2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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"You ready to go to work?" A:"I am so ready to go to work" x 187 so far
God you look at are fecking with my brain in this thread.
Early votes were alays going to help Biden. Trumps full on rallies right up to the end were designed to energise the voting day voters. Looks like its going to pay off for the prick.

Trump apparently bought a lot of Spanish radio time in Dade to fearmonger Cubans into believing Biden is another Castro. That may have sealed the deal for him in FL.
Regardless of result, in absolute terms more Americans will have voted for Trump after his 4 years than in 2016. My mind is done. Are they still signing up people to go to Mars?

Think it has a lot to do with the opponent. Keeping Trump aside for a second, Biden is hardly inspiring.
Biden could still win by over 100 EVs


That's extremely optimistic. Probably more like high 270s or 280s. Maybe a low 294 if really, really lucky
Genuinely surprised anyone did. I don't want Trump to win but I have had no doubt he's staying as President.
Well I think after Brexit and Trump 2016 it taught people to be a little wary of them but (and perhaps this is just another case of a liberal echo chamber) I had the impression that it wasn't really a close thing and that all signs pretty much looked to a Biden victory.
None of those actually are though if you look at voting make ups.
North Carolina and a Georgia are! New York Times are basing their model based on Florida. Florida was an outlier based on the Cuban Latinos thinking sleepy joe is a fecking socialist. Ohio suggests Obama will win Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Texas suggest he should win Arizona. Chillax people.
Still have hope. Texas being competitive likely means that Arizona might very well go Biden.
This thread reads like a lot of knee jerk worrying
@Charlie Foley nervous and pretty mad. NC is particularly bad for me. A lot of this simply doesn’t make sense (Texas?) on first glance. Definitely in the vodka territory. He actually did great in FL other than Miami-Dade. Wtf. Need to see AZ
It's going to come down to Arizona and Penns in my book.

And Penns isn't going to be counted fast enough which means I dont see there being a result tonight.

Also if Penns is the tipping state that is going to end up in the courts whatever way it swings.
Sorry, I’ll stop posting odds. They are a fairly good indicator of how experts feel it’s moving in real time though.
How have they called Virginia so early? Fairfax County not looking great but tbf only 23% of votes have been counted so far
North Carolina and a Georgia are! New York Times are basing their model based on Florida. Florida was an outlier based on the Cuban Latinos thinking sleepy joe is a fecking socialist. Ohio suggests Obama will win Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Texas suggest he should win Arizona. Chillax people.

People have misread the Ohio results, Trump is going to win there very comfortably. It merely skewed Biden early because of early votes.

Trump has this won, its staggeringly like 2016 all over again. He might lose PA I imagine given the efforts of Dem campaigning there but that won't amount to much. There's almost no positive signs for Biden in the hard voting data. The minority vote shift to Trump is the death knell to his campaign.

Major rethinking needed at Dem HQ after this. Too much pandering to blue state city dwelling Dems, nowhere near enough thought given to how that plays out in the rest of the country.
Regardless of result, in absolute terms more Americans will have voted for Trump after his 4 years than in 2016. My mind is done. Are they still signing up people to go to Mars?
Why are you surprised? There's a reason why that idiot was voted in as the POTUS in the first place, the country has too many idiots.
Remember how Trump sneaked it with small margins wins in some states in 2016, Biden could do with those
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