2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Are people surprised about the delelopments with Kavanaugh/Roberts? This has been predicted for weeks as the likely Rep strategy.
Everything that is wrong with the US is even more wrong with China. feck China.

They need the shock of being relegated for 2nd spot in the world stage to get their act together. Roger Aisles and Phyllis Schiller must be in hell being ass raped by a 800 pound gorilla every day for eternity for all the damage they done.
They need the shock of being relegated for 2nd spot in the world stage to get their act together. Roger Aisles and Phyllis Schiller must be in hell being ass raped by a 800 pound gorilla every day for eternity for all the damage they done.

I don't disagree, I just think China isn't the solution. Nor is Russia, but they're on the way out (despite all their posturing). Let's hope for India. Brazil surely ain't it.
I think you Yanks are going to secretly miss Donald T when he's gone! You don't see many TV broadcasts of people around the world burning the stars and stripes in their streets , or shouting anti-American slogans, could this be Trump's influence, or simply because of the Covid pandemic?

When Donald notices this he will no doubt get around to telling everyone in the next few days how peaceful its been for the US abroad, whilst he's been in power.

Alright there is an election on just now, but I cannot remember (I am over seventy!) when an American President got so much ongoing regular exposure in the media not just in the States but across the world, even at the height of the Cuba crisis, yes for a short period Kennedy was on show daily! Perhaps the only time the coverage that might compare was when Nixon was inpower and the Watergate thing was unravelling.

What's the betting, will Joe Biden even last four years, can the Democrats take that risk, especially with the Supreme Court now fixed as it is?
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I think you Yanks are going to secretly miss Donald T when he's gone! You don't see many TV broadcasts of people around the world burning the stars and stripes in their streets , or shouting anti-American slogans, could this be Trump's influence, or simply because of the Covid pandemic?

When Donald notices this he will no doubt get around to telling everyone in the next few days how peaceful its been for the US abroad, whilst he's been in power.

Alright there is an election on just now, but I cannot remember (I am over seventy!) when an American President got so much ongoing regular exposure in the media not just in the States but across the world, even at the height of the Cuba crisis, yes for a short period Kennedy was on show daily! Perhaps the only time the coverage that might compare was when Nixon was impower and the Watergate thing was unravelling.

What's the betting, will Joe Biden even last four years, can the Democrats take that risk, especially with the Supreme Court now fixed as it is?

Covid. Look how few mass shooting there has been in the last few months.
Covid. Look how few mass shooting there has been in the last few months.


Also another reason is Trump has pandered to all the rogue states and countries. They all love him as they can get away with whatever the feck they like and face no repercussions. All the while he's been pissing off and alienating the USA's allies where people don't tend to protest and burn flags as much.
I'll let you all draw your own conclusions, but turnout is way up in WI imo. Polls projected 10-13%~ early in person voting, there's already over 350k cast with an additional 200k projected by the end of the weekend. That;s in addition to the 1.45M mail ballots (which seem to be slowing)

WI turning in 2016 was a touch under 3M. Voters are polled to - 10-13% early vote, 35-40% mail vote 50% in person vote.
I'll let you all draw your own conclusions, but turnout is way up in WI imo. Polls projected 10-13%~ early in person voting, there's already over 350k cast with an additional 200k projected by the end of the weekend. That;s in addition to the 1.45M mail ballots (which seem to be slowing)

WI turning in 2016 was a touch under 3M. Voters are polled to - 10-13% early vote, 35-40% mail vote 50% in person vote.

Here's something for you. "Early Voting" in WI is not true early voting. Essentially it is just absentee voting where you fill out and put your absentee ballot in a box at your polling station. We just moved here and were disappointed to find this out when voting yesterday. So basically early voting and mail voting are the same thing here, so take that for what you will (SCOTUS :nervous:)
Here's something for you. "Early Voting" in WI is not true early voting. Essentially it is just absentee voting where you fill out and put your absentee ballot in a box at your polling station. We just moved here and were disappointed to find this out when voting yesterday. So basically early voting and mail voting are the same thing here, so take that for what you will (SCOTUS :nervous:)

This is really crazy! I'm correct in stating that WI doesn't start counting early aye? So there are essentially expected to count up to 2.5M ballots in a single day. Is on the day counting electronic, or are they used to doing this manually?
with regards to the polls what % turnout were most of them expecting as reports seem to indicate there could well be the highest turnout for a number if years (assuming people still turn up to vote in significant numbers on election day)

I am assuming this means a lot of people who were thought less likley voters will vote and as such what impact will that likley have on the end results?

(Im still assuming trump simply declares himself winner in the night and tells the proud boys to burn the counting stations to the ground and the police to stop any antifa terrorists who get in their way) but wondering if the higher turnout might make it a little closer than polls suggest )
This is really crazy! I'm correct in stating that WI doesn't start counting early aye? So there are essentially expected to count up to 2.5M ballots in a single day. Is on the day counting electronic, or are they used to doing this manually?

It's going to be madness.

1. Normally 6% of votes are mail/absentee. This year 60-80%
2. BY LAW these ballots must be counted on election day after polls have closed and not before. They can no even begin removing them form their envelopes.
3. State guidelines demand that poll workers can not stop once they begin counting, which means they will need to work through the night and into the 4th without stopping.
It's going to be madness.

1. Normally 6% of votes are mail/absentee. This year 60-80%
2. BY LAW these ballots must be counted on election day after polls have closed and not before. They can no even begin removing them form their envelopes.
3. State guidelines demand that poll workers can not stop once they begin counting, which means they will need to work through the night and into the 4th without stopping.
what happens if they stop?
and what counts as stopping - because that sounds like a very simple process to disrupt if somebody wanted to
It's going to be madness.

1. Normally 6% of votes are mail/absentee. This year 60-80%
2. BY LAW these ballots must be counted on election day after polls have closed and not before. They can no even begin removing them form their envelopes.
3. State guidelines demand that poll workers can not stop once they begin counting, which means they will need to work through the night and into the 4th without stopping.

Polls are quite consistent that 45-55% will vote in person on the day. So they are either wrong on that point, or on turnout.

The reasons to suspect it's on turnout. Yougov is kinda trash, but its the latest one and suggested 35% have already voted with 21% still to come before election day. If 35% is 1.7m (poll was yesterday, so we use yesterdays turnout data as opposed to todays) then total turnout is over 4.8M (and we start to see why yougov is kinda trash) - but it also means that there's another million early votes to come, for a total of 2.7m - If those kinda numbers are anywhere near correct, trump is absolutely fecked.
Polls are quite consistent that 45-55% will vote in person on the day. So they are either wrong on that point, or on turnout.

The reasons to suspect it's on turnout. Yougov is kinda trash, but its the latest one and suggested 35% have already voted with 21% still to come before election day. If 35% is 1.7m (poll was yesterday, so we use yesterdays turnout data as opposed to todays) then total turnout is over 4.8M (and we start to see why yougov is kinda trash) - but it also means that there's another million early votes to come, for a total of 2.7m - If those kinda numbers are anywhere near correct, trump is absolutely fecked.

I got the numbers from the Milwaukee Journal (Article). It just cites "Officials".
I got the numbers from the Milwaukee Journal (Article). It just cites "Officials".

Yea, it's probably a mixture of both in reality. Far higher turnout than expected + resurgent covid forcing changes of plans. Either way, I think it'll be very difficult to steal WI even if turnout is only up by say 500k.
I think the GOP plan is

Biden winning on Election Night = Fraud
Biden overwhelming GOP GE turnout out with mail ballots = Fraud
If Trump is winning on Election Night before mail ballots = Legitimate, and sue to stop mail ballots.
Isn't it clear already they are totally going for the third option now? I take no comfort at all in comments from the GOP that there will be a proper transition of power. They are never going to let it get there, helped by the current SC.

Packing the SC is literally the only solution. Or a term limit of 12 years.
Why not both, plus a mandatory retirement age? (Pretty ridiculous to have SC members in their 80s...)

It's absolutely crazy. Conservatism in this country has gone off the cliff and I don't see them changing unless they are torn to pieces by progressive super majorities.

The game has changed now and the rules are no longer there to be followed. The Dems need to write their own, toughen the feck up and force the blue dogs to accept it or get primaried. Red states have a lot to offer but are trapped in a cycle of failure of their own making. That goes for blue states also, especially the larger populated ones But you gotta play the long game too and take no shit. Imagine hugging Lindsey Graham for his leadership instead of pointing a finger in his face and telling him in the nicest way possible he is a horrible human being. This is a big problem and it leaves no incentive for Republicans to come close to center where a constructive debate can be had.

Both parties need a reformation and I'm hoping the youth in this country energizes. I know I would if I had to be half a million in debt just for an education, have a place of my own and means to get to work.

I remind my kids everyday that it doesn't need to be like this but it will continue if you don't engage and treat people the way you would like to be treated. We can all be stupid sometimes, or disillusioned at politics but be involved and do your due diligence keeping in mind that people do change their minds and opinions on things. Pissing and moaning about something stupid like Hunter Biden won't change the fact that in the future if your child has a disability there may not be any funding for very expensive medical care. If your daughter/sister/wife gets raped she will be forced to carry that baby to term. Your children coming out of college with a mountain of debt but needs 3 jobs to survive. Your employer decideing on your healthcare. The list is endless unfortunately and it gets crazier and more depressing the further you delve into it.

I reckon that 65-70% of this country can relatively agree on the path we should take. But in my opinion you do yourself, your family and community a disservice as a liberal or progressive if you turn your frustration on Biden/Bernie/Hillary/A.O C. when the alternative is trump/McConnell/Cotton/Jordan.
The reality is that politicians make promises they will never keep just to get elected. If your chosen candidate gets half of what you wished for that should be considered a small victory and a start. Hopefully the next person you vote for can take it a few steps further. But if you sit it out over your own purity test you end up with politicized CDC during a pandemic, or a son in law advisor telling you to eat shit because you didn't vote for his wife's daddy.

Edit: And all this without going in to the racial tensions, a violent police state with a broken criminal justice system and the worship of the $ to the detriment of every thing else. feck, I really need a 5-0 win on Wednesday just to see me through this week.
This is great post.

November 4th....

Beers at my place! (Social distanced and everything. Maybe in summer. Anyway.)
Let’s hope everyone else planned a little better.

Probably so but I also was stuck in limbo - was I, as uniformed service, remaining in Florida or moving to Texas by October, and dependent on either was I still a Georgia resident (still hold valid DL through March 2021) or would I need a new DL. What state was I technically still aligned to for voting purposes?

After asking the questions in September I was told that I'm still a registered voter in Georgia until I officially change, and was eligible for an absentee ballot. Was too late to claim Florida (or Texas if I indeed relocated there) and still be able to ensure a vote by the 4th. That said, Georgia will likely cast my ballot out once they see I voted Biden, assuming I receive it. Checking with the PO this afternoon to see if any held mail has not circulated, which I suspect may be the issue. I've been out of state frequently this month.
Why not both, plus a mandatory retirement age? (Pretty ridiculous to have SC members in their 80s...)

Hang on isnt biden 77 ... wont he be 78 in November - wouldnt he actually be in his 80's for the majority of his term if he wins election - and he has the authority to unilaterally launch nukes and kill the planet - yet a judge on a panel cant be in their 80's
Probably so but I also was stuck in limbo - was I, as uniformed service, remaining in Florida or moving to Texas by October, and dependent on either was I still a Georgia resident (still hold valid DL through March 2021) or would I need a new DL. What state was I technically still aligned to for voting purposes?

After asking the questions in September I was told that I'm still a registered voter in Georgia until I officially change, and was eligible for an absentee ballot. Was too late to claim Florida (or Texas if I indeed relocated there) and still be able to ensure a vote by the 4th. That said, Georgia will likely cast my ballot out once they see I voted Biden, assuming I receive it. Checking with the PO this afternoon to see if any held mail has not circulated, which I suspect may be the issue. I've been out of state frequently this month.

Yeah I was being a dick.

Hope your vote counts
Hang on isnt biden 77 ... wont he be 78 in November - wouldnt he actually be in his 80's for the majority of his term if he wins election - and he has the authority to unilaterally launch nukes and kill the planet - yet a judge on a panel cant be in their 80's

Should apply to both of course, Trump is also only a few years behind Biden.

Just like there should be some sort of security checks on presidential nominees, its funny Trump wouldn't actually be allowed to do any other job in government apart from the frickin presidency. He's too high risk :lol:
I’m not sure if they were conservatives or playing devils advocate but I saw a few posts on Reddit which seemed relatively sensible and suggested the actual ruling isn’t as shocking as it seems. SCOTUS ruled in favour of supporting the State government’s own interpretation of the state constitution. This is exactly what they did in Pensilvania when they ruled against the GOP who were arguing against an extension.

The alarming bits are very much in the footnotes.
Yup. The ruling to some degree is what you expect from a conservative-lead court. The Kavanaugh/Gorsuch bits were kinda insane, which is why Roberts wrote something about it. The problem though is that with Barrett joining the court, you have two batshit crazy SCOTUS, 1 slightly less batshit but still crazy, 2 relatively crazy and 1 conservative SCOTUS. So even if Roberts at times sides with the Democrats, as long as the other five loons vote the same, it is a bit fecked.

This means that Roberts needs to convince one of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh (or less likely Alito) to not do insane things. In cases, when Roberts himself thinks that something is insane. Which is not always.

In other words, Dems should pack the courts, give statehood to DC and Puerto Rico, in order to prevent GOP from gaining control back in 2024 (they won't be able to do so in 2022) in case they get a unified Democrat government. Otherwise, the GOP-ruled SC is gonna make the life of every Dem president a bit of hell. But to do so, Dems not only need to win the senate, but probably need to have 52 votes (just in case Manchin and Sinema decide to be 'civil' and work with Republicans).
Term limit and age limit for SC justices aren’t necessary if the process of picking them is apolitical. The thing is when the current system of government was set up, there were a very limited pool of white men qualified enough for office in general, so the whole shebang of president naming nominations and Senate ‘advise and consent’ were all they could come up with anyway, since they all knew each other or ran in overlapping social/professional circles. It got outdated pretty fast as population grew and party politics became dominant.

Having appointments decided by an association of pre-eminent judges, constitutional scholars and lawyers would instantly solve much of the current issue with the court, no party would acquiesce to that though, since they’ve wised up to the Court’s power in shaping public policies.
kavanaugh/Gorsuch as the median justice hahaha. (Once Barrett joins)

SC playing with fire. Looking to lose all the unintended power they’ve amassed over the last century. That said, on the Wisconsin decision, if roberts supported it then it’s not particularly crazy.

I suspect we’re going to enter an era of Roberts siding with the majority just so he can write the opinion.

The Court is named after him - I am sure he doesn't want his legacy to be tarnished.
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