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Alejandro Garnacho Argentina flag

2023-24 Performances

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5.6 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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The jury's still out for me on this kid. He's definitely not blessed with insane technique that is instantly discernible, but he seems to have that drive and fearlessness that could take him anywhere if it all clicks. He has time on his side for sure, just needs to work on not wanting to do too much once he's beaten a man or two, and obviously having his head up more and improving his decision making.
Garnacho still learning, if rather slowly. Unfortunately I think he's becoming more like Rashford match by match, however, maybe that is what he is told to do?

In his early matches, when receiving a pass, Garnacho would inevitable move to meet the ball, thereby dislodging his markers starting position to challenge him. Now he seems to want to wait until the ball reaches is feet, defenders (especially fullbacks) love that, it narrows his options and increases their chances of stopping his progress.

Although still able (out wide) to get past one man, the defenders (like they do with Rashford) now come at him (albeit loosely outside the box) lined up one after another, he can beat one, or even two, but the third always gets him, happened quite a few times yesterday. He's seems to think he can only pass the ball into the box or across the goal when he has taken someone out, he just doesn't get to do that these days because whilst he retains his approach, most defenders have adapted theirs.

Arsenal have top defenders especially in the centre and whilst when he draws them out wide, he can trouble them, individually, but once in the box they spring their trap, and he's up a blind alley, off balance and unable to retain the close ball control because of the numbers directly in front of him.

He's becoming a 'copy cat' of Rashford out wide on the left, but he doesn't have the body strength for that 'bustling through' style. He needs to draw defenders out, getting them one on one when he can and, most significantly, chasing him from behind (or from the side) not in front of him.

This was posted in the Hojlund thread.

I've been quite critical of Garnacho, whilst also acknowledging it's not his fault for a player so young and so eager to impress. However, these head down and smash the ball when all else opportunity to run further is gone is quite typical of his game all season.

I've literally said it before but he plays as if he's got a 'successful take-on' bonus stat in his contract. Somebody, like a coach or the manager really needs to tell him, sometimes less is more. Once you've stood up a defender or made the space, it's better to release it first time or play a pass to get them back on their toes again. Instead, he will forcibly try to dribble and create space when it's already disadvantageous.

It's just like seeing Rashford at times but with a more tenacious work ethic.

Hopefully we'll see a managerial change so we can get his game to develop more. He's being run into the ground and tasked with more responsibility to create than he realises.
It's similar to Hojlund. We can see he's got talent but he's very raw and needs top class coaching and periods in and out of the team.

Neither of which he's getting at United at this moment in time. Both him and Hojlund are being flogged to death due to the paucity of the squad.
Man Utd 3:2 Newcastle
Quietest match he has had in months.

If Rash starts the weekend game what are the chances he ends up out of the cup final team? Would be incredibly harsh.
Quietest match he has had in months.

If Rash starts the weekend game what are the chances he ends up out of the cup final team? Would be incredibly harsh.

Garnacho deserves the final.

Itll be Amad/Hojlund who Rashford is competing with for a spot in front 3.
Definitely needs to sit out the next game. A performance like that has been coming.
Better than against arsenal, but still off it. He deserves to start the final though.
Definitely needs to sit out the next game. A performance like that has been coming.
A game where he didn't keep conceding possession or running down blind alleys with his head down, didn't try to win the game on his own, sometimes that's what you need
A game where he didn't keep conceding possession or running down blind alleys with his head down, didn't try to win the game on his own, sometimes that's what you need
He didn’t need to tonight. We were much better on the ball and didn’t need to rely on counters and him taking on defenders all the time like Palace and Arsenal. Just looks quite mentally tired.
Even when he is not at his best he still gets involved and works really hard for the team. I'd take a below average performance from Garnacho than what Rashford has shown this season any day.

I just hope he can improve his finishing, because he is missing too many chances. Better decision making and finishing could take him to another level.
He actually reminds me of what Rashford was like when younger, in that he does a lot of good things and quite a lot of not good things. But yes he seems to have more determination, and so is always a threat even when not on it. That is something. I really hope he can build up his game though, especially his passing. His crosses, for example, generally seem hopeful rather than targeted.
Starting his 37th game in a row today. I love how he's always fit and available (unlike most of our squad) however I do worry that Ten Hag is running him into the ground.
Not passing at all, is he? His decisionmaking is really infuriating. It’s a breath of fresh air to have Amad looking for combinations on that right side the past games, something that we’ve missed massively with Garnacho and Rashford in particular.

he’s still young, worked hard and has had good moments too this season, but he’s by no means a star(ting) player for a title challenging side currently.
Needs to get his head up more often, it should come as he matures but he has to be coached to make better decisions, hopefully we can offer him the proper guidance.
Needs to sit on the bench. Start him in the final and we're in trouble. Nothing is going well for him recently, awful touch, poor body balance and erratic decision making. He looks frustrated and exhausted.
I wish he was in a situation where we could slowly bed him into the team rather than thrust him on for 90m 2x a week.

He gets started and plays every minute so the expectations are unfairly high for a 19yo.

Hopefully we can bring in a clear starting RW and let Rashford/Garnacho/Amad rotate and compete for minutes.

Honestly, same dynamic is true for Kobbie and Hojlund.
He's learning from the Rashford school of "let me run with the ball and shoot against defender's legs"
Ever since the overhead kick, he's been selfish AF. Someone better get into his head.

Ironically the overhead kick has gotten to his head. I think his attitude is slightly concerning in the sense that he might not feel like he needs to improve as much as he actually does.
He is still more of threat than his alternative on that position, can beat players and works hard. He needs to work on balance while shooting, never looks fully on control and playing with head up will result on better decision making.
Beat his man all day long.

No striker or midfielders attacking the box meant he had not many options but to go on his own.

Eventually that defense got tired of running after him and was open for the late two goals. As usual, makes things happen.

Good game.
Not only he is selfish, but he is blaming his team mates for not passing the ball and then after a moment he gets a chance, he then shoots at an impossible angle and hits the opposition players leg.

We have got to manage him properly and ensure we don’t build him up to be this star player before he even achieves anything.
Ever since the overhead kick, he's been selfish AF. Someone better get into his head.
Nah, he's just more selfish on the left than the right as it's the natural tendency of playing as an inverted winger vs being on his correct flank where it forces him to lift his head more and cut in less. It's a pretty natural thing.
Typical young winger really. Immaturity to his game but plenty of ability. Earlier in the season I thought he'd found relative consistency but that's gone backwards.

Not too concerned he still regularly shows his talent but he needs to pull his head out of his arse, learn it's a team game and not get sucked into believing his own hype. Then he'll be fine.
Typical young winger really. Immaturity to his game but plenty of ability. Earlier in the season I thought he'd found relative consistency but that's gone backwards.

Not too concerned he still regularly shows his talent but he needs to pull his head out of his arse, learn it's a team game and not get sucked into believing his own hype. Then he'll be fine.
Earlier in the season, he did indeed find a good balance between selfishness and team play.
I hope better coaching can get him back on track
I'm convinced he is better on the right - stops him being quite so selfish
He's clearly been better on the right this season.

People tend to forget that he started the season fairly poorly as well. Yes he was working harder, but otherwise he really wasn't any better than Rashford for the first few months. It was just that extra workrate plus his youth that stopped him getting anywhere near as much criticism (which is fair enough). It was only when he got moved to the right that he really clicked into gear for a while.

It could just be coincidence and that he was always going to play well in the middle portion of the season no matter which side he was on (he has had 'some' good games on the left), but right now it does seem he's better on the right. Which is unfortunate for Amad's hopes for continued gametime.
I actually thought he was just as selfish on the right.

We know AWB is in poor form, but, after Garnacho went to the right, he had so many opportunities to play him in on the overlap and didn't do it once. Even when it was congested in their box and AWB had the space. I'm a big fan of Garnacho's but that was very frustrating.
Called up to the preliminary Copa America squad. Could use some rest but it is what it is.
How was that in any way blaming Rashford?

Garnacho is a player with a mind of his own. To mask any bad performances of his with “learning from Rashford” is the reason you’ll see toxic threads bashing Garnacho a couple seasons from now.

Our fans overhype our youth players and are surprised when they don’t end up being Ronaldo. Seen this over and over again.
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