2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Don't Just Fly…Soar!
Jan 6, 2008
Thucydides nuts
Biden looks far less stable and capable than Hilly or Kerry ever did, he's easily presented as a bumbling buffoon. Trump looks capable and stable in his role as the class bully.

Trump can say all manner of garbled shit because his meme game is on point. And since y'all wanted to make this not about policy, then you asked for it.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
Biden actually did an event today :eek:. The only problems were that he only bothered to speak for 7 minutes and he screwed up again.

Screw ups included

The GE will be carnage.

Ivor Ballokov

Full Member
Sep 14, 2004

Actually, the whole panel with Douthat, Flanagan and the Mooch was mediocre, with the discussion on Chris Matthews particularly cringeworthy.
It comes to something when the Mooch was probably the one talking the most sense out of the lot of them.

Brian Cox was good when he came on though.


Last Newbie Standing
Jun 29, 2008
Anywhere but Liverpool
It isn't "my theory". It is a well-known fact. As I said, there is more than enough evidence out there if you're willing to look for it.
The classic it's out there if you look hard enough. If it's out there as fact show us! We've provided data showing white men easily outvoted white women in favor of trump and that white women didn't change voting patterns too much between Obama and Clinton.


Jan 27, 2004
So Kamala's outrage at Biden for Busing mean't nothing in the end . Must have been promised the VP spot.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Where's my arc, Paulie?
The classic it's out there if you look hard enough. If it's out there as fact show us! We've provided data showing white men easily outvoted white women in favor of trump and that white women didn't change voting patterns too much between Obama and Clinton.
No my dude. 52% of white women voted for him. They didn’t give a flying feck about the rape allegations or the misogynistic stuff he said and yet still voted for him. While black, Latino, Asian women overwhelming voted against trump. It still didn’t change the result. Because white women are more representative than any other % of women voters. You can google this because it is common sense to anyone who has studied the subject. White women have always voted to uphold white supremacy. The biggest road block to women’s rights in the US is white women. Be it abortion rights or black infant mortality rate or even voting rights for african Americans.


Last Newbie Standing
Jun 29, 2008
Anywhere but Liverpool
No my dude. 52% of white women voted for him. They didn’t give a flying feck about the rape allegations or the misogynistic stuff he said and yet still voted for him. While black, Latino, Asian women overwhelming voted against trump. It still didn’t change the result. Because white women are more representative than any other % of women voters. You can google this because it is common sense to anyone who has studied the subject. White women have always voted to uphold white supremacy. The biggest road block to women’s rights in the US is white women. Be it abortion rights or black infant mortality rate or even voting rights for african Americans.
Why single out white women though? White men were worse!


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
After a private call Friday with CNN, which is moderating the March 15 debate with the Democratic National Committee, Sanders' team balked at a new proposed format for debate, saying it gives his opponent Biden too much of a break in their first one-on-one face-off. Biden’s camp denied that it was pressing for a sit-down debate.

The format for the next debate in Arizona — their first since Biden’s blowout Super Tuesday victories — would have the candidates seated for the first time this election cycle and take multiple questions from the audience. In the prior 10 debates, the candidates stood at lecterns and nearly all questions were asked by the professional moderators.

“Why does Joe Biden not want to stand toe-to-toe with Sen. Sanders on the debate stage March 15 and have an opportunity to defend his record and articulate his vision for the future?” asked Jeff Weaver, Sanders’ senior adviser.

Biden’s campaign and the DNC said the format for the debate was decided by the party and CNN. The news network declined to comment and referred questions to the DNC.

“We will participate in whatever debate CNN choses to stage: standing, sitting, at podiums, or in a town hall,” Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said. “The problem for the Sanders campaign is not the staging of the debate, but rather, the weakness of Sen. Sanders’ record and ideas.”

Weaver said he’s not questioning Biden’s health and Biden’s campaign said the same about Sanders, but sought to portray him as too inflexible.

"We want to have an exchange of ideas next week in Phoenix. We look forward to taking voter questions in a town hall-style setting,” said Bedingfield. "It is odd to see a campaign that says it is based on revolution arguing for the status quo because ‘this is how every other debate has been done.’ Why is Sen. Sanders opposed to a little change?”



Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Sitdown or townhall style debates are usually a bit more interative than the podium ones imo. Bush v Clinton (and Perot), Gore v Dubya, Obama v Romney spring to mind


Contributes to username and tagline changes
Jan 17, 2009
YESHHHHH, We'll GOOO for it.
No my dude. 52% of white women voted for him. They didn’t give a flying feck about the rape allegations or the misogynistic stuff he said and yet still voted for him. While black, Latino, Asian women overwhelming voted against trump. It still didn’t change the result. Because white women are more representative than any other % of women voters. You can google this because it is common sense to anyone who has studied the subject. White women have always voted to uphold white supremacy. The biggest road block to women’s rights in the US is white women. Be it abortion rights or black infant mortality rate or even voting rights for african Americans.
Women are also like men. Don't see why you continue to single out white women only


Full Member
Dec 16, 2013
Stamford Bridge
After a private call Friday with CNN, which is moderating the March 15 debate with the Democratic National Committee, Sanders' team balked at a new proposed format for debate, saying it gives his opponent Biden too much of a break in their first one-on-one face-off. Biden’s camp denied that it was pressing for a sit-down debate.

The format for the next debate in Arizona — their first since Biden’s blowout Super Tuesday victories — would have the candidates seated for the first time this election cycle and take multiple questions from the audience. In the prior 10 debates, the candidates stood at lecterns and nearly all questions were asked by the professional moderators.

“Why does Joe Biden not want to stand toe-to-toe with Sen. Sanders on the debate stage March 15 and have an opportunity to defend his record and articulate his vision for the future?” asked Jeff Weaver, Sanders’ senior adviser.

Biden’s campaign and the DNC said the format for the debate was decided by the party and CNN. The news network declined to comment and referred questions to the DNC.

“We will participate in whatever debate CNN choses to stage: standing, sitting, at podiums, or in a town hall,” Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said. “The problem for the Sanders campaign is not the staging of the debate, but rather, the weakness of Sen. Sanders’ record and ideas.”

Weaver said he’s not questioning Biden’s health and Biden’s campaign said the same about Sanders, but sought to portray him as too inflexible.

"We want to have an exchange of ideas next week in Phoenix. We look forward to taking voter questions in a town hall-style setting,” said Bedingfield. "It is odd to see a campaign that says it is based on revolution arguing for the status quo because ‘this is how every other debate has been done.’ Why is Sen. Sanders opposed to a little change?”

They’re not even trying to hide the bias at this point.


Full Member
Jan 20, 2013
12k likes:wenger:
How dare Sanders bring up Biden's records. And since when were 'facts' attacks?
What policies does Biden have? All I've heard from media and #re$istance is Biden should be president because he is a decent man and was Obama's VP. And orange man bad That's it.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Bernie messaging lately has been awful

Bernie’s messaging has been pretty spot on. It’s the Biden has dementia messaging among the various political grifters who have latched on to Bernie that are beginning to become a stain on his candidacy.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
But that’s not an argument though. It’s just a general statement like water is wet.
You're ignoring the most important factor in electoral politics - changes in voting patterns. The Dem-GOP gap in white women narrowed between 2012 and 2016, whilst the gap grew in white men. This speaks to how Trump won the election (in addition to turnout differential). Not that it makes much sense to treat either of those as a bloc these days - urban, younger, college educated white women will be solidly democratic, whilst older, rural, non-college educated white women will be solidly republican.
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