Gaming Nintendo 3DS vs PS Vita thread.

I think 4 hours is perfectly fine on average. As a gamer myself, it gives people a chance to take a break and besides anyone can pick up a cheap psp/ds and use that when you have to charge up if you have to play something.

I've preordered but got a decent deal. I think £197 with 8% off using quidco. The deal I found on hotdealsuk. (tesco express) Can't wait.
Where did you get it from? Just wondering which place had 8% Quidco :p

Mine was £199.

EDIT: I just saw that you said Tesco, I don't know how I missed that :lol:
Nintendo will be fine, as if you want to play Nintendo IP, you need Nintendo hardware, and some of their software titles sell in silly numbers. It's a company where software drives hardware rather than the other way around. It has gone pear shaped in the past for them, so lets see.

No doubt - they haven't done wrong in 20 years in portable gaming, but it is somewhat of an imperative for a handheld device to have reasonable battery life.
The 3DS will coat around £200 here as well and I would be picking it up from a local store on the release day if anything. What stops me at the minute from making the decision is pricing of the games, they are £45 each which is a lot and I probably wouldn't be able to afford more than three at the launch which will make me miss some good titles.
Tesco were selling it for £158 by mistake earlier and should honour the price. Probably should've told you lot...
I think 4 hours is perfectly fine on average. As a gamer myself, it gives people a chance to take a break and besides anyone can pick up a cheap psp/ds and use that when you have to charge up if you have to play something.

I've preordered but got a decent deal. I think £197 with 8% off using quidco. The deal I found on hotdealsuk. (tesco express) Can't wait.

Where did you get it from? Just wondering which place had 8% Quidco :p

Mine was £199.

EDIT: I just saw that you said Tesco, I don't know how I missed that :lol:

I advise you two to check out the good game deals thread, you can get it for about £150 at Tesco using the 20% off voucher
Are they even allowed to do that? Surely they have to continue the already made transactions?

Apparently not...

Tesco admits to 3DS mistake | Games Industry | MCV

UPDATE 2: Twitter user MrXBlob claims to have been told by Tesco on the phone that any orders placed for the 3DS will not be honoured. He has also received an order cancellation claiming the order has been cancelled "due to a card processing issue".

UPDATE 3: MCV has received a statement from Tesco. "We are very sorry for the pricing error. We have contacted the small number of customers affected to apologise and offer them a full refund."
Online sales are not confirmed and binding on sellers into products have been charged for and shipped.
I advise you two to check out the good game deals thread, you can get it for about £150 at Tesco using the 20% off voucher

Will do. Cheers. Agh only just read the bit after. Scummy but not suprising. They've probably had a bollocking from someone about that price. . I think it will be hard to get a better deal as of now. It seems decent enough though, especially with the backwards compatibility and homebrew :nono: I'm kidding Nintendo.
What people say is that it can get PS3 quality graphics at 1/2 of the resolution on a 5 inch screen. It's not that simple however, as it's not going to be pulling off the effects in depth of field, AA, ambient occlusion, animation, dynamic water, cloth physics, physics in general, particle effects, and the list goes on. 1 SPE in the PS3 can deliver around 26GFlops of theoretical performance. The whole CPU in the NGP will be lucky to hit 1/10 of that. The Cell has 7 of those running in the PS3 and then 1/3 of the XB360 CPU attached to it. You have theoretical performance of around 240GFlops over the PS3 Cell as a whole. That's similar to the total compute power of, well, over 200 iPhones. We've not even brought RSX into the equation, nor bandwidth.

If you wanted to have a portable PS3, you'd have to carry it in a large backpack with a big hole for its fan, and it would probably weigh around 20Kg or more just for the battery.
What people say is that it can get PS3 quality graphics at 1/2 of the resolution on a 5 inch screen. It's not that simple however, as it's not going to be pulling off the effects in depth of field, AA, ambient occlusion, animation, dynamic water, cloth physics, physics in general, particle effects, and the list goes on. 1 SPE in the PS3 can deliver around 26GFlops of theoretical performance. The whole CPU in the NGP will be lucky to hit 1/10 of that. The Cell has 7 of those running in the PS3 and then 1/3 of the XB360 CPU attached to it. You have theoretical performance of around 240GFlops over the PS3 Cell as a whole. That's similar to the total compute power of, well, over 200 iPhones. We've not even brought RSX into the equation, nor bandwidth.

If you wanted to have a portable PS3, you'd have to carry it in a large backpack with a big hole for its fan, and it would probably weigh around 20Kg or more just for the battery.

Would it not make more sense to just get a ps3 version of those attatchable screen things like they did with the ps1 and 2?
What the PS3 can do, and it can already do it, is remote play. The problem with it now for games is the lag - works fine for movies and audio. If they can sort that out, then that's an option. For those that don't know what remote play is, it's a little bit like having your own OnLive. The PS3 does the work, and then streams the output over the network to the portable device, which at the moment is basically the PSP. If they implement this with the PS Suit or even offer an Android app to do it, and can sort out the lag, then you basically have your portable PS3.



The problem with having a real portable PS3 isn't cost, it's the amount of heat it generates and the amount of power it uses.
I think Nintendo will keep control of the handheld market for now. The hype of the 3DS is seemingly far greater and it's definitely not all about power as we found with the DS vs PSP sales. The fact is, as I'm sure I read WeasteDevil say somewhere in this thread, it's about software. Nintendo's handheld titles are usually a lot more worth it to most people, as they weren't just seemingly scaled down versions of the home console games (although the PSP2 could potentially change this). While the likes of Zelda, Mario, and Metroid evolved into 3D games on the home consoles and have been massively successful, the more 2D versions that stayed on the handhelds sold just as well, if not better. There's also Pokémon, which despite being yonks old, almost always becomes the top selling handheld Nintendo game, or at least very close to it.

However, although I touched upon the PSP2 having the potential to produce similar level graphics and probably gameplay, it's still unlikely to appeal to a lot of people. If you have a PS3, why buy a PSP2 to have what will now be basically the same game, rather than a different one but not as good? I don't think the games on the PSP, that were only for the PSP, really matched up enough. Other than Monster Hunter, I've found it difficult to get into games on the PSP - but even then, as soon as Monster Hunter came back to a home console (Wii) it was vastly improved IMO (though mainly due to the fact the game needed two control sticks badly).

We'll see if some better games make it onto Sony's handheld console this time, but if I'm honest I've seen less and less appeal in getting a Sony console at all for a while now.
At this point I'm wondering if PS4 will ever exist. The world has changed. I think that we will probably get PS3.5 and that's the end of that. PS4 will be an upgraded NGP and a home docking station that holds the HDD and optical drive.
It's getting a lot of support.

SCE is pleased to announce that the following middleware companies have their innovative technology solutions available right now to support NGP developers:

Game Engines

* Blitz Games
* Crytek
* Epic Games
* Terminal Reality
* Trinigy
* Vicious Cycle


* Havok
* NaturalMotion


* Audiokinetic
* CRI Middleware
* Firelight Technologies
* RAD Game Tools

User Interface

* AiLive
* Scaleform
Fun. I haven't played any of the "proper" games for it yet because the ones I bought online wont come until tomorrow, but I might go to Tesco tonight and get one from there.

There's quite a lot of built in stuff though to keep me busy. Face Raiders is strange but fun, and other built in things like 3DS Sound, and the Miis can be good fun for quick messing around.

The AR cards work well, but apart from getting Mario, Link and Kirby on my desk and shooting some of the targets, I haven't done much else with those yet. But it looks like there will be quite a lot to do and unlock.

The camera quality isn't that great, but for taking pictures for things like Face Raiders and viewing 3D pictures it'll be fine.

Other than that I've mostly been testing how DS games work on it.

Oh and the 3D works well (for me anyway). At first I couldn't see it, but once I turned it off and then back on I noticed the difference and could see it. Also I hadn't been awake long so maybe my eyes were still a bit too sleepy :D
I got mine at the midnight launch in Manchester. Have to say, I was blown away by how good the 3D effect is. I got PES 2011 with it, quite enjoyable but I've always found PES to be lacking in comparison with Fifa. I'll just trade in PES when another game I want comes out, but for now it's keeping me busy.
I got mine at the midnight launch in Manchester. Have to say, I was blown away by how good the 3D effect is. I got PES 2011 with it, quite enjoyable but I've always found PES to be lacking in comparison with Fifa. I'll just trade in PES when another game I want comes out, but for now it's keeping me busy.

I was thinking about getting that the other day but I went to Asda too late and they wouldn't let me. I'll probably end up getting Ridge Racer and/or Street Fighter.

I'm really liking Politwings so far, especially the evening/night levels :D
I had a play on one yesterday, it was pretty impressive. The only proper game i played on it was Street Fighter and i didn't find the 3D for that very good, but then i played the game built onto it where you place a card on a table and a box pops out of it and shit. Now that was fantastic, although i did look a bit of a weirdo in the middle of a shop moving round this table so i could shoot the target on it's back.
I've never played a Phoenix Wright game, should i look into it?

Absolutely! Easily my favourite games on the DS.

I warn you though its very text-heavy, but if you don't mind that you're in for a treat. The gameplay is quite simplistic but characters are brilliant, cases are intriguing and overall story is terrfic.
I don't mind text heavy, one of my favourite games on the DS recently is 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors which is almost entirely text.

I'll have to look at... procuring Phoenix Wright then.
I've managed, i mean i know someone who's managed, to get my, their, mits on Ace Attorney, Justice For All, Trials and Tribulations and Apollo Justice. Apparently there are two more, one that's not been released in English yet.

I had no idea there were so many.
Had a play on this at work today at last. Only game we had was Rayman which actually looked pretty good, i think it would be a lot better in a normal home enviroment as in a store with a lot of lights it does effect it. The 3D camera was also pretty decent,I took various photos and they all looked quite decent, even took one of the F1 on the TV and that came out pretty sharp and made the cars stand out a bit. Got to my eyes though after a short period of time.
I was thinking about getting that the other day but I went to Asda too late and they wouldn't let me. I'll probably end up getting Ridge Racer and/or Street Fighter.

I'm really liking Politwings so far, especially the evening/night levels :D


My friend got Pilotwings, I had a quick go and it was impressive, but I don't think it's something I'd buy. I might borrow it off him when he's done with it, though. Street Fighter was the other game I was thinking of getting, mainly due to it being the only game with an online mode so far. But I hadn't bought a football game since Fifa 2009 or something, so I had to go for PES xD

As I said, it's good at what it does, but you can't help but think about what isn't there. So many of the teams still don't have the official names, kits, logos etc and it's just so off-putting to me. There's no online mode which is a major flaw as football games need this now. Lastly, I like the ability to just pick a team in any League, such as the Premier League or La Liga, and go through a season. PES's version of this just isn't as good as Fifa's.

But as for the controls, how the 3D effect works, sound and commentary quality, as well as graphics, it's great.