2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Judt ignore that it's United fans.

:lol: excellent
Not meaning to be greedy here, but is Biden gaining on Trump in North Carolina as well? I'd genuinely piss myself laughing if Trump lost all the states that were grey on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning :lol:

NC won’t turn I’m afraid.
Not meaning to be greedy here, but is Biden gaining on Trump in North Carolina as well? I'd genuinely piss myself laughing if Trump lost all the states that were grey on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning :lol:
NC is almost certainly Trump's. It'll probably be a swing state again four years from now though.
Agolf Twitler :lol:

It'll be nice to finally have a pro science, decent human being back leading the States. Couldnt imagine another four years of Trump.
Agreed. She’s a feckwit
Agreed. Was joking obviously. Loved a quora question I saw one time that tried to imply it was ridiculous Michelle Obama had a staff of 40+ instead of Melania with 4 or so. Guess it was hard to comprehend Michelle actually doing something legitimately helpful things. Or just do anything really.
John King deserves a nice glass of single malt after this is all over. Top guy!
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