Television 13 Reasons Why


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Nov 8, 2005
im about half way through this. Pretty serious subject matter obviously and very thought provoking stuff.
I watched it with my wife

Found a lot of it to be pretentious fluff. But she liked it so I kept watching

The last couple of episodes are ok
Bingewatched it in two days after I watched the first episode with my younger sister. I just needed to know what was on Clay's tape, but every tape offered some new insights imo.

Thought it was quite decent, I expected it to be a teenage girl type of thing but that was not really the case. Season 2 already confirmed with Hannah in it as well, I'm not quite sure how they're going to do that.
Absolutely tumescent show. Aimed at teenagers.

Caught about 40-60 minutes of it across 3 episodes as my girl watched it. The suicide scene made me cry, the main guy was a good lad. That's about all I've got on it.

Super pretentious lowest common denominator tv show. Probably appealing if you're under 18.
Hated it.

Can't be bothered to list all the things I hated about it but the most annoying thing was how contrived the plot device in the title was, and how, we're supposed to believe he did something terrible (and therefore took so long to finish them) despite the fact he consistently did the right thing throughout and might've been the only decent person in the show. Although his one mate was pretty solid I guess.

If a dead girl you were in love with left you a bunch of suicide note tapes you'd finish the fecking things in one night.

Wanted to quit early but the Mrs dragged me through the entire thing.
I quit after 4 episodes. They portrayed high school and the characters way too stereotypically to be realistic.
It was hot and cold. The main girl pissed me off. The main guy was good though, as was his mate that looks like CR7.
Should get a job as a TV review person
Thought it was rather unremarkable, despite coming with glowing recommendations. The concept was good in terms of it being a conceivable story with a lot of potential for fleshing out an imperfect primary character, but the pithy ode-to-victimhood execution left a lot to be desired. An unhealthy smattering of caricaturization, inorganic melodrama - even from a young adults's perspective, the dialogue and general interactions seemed quite plasticky, the protagonists were quite exasperating, and it just didn't grip me like a show of that nature should. Then again, angst filled teens were the target demographic for Netflix, so expecting something gritty, or profound, or beyond the norm in qualitative terms for a presumably dark show was an exercise in futility.
I thought it was typically compelling Netflix viewing with top acting and production values, that made me want to binge watch the whole thing, but when thinking back on it after you see the flaws throughout.

But still, at the time I watched it I loved it so I guess that's what matters.
Finished it over the weekend. it definitely got better towards the end, the last 3/4 episodes were great stuff.

Not as bad as some on here made it sound.
Could only stand a few episodes. Absolutely hated the main characters, the story also glorifies suicide.
It was decent enough - pretty engrossing at times, though there's a noticeable lull in the middle somewhere.

It didn't help that Hannah Baker is a pretty horrible person and is a worse bully then all but one of the other characters on the show.
Im watching this at the moment, maybe half way through. Im enjoying it well enough, my biggest problem with it is the main male character, Clay. I dont find his behaviour remotely believable. He listens to these tapes at a snail's pace because he says it stresses him out, but then spends his whole time interrogating other people looking for answers. If you want answers so much listen to the damn tapes.
Im watching this at the moment, maybe half way through. Im enjoying it well enough, my biggest problem with it is the main male character, Clay. I dont find his behaviour remotely believable. He listens to these tapes at a snail's pace because he says it stresses him out, but then spends his whole time interrogating other people looking for answers. If you want answers so much listen to the damn tapes.
well in the book he does listen to them all at once.

I agree it's a silly deus ex machina, but it does sort of make sense for the structure of the plot. It would never have worked if he just listened to them all in the first episode.
Im watching this at the moment, maybe half way through. Im enjoying it well enough, my biggest problem with it is the main male character, Clay. I dont find his behaviour remotely believable. He listens to these tapes at a snail's pace because he says it stresses him out, but then spends his whole time interrogating other people looking for answers. If you want answers so much listen to the damn tapes.
He struggles with anxiety and depression (hinted at early on through his medication and small talk with his family).
Knowing he is on the tapes without knowing why, hearing all the awful shit people did makes him feel more down and anxious to find out what he did.
Im watching this at the moment, maybe half way through. Im enjoying it well enough, my biggest problem with it is the main male character, Clay. I dont find his behaviour remotely believable. He listens to these tapes at a snail's pace because he says it stresses him out, but then spends his whole time interrogating other people looking for answers. If you want answers so much listen to the damn tapes.

It drives me mad. I mean, I know he has anxiety etc, that is believable, but if that was his attitude he would bury his head in the sand, try to ignore the whole thing, not follow people around badgering them about why they did what they did or whatever, he is either curious or not, his attitude is completely inconsistent.
Agree with @Tarrou, I recommend that you don't watch it, it is shite.
The plot is so American, a teenager who is about to commit a suicide plans this tape thing so marvellously. Come on.
Hated it.

Can't be bothered to list all the things I hated about it but the most annoying thing was how contrived the plot device in the title was, and how, we're supposed to believe he did something terrible (and therefore took so long to finish them) despite the fact he consistently did the right thing throughout and might've been the only decent person in the show. Although his one mate was pretty solid I guess.

If a dead girl you were in love with left you a bunch of suicide note tapes you'd finish the fecking things in one night.

Wanted to quit early but the Mrs dragged me through the entire thing.

It drives me mad. I mean, I know he has anxiety etc, that is believable, but if that was his attitude he would bury his head in the sand, try to ignore the whole thing, not follow people around badgering them about why they did what they did or whatever, he is either curious or not, his attitude is completely inconsistent.

I caught half an episode over my missus' shoulder and went from taking the piss out of the American teenage angst (I believe I tactlessly referred to it as 'The OC with razorblades' at one point) to actually getting fairly engrossed and finishing the rest in one evening.

Clay's a decent guy, nicely played, and almost in spite of myself I wanted to know what happened to him in the end. As has been said previously the suicide scene itself was truly harrowing television, the way in which the father in particular reacted was superb, evocative for me of the father's reaction in Dead Poet's Society, and will stay with me for a long time.

However I couldn't recommend the show as the indie, kooky plot device of the tapes was so ridiculous. The way he'd listen to half a tape then go causing beef in school for 45 minutes before coming back to the tape to set up a climatic ending to the episode (every fecking time) was laughable and stymied my emotional interest in the show.
I caught half an episode over my missus' shoulder and went from taking the piss out of the American teenage angst (I believe I tactlessly referred to it as 'The OC with razorblades' at one point) to actually getting fairly engrossed and finishing the rest in one evening.

Clay's a decent guy, nicely played, and almost in spite of myself I wanted to know what happened to him in the end. As has been said previously the suicide scene itself was truly harrowing television, the way in which the father in particular reacted was superb, evocative for me of the father's reaction in Dead Poet's Society, and will stay with me for a long time.

However I couldn't recommend the show as the indie, kooky plot device of the tapes was so ridiculous. The way he'd listen to half a tape then go causing beef in school for 45 minutes before coming back to the tape to set up a climatic ending to the episode (every fecking time) was laughable and stymied my emotional interest in the show.
Absolutely. That is basically how I feel about it. (The OC with razorblades, I like it, I kind of wish I had come up with it to be honest.)

I do give a shit what happens. Im interested to know what the upcoming "reasons why" are. I want to know what Clay did. So Im into it in that sense. Im enjoying it. I just think its not really, actually, a very good show, because the whole thing is a bit ludircous. And that's not even getting into the idea of a teenage girl spending at least 585 minutes recording herself banging on about people being mean to her at school before she tops herself, I dont mind that kind of suspension of disbelief, I just want consistency in people's behaviour and motives and it is lacking here.
Absolutely. That is basically how I feel about it. (The OC with razorblades, I like it, I kind of wish I had come up with it to be honest.)

I do give a shit what happens. Im interested to know what the upcoming "reasons why" are. I want to know what Clay did. So Im into it in that sense. Im enjoying it. I just think its not really, actually, a very good show, because the whole thing is a bit ludircous. And that's not even getting into the idea of a teenage girl spending at least 585 minutes recording herself banging on about people being mean to her at school before she tops herself, I dont mind that kind of suspension of disbelief, I just want consistency in people's behaviour and motives and it is lacking here.

Feel free to use it :D.

I absolutely agree. I'm aware I said "...ridiculous... laughable and stymied my emotional interest in the show" and "... finishing the rest in one evening" in the same post. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find the show interesting or enjoyable and the plot device of the tapes worked to the extent that I wanted to find out what had really happened to Clay and the girl in the end, but I couldn't recommend a show I found as ridiculous as this.
Season 2 starts on Friday
Saw the trailer, there's no more source material so this could go one of two ways. Looks interesting but I think this season will have a darker tone than the original. There have been lots of hints at a school shooting which could make for very unpleasant viewing.
Saw the trailer, there's no more source material so this could go one of two ways. Looks interesting but I think this season will have a darker tone than the original. There have been lots of hints at a school shooting which could make for very unpleasant viewing.
I hope not.
Liked the first season strangely enough. Remember watching the trailer and thinking what is this shite. But then I was forced to watch it with the woman and it was surprisingly good.
It more than likely is a school shooting seeing as supposedly it was supposed to air well over a month ago originally
When this originally came out I was hesitant to start watching it. There was so much buzz and I stayed away for a while then one day I just started watching it and next thing I knew it was 5 am and I had to force myself to go to sleep. I was absolutely gripped by it. I’d never felt as strongly or as emotional as I did about this show ever it made me rethink so many opinions I had and things i’d done in my life and how i’d maybe treated people. I just thought it was brilliant and done brilliantly.

Cant wait for this 2nd season. Don’t they advertise it as someone’s else’s story, so I wonder if it’s of the same events, or one that is to come, as quite a few of the main characters seemed to be setting up drastic things in the last episodes of the previous season.
You could find the tapes thing contrived and the US High School stereotypes a bit overdone but once past that I thought it was generally very good especially given the subject matter.

And years ago when I was a residential tutor at a Uni halls of resident a young girl committed suicide and left 15 letters for friends and family - no idea of the contents - so people do do this sort of thing.
Damn it, it’s doing it again. Started watching it late last night but 2 am was 5 eps in and suddenly though maybe that is enough time for bed.
It’s different from last season but still good, seems to be focusing on a lot of other areas and again makes you think about them.
Bryce still just makes you want to punch him
Finished it and wow. Set up for a 3rd season. This show is just brutal.

Sort of plays in to the idea of American Beauty, not everything that you see or hear is the truth.

Clay also is clearly a troubled person, they hinted at his mental illness in the first season and now it seems like they’ve just made it more evident. Yet no one seems to have recognsed it within the show.

there is one super cheesy bit inthe final episode where it would have worked better for me if just one of them had gone to him instead of a group hug. As soon as that song came on tho it was like a knife through the heart