2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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What is actually causing the slowness in Arizona and Nevada? Like, I don’t get it. Does anyone have real insight?

Its normal what is going on. I know people are just focused on a few states like Arizona, PA, Nevada and Georgia(which is understandable as they will decide the election) but the ballots are still getting counted in a lot of the states.

In Texas, 85% of ballots have been counted
In Maryland, 74% of ballots have been counted
In Alaska, 50% of ballots have been counted

Florida are the only exception. They are the true masters of quick counting, but that's because they have always had high numbers of mail in/absentee voting and they start counting ballots well before election day.
Hopefully thats all there is. Can't help but shake the feeling that this will end in tragedy as a lot of cults do (it is a cult in my opinion) but probably me just being an outsider overblowing the situation.

Trump could end up a Koresh type figure holed up in Mara Lago
What odds Trump just quitting. He's lost billions in property deals

Don't fcuking tag me Rugusauce

One of the theories I've read is that he will step down so Pence can give him a pardon. However history indicates that the Democrats are unlikely to pursue investigations against him and he can't be pardoned from NY charges, I believe, which are the most likely ones he will face.
Pennsylvania is over. Huge numbers of votes are pouring in for Biden, even in rural counties. He'll be closing the gap across the state with every update. Only a matter of time until it flips.
Did CNN just say Biden has pulled ahead by 40k in PA?
No they are saying that if the current trends hold in the remaining ballots being counted, Biden will win the state by 40k. He doesn't need it if he holds as expected in NV and AZ.
Did CNN just say Biden has pulled ahead by 40k in PA?
No, they said that with the current way the ballots are going for Biden, a 40k win in the end is not inconceivable.

In fact, they said that 40k is a slightly conservative estimate based on the trends.
No, they said that with the current way the ballots are going for Biden, a 40k win in the end is not inconceivable.

In fact, they said that 40k is a slightly conservative estimate based on the trends.
PA governor said before he thinks it will be 100k Biden when all counting is done.
Even if you're one of the nutters that regularly listens to this show, what has Fauci done to be called a traitor? I mean, what conceivable reason is there? As far as I can see he has remained apolitical throughout the pandemic.
told them to wear a mask? You know its treason to wear one over here.
One of the theories I've read is that he will step down so Pence can give him a pardon. However history indicates that the Democrats are unlikely to pursue investigations against him and he can't be pardoned from NY charges, I believe, which are the most likely ones he will face.

A pardon for what? You can't just pre-emptively pardon someone. He hasn't been convicted of anything yet. Has he even been charged? There are investigations.
Trump to speak from the Whitehouse later tonight. I expect him throw more fuel on the fire of civil unrest, with dog whistles to the Proud Boys and the like.

Probably be just a blatant call to the Proud boys and QAnon and all his weirdo support. Not even dog whistle, just openly asking for violence.
Philadelphia still have provisionals after mails are done. I refuse to believe they have the same turnout from 2016 when the rest of the state have a ~ 10% increase in raw total.
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