2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Trump won this debate by a country mile. He looked confident and authentic while Biden looked fake and nervous.

Maybe Biden becomes more confident for next debates.

But I didn't like how Trump was a lot of times not able to speak his argument/question to the end.
That was like if WWE did a skit of an election debate. Vince McMahon-esque. Entertaining, but very worrying that these immature people are in as much power as they are.
The debates are a little pointless because it's like trying to play snooker with someone who couldn't be arsed preparing so they've already decided they're just going to take a shit on the table.
Trump won this debate by a country mile. He looked confident and authentic while Biden looked fake and nervous.

Maybe Biden becomes more confident for next debates.

But I didn't like how Trump was a lot of times not able to speak his argument/question to the end.

Not sure if serious?
Trump won this debate by a country mile. He looked confident and authentic while Biden looked fake and nervous.

Maybe Biden becomes more confident for next debates.

But I didn't like how Trump was a lot of times not able to speak his argument/question to the end.

Trump was like a rabid dog spewing at the mouth gibbering complete nonsense , in no way could that be described as confident and authentic.

A better talker and cooler head than Biden would have destroyed him Obama would had a field day for example but Biden didn't really need to do much of anything to still come out on top .

Biden is the frontrunner and just needs to avoid turning into a drooling wreck like Trump to lose these debates .
Court upholds Wisconsin ballot extension, hands Dems a win

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld a six-day extension for counting absentee ballots in Wisconsin’s presidential election, handing Democrats a victory in their fight to deliver the key battleground state for Joe Biden in November.

The decision, if it stands, means that ballots postmarked on or before Nov. 3 will be counted as long as they are received by Nov. 9. That could mean the winner in Wisconsin won’t be known for days after the polls close.

The decision came just two days after the appeals court put the lower court’s ruling granting the extension on hold. The appeals court vacated that ruling, saying Republicans who sued did not have standing. The court gave Republicans one week to argue why the case should not be dismissed, and the GOP could appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

All three judges who issued the ruling were appointed by Republican presidents. Amy St. Eve was appointed by President Donald Trump in 2018; Ilana Rovner by President George H.W. Bush in 1992; and Frank Easterbrook by President Ronald Reagan in 1984.

The Republican National Committee, state GOP and Wisconsin Republican legislators argued against the deadline extension, saying people have plenty of time to obtain ballots and get them back to clerks by Election Day. Their attorney, as well as GOP legislative leaders, did not immediately return messages.

The court said the ruling did not order the state and national Republican parties to do something or forbid them from doing anything.

“Neither group contends that the new deadlines established by the district court would violate the constitutional rights of any of their members,” the appeals court said. “The political organizations themselves do not suffer any injury caused by the judgment.”

The Legislature does not have standing to represent a general state interest in federal court, the appeals court said.

Republicans across the country have fought attempts to expand voting, particularly in battleground states like Wisconsin. Democrats contend the move is meant to suppress the votes of people more likely to vote Democratic.

“We welcome the court’s decision to expand voting in Wisconsin so that more voters have the opportunity to register and have their voices heard in this election,” said Courtney Beyer, spokeswoman for the Wisconsin Democratic Party. “We will continue to ensure Wisconsinites have the information they need to successfully cast their ballot.”

Absentee ballots are normally due in local clerks’ offices by 8 p.m. on Election Day to count. But the Democratic National Committee, the state Democratic Party and allied groups including the League of Women Voters sued to extend the deadline after the April presidential primary saw long lines, fewer polling places, a shortage of workers and thousands of ballots mailed days after the election.

“All Wisconsin voters—regardless of their party or where they live—benefit from election procedures designed to be safe and effective during the ongoing challenges of voting during a pandemic,” said Farbod Faraji, an attorney for Protect Democracy, a liberal group involved with the lawsuit.

The ruling paves the way for a “safer, more inclusive election in November,” he said.

U.S. District Judge William Conley ruled Sept. 21 that ballots that arrive up to six days after Election Day will count as long as they’re postmarked by Election Day. State election officials anticipate as many as 2 million people will cast absentee ballots to avoid catching the coronavirus at the polls. That would be three times more absentee ballots than any other previous election and could overwhelm both election officials and the postal service, Conley wrote.

As of Tuesday, more nearly 1.2 million absentee ballots had been requested and more than 308,000 had been returned.

Conley also extended the state’s deadline for registering by mail or electronically by seven days, from Oct. 14 to Oct. 21 and declared that poll workers can work in any county, not just where they live. Clerks have reported fears of the virus caused shortages of poll workers in both Wisconsin’s spring presidential primary and state primary in August. Loosening the residency requirements could make it easier to fill slots.

The 7th Circuit upheld both of those rulings as well.

Trump won Wisconsin by less than 1 percentage point — fewer than 23,000 votes — in 2016 and the state figures to be a key battleground again in 2020. Polls show Biden with a slight lead but both sides expect a tight race.
Trump won this debate by a country mile. He looked confident and authentic while Biden looked fake and nervous.

I think you must be living in an alternative reality.

Trump was an utter lunatic. Nobody who wasn't already sure who to vote for would have decided to vote for such a bully.
I don't follow US politics at all, I'm admittedly very naive in matters re this. but I tuned in for this. It was a shitshow from start to end. Trump as per, was his usual self, I knew what to expect from him. It was Biden who disappointed me. In my naivety I was hoping a career politician would wipe the floor with a chancer like Trump, fact check him on numbers, push him on his delayed reaction to covid etc. He at times tried and was for the most part shouted down by Trump, but he's been around the block long enough to be able to deflect from these types of bullying tactics. Trump was spouting stats, I'm no expert but he has previous for making factually inaccurate statements, Biden really didn't challenge him on them. I thought the moderator/presenter was awful. Sad day for american politics when there are the 2 best you have to fight it out for the president.

Biden's objective going in wasn't to wipe the floor with Trump (which is literally impossible given how divided the country is), it was simply to look relatively normal, in contrast to Trump's insanity - which I think he successfully did.
Trump won this debate by a country mile. He looked confident and authentic while Biden looked fake and nervous.

Maybe Biden becomes more confident for next debates.

But I didn't like how Trump was a lot of times not able to speak his argument/question to the end.

Lying, constantly interrupting, going after the opponent's children, and giving shout outs to terrorist organizations can't possibly be construed as winning, unless of course one is already a hardcore Trumper.
Biden's objective going in wasn't to wipe the floor with Trump (which is literally impossible given how divided the country is), it was simply to look relatively normal, in contrast to Trump's insanity - which I think he successfully did.

He definitely did. How he kept his cool I’ll never know, I just watched the highlights and after a few minutes I would have wanted to break his nose. How do you debate such a man?
He definitely did. How he kept his cool I’ll never know, I just watched the highlights and after a few minutes I would have wanted to break his nose. How do you debate such a man?

I think Biden did as good a job debating him as possible. He got a surprisingly high amount of policy points in despite Trump's random projectile word salad rants and insults. He didn't ignore Trump's insults, but rather swatted them away and pivoted back to whatever policy point he was making. He also avoided the temptation of getting too far in the mud with Trump, which was his biggest risk going in. Trump went in last night behind in most polls and instead of saying things to bridge the gap, he literally did and said things that will widen it.
So I had to rewatch the latter parts of debate as I skipped @Carolina Red 's drinking game and just went straight to the logical conclusion as fast as possible. For all the outrageous stuff that was said I think it was the last segment on voting that was the most chilling. To hear the sitting president refuse to tell his supporters to be peaceful, and to refuse to promise he would concede if he loses was terrifying! It is all things he has said before, but those were rallies, this was an official debate.

Also, anyone who uses the words "strong" and "confident" to describe Trump's performance can go do one as they are outing themselves.
He definitely did. How he kept his cool I’ll never know, I just watched the highlights and after a few minutes I would have wanted to break his nose. How do you debate such a man?
That's what a lot of people need to realize. Stop coming up with ideas in your mind of how you'd beat him. 5 years almost now people have been trying to pin him down, get a knockout blow of some sort. It just doesn't happen. You could have the most perfectly crafted comeback or aha! moment in your mind, and then the second after you say he's back on spewing more nonsense and no one remembers what you said.

The only "winning" a debate with Trump would be not to debate at all. Given that's not an option, just showing up and managing not to derail your own campaign seems to be the 2nd best option.
Biden telling him to shut up was the best thing I’ve seen in a while, to be honest.
He definitely did. How he kept his cool I’ll never know, I just watched the highlights and after a few minutes I would have wanted to break his nose. How do you debate such a man?

You can't debate idiots simple as that, how do you debate a subject when one party doesn't have a clue about the subject that's being discussed? The politics of Trump is to simply attack the person instead of the subject. How the fecking hell did this man almost get half of the american votes last election? He's a lunatic...
That's what a lot of people need to realize. Stop coming up with ideas in your mind of how you'd beat him. 5 years almost now people have been trying to pin him down, get a knockout blow of some sort. It just doesn't happen. You could have the most perfectly crafted comeback or aha! moment in your mind, and then the second after you say he's back on spewing more nonsense and no one remembers what you said.

The only "winning" a debate with Trump would be not to debate at all. Given that's not an option, just showing up and managing not to derail your own campaign seems to be the 2nd best option.

It is though? I mean, the Biden camp surely could refuse on the grounds of

1. Trump clearly violated the terms the two camps had agreed upon
2. They do not want to legitimize a racist president

I’m not sure there would be much blowback apart from Trump giving it large on SoMe, which only impacts his base.

I think Biden did as good a job debating him as possible. He got a surprisingly high amount of policy points in despite Trump's random projectile word salad rants and insults. He didn't ignore Trump's insults, but rather swatted them away and pivoted back to whatever policy point he was making. He also avoided the temptation of getting too far in the mud with Trump, which was his biggest risk going in. Trump went in last night behind in most polls and instead of saying things to bridge the gap, he literally did and said things that will widen it.

Trump won this debate by a country mile. He looked confident and authentic while Biden looked fake and nervous.

Maybe Biden becomes more confident for next debates.

But I didn't like how Trump was a lot of times not able to speak his argument/question to the end.
That opinion says a lot about you. Anyone that watched last night and thought that Biden was the weak one needs their priorities checked. How is it ok for an adult to be unhinged like trump and for others to think that's acceptable? If your child was carrying on like that you would be called in by the principal for an intervention.
How is what you saw confident and authentic from a, let's be honest, a lunatic?
Common decency and civility is what's called for when debating with a belligerent because you get no where with people like trump. Biden is shit but to think he was the failure last night is a fecking crock of shite.
That opinion says a lot about you. Anyone that watched last night and thought that Biden was the week one needs their priorities checked. How is it ok for an adult to be unhinged like trump and for others to think that's acceptable. If your child was carrying on like that you would be called in by the principal for an intervention.
How is what you saw confident and authentic from a, let's be honest, a lunatic. Common decency and civility is what's called for when dealing with a belligerent. Biden is shit but to think he was the failure last night is a fecking crock of shite.

«But I didn't like how Trump was a lot of times not able to speak his argument/question to the end.» This was the most absurd part.
Trump won this debate by a country mile. He looked confident and authentic while Biden looked fake and nervous.

Maybe Biden becomes more confident for next debates.

But I didn't like how Trump was a lot of times not able to speak his argument/question to the end.

Don't you need to actually have a coherent argument to win a debate? Or have we decided style is more important than substance these days? Who needs substance in moments like this eh. Just posture well and pandemics and recessions practically solve themselves.
Trump won this debate by a country mile. He looked confident and authentic while Biden looked fake and nervous.

Maybe Biden becomes more confident for next debates.

But I didn't like how Trump was a lot of times not able to speak his argument/question to the end.

No. Leaders do not behave like Trump did last night. Shouting the loudest does not make someone a good leader.
Trump's performance was exactly what you'd expect. You can't wipe the floor with him because he has literally no shame, and he'll happily lie, contradict himself and just straight-up deny reality. You can't catch him out because he'll just derail and start throwing red meat to his base. He gives no shits.
Trump won this debate by a country mile. He looked confident and authentic while Biden looked fake and nervous.

Maybe Biden becomes more confident for next debates.

But I didn't like how Trump was a lot of times not able to speak his argument/question to the end.

Trump only proved last night that he's a abuser, a bully and someone who definitely took advantage of underage girls.
I thought Biden looked presidential. Trump looked like a raving lunatic. I think Fox was always going to not stop Trump. A stronger network may be able to make Trump like the idiot he is. I also felt that Biden should try and humiliate him which he did by calling him a joker. He should get more strong on these kinds of words by telling him to stop acting like an orangutan. What Americans should realise is that the whole world is looking amazed at such stupidity from the USA. How can the USA elect such a lunatic as the President? It looks worse than a banana republic.
Trump's performance was exactly what you'd expect. You can't wipe the floor with him because he has literally no shame, and he'll happily lie, contradict himself and just straight-up deny reality. You can't catch him out because he'll just derail and start throwing red meat to his base. He gives no shits.

I used to prep CEO's for meetings and 'debates'. If I were on the Biden campaign, my strategy would be to project an image of ignoring Trump as his personality and narcissism aren't gonna take it well. Speak to the American people, speak to the camera and layout your plan and strategy. You can't debate a during chaos, you can't debate without a base of fact, none of which Trump cares about. You get your hard-hitting notes on his taxes, his kids, his pandemic response and still speak to the camera. It's the ONLY way to 'debate' Trump. You ignore him.
That dude along with Gorka are probably the two I def never wantt to see linked. Fkin opportunistic ass kissers the both of them. Piers on steroids.
Someone should them they'll be rejected if they ever want to join the white supremacist movement.
Trump's performance was exactly what you'd expect. You can't wipe the floor with him because he has literally no shame, and he'll happily lie, contradict himself and just straight-up deny reality. You can't catch him out because he'll just derail and start throwing red meat to his base. He gives no shits.
We know all about him. What bothers me the most is thr people who still worship him. That tells a lot about America and you have to wonder if they're also racist with racist views? Or should we give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're not stupid or racist? Anyone who can believe or support anything this man says has to have some sort of underlying hate for minorities along with the belief that they are superior. And don't get me started on the brown folks who support him. Someone should tell them that they won't be invited to the white supremacist nazi parties.
I used to prep CEO's for meetings and 'debates'. If I were on the Biden campaign, my strategy would be to project an image of ignoring Trump as his personality and narcissism aren't gonna take it well. Speak to the American people, speak to the camera and layout your plan and strategy. You can't debate a during chaos, you can't debate without a base of fact, none of which Trump cares about. You get your hard-hitting notes on his taxes, his kids, his pandemic response and still speak to the camera. It's the ONLY way to 'debate' Trump. You ignore him.

That's exactly what Biden did. Needs to ignore him more but only one candidate spoke to the camera last night The other one spoke at Wallace and his opponent.
Don't you need to actually have a coherent argument to win a debate? Or have we decided style is more important than substance these days? Who needs substance in moments like this eh. Just posture well and pandemics and recessions practically solve themselves.

No. I've been debating for many many years and trust me, the winner of a debate is all about who the audience 'perceives' was able to get their message across to them, even if that message was less than factual. If you look at Obama's first debate with Romney, you'd see what I'm talking about. If you can throw out 20 falsehoods and I can't or don't have the time nor information to rebut most of them, the audience would then be left to think that I'm likely telling the truth. Debating is all about understanding psychology and behaviours in groups as well.
That's exactly what Biden did. Needs to ignore him more but only one candidate spoke to the camera last night The other one spoke at Wallace and his opponent.

Kamala Harris would have wiped the floor with Trump last night. Biden needs to speak to the camera ONLY in the next debate. Not to the moderator, not to Trump...CAMERA ONLY!
No. I've been debating for many many years and trust me, the winner of a debate is all about who the audience 'perceives' was able to get their message across to them, even if that message was less than factual. If you look at Obama's first debate with Romney, you'd see what I'm talking about. If you can throw out 20 falsehoods and I can't or don't have the time nor information to rebut most of them, the audience would then be left to think that I'm likely telling the truth. Debating is all about understanding psychology and behaviours in groups as well.

Biden did get a lot of policy points in while addressing the cameras. Trump was louder and less refined; whilst ultimately not saying much and generally seemed to be clutching at straws all night. I've had a few hardcore MAGA people tell me Trump laid an egg last night (but they are still voting for him).
The baffling thing is that it seemed obvious that whenever Biden was just laughing at him, Trump didnt like it. Clearly for all his bluster, it is incredibly easy to get under his skin - play on it a bit and let him self destruct, before moving back to the high ground.
Trump won this debate by a country mile. He looked confident and authentic while Biden looked fake and nervous.

Maybe Biden becomes more confident for next debates.

But I didn't like how Trump was a lot of times not able to speak his argument/question to the end.

Further to this, Trump looked haggard and concerned with his long, sweaty and puffed up face. The contrast to how he looked at his convention speech was remarkable. The poll numbers are obviously killing him. Biden only looked annoyed.

If Trump wants to be able to finish his statements he should stop wasting time spouting nonsense. These debates have set limits on how long you get to speak.
I thought Biden looked presidential. Trump looked like a raving lunatic. I think Fox was always going to not stop Trump. A stronger network may be able to make Trump like the idiot he is. I also felt that Biden should try and humiliate him which he did by calling him a joker. He should get more strong on these kinds of words by telling him to stop acting like an orangutan. What Americans should realise is that the whole world is looking amazed at such stupidity from the USA. How can the USA elect such a lunatic as the President? It looks worse than a banana republic.
The thing is Biden has the room to be more aggressive if the next debates happen. He should be more targeted next time. What does trump do? More bluster and screaming Hunter Biden will go nowhere for him. Biden showed last night that he will be an extremely average president and a reasonable return to some semblance of civility. Trump confirmed that we are facing a lunacy of the highest order.
No adult should accept the behavior of another like what we saw last night which was the equivalent of a drunk arsehole at the end if the bar, who won't leave even though he was cut off an hour before, screaming at people who are laughing at him while waiting for the cops to come and drag him out. Trump was an embarrassment.
I actually thought Pence was effective against Kaine 4 years ago, so I wouldn't be surprised if he fares better than expected next week. Although Harris is obviously far more effective as a debater, especially if she drops a few zingers.

To be fair I was mostly agreeing with the last part of Pete's post.

Pence will be put off by being so close to a woman who isn't his wife.
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