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Adnan Januzaj Belgium flag

2014-15 Performances

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If we can keep Januzaj fit he will hurt teams this year. I have no doubt that we have a special player at the club. I felt the same when I seen Cristiano's debut against Bolton. It's a very exciting time in my opinion. Januzaj has shown as much promise if not more in his first season. I think LVG will develop him further this year. Obviously it takes a long time to reach the level of CR7. Some of the comments about lacking pace is mind blowing. I wonder sometimes if people watch the games or just match of the day. Signing Mata and getting his contract renewed were the only positive things about last season. Adnan is only 19 and is going to bring the club some special moments, wait and see:devil:
There will never be another Cristiano. As much as the fans and media want there to be. Most of Januzaj's hype comes from Ronaldo's hype and I don't agree with it at all. There is almost no similarities in the two besides their age and birthday. Two completely different players.

He goes past players like they're not even there but yet he lacks pace. :rolleyes: Januzaj's worst performance last season was most likely better than what Nani, Young and Valencia produced week in week out.
I honestly think Jason is winding us up. Every post of his is bizarre to say the least. Absolutely nobody would agree with him on most of the stuff he comes up with, namely "valencia has more in his arsenal than Januzaj". Positively bonkers.
I'm still waiting on your excuse for stating in another thread that you thought Bebe had the potential to be world class, yet you heap so much criticism on Adnan...please elaborate because I don't think people are taking you seriously and maybe thinking you are wumming.
Adnan is praised on the regular where-as Bebe is not. I think Adnan can become a good player but I'm not expecting him to be the next Ronaldo like some people are.

Bebe has potential to atleast be on the same level as Hulk and become a starter for Portugal. Infact, I think he can be better than Hulk if he fulfills his potential. I gaurantee he will go for more than we sell him for this season, in a few years time.
I honestly think Jason is winding us up. Every post of his is bizarre to say the least. Absolutely nobody would agree with him on most of the stuff he comes up with, namely "valencia has more in his arsenal than Januzaj". Positively bonkers.
Read his history..Bebe has the potential to be world class is a classic of his...Serious or idiot?
Adnan is praised on the regular where-as Bebe is not. I think Adnan can become a good player but I'm not expecting him to be the next Ronaldo like some people are.

Bebe has potential to atleast be on the same level as Hulk and become a starter for Portugal. Infact, I think he can be better than Hulk if he fulfills his potential. I gaurantee he will go for more than we sell him for this season, in a few years time.

I don't want to be a dick, but... this 2014 intake... :wenger:
Adnan is praised on the regular where-as Bebe is not. I think Adnan can become a good player but I'm not expecting him to be the next Ronaldo like some people are.

Bebe has potential to atleast be on the same level as Hulk and become a starter for Portugal. Infact, I think he can be better than Hulk if he fulfills his potential. I gaurantee he will go for more than we sell him for this season, in a few years time.
:lol: Feck off!!!!
A good challenge for him will be to replicate the same kind of form that Sterling displayed over the course of last season. Both were very impressive in the early stages, but Januzaj tailed off as the season progressed and Sterling went on an upward trajectory towards the end and was frequently a better performer than any of his Liverpool teammates - Suarez included. Our wonderkid needs to add consistency and some aspects of his game are extremely progressive, even if he still quite raw. I do think his improvement could be immense next season, but a lot may depend of which system LVG decides to deploy.
Januzaj only looked good because the others were bad, Nani and Valencia are both better players than Januzaj, Valencia has better crossing than Januzaj and Bebe will become world class. feck me.
I honestly think Jason is winding us up. Every post of his is bizarre to say the least. Absolutely nobody would agree with him on most of the stuff he comes up with, namely "valencia has more in his arsenal than Januzaj". Positively bonkers.
If Januzaj is so good then why did Valencia start over him in the big games last season? I also suspect that LVG will think the same and play Nani, Valencia and Mata over Januzaj on the wings.
Valencia also has better crossing and better strength. Nani also has better crossing and plenty more tricks up his sleeve AND a better shot on him.

Januzaj can develop into a good winger but he's only young. To say he is one of our best players already is a little insulting IMO and it makes us look a bit shite. He is only 18 afterall. What does that say about our team if an 18 year old boy can walk in and be better than everyone else? Besides that, it's just not true. I get the hype and everything about him, but he's not one of our best players. Not yet.

No, Valencia doesn't have better crossing for good two or three years now, his 'crossing' nowadays is about slamming it at opponent's legs with a 'low cross'. Agree about strength but for love of God, we're not Manchester Lifting United but a fecking football club so what's the use of strength when the skill is close to none?

Same applies for Nani, he's had a better shot, tricks and crossing about him. Those skills disappeared under Ferguson and were non-existant under Moyes as well. Is Januzaj one of our best players? No idea, there are players better than him but it was him who shined last season while Nani and Valencia kept burying their chances. Januzaj, as for now, is easily our best winger. What is says about current state of our wingers is another thing, it's a well known fact that we're incredibly poor in that department too.
If Januzaj is so good then why did Valencia start over him in the big games last season? I also suspect that LVG will think the same and play Nani, Valencia and Mata over Januzaj on the wings.

If you're really that dense to ask something like that then no matter what answer I give you, you wont have the ability to understand it anyway.
Adnan is praised on the regular where-as Bebe is not. I think Adnan can become a good player but I'm not expecting him to be the next Ronaldo like some people are.

Bebe has potential to atleast be on the same level as Hulk and become a starter for Portugal. Infact, I think he can be better than Hulk if he fulfills his potential. I gaurantee he will go for more than we sell him for this season, in a few years time.
Comedy Gold on Saturday Night :lol:
If Januzaj is so good then why did Valencia start over him in the big games last season? I also suspect that LVG will think the same and play Nani, Valencia and Mata over Januzaj on the wings.

That is the same argument that scousers use to say that Gerrard was better than Scholes, i.e. that because Scholes was pushed onto the wing for England (by an ignorant manager), whereas Gerrard started at CM, Gerrard MUST have been better...

What you are saying is that, because David Moyes played Valencia over Januzaj in the big matches (which is not even true), he must have been better.

It is poor logic.
If you're really that dense to ask something like that then no matter what answer I give you, you wont have the ability to understand it anyway.
If you ask any top manager in the world "Who would you rather play against Bayern Munich or Barcelona - Valencia or Januzaj?", I gaurantee they would pick Valencia. You're basing your opinion off pure hype and not actual football. Valencia has more to his game than Januzaj does, anyone with a tactical footballing brain can see that.

Januzaj is all potential, he hasn't fully developed yet. Valencia hasn't had the best of seasons but he's much more secure and the things he excels in, Januzaj hasn't got...

God he's good. You forget when you haven't watched him play for a while.

I know it's fashionable to expect that LVG is going to do absolutely everything better than Moyes, but I actually think Januzaj is the one thing that Moyes got just right last season. Firstly, he convinced him to sign the contract. Then he got him plenty of football without overplaying him or letting the hype get too out of control. He got him playing with confidence, freedom and individuality. He made a fuss about the rough treatment Adnan was getting and the lack of protection from the referees (whether it changed anything is hard to say, but it's exactly what Fergie would have done.) He played him in a range of different roles, which showed off how many different things he is excellent at.

It does make you a bit paranoid that something will go wrong, having a youngster that good. A horror injury or a falling-out with Van Gaal or not fitting into his system or whatever. Because if he can avoid those things I really do think he has what it takes to be amongst the world's best one day.

EDIT: Just ignore jason93, lads. He's either WUMming or so dense that there's no point arguing.
There will never be another Cristiano. As much as the fans and media want there to be. Most of Januzaj's hype comes from Ronaldo's hype and I don't agree with it at all. There is almost no similarities in the two besides their age and birthday. Two completely different players.
There never will be a CR7 fair enough, he achieved incredible heights with the club. However, to say there are no similarities with Januzaj is just ridiculous. I completely disagree with you. Ronaldo developed his game over the years, especially his heading ability on goal. Adnan has had better end product in his first year compared to CR7. If we are comparing there break through seasons, Januzaj has been more impressive imo. Cristiano worked hard to be the unstoppable machine he is today. There is no reason why Adnan can't be the best around in 5 years. The media do like hype but in such a difficult season he left a big impression, it's well deserved. He will shine at Old Trafford this year.
There never will be a CR7 fair enough, he achieved incredible heights with the club. However, to say there are no similarities with Januzaj is just ridiculous. I completely disagree with you. Ronaldo developed his game over the years, especially his heading ability on goal. Adnan has had better end product in his first year compared to CR7. If we are comparing there break through seasons, Januzaj has been more impressive imo. Cristiano worked hard to be the unstoppable machine he is today. There is no reason why Adnan can't be the best around in 5 years. The media do like hype but in such a difficult season he left a big impression, it's well deserved. He will shine at Old Trafford this year.
Januzaj last season was not better than Ronaldo in his first season. No way. Stats don't mean anything when it's obvious who the better player was. Ronaldo was much more exciting and unpredictable to watch. The entire stadium got on their feet when he was on the ball.
I hope he's kept and developed as a top winger and not converted to a #10. The game is littered with #10s at the moment and it'll be great to have a truely amazing wide player at OT once again.

He's a natural #10 and has been for most of his life until last season. He's still great on the wing though and will play there for a couple of more years.
If there's one united youngster capable of thriving under the new manger, surely it's this lad. His favoured position is No 10, but where do we see him long term? (Not Madrid).
I kinda forget about Januzaj, he was barely used at the WC. Can't wait to see him in the upcoming season, he's going to be world class one day.
Januzaj last season was not better than Ronaldo in his first season. No way. Stats don't mean anything when it's obvious who the better player was.
Well that's your opinion man. I'm not convinced how well you remember it though? Considering you were 10 at the time. How many performances did you see fully that year. There is really no argument here. I love Cristiano, he's in my top 3 players of all time at the club. Januzaj was as good as CR7 was in his the first year, end of.
Well that's your opinion man. I'm not convinced how well you remember it though? Considering you were 10 at the time. How many performances did you see fully that year. There is really no argument here. I love Cristiano, he's in my top 3 players of all time at the club. Januzaj was as good as CR7 was in his the first year, end of.
I remember it fondly and I can still look back and admire the talent of Ronaldo in his first season. He set the Premier League alight with his style of play and trickery. Januzaj hasn't done that. End of.
I love this kid but I felt like he got more and more careless with the ball as last season wore on. It's a fine line between fearless and reckless. That's one area I think he can really improve, hopefully our midfield and coaching upgrades will help him accomplish that.
A better comparison with Januzaj would be Kaka rather than Cristiano Ronaldo. The way he glides pasts players reminds me so much of Kaka and also his balance and poise while running at full speed is eerily similar to Kaka. Januzaj has the vision that Ronaldo never had. If he becomes anywhere as good as Kaka was, I would be happy. Hope Van Gaal bloods him in and he can have a breakout season similar to Muller's 09/10 season at Bayern. Januzaj is also more versatile than most of our attackers, he can play behind the striker and on both the flanks so I hope he gets utilized more the likes of Young and Valencia.

I would rather see him on the flanks rather than the no 10 position for certain reasons. You need to be more tactically accomplished to play the No 10 role with the ability to consistently find pockets of space and always making yourself available for a pass, ala David Silva. I don't think Januzaj has the experience or the tactical nous to do it just yet. While he has brilliant vision and creativity, he doesn't seem to do it consistently enough. He has good pace and is a great dribbler, so it would make sense to use him out wide given the horrendous state of our wingers. I would prefer to see either Mata or Kagawa in the No 10 role for now though.

Remember this pass anyone? :drool:

I'm actually worried for Adnan this season. If United stays with the 3-4-3 as we saw it against LA, then Mata will have the 10 spot and Adnan will be coming off the bench or starting League Cup matches surely. Was hoping he'd be a sure starter this year.
Wouldn't be worried about Adnan at all. If anything, I think he'll relish the increased competition and work harder to win a spot. Plus injuries and dips in form are inevitable. He's far more talented than many in our current squad and we know LVG loves young players+wants a squad size reduction. I don't think we'll see him play quite as much as last year (fewer games to go around) but I think he will get that chance to shine
I believe he will be utilized like how Van Gaal utilized Depay for Holland if we go with the 1-3-4-3/1-5-3-2 system. His gametime might not be as much if most of our players are fit. I expect a season where he will be very impactful coming of the bench.
I'm actually worried for Adnan this season. If United stays with the 3-4-3 as we saw it against LA, then Mata will have the 10 spot and Adnan will be coming off the bench or starting League Cup matches surely. Was hoping he'd be a sure starter this year.

Wouldn't be surprised if he gets a couple of games next to RVP/Rooney up front to be honest.
He can play as one of the forwards in the same way Robben and RVP play with Sneijder behind them.
Should be deputy to Mata this season. I'd love to see him be primarily used as a 10, as that's his real position. Him and Herrera could produce some outstanding football in the coming season when played together. As good a player mata is I still think signing him while we have him coming through wasn't the best of decisions.
Should be deputy to Mata this season. I'd love to see him be primarily used as a 10, as that's his real position. Him and Herrera could produce some outstanding football in the coming season when played together. As good a player mata is I still think signing him while we have him coming through wasn't the best of decisions.
Does he have the vision, composure and technique to pull off the passes and link up play required in the number 10 role? So far we've seen him bomb up and down the wing without much end product.
Does he have the vision, composure and technique to pull off the passes and link up play required in the number 10 role? So far we've seen him bomb up and down the wing without much end product.
Yes. If anything that was his major asset in the reserves. Before he grew recently he relied on his passing a lot, only recently has he started trying to take people on more regularly IMO.
Does he have the vision, composure and technique to pull off the passes and link up play required in the number 10 role? So far we've seen him bomb up and down the wing without much end product.
The answer is yes for me, and I'm sure many others. I don't think he's the type of player who "bombs up and down the wing". There may have been a hint of that in his play when his form dipped towards the end but before that he was one of the most composed teenagers I've ever seen. His technique is probably one of the best in the squad. And I've seen enough of his vision to not have any worries about that either tbh.
Does he have the vision, composure and technique to pull off the passes and link up play required in the number 10 role? So far we've seen him bomb up and down the wing without much end product.
Those are his strengths. He's probably the best technician we have in the team. Bombing up and down the wing just isn't his game, ofcourse he did a good job out there but the norwich match should've showed everyone what he's really about.
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