A serious look at Mauricio Pochettino

He'd be an excellent choice. Although the no trophies is a bit of a concern.

People act like winning the FA cup is easy. It is not.

It is of no concern at all to me. The last two were hired because of past merits and look where it took us. It is time we went for someone with the right personality and the right philosophy.
I’m interested, where did he say Fergie was his biggest inspiration? Genuinely I didn’t catch that.

This is what Poch said few months ago.
“Sir Alex was and is and always will be an inspiration and to have the possible to meet him was amazing,”

For me it was fantastic," he said. "It was the dream come true because when I was young and started my career as a manger he was my inspiration, one of my references.

"When you can share two hours with people like that... for me he is one of the greatest managers in the history of football

"You can only enjoy that. You want to stop the time but that is impossible.

"Sir Alex Ferguson is a person who we can all learn from because he has a fantastic history in football and life."
Im looking for biggest influence, I don’t see it, if you know Poch you should know who I mean. Notice he said *one of my references*.

That I don't know. I remember reading Poch talking very highly of Ferguson more than once. Tbh it would be dumb not to talk highly about SAF.
That I don't know. I remember reading Poch talking very highly of Ferguson more than once. Tbh it would be dumb not to talk highly about SAF.

Of course it would, his bigggest influence in management, the guy who made him interested in management is Bielsa. Any young manager saying Fergie wasn’t an influence would be a retard.

I love debate between fans but when people make up bullshit for their own agenda you surely have to agree its aggravating.


There are more in-depth stories but a quick google brought this one.
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Of course it would, his bigggest influence in management, the guy who made him interested in management is Bielsa. Any young manager saying Fergie wasn’t an influence would be a retard.

I love debate between fans but when people make up bullshit for their own agenda you surely have to agree its aggravating.


There are more in-depth stories but a quick google brought this one.

Calm down it was a late night mistake - it's not like what he said was far off that anyway. Semantics really.

I think the empty pockets gesture was pretty telling though - I haven't seen anything like that from Pochettino before, has he ever done anything like that before?

It seemed somewhat out of character from what I've seen of him before, but please correct me if that's not so.

I would imagine that after Utd not spending much in the Summer, and probably not spending much in January, we'll be offering our new manager A LOT of money to spend in the Summer, so behind closed doors that angle (Spurs spending vs what we're offering him to build a team here) is gonna quite naturally be one of his main priorities.

To see Pochettino being truly let loose to compete in the market at the highest level (whether at Utd or Real) is something that surely even Spurs fans can't begrudge him after what he's done for them over the last 4 years - he deserves to be backed to the level of Klopp, Guardiola, Mourinho etc.
Calm down it was a late night mistake - it's not like what he said was far off that anyway. Semantics really.

I think the empty pockets gesture was pretty telling though - I haven't seen anything like that from Pochettino before, has he ever done anything like that before?

It seemed somewhat out of character from what I've seen of him before, but please correct me if that's not so.

I would imagine that after Utd not spending much in the Summer, and probably not spending much in January, we'll be offering our new manager A LOT of money to spend in the Summer, so behind closed doors that angle (Spurs spending vs what we're offering him to build a team here) is gonna quite naturally be one of his main priorities.

To see Pochettino being truly let loose to compete in the market at the highest level (whether at Utd or Real) is something that surely even Spurs fans can't begrudge him after what he's done for them over the last 4 years - he deserves to be backed to the level of Klopp, Guardiola, Mourinho etc.

Did you read his comments about what he said of managers and clubs simply throwing money about? I’m not gonna keep on doing the research for you or telling you what he values. You clearly want him for your manager do a bit of research so you know what your getting. Again he may decide to take the offer, I’m simply trying to put across what I think I know about Poch without foaming at the mouth, again I’m perfectly calm. I love Poch, but I’m a Tottenham fan.
Did you read his comments about what he said of managers and clubs simply throwing money about? I’m not gonna keep on doing the research for you or telling you what he values. You clearly want him for your manager do a bit of research so you know what your getting. Again he may decide to take the offer, I’m simply trying to put across what I think I know about Poch without foaming at the mouth, again I’m perfectly calm. I love Poch, but I’m a Tottenham fan.
Maybe the fact that Tottenham are now further away to the title than they were before showed that Poch could no longer take Tottenham any further with current resources? You are not really going to say that Spurs are going to challenge the title any time soon are you? There is more of a chance to win something at United than at Spurs for the next 5 years and that may be what will turn his head.
Did you read his comments about what he said of managers and clubs simply throwing money about? I’m not gonna keep on doing the research for you or telling you what he values. You clearly want him for your manager do a bit of research so you know what your getting. Again he may decide to take the offer, I’m simply trying to put across what I think I know about Poch without foaming at the mouth, again I’m perfectly calm. I love Poch, but I’m a Tottenham fan.

Obviously I don't read every Pochettino interview and quote, I'm a Utd fan.

But I've never seen him do anything like the empty pockets gesture before and just wondered if this was a first for you as Spurs fans to see this kind of thing or if he's done it before - don't really understand why you can't just answer me, it isn't really a question you can Google!
Marcelo Bielsa is Pochettino's biggest influence.
Obviously I don't read every Pochettino interview and quote, I'm a Utd fan.

But I've never seen him do anything like the empty pockets gesture before and just wondered if this was a first for you as Spurs fans to see this kind of thing or if he's done it before - don't really understand why you can't just answer me, it isn't really a question you can Google!
what empty pockets?
Obviously I don't read every Pochettino interview and quote, I'm a Utd fan.

But I've never seen him do anything like the empty pockets gesture before and just wondered if this was a first for you as Spurs fans to see this kind of thing or if he's done it before - don't really understand why you can't just answer me, it isn't really a question you can Google!

He has spoken of the money he has to spend at Tottenham, he has spoken about how the club has to do things differently. This was the case when he signed the new contract. The first time he was asked the question *do you have money to spend* he showed his empty pockets as it’s not his money to spend he was asked 2 more times and again he showed his pockets. The hack then realised what Poch was getting at and asked a different question. *does the club have money to spend* again Poch shows his pockets as in, your asking the wrong guy.

I have no idea if Levy will spend money, but if he does it will be on a specific target not just for the sake of spending money. We have proved money spent doesn’t equal points on the table, surely you should see that.
Maybe the fact that Tottenham are now further away to the title than they were before showed that Poch could no longer take Tottenham any further with current resources? You are not really going to say that Spurs are going to challenge the title any time soon are you? There is more of a chance to win something at United than at Spurs for the next 5 years and that may be what will turn his head.

Of course we won’t challenge City, where did I say we would? I don’t think United will either in the next year or 2, no matter who is in charge.
Desperation causes clubs in dire straights to behave in desperate ways.

United are in a right old mess. They extend Mourninho's contract, then they sack him at huge expense because of said contract. They sign players by chucking huge wages at them, then can't get rid of the duffers because no other club will pay such wages for the players concerned. They start off talking big about title challenges and how much money they have to spend, but now they face a 4th time outside in the top 4 in the space of just six seasons.

United have won more trophies in the last three years than Spurs have in the last twenty. Even when we're bad we're still more successful than Spurs at their best.
Did you read his comments about what he said of managers and clubs simply throwing money about? I’m not gonna keep on doing the research for you or telling you what he values. You clearly want him for your manager do a bit of research so you know what your getting. Again he may decide to take the offer, I’m simply trying to put across what I think I know about Poch without foaming at the mouth, again I’m perfectly calm. I love Poch, but I’m a Tottenham fan.

Tbh Klopp also said same when he joined Liverpool and now he can't stop spending. Every manager will spend when there is money available to spend. Poch isn't any different.
He has spoken of the money he has to spend at Tottenham, he has spoken about how the club has to do things differently. This was the case when he signed the new contract. The first time he was asked the question *do you have money to spend* he showed his empty pockets as it’s not his money to spend he was asked 2 more times and again he showed his pockets. The hack then realised what Poch was getting at and asked a different question. *does the club have money to spend* again Poch shows his pockets as in, your asking the wrong guy.

I have no idea if Levy will spend money, but if he does it will be on a specific target not just for the sake of spending money. We have proved money spent doesn’t equal points on the table, surely you should see that.

Also in the interview, where the media goon is preventing Pochettino from answering the question, I think Pochettino looks annoyed that he's being prevented from answering.

The way he says to the Spurs PR lackey, 'you want to be the star of this interview' is a classic moment of passive aggressive humour I think. It's an uncomfortable moment.

At 4.50, the interviewer starts to talk about Man Utd and Pochettino is nodding as the guy is talking, he looks relaxed and as though he is totally into talking about it...

Then, at 5.03 when the PR guy interrupts the interviewer, Pochettino looks shocked at the PR guy, like 'what are you doing?'

After he's been prevented from speaking around 5.40 he just has this look on his face that just seems unusual for him, and then he makes the 'you want to do the interview' joke.

It's just a really weird interview, and to me, he looks like he wants to talk. The Spurs guy comes across like a jealous, possessive boyfriend or something - it's very odd.

Surely even the most deluded of Spurs fans is able to see that there's something there?

Mid Level club, whens was the last time you looked at the league table?

Bit arrogant to call us a 'mid-level' club when we have been considerably better than you for quite a few years now.

I am sorry if the truth hurt you guys' feelings. I'd be careful the next time; reading the forum your lot do seem a bit precious.

Yes, a couple of good league finishes doesn't make Spurs a top-tier club. From every metric - domestic history, European history, prestige, trophies, revenues - Spurs remain a mid-tier club. You need to start winning trophies, and that too big ones on a consistent basis, to be considered a top level club. Top 4 is not a trophy, you know.

As for us, even during our worst period in 3 decades, we have won all three trophies outside the big two prizes. We have won a European trophy & both the domestic cup competitions. And this is when we, United fans, believe we have had three shit managers and a period of turmoil. The expectations are simply different. The level is simply different.

As for the table, I looked at the last one, we finished second and you didn't finish first. So we were ahead of you. As for this one, there is a lot of football left to be played still.
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Has anyone thought that maybe Poch does not want to build a team again? He has spent almost 5 years getting the team to where it is now playing as he wants and with 3-4 additions then I do not see why trophies will not follow and it will all be on a shoestring budget, think outside the box for a moment what would be more satisfying building a house with your own hands or buying one outright with the privilege on picking your own door knobs?

Another thing is the reason he gets a lot out of the Spurs players is the bonus incentive that we offer but what incentive does someone on 300k a week have to bust a gut for their manager who demands double training sessions because I guarantee Poch will want that and more and can you see the current prima donnas you have been happy with that?

Finally Poch has a certain style which fits with the players at Spurs but who is gonna be his Kane, his Alli, his Eriksen, his Son and so forth, yes you lot have a lot of money but how much is a lot, which striker out there who is available can do the Kane job for him at the moment (Icardi maybe but I see him been Madrid bound). I suppose the point I am making is does Poch think it is worth throwing away the last 5 years to try and get the same at United which will take a while to achieve or does he stay at Spurs and wait a couple of seasons to see how much the new stadium and sponsorships start bearing fruit for him to take Spurs to that next level.
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I often wonder why players (and in this case manager) are willing to commit to long term deals with Levy when they know how difficult it is to leave Spurs.

For players I can understand a bit. An injury can finish their entire careers, so signing a long-term deal at an ambitious mid-level club is not so bad. In addition, there really are only four Spurs players that the top clubs can be interested in - Alli, Kane, Toby & Eriksen. Two of the guys are young English lads and I can understand them willing to stay a couple of years to develop more at a club of Spurs size before moving on to greener pastures. The other two, the continental players, will be entering the last years of their contract next season and are stalling on signing new ones.
How many Saints players were sold? Did the owners priorities change? Why did Cortese resign? Poch questioned Shaw’s application in his book. You sure you are a Saints fan, all was far from rosey at the time.

Yeah how dare he suggest that Poch will leave the Spurs for Manchester United? Obviously that part was enough for you to doubt that he even supports Saints.
I can see so many fans who are going to end up disappointed in the next managerial appointment if we don't get Poch. I'd say lets don't get your hopes up and see how it goes, but I can see some are fully engrossed in the hype and will instantly dislike anyone else the club brings in...
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The point is that that what you've claimed is not true: a manager cannot end a contract just by saying they want to leave and will take no severance pay.

Yes, if Poch wanted to leave and join United then he could ... assuming the job was still vacant by the time Levy had finished playing hardball by placing Poch on leave for a year or two and appointing another manager for the first team in the meantime.

This latter option is open to Levy precisely because of the managerial contract, so again your claim that there would be nothing that Spurs or Levy can do about it is just not true. This optional action by Spurs would be immensely damaging to Pochettino, not least because there might not even a job vacancy that he wants to take by the time Levy relented.

I wouldn't at all rule out such an action by Levy, if it became necessary (which it won't), for three reasons:

1) It would show the world that, at Spurs, you cannot just sign a 5 year contract and then expect to just renege on it shortly afterwards.

2) It would force United into appointing a permanent manager other than Pochettino in the summer. Don't under-estimate his determination, following the Berbatov saga all those years ago, to never again do any deal with United that he doesn't want to do: United seriously damaged any relationship they had with Spurs at that time.

3) He'd have little to lose, other than paying Pochettino's salary for a year two, because he'd have lost him as manager anyway.

But these apocalyptic possibilities won't arise in the first place because Pochettino is happy at Spurs, seems to be an honourable man who wouldn't seek to renege on his contract and probably doesn't see United as an especially attractive option compared to the alternatives whenever he might want to move on down the road aways.

The above seems quite draconian even by Levy's standards and I'd say unlikely to ever happen, because it is the wrong message for a business to send to its current and future staff.

Generally when managers want to leave they leave, and there are surely good reasons for that.
Is this is the first time in maybe 20-30 years that Spurs have a manager worthy of a big club? Maybe that's why Spurs fans are confused about player transfer and how it is different from manager. Not saying Poch wants out, just that some of the posts are hilarious, especially putting Poch in charge of Garden if he wants out.
The point is that that what you've claimed is not true: a manager cannot end a contract just by saying they want to leave and will take no severance pay.

Yes, if Poch wanted to leave and join United then he could ... assuming the job was still vacant by the time Levy had finished playing hardball by placing Poch on leave for a year or two and appointing another manager for the first team in the meantime.

This latter option is open to Levy precisely because of the managerial contract, so again your claim that there would be nothing that Spurs or Levy can do about it is just not true. This optional action by Spurs would be immensely damaging to Pochettino, not least because there might not even a job vacancy that he wants to take by the time Levy relented.

I wouldn't at all rule out such an action by Levy, if it became necessary (which it won't), for three reasons:

1) It would show the world that, at Spurs, you cannot just sign a 5 year contract and then expect to just renege on it shortly afterwards.

2) It would force United into appointing a permanent manager other than Pochettino in the summer. Don't under-estimate Levy's determination, following the Berbatov saga all those years ago, to never again do any deal with United that he doesn't want to do: United seriously damaged any relationship they had with Spurs at that time.

3) He'd have little to lose, other than paying Pochettino's salary for a year two, because he'd have lost him as manager anyway.

But these apocalyptic possibilities won't arise in the first place because Pochettino is happy at Spurs, seems to be an honourable man who wouldn't seek to renege on his contract and probably doesn't see United as an especially attractive option compared to the alternatives whenever he might want to move on down the road aways.
The bolded is nothing but crazy talk. All that does is put a cloud of uncertainty around Spurs and damages the reputation of everyone involved. If Poch wants to leave Levy will demand a world record fee, United will pay it and that will be the end of it. With that said, if Spurs keep all of their key players I don't see him leaving.
I think at some point, Spurs or Pochettino will have to put out a statement.
Also in the interview, where the media goon is preventing Pochettino from answering the question, I think Pochettino looks annoyed that he's being prevented from answering.

The way he says to the Spurs PR lackey, 'you want to be the star of this interview' is a classic moment of passive aggressive humour I think. It's an uncomfortable moment.

At 4.50, the interviewer starts to talk about Man Utd and Pochettino is nodding as the guy is talking, he looks relaxed and as though he is totally into talking about it...

Then, at 5.03 when the PR guy interrupts the interviewer, Pochettino looks shocked at the PR guy, like 'what are you doing?'

After he's been prevented from speaking around 5.40 he just has this look on his face that just seems unusual for him, and then he makes the 'you want to do the interview' joke.

It's just a really weird interview, and to me, he looks like he wants to talk. The Spurs guy comes across like a jealous, possessive boyfriend or something - it's very odd.

Surely even the most deluded of Spurs fans is able to see that there's something there?

This is deep. Just think he was slightly embarrassed by the whole thing and there's nothing to deduce from it.
He is not in Madrid because he didn't want to. Has feck all to do with Levy. If he really wanted Madrid, he would have got it. Its Real Madrid we are talking about.
No he wouldn't. Even if he pushed for it i don't see Levy accepting less than €20-25m to release him. No way we'd pay that for a manager
I have the feeling that we'll get him for next season, and it makes sense if you think about it.

He's doing it great for Spurs and surely feels comfortable there, but being realistic he can't do much more than he's doing now except winning a cup here or there, which wouldn't mean a radical change in the whole picture. It's difficult to win the league with such limited spending (compared with the big boys) and the same for the Champions league. So unless he does some miracle at some point he's 'condemned' to watch the same film year after year, always moving in the same margins.

He's been there for 4 full seasons plus the current one and the man is touching the roof already. I can't see him being delighted at the prospect of spending 3-4 years more doing the same all over again. To reach a higher level and try something more he needs a bigger club with more financial power and ambition, and I can't see our potential competition like Real or Bayern spending big just to sign a coach. So if we really want him - and it smells like we do, we've got all the tickets to win this prize and win it soon. The moment is now for him and us.
I would love to see Pochettino here, but he is clearly happy at Tottenham too, no doubt i see us going all out of for him, but it will definitely be the situation were Poch will have to ask for it himself, as Levy will have no intention otherwise. Will he do it? I don't know, he's obviously building something great with them and he seems like an actual likeable guy. One things for sure, until he gives it a category NO this will continue to be spoken about until the summer, and even if he does the media probably won't let up, it's just how it is i'm afraid, we had the same with Ronaldo and such.

Probably the most sensible and most balanced post on this subject.
Yeah how dare he suggest that Poch will leave the Spurs for Manchester United? Obviously that part was enough for you to doubt that he even supports Saints.

I think what he was referring to was that the situation at Saints at the time were very different compared to the situation at Spurs. As far as I am aware, he didn't leave because Spurs were a bigger club, but because the people who sold him the project left the club, and his working conditions changed. If Levy looked to sell our best players I have no doubt Poch would leave.

This thread makes me laugh though, people jumping to conclusions based on almost nothing. As far as I am concerned nothing has changed, and there are arguments with merit on either side, ultimately I'm not a mind reader so I don't know what is most important to him.

edit: for those saying he needs to come out publicly and comment on the rumors that's not been his style for as long as he's been here. And I don't blame him. He only put himself in a weaker position by doing so, and if he didn't want to leave Spurs for United this summer, perhaps the circumstances change in 2-3 years? And if so the fans will always have a video of him publicly saying no to United. Commenting on any rumor the media come with is a slippery slope, and he just flat out refuse to comment on any specific link regarding himself or his players.
Yeah how dare he suggest that Poch will leave the Spurs for Manchester United? Obviously that part was enough for you to doubt that he even supports Saints.

Because he didn’t point out anything that was wrong at the club when Poch left!
Looking at his transfers at Spurs, he has done incredibly well. The likes of Alli and Son have been huge hits along with the likes of Trippier, Alderweireld and Davies. All for relatively low fees.

Hard to find these players and he would have a lot of work to clear the dross out of Old Trafford.
Also in the interview, where the media goon is preventing Pochettino from answering the question, I think Pochettino looks annoyed that he's being prevented from answering.

The way he says to the Spurs PR lackey, 'you want to be the star of this interview' is a classic moment of passive aggressive humour I think. It's an uncomfortable moment.

At 4.50, the interviewer starts to talk about Man Utd and Pochettino is nodding as the guy is talking, he looks relaxed and as though he is totally into talking about it...

Then, at 5.03 when the PR guy interrupts the interviewer, Pochettino looks shocked at the PR guy, like 'what are you doing?'

After he's been prevented from speaking around 5.40 he just has this look on his face that just seems unusual for him, and then he makes the 'you want to do the interview' joke.

It's just a really weird interview, and to me, he looks like he wants to talk. The Spurs guy comes across like a jealous, possessive boyfriend or something - it's very odd.

Surely even the most deluded of Spurs fans is able to see that there's something there?


That is some of the worst stuff I've ever read. Where did you fantasize that from? Of course Poch doesn't want to talk about it, he's likely already sick to death with it. It's entirely normal for a media officer to shut down stupid question from the media. The media are like a dog to a bone. What do they expect Poch to say to questions like 'Are you being courted by United?" What Poch wants to do rather than ask stupid questions about United which he cares nothing about, is keep clapping the Spurs fans like he did At Emirates Wednesday night, keep Spurs winning football matches.

Some of you are clearly going to be hugely disappointed when Poch doesn't end up as your manager in the summer. You've been utterly caught up in the hype by the media and ex pundits who basically know nothing about Poch or Spurs.

Poch's so emotionally invested at Tottenham, he isn't throwing that away to start over again at any other English club, including United.
Calm down it was a late night mistake - it's not like what he said was far off that anyway. Semantics really.

I think the empty pockets gesture was pretty telling though - I haven't seen anything like that from Pochettino before, has he ever done anything like that before?

It seemed somewhat out of character from what I've seen of him before, but please correct me if that's not so.

I would imagine that after Utd not spending much in the Summer, and probably not spending much in January, we'll be offering our new manager A LOT of money to spend in the Summer, so behind closed doors that angle (Spurs spending vs what we're offering him to build a team here) is gonna quite naturally be one of his main priorities.

To see Pochettino being truly let loose to compete in the market at the highest level (whether at Utd or Real) is something that surely even Spurs fans can't begrudge him after what he's done for them over the last 4 years - he deserves to be backed to the level of Klopp, Guardiola, Mourinho etc.

It's not about "competing in the market at the highest level", it's about competing on the football pitch ... but some United fans seem to have got the two things mixed up.

For example, you spent a fortune on Pogba, who cost around 16 times what Spurs paid for Dele Alli, but the latter competes on the pitch far more than Pogba does.

Yes, you can offer Pochettino a lot of money for transfers, but he'd have to go back to square one in term of building a squad at United compared to what he already has at Spurs because it's doubtful that more than two players at United would make it into the Spurs first XI and even those upgrades would be fairly marginal. So the money thing is not the big draw that you suggest it is.
I have the feeling that we'll get him for next season, and it makes sense if you think about it.

He's doing it great for Spurs and surely feels comfortable there, but being realistic he can't do much more than he's doing now except winning a cup here or there, which wouldn't mean a radical change in the whole picture. It's difficult to win the league with such limited spending (compared with the big boys) and the same for the Champions league. So unless he does some miracle at some point he's 'condemned' to watch the same film year after year, always moving in the same margins.

He's been there for 4 full seasons plus the current one and the man is touching the roof already. I can't see him being delighted at the prospect of spending 3-4 years more doing the same all over again. To reach a higher level and try something more he needs a bigger club with more financial power and ambition, and I can't see our potential competition like Real or Bayern spending big just to sign a coach. So if we really want him - and it smells like we do, we've got all the tickets to win this prize and win it soon. The moment is now for him and us.

And what more could he do at United? Because you ain't toppling City in the league anytime soon and you're light years from being able to win the CL.

The notion that United have "all the tickets to win this prize and win it soon" is a non-starter. You've regressed into being merely a top 6 club and it will take years to turn that around.

That is some of the worst stuff I've ever read. Where did you fantasize that from? Of course Poch doesn't want to talk about it, he's likely already sick to death with it. It's entirely normal for a media officer to shut down stupid question from the media. The media are like a dog to a bone. What do they expect Poch to say to questions like 'Are you being courted by United?" What Poch wants to do rather than ask stupid questions about United which he cares nothing about, is keep clapping the Spurs fans like he did At Emirates Wednesday night, keep Spurs winning football matches.

Some of you are clearly going to be hugely disappointed when Poch doesn't end up as your manager in the summer. You've been utterly caught up in the hype by the media and ex pundits who basically know nothing about Poch or Spurs.

Poch's so emotionally invested at Tottenham, he isn't throwing that away to start over again at any other English club, including United.

Poch can kill the speculation with a one line statement but hasn’t done so. That’s how “emotionally invested” he is.