Adnan Januzaj image 15

Adnan Januzaj Belgium flag

2014-15 Performances

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5.0 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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Definitely a step in the right direction, hopefully he does enough in training as well to earn an away start. Just hope he can provide a spark to end our away curse too...
DIdnt watch the game but saw highlights, I like how he took few shots and was really confident and look composed. Definitely deserves to start on wednesday.
Adnan Januzaj in "a winger playing well when being played on the wing" shocker.

Mind you, saying this in jest, but LVG is probably legitimately amazed by this...
Oh come on... I cant be the only one who wants to hear all the details! I'm a sucker for this sort of thing.
:lol: basically, I was at some restaurant with a group of friends. Not sure when they come in but a couple people spotted Fellaini and Januzaj across the other side of the room. One lad tried going over to them but security pulled him away haha. Eventually, they went up to the bar with the people they were with. A few of us followed and saw Fellaini first but he seemed eager to get back to his bird. Security wouldn't let people in the VIP. But Adnan came over to speak to the DJ and so I went across to him, had a few words, got him to take a picture with some of my friends, then I got one with him. He seemed pretty chilled.

Hope you're happy now :D
Adnan Januzaj in "a winger playing well when being played on the wing" shocker.

Mind you, saying this in jest, but LVG is probably legitimately amazed by this...

People need to stop this, He played 4 games in a row back when we played City and Chelsea. All of them were as a winger, because at the time LVG switched to 4-3-3.
People need to stop this, He played 4 games in a row back when we played City and Chelsea. All of them were as a winger, because at the time LVG switched to 4-3-3.

A winger as part of a 4 is different to playing as part of a 3 (and Adnan has looked more comfortable being with the 4)

Also, isn't making 17 appearances and only a handful in your natural position a fair basis to make such a comment?
I'm not really convinced he's a winger tbh or at least I get the feeling that he might become a good winger but he could become a special player if played through the middle.
A winger as part of a 4 is different to playing as part of a 3 (and Adnan has looked more comfortable being with the 4)

Also, isn't making 17 appearances and only a handful in your natural position a fair basis to make such a comment?

His natural position is in the hole, he is still learning the winger position.
But then why has he looked a bit shit when played through the middle this season? All his best games for us have come on the wing - this season and last.
But then why has he looked a bit shit when played through the middle this season? All his best games for us have come on the wing - this season and last.

I agree. He's never impressed me playing through the middle. Always looks better when playing out wide.
But then why has he looked a bit shit when played through the middle this season? All his best games for us have come on the wing - this season and last.

Because it's a much harder position to play.

Most creative youngsters fancy themselves as number 10s but when it comes to making the step up to senior football - played with a much greater pace and intensity - they're better off with a bit more time and space out on the wing.

Januzaj has previously said he wants to play at 10 but I think he's a year or two off playing that position for the first team.
Because it's a much harder position to play.

Most creative youngsters fancy themselves as number 10s but when it comes to making the step up to senior football - played with a much greater pace and intensity - they're better off with a bit more time and space out on the wing.

Januzaj has previously said he wants to play at 10 but I think he's a year or two off playing that position for the first team.

That's a fair argument... agree that space and time is his friend, which is why he should be exclusively a winger for us for the time being.

Going forward, I don't know... fair enough if he thinks 10 is his best position, but his best attributes for me (first touch, dribbling and either cutting inside or going outside) are all suited for a winger. His passing is good, but not on the level of a top number 10 (though that could well be due to a) him not getting to show it off often and/or b) our movement not exactly leading to many great/incisive passes from people).
That's a fair argument... agree that space and time is his friend, which is why he should be exclusively a winger for us for the time being.

Going forward, I don't know... fair enough if he thinks 10 is his best position, but his best attributes for me (first touch, dribbling and either cutting inside or going outside) are all suited for a winger. His passing is good, but not on the level of a top number 10 (though that could well be due to a) him not getting to show it off often and/or b) our movement not exactly leading to many great/incisive passes from people).

I just don't think he's quick enough to be a really top class winger. Also think you're being a bit harsh on his passing. I would argue that his eye for a pass was probably his best quality as a reserve/underage player, although we haven't seen a lot of it for the first team there have been glimpses. He's played a few mint through balls in his time.
I just don't think he's quick enough to be a really top class winger. Also think you're being a bit harsh on his passing. I would argue that his eye for a pass was probably his best quality as a reserve/underage player, although we haven't seen a lot of it for the first team there have been glimpses. He's played a few mint through balls in his time.
IIRC, I think last season against Spurs at OT, he assisted a beautiful through ball to Mata or Kagawa.

His penetrative passing I'd agree with you. Seems a bit underrated because playing on the wing limits the opportunities (angles) to play those through balls.
I just don't think he's quick enough to be a really top class winger. Also think you're being a bit harsh on his passing. I would argue that his eye for a pass was probably his best quality as a reserve/underage player, although we haven't seen a lot of it for the first team there have been glimpses. He's played a few mint through balls in his time.

Agree with this.

IIRC, I think last season against Spurs at OT, he assisted a beautiful through ball to Mata or Kagawa.

It was Welbeck. Also played a nice pass to RVP against Chelsea this season.
He is rarely going to blaze past the quicker fullbacks in the league, but he is definitely quick enough to take people on. His balance and quick feet will be enough to get passed the majority of defenders anyway, there is more than just pace required to beat somebody.

I think eventually he will turn into more of a Figo type player, rather than a plain get to the byline and cross it style player.
Just watching MOTD and it really stood out on the highlights how much more Januzaj created than Di Maria. Arguably a little selfish at times, shooting instead of passing or crossing. That said he got an assist from shooting when he could have passed, so who am I to judge.
He is rarely going to blaze past the quicker fullbacks in the league, but he is definitely quick enough to take people on. His balance and quick feet will be enough to get passed the majority of defenders anyway, there is more than just pace required to beat somebody.

I think eventually he will turn into more of a Figo type player, rather than a plain get to the byline and cross it style player.

He has a bit of everything to me. He's able to go inside, outside, use both feet. I would go as far to say he's a bit more Best-like than anything. I'm not saying he's a good as Best obviously, but he has a similar way of playing maybe. In terms of how he 'plays' with defender's minds and doesn't rely on just pace and power.
Yep, thanks akash. Also, last season vs Soton at home. Put Rooney through with a mint pass.
If that's the one where rvp followed up ans scored on the rebound, that pass was from a wide position. Great ball though
If that's the one where rvp followed up ans scored on the rebound, that pass was from a wide position. Great ball though
Yeah, correct! It was, but i wasn't really debating from which passing - i think i was just referring to why his passing is a bit underrated as that of a #10 - because it is more difficult to thread such through balls when you're out wide. That pass though. Ozil'esque :drool:
Because it's a much harder position to play.

Most creative youngsters fancy themselves as number 10s but when it comes to making the step up to senior football - played with a much greater pace and intensity - they're better off with a bit more time and space out on the wing.

Januzaj has previously said he wants to play at 10 but I think he's a year or two off playing that position for the first team.

Totally agree with this. Much easier to tell a kid 'there's your full back, win the battle with him', rather than 'right, you're the focal point of our attack'.
That's a fair argument... agree that space and time is his friend, which is why he should be exclusively a winger for us for the time being.

Going forward, I don't know... fair enough if he thinks 10 is his best position, but his best attributes for me (first touch, dribbling and either cutting inside or going outside) are all suited for a winger. His passing is good, but not on the level of a top number 10 (though that could well be due to a) him not getting to show it off often and/or b) our movement not exactly leading to many great/incisive passes from people).

He hasn't done bad as 10 in the sense that he's just bad there and can't pull it off in the future. The only thing he suffers from in that position is finding the right space so he can get on the ball more. His first touch and passing from that position is good.

I think you're underrating his passing and vision too.

Anyways, as a 10 for the reserves he made use of both wings. He picked his moments when to dribble on either wing and found passing angles to create good attacks. I think that's his future position and the better he gets at being more involved while in that position the more you'll see how he's suited for that position.
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Considering Falcao's lack of pace and RVP being out, why not try Januzaj up top, maybe as a false #9? That would allow Rooney to play as a #10, while still getting ADM on as a winger. Of course, he'd be crap for hold up play, but we don't really use our forwards like that, unless we're behind and Fellaini is subbed in.

I've never been impressed with Januzaj's defending so by taking him out of the winger contingent, we'd have a bit more balance since ADM & Young do track back rather well. Plus, he gives more cutting edge & a more finished product than Wilson.
I can't help but just wish he was that bit faster. He's not slow, but he doesn't have that explosive pace that you want from a winger. He's got great skill and ability on the ball, but he doesn't get any 'free' beatings of a fullback by just being able to speed past them, he always has to use some bit of skill or trickery.

Thats why I still reckon he'll end up as a #10 in the long term.
Nah, he and di Maria are both at their best when they run at defenders and get past them. Then they're able to pick out the killer pass or cross. If we want pace upfront, just play Wilson
Needs to start tomorrow. He was very good when coming on against Sunderland the other day, and more or less changed the game for us. Was a constant threat down the right wing, not only by beating his man, but picking out some intelligent passes too.
I've always thought he was quite fast, but the consensus on the caf had me doubting myself.

I assume the opinion that he was slow originally came about because of a low rating on Football Manager, or something.
I don't think his top speed is awful, but he lacks great acceleration. That first 10 yards is so important for good wingers (sterling,Neymar,Hazard,Moura etc). While he is quick enough to beat most people when moving he struggles from a standstill IMO.
Perhaps he looks slower because sometimes he takes too long on the ball. Also we pass it quite slowly so he never has that much space to have a go.

He looks slower because he never receives the ball on the run. With out dire movement, 90% of the time he receives the ball at a stand still.
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