2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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She identifies herself as such. You want to tell her she's not?

I stand corrected. Apologies. I’d heard of her speak about her Jamaican Father and Indian mother and assumed she’d consider herself a product of their ethnicity.

One google search reveals that it’s a topic I don’t want to go near.

Americans are really fcuking weird about people with black skin.
Come on CNN, get that "we can't call because we are evaluating where the remaining votes are". At this point everyone in the world understand Pennsylvania county politics and the subtleties of mail in voting as well as John Knight. Because he has explained it. Over and over and over and.....
They fecking called VA when Trump was ahead over 10 points. Of course that's a solid blue state, but they should drop the act of they need x amount of lead. They know these votes are both urban and mail-in. Biden will win by over 1 pt. Just call it already.
I stand corrected. Apologies. I’d heard of her speak about her Jamaican Father and Indian mother and assumed she’d consider herself a product of their ethnicity.

One google search reveals that it’s a topic I don’t want to go near.

Americans are really fcuking weird about people with black skin.

Not a problem. Just imagine the rabbit hole we would have gone down pre google age!
That was before the machine knew exactly what they'd be getting with Trump - precisely because he was a relative unknown. Now they do know. They won't be fooled twice. I repeat, the crazies don't control the bulk of Republican political machine.
The machine enabled him and sucked up to him for four years. The voter base LOVES him. Trumpism is here to stay: if the GOP turns away from him, they risk serious problems, unless Trump himself is willing to accept it and go out quietly. And, well, we know how likely that is.
Just turned on Fox (shudder) and they're trying sooooo hard to validate the BS but even their hearts aren't in it.

We need one more big drop in PA and that's it imo.

Well, then you get the absolute insanity of Trump suggesting the electors act faithlessly. That's scary.
Remember Miami Dade everyone what a time that was

I would prefer not to. It led to the single time in my life that I took a look at a scotch bottle, thought "that is a bad idea", and actually put it away.
So, the expert in plagiarism and lies about his own qualifications seems to be winning this. Got to give credit to the heavily biased towards the left media.
That was before the machine knew exactly what they'd be getting with Trump - precisely because he was a relative unknown. Now they do know. They won't be fooled twice. I repeat, the crazies don't control the bulk of Republican political machine.

I will just bookmark this and we will revisit in 3 years. In the span of 50 years, Republicans went from Keynesian economics, creating the EPA, calling for abolition of the Electoral College, establishing the minimum wage, to the mess we are seeing now. It takes an incredible leap of faith to trust them to change course, instead of falling deeper into the rabbit hole.

For now, we can celebrate, briefly.
Trump has set up a voter fraud hotline for people to make reports :lol::lol:

Every democrat in America needs to call that hotline and report high ranking Republicans for sedition, voter suppression and fraud.

We should name streets for whatever illness eventually kills him.

Ah yes, they can build a statue on Boulevard de KFC.
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