2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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TBF nobody was expecting a thug like Trump who just go out there and grab them by the pussy

Once bitten twice shy and all that. If they let him win twice then the shame's on the DNC
The US population in general won't even bat an eyelid at the atrocities committed in other countries and at home under every administration, so some tasteless rhetoric ain't gonna phase them.

However if he wins again, it would obviously be my fault.
I'm voting for La Riva, but will opt for Hawkins if, for some reason, PSL isn't on the ballot. I will vote Democrat down ballot though.

Biden is up by 4 in the FL RCP average - I expect that to narrow further as Trump dumps more advert cash into the state over the next two months. Fortunately Biden is doing well in the rust belt to where states like FL may not be as critical as they were in previous cycles.
What did she do? Like honestly?

Now compare that to what trump did
Well, yes, obviously there's that difference. But it's the same general difference between campaign rhetoric and actual actions. Trump even explicitly said some time at the start of his presidency that he's not actually going to pursue Hillary Clinton. (While in his mind, she is probably actually guilty of crimes.)
Biden is up by 4 in the FL RCP average - I expect that to narrow further as Trump dumps more advert cash into the state over the next two months. Fortunately Biden is doing well in the rust belt to where states like FL may not be as critical as they were in previous cycles.
Biden with Pennsylvania (presumably) and the majority of the Rust Belt was always going to win it for him. Florida isn't that important.

I'm curious though, what do you make of the effect of the supposed mass evictions on voters in the come-up to November?
Biden with Pennsylvania (presumably) and the majority of the Rust Belt was always going to win it for him. Florida isn't that important.

I'm curious though, what do you make of the effect of the supposed mass evictions on voters in the come-up to November?

I don't know much about it, but I can't in any way see such a thing as being good for Trump. He's still on the clock throughout all of this.
He obviously appoints the AG, but he has no say in things the AG will do once in office. That's how it works.

And his selection of AG will shape the likelihood of whether the DoJ goes looking for evidence or not. That's also how it works.

Biden has to use unifying language now and once in office because that is part of the job. He can't however influence the facts surrounding Trump engaging in criminal conduct. If such facts exist, then DOJ are legally mandated to investigate and prosecute.

AG's can decide whether or not to go looking for such facts. Nixon, Reagan and Bush Jr also engaged in criminal conduct. The following DoJ could have investigated and prosecuted. They did not. It's unlikely they will with Trump as well.
And his selection of AG will shape the likelihood of whether the DoJ goes looking for evidence or not. That's also how it works.

AG's can decide whether or not to go looking for such facts. Nixon, Reagan and Bush Jr also engaged in criminal conduct. The following DoJ could have investigated and prosecuted. They did not. It's unlikely they will with Trump as well.

His selection of AG goes far beyond any one issue, which means the President won't be getting involved in AG related matters. The only near certainty is that the AG will be a Dem connected person, and even if it ends up being a Sally Yates or Preet Bharaha, they would likely have to recuse themselves from any investigations surrounding Trump since he fired both of them and they would have a conflict of interest in investigating him.
Congratulation to progressive Marquita Bradshaw for winning the Senate Primary in Tennessee. Huge win over Establishment Dem. Not going to be easy in the Election though.


That kinda reeks. Trump team knows very well Americans will think nothing of Russia these days and think of Iran and China as the real enemies. That coming from the director from DNI - which based on what I know most established intelligence agencies despise for being nothing but a money suck and political tool.

Also-interesting theory about the Kanye thing and a Trump attorney helping him get on the ballot that it's not so much about him siphoning votes from Biden as it is about causing delays in the electoral process by forcing states to delay mail in and absentee ballots because he would now need to be added - resulting in a delay and a level of confusion that really only benefits one person in this election.
What a langer!
He’s getting desperate.
Also, can we just get rid of executive orders? What’s the point in Congress if they can’t make laws. Make them do their job or throw them out.
I mean, I don't expect much from Trump-ites, but I'm pretty sure Trump currently has a lawsuit going to get rid of the ACA, at the same time he is 'protecting pre-conditions' - which is what the ACA does.
I mean, I don't expect much from Trump-ites, but I'm pretty sure Trump currently has a lawsuit going to get rid of the ACA, at the same time he is 'protecting pre-conditions' - which is what the ACA does.
Oh exactly. It's political nothing less. He knows nothing will get done in the courts until then anyway, so may as well ride the "let's pretend I care" train until after the election.

Those are all very "socialist" actions he's taking. Let's see if any of his supporters see the hypocrisy in it this time.

... Hahaha... Yeah no they won't.

my favourite person online.

anyway pelosi's daughter should be content with the knowledge that everybody on the left has equal antipathy to all male and female VP picks of joe biden.

(screenshot of the tweet)
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Including Bernie? Interesting.
Not really. For a significant portion of Bernie supporters, he was an opportunity to get something resembling a leftist into the White House. When he lost and decided to line up behind Biden, they walked away from him. Why? Because they care about policy over person. Bernie might still believe those things, but by going to bat for Joe Biden, he's actively working against that goal. Bernie seems a genuinely good guy, but he's way too nice and way too willing to play ball with the establishment to ever be able to force any kind of change from within. Which is why, to a significant chunk of the American left, he's outlived his usefulness. He no longer represents their interests so they've moved on, and Biden naming Bernie as his VP wouldn't make them come back.
Including Bernie? Interesting.

ya, i doubt that biden and his campaign would choose him if they felt he could do anything serious from that position. same goes for aoc (anyway age-limited).
the one interesting one would be barbara lee for her foreign policy, if he also appointed other leftist foreign policy people to his team. she was my ideal VP for bernie.
A pro-Sanders guy giving an op-ed in a foreign newspaper is probably not going to much beyond promoting his own podcast.
I like the last paragraph which is essentially: if the Racist-in-chief is re-elected as not enough Blacks vote, and continues to ruin the lives of Black Americans, it won't be because Black Americans didn't vote, it'll because White Americans took their vote for granted.
I like the last paragraph which is essentially: if the Racist-in-chief is re-elected and continues to ruin the lives of Black Americans, it won't be because Black Americans didn't vote against him, it'll because White Americans took their vote for granted.

I've seen some of his posts on Twitter. He's a bitter clown who can't seem to get over his guy not winning the nomination, and who is now doing as much as he can to promote himself and his podcast.
I've seen some of his posts on Twitter. He's a bitter clown who can't seem to get over his guy not winning the nomination, and who is now doing as much as he can to promote himself and his podcast.
Some of the Bernie supporters are definitely a bitter bunch. I think a lot of his supporters didn't vote last election because they were all pissed off that Hillary was the candidate. Sadly this all contributed to Trump winning.
Some of the Bernie supporters are definitely a bitter bunch. I think a lot of his supporters didn't vote last election because they were all pissed off that Hillary was the candidate. Sadly this all contributed to Trump winning.

There are definitely different gradations of Sanders supporters ranging from hard left crackpots who want to burn the system down to casuals who are more than amenable to voting for whoever the nominee is. Anecdotally, most Sanders supporters I know in the real world are quite sensible and correctly understand (as Sanders and AOC do) that another 4 years of Trump would do irrevocable damage to the country that would be impossible for any future progressive to overcome when eventually elected.
Not really. For a significant portion of Bernie supporters, he was an opportunity to get something resembling a leftist into the White House. When he lost and decided to line up behind Biden, they walked away from him. Why? Because they care about policy over person. Bernie might still believe those things, but by going to bat for Joe Biden, he's actively working against that goal. Bernie seems a genuinely good guy, but he's way too nice and way too willing to play ball with the establishment to ever be able to force any kind of change from within. Which is why, to a significant chunk of the American left, he's outlived his usefulness. He no longer represents their interests so they've moved on, and Biden naming Bernie as his VP wouldn't make them come back.

Which doesn't make much sense, because by backing Biden but continuing to push from within he's doing exactly what he did when he lost to Hillary which was to force her platform to the left. There is literally nothing to gain by just walking away from Biden and refusing to support him once the race is down to just Biden and Trump.
Which doesn't make much sense, because by backing Biden but continuing to push from within he's doing exactly what he did when he lost to Hillary which was to force her platform to the left. There is literally nothing to gain by just walking away from Biden and refusing to support him once the race is down to just Biden and Trump.

The forces aligned againt the left from within the biden campaign (himself, his close advisers from Delaware who think Kamala Harris is uppity, his historic corporate backers from Delaware (which is a corporate tax haven state), his big donors, his chosen economic and FP advisors, and the electorate he is courting - old/white) - are overwhelming. Bernie's strategy of hoping to appeal to Biden's conscience is probably doomed (as is walking away from the table for that matter, he doesn't have the mobilised numbers to hold Biden hostage).
If you are, for example, out of a job and need health insurance, there is a 100% guarantee that Biden will not help you, so it makes sense that some of Bernie's supporters won't follow him.
The forces aligned againt the left from within the biden campaign (himself, his close advisers from Delaware who think Kamala Harris is uppity, his historic corporate backers from Delaware (which is a corporate tax haven state), his big donors, his chosen economic and FP advisors, and the electorate he is courting - old/white) - are overwhelming. Bernie's strategy of hoping to appeal to Biden's conscience is probably doomed (as is walking away from the table for that matter, he doesn't have the mobilised numbers to hold Biden hostage).
If you are, for example, out of a job and need health insurance, there is a 100% guarantee that Biden will not help you, so it makes sense that some of Bernie's supporters won't follow him.

Which is true, but even without moving the platform there's zero question that a Biden presidency is better for the left than a Trump one. Unless you buy into the 'watch it all burn and then be in position to change everything' argument which is frankly beyond dangerously risky.
Rasmussen just published something that had 36% of Black American supporting Trump.

Just in case you were ever curious about how reliable it is, as a polling company.
VP announcement expected within the next 48 hours. Will be a surprise if it's not Harris or Rice.
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