Ange Postecoglou | New Spurs boss on 4 year contract

I think they set up well last night. If not for some really poor finishing they'd have won or come out with a draw in that game.

This summer I would expect some big changes to happen and they really can't lose as many games next season or he will be rightfully sacked. Still think 5th is a good season for them but the way it's ended has been really poor.
Doesn’t look like he’s enjoying it. I get trying to change the mentality and all but some of the things he has been coming out with the past few weeks are strange and it won’t be too long before the crowd turns. The last 48 hours concern him. Ok, what about the 4 losses in a row?
I think they set up well last night. If not for some really poor finishing they'd have won or come out with a draw in that game.

This summer I would expect some big changes to happen and they really can't lose as many games next season or he will be rightfully sacked. Still think 5th is a good season for them but the way it's ended has been really poor.

Summarised better than my short essay in the other thread.

4 losses in a row. Not happened since we stopped being a midtable team. Not good enough really, especially as we had relatively full squads for that run.

Big summer coming up.
Summarised better than my short essay in the other thread.

4 losses in a row. Not happened since we stopped being a midtable team. Not good enough really, especially as we had relatively full squads for that run.

Big summer coming up.

Aye, I was about to reply to your post saying I pretty much agreed! :) What do you think are the major changes you need to address in the squad?
Spurs ran out of steam, probably due to having a weak squad. Their first 11 isn’t bad though and injuries impacted them before Christmas.

They need a good summer.
I like him. His style of play is pleasing, it's brave and he is able to get the maximum out of the resources available.

Though, I am unsure on his ability to win titles and trophies in absence of a plan B or willingness of grind it out when needed.
Aye, I was about to reply to your post saying I pretty much agreed! :) What do you think are the major changes you need to address in the squad?

Think we need better attackers really. Need to make a decision on whether we feel Richarlison can be relied upon and whether we therefore need just cover or a starting striker. The wide attackers also need an upgrade and I'd be happy for Solomon and Gil to go and Johnson to learn from the bench.

Unless Bissouma is suffering from something, think he also will leave and we need another CM.

LB cover also important. The drop from Udogie to Davies/ an out of position Royal is huge.

And Ange and the team need to work on defensive coaching. Fine, at one point we lost Van De Ven and Romero at the same time and were playing a cb and lb as our pair but a back 5 of Vicario, Porro, VDV, Romero and Udogie is really good. We should not be conceding anywhere near as much.
Spurs ran out of steam, probably due to having a weak squad. Their first 11 isn’t bad though and injuries impacted them before Christmas.

They need a good summer.

The early season drubbing you gave us really threw us off, for multiple reasons. Went on a truly awful run after that from memory.
Think we need better attackers really. Need to make a decision on whether we feel Richarlison can be relied upon and whether we therefore need just cover or a starting striker. The wide attackers also need an upgrade and I'd be happy for Solomon and Gil to go and Johnson to learn from the bench.

Unless Bissouma is suffering from something, think he also will leave and we need another CM.

LB cover also important. The drop from Udogie to Davies/ an out of position Royal is huge.

And Ange and the team need to work on defensive coaching. Fine, at one point we lost Van De Ven and Romero at the same time and were playing a cb and lb as our pair but a back 5 of Vicario, Porro, VDV, Romero and Udogie is really good. We should not be conceding anywhere near as much.

That makes sense. Fancy giving us Richy back on a Pienaar type loan? I miss him. :(

Agreed in regards to the defensive coaching, especially set pieces. His stubborness has always been one of his best but worst traits.
I like him. His style of play is pleasing, it's brave and he is able to get the maximum out of the resources available.

Though, I am unsure on his ability to win titles and trophies in absence of a plan B or willingness of grind it out when needed.
Perfect for Spurs then
I would be quite happy to see him replace ETH, the guy has a winning mentality, something we could do with at United.
Not likely because their last game is against Sheffield United, but it's still possible that they end up 7th.
I like him a lot. But some of the posts from people talking about how he turned Spurs around in the first half of the season were mad and massively premature, agenda driven or not.

I think he is as good a bet as any to get Spurs in the right direction, but it's a big job. From the outside looking in they have better foundations than United, but that mentality issue is a tough one to change.
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That makes sense. Fancy giving us Richy back on a Pienaar type loan? I miss him. :(

Agreed in regards to the defensive coaching, especially set pieces. His stubborness has always been one of his best but worst traits.

He's been great since coming back from injury, I love him. Hopefully he can stay fit next season and be a focal point.
His foundations are fragile comments sound like Mourinho's football heritage comments

As much as Spurs fans don't want to hear it... I don't think Ange was wrong.

It sounds like he's kind of pissed off at the club in general. Maybe Levy and others made it know that they wouldn't exactly be sad if Spur lost the match last night.

Spurs gave it their all. Fair play to Ange and the players.

They've shown glimpses of becoming a very good side. Even though they lost vs Arsenal, Liverpool and City recently. They still had spells of dominance and created multiple chances vs all of them. They need to tighten up defensively next season. That's their main weakness. Sign a specialist DM who can cover for Udogie and Porro when they go forward. Like Fabinho did for Roberston and TAA during his prime at Liverpool. 3-4 quality signings could improve them further.
Didnt Conte say something similar before he was sacked? Something about spurs being losers
Think we need better attackers really. Need to make a decision on whether we feel Richarlison can be relied upon and whether we therefore need just cover or a starting striker. The wide attackers also need an upgrade and I'd be happy for Solomon and Gil to go and Johnson to learn from the bench.

Unless Bissouma is suffering from something, think he also will leave and we need another CM.

LB cover also important. The drop from Udogie to Davies/ an out of position Royal is huge.

And Ange and the team need to work on defensive coaching. Fine, at one point we lost Van De Ven and Romero at the same time and were playing a cb and lb as our pair but a back 5 of Vicario, Porro, VDV, Romero and Udogie is really good. We should not be conceding anywhere near as much.

Solomon has basically been injured all season. I think he could be a useful player for you next season.
I think he's done a good job guiding them to 5th and on the cusp of Champions League football. It will be interesting to see how they get on next season when ourselves (we hope!) and Chelsea are improved.
It will be interesting to see how his first real summer transfer window goes. Will they let him get rid of Richarlison, fix the midfield and the LB positions. If Levy does a Levy, i could see him getting out of there after the second season.
They have a very good LB in Udogie, he has impressed me the most among all LB in the league this season. May be a back up better than Davies
Not quite sure how that's "cracking up". He seems like a fiercely competitive bloke (as are every other Australian I've ever come across) and he probably couldn't get over the fact some Spurs fans (match going ones too!) wanted to lose the game. There's a clear mentality mismatch between him and the club.
I don't think Spurs and competitive managers go together somehow. As soon as they show they actually want to win something they are out the door.
I don't think Spurs and competitive managers go together somehow. As soon as they show they actually want to win something they are out the door.
This is the issue for all the non state clubs though, you have to sanction serious spending for multiple windows if you want to challenge given the state teams will never have cycles/need to rebuild. It's very feasible if you are happy to swallow massive losses but normal clubs aren't so Levy will be thinking about sensible growth versus spending the £200m he'd need for a couple of seasons to get to the top.
I like him as a bloke, quite funny. Don't think he's done anything remotely special with Spurs so far though.

Had a bit of a funny lesson in the clubs mentality this week and its been quite humorous to witness. Clearly a proud bloke who wants to win, so must have been rather the head scratching experience knowing the fanbase of the club he's managing wanted them to actually throw a game.
I like him as a bloke, quite funny. Don't think he's done anything remotely special with Spurs so far though.

Had a bit of a funny lesson in the clubs mentality this week and its been quite humorous to witness. Clearly a proud bloke who wants to win, so must have been rather the head scratching experience knowing the fanbase of the club he's managing wanted them to actually throw a game.
There are probably times we all wouldn't mind a strategic loss, but once the game starts wanting to win kicks in. You certainly wouldn't be screaming it from the rooftops like the Spurs fans, it just makes them look like a team that their rivalry with Arsenal is all they have.
There are probably times we all wouldn't mind a strategic loss, but once the game starts wanting to win kicks in. You certainly wouldn't be screaming it from the rooftops like the Spurs fans, it just makes them look like a team that their rivalry with Arsenal is all they have.

To be fair it is all they have, and a lovely new shiny stadium.
People don't understand sometimes the level of mental preparation and will to win that exists in top class players and managers. To even get to that level you have to be ruthless and have the determination to win every single game. Of course he's gonna lose his shit if the entire fanbase is wishing him/his team loses and yelling at them to lose.
The fanbase was probably split 50:50 regarding what they wanted but missing out on the CL is a bit strong. Even with a win, CL qualification would have been completely out of our hands. Its not at all equivalent.
Of course. Villa haven't been great lately but after getting a draw vs Liverpool they'd be able to get at least a draw at Palace and finish 4th.

No need to feel bad, I'd do the same if I was Spurs fan. Arsenal fans were dreading when there was possibility you'd win Champions League in 2019. Many stated they'd rather they lose EL final to Chelsea (despite winning it being route to CL football next season) and Spurs losing to Liverpool in CL final then both team winning their finals.

Agree with Carragher here.
Ange is a serial winner (not in UEFA terms maybe) but as an Aussie and watching his entire managerial career he doesn’t take shit. He’s more of a SAF mould in mentality.

I think his past 48 hours would have been staff at Spurs and fans telling him to not let Arsenal win the league which makes him realise how small minded they still are as a club.
Ange is a serial winner (not in UEFA terms maybe) but as an Aussie and watching his entire managerial career he doesn’t take shit. He’s more of a SAF mould in mentality.

I think his past 48 hours would have been staff at Spurs and fans telling him to not let Arsenal win the league which makes him realise how small minded they still are as a club.

As Australians perhaps you just don't get it :)
Ange is a serial winner (not in UEFA terms maybe) but as an Aussie and watching his entire managerial career he doesn’t take shit. He’s more of a SAF mould in mentality.

I think his past 48 hours would have been staff at Spurs and fans telling him to not let Arsenal win the league which makes him realise how small minded they still are as a club.

Could have done with some of that serial winning in 2024 to be fair, where we've won one away game since the turn of the year, lost 4 in a row for the first time in over 2 decades (and we've had some awful managers in that time), or picked up 3 points from 18 in our past 6 games. Or even pick up more points than Everton. Or have a defensive record worse than only 7 clubs, despite having a back 5 better than most.

Maybe then we wouldn't have found ourselves in the position of needing to beat a City juggernaut in the first place to have an outside chance of CL qualification.

Just an thought though. I'm sure the fans and staff weren't telling him to lose to Newcastle, Arsenal, Chelsea, Wolves or Fulham.
Not likely because their last game is against Sheffield United, but it's still possible that they end up 7th.

Which is around what most expected when Spurs sold Kane. In the proces the Spurs fans got to watch some exciting football and even had a great run of games in 2023. That is a fine first season in my opinion.
Unbelievable that fans IN THE STADIUM were so happy to lose, I thought it was a twitter thing :lol:
Of course. Villa haven't been great lately but after getting a draw vs Liverpool they'd be able to get at least a draw at Palace and finish 4th.

No need to feel bad, I'd do the same if I was Spurs fan. Arsenal fans were dreading when there was possibility you'd win Champions League in 2019. Many stated they'd rather they lose EL final to Chelsea (despite winning it being route to CL football next season) and Spurs losing to Liverpool in CL final then both team winning their finals.

Agree with Carragher here.

Yep he pretty much nails it there.

Again, the fans celebrating in the ground are idiots. I don't really talk much football in my real life, nor do I have a relationship with anyone where we 'banter' about football and people are using juvenile terms like Spursy, Rags or bottle whatever but I can also completely understand that for people who do, or people who do live that life, the prospect of Arsenal fans reminding them for decades to come that Spurs helped them win the league, was too much to bear.
Which is around what most expected when Spurs sold Kane. In the proces the Spurs fans got to watch some exciting football and even had a great run of games in 2023. That is a fine first season in my opinion.

They were top of the league, unbeaten, after 10 games. Even as recently as 7 games ago, they were 13 points clear of Newcastle and 14 clear of Chelsea. Any expectations of them finishing 7th were based on the other sides actually showing up. Not them completely collapsing and matching the form of relegation-threatened Everton for over half a season.
Yep he pretty much nails it there.

Again, the fans celebrating in the ground are idiots. I don't really talk much football in my real life, nor do I have a relationship with anyone where we 'banter' about football and people are using juvenile terms like Spursy, Rags or bottle whatever but I can also completely understand that for people who do, or people who do live that life, the prospect of Arsenal fans reminding them for decades to come that Spurs helped them win the league, was too much to bear.
Honestly, I am a football fan first, Arsenal supporter second. I have always since the insertion of Abramovich cringed at the state of the PL. Glad to see the end of that chapter but it has long been replaced with City.

To actually cheer for this team is a bit of a mystery to me. I understand the dislike at the position Spurs found themselves in but to root against your own team winning, especially while they possibly had a chance to qualify for the CL, and the gross willingness to help City to win by losing. All to put one over your hated rival is ridiculous.

Reminds me of our state of politics where we will vote in any kind of idiot because we are ingrained to hate the other side, even if it doesn't benefit us and goes against our principles.
Unbelievable that fans IN THE STADIUM were so happy to lose, I thought it was a twitter thing :lol:

I think that’s the maddest thing about it all. Fair enough after the result to then think well at least Arsenal won’t win the league but to cheer City goals as they go in is absolute madness.
Apart from the silliness yesterday in the stands and online fans, they have had an ok season. I would be worried that they didnt finish strong, they only started strong, so there was an actual decline over the season. But 5th is ok.

Maddison and Son are streaky players. Lots of folks fawning over the Maddison transfer at the beginning of the season, got less enthusiastic as the season went on.