness has to deal with, they’re known as “negative symptoms”. It’s a horrible affliction.

I'm not disputing that at all. Just saying where the incel talk came from.